18 research outputs found


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    Small-scale industries in Indonesia provide more than 65% of total manufacturing employment. Sixty-three percent of small-scale firm employment is in firms that are clustered. A cluster is defined statistically in Indonesia as at least 20 firms in a village. For some agro-processing industries, such as bamboo plaiting, clustering does not involve interaction among firms; for others, notably the furniture industry, clustering firms make joint marketing efforts, subcontract each other, and share large orders. This article uses two recent case studies in the agro-processing sector – the furniture and the palm sugar industries – in Central Java. We argue that the target market of the industry (local or international) influences the nature of the contracts and other forms of interaction in the clusters. Targeting an international market requires formal contracts, more focus on marketing, and separate roles for finishing firms and subcontracting firms. Policy should be directed at enabling clusters to shift to the international market by improving contract enforcement regulations, vocational training, and providing opportunities for group lending.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    Creativity and its paradoxes: How the Indonesia movie industry can survive

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    Creativity is the driving force of the global economy. Competitors will arguably outcompete companies that cannot accelerate creativity in terms of technology and innovation. Highly reliant on creativity, the movie industry exhibits tensions and dilemmatic situations from time to time. On the one hand, creativity is needed to produce high-quality cultural products. On the other hand, commercial success and market acceptance are crucial for survivability. This research explores the Indonesian movie industry in terms of creativity and commerciality and its relationship with the creativity paradox that is relatively understudied before. The research was conducted in 2015-2017 using the grounded method. We conducted several interviews with moviemakers and audiences and organized focused group discussions with experts (film-culture critics). The results show that filmmakers need to recognize this paradoxical situation and manage their creativity better. Besides cinematography and story-telling skills, a better understanding of consumer behavior, marketing strategies, innovation, and financing strategies are important factors in managing creativity in the movie industry.Kreativitas adalah motor penggerak ekonomi dunia saat ini. Bisnis yang tidak bisa mengejar ketinggalannya dalam kreativitas yang mewujud pada teknologi dan inovasi, sangat mungkin terhempas dan tidak mampu bersaing lagi. Industri film yang sarat dengan kreativitas memperlihatkan tegangan-tegangan dan situasi dilematis dari masa ke masa. Di satu sisi kreativitas sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan produk budaya yang berkualitas tinggi, namun di sisi lain komersialitas dan bisa diterima pasar menjadi kebutuhan dan syarat untuk tetap eksis. Penelitian ini ingin mengeksplorasi industri film di Indonesia dari sisi kreativitas sekaligus komersialitas dan hubungannya dengan paradoks kreativitas, sesuatu yang belum dilakukan oleh penelitian-penelitian sejenis sebelumnya. Penelitian dilangsungkan pada tahun 2015-2017 dengan menggunakan metode grounded. Industri film Indonesia dipilih sebagai studi kasus. Sejumlah wawancara dengan pembuat film (produser) dan penonton, serta focus group discussion dengan para ahli di bidang film dan budaya, telah dilakukan.  Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pembuat film harus mengenal situasi paradoksal ini dan mengelola kreativitasnya pada proses bisnis yang ia tekuni dengan lebih baik. Pengenalan perilaku konsumen, strategi dan inovasi marketing, dan strategi pembiayaan, selain dari penggarapan sinematografi dan story-telling, menjadi faktor kunci dalam mengelola kreativitas pada proses bisnis atau industri kreatif


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    Objective: The aim of this study is to find negative impacts of the construction of the modern infrastructure of the toll road and find out a good solution in East Timor. Methods: The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative research methodology, namely, collecting data, interviewing key persons, making data deduction, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and expressing recommendations, especially for the contractors and for the government. Results: The construction of the toll road infrastructure megaprojects in the new country of Timor-Leste has both positive and negative impacts. The negative impact is huge and this is not taken into account by the contractors and the government in the construction of the Suai-Beasu toll road that connects the city of Suai on the South coast and the town of Dili on the North coast of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Hence, the recommendations suggested for the contractors and the government are to implement the aspirations of the communities, especially in the fair and just payment for the area used for the projects and building new cross-traffic for the residents alongside the toll road. Conclusion: The presence of the toll road had positive impacts but there are several negative impacts on the lives of the Suai people, therefore, it is better that if the government and the contractors pay serious attention to overcome the negative impacts

    The Role of Supply Chain Management in Tourism Industry of the Community in Kelimutu National Park

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    Evaluation of different elements of tourism in different purposes has become a necessity, as a result of evaluation of these elements leads to optimal allocation of resources to development programs, rural tourism is one of the main forces in improving and economic growth of villages. In such circumstances, evaluating the rural tourism supply chain is considered as one of the most important strategies for the development of a village. Tourism Supply Chain Evaluation deals with how a tourism product is produced, when and how it reaches tourists, and what the feedback is. This paper is investigated the effectiveness of supply chain management in truism for the Waturaka village, which has succeeded in increasing the village's original income with tourism. The process of developing the supply chain system for village's potential to generate authentic village income experiences dynamics and challenges. This research aims to identify the challenges facing the village of Waturaka and explain the success factors of rural tourism development. The research method is a qualitative design by conducting in-depth interviews with village officials, the community, tourism awareness groups and traditional leaders in Village. The results showed that an increase in village original income could occur because of the truism supply chain process that initiated the development of rural tourism. The success of the tourist village is also due to traditional leaders

    Traditional Farmers of Wamena Tribes in Jayapura-Indonesia

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    Traditional agriculture has a relationship with the culture of the local community that is the norms agreed upon by the ancestors related to the use of natural resources to meet the needs of daily life. This article aims to describe the traditional agricultural process of the Wamena people in Jayapura, Indonesia. The perspective used in analyzing traditional agricultural processes was the perspective of sustainable livelihoods of traditional communities in a development context. This research was done in a descriptive-qualitative manner by using primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from in-depth interviews. Meanwhile, the secondary data was obtained from observations and document studies. The results indicate that the traditional agricultural process of the Wamena Tribe in Jayapura was able to maintain the livelihoods of traditional communities based on the principles of sustainable development. This could be seen from several stages, such as access to land resources, land ownership, agrarian social relations, and gender issues in the division of traditional agricultural work of the Wamena people in Jayapura. This shows that the local wisdom in the cultural norms of the Wamena people could be used in environmentally friendly agricultural activities that did not have a conflict with the perspective of sustainable development.&nbsp

    Tantangan Kebijakan Pembangunan Pertanian Dalam Masyarakat Subsisten: Analisis Kebijakan Revolusi Pertanian Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya (SBD), NTT

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    Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini hendak mengkaji secara kritis Kebijakan Revolusi Pertanian yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya pada tahun 2014 – 2019 untuk meningkatkan perekonomian petani dan sekaligus mengatasi problem kemiskinan. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui metode observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap sumber informasi kunci pada lingkup kabupaten yang kemudian diperkuat dengan sejumlah dokumen perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program sebagai data pendukung (sekunder). Analisis kebijakan dilakukan dengan melihat aspek-aspek politik, ekonomi, teknologi, sosial budaya (analisis PETS), serta juga inovasi dari Kebijakan Revolusi Pertanian. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Kebijakan Revolusi Pertanian belum bisa memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap perekonomian masyarakat dan upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan dikarenakan tantangan karakteristik masyarakat yang subsisten dan kelembagaan kebijakan yang lemah.Employing a qualitative approach, this study attempts a critical investigation into the Kebijakan Revolusi Pertanian, ie. The Revolutionary Agricultural Policy, as it was developed by the Regional Government of South-western Sumba. During the years 2014-2019 it aimed to raise the agricultural economy, and thereby overcome the problem of poverty. The data for this research was procured through personal observation and deep interviews with sources such as key informants within the regional environment. These were reinforced with a number of planning documents and executive programs which comprise a secondary resource. The analysis of the Policy is done taking into account the relevant political, economic, technological and social aspects (PETS  analysis), as well the innovations occurring during the course of  this Policy. This study will demonstrate that the Policy has been, at least till now, incapable of having a significant impact on the agricultural economy, or the efforts to overcome poverty. The causes of this failure is the antagonism between the characteristics of the subsistence society found there and the weak institutional application of the policies employed


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    This study aims to describe and analyze the charcteristics of poverty that are faced by Sasur’s people in Sahu district, West Halmahera. The method used is qualitative descriptive with sample data from 188 families. The results showed that 90% of poor villagers are categorized as working-age and 100% of people are working in the informal sector. Survival strategies they use include: make loans to some traders, including coconut, nutmeg, cloves and cocoa traders, sell sopi and become laborers in the city. When it rains, they shift from rice farming activity to planting cassava and taro and this effort helps them survive

    Rekonstruksi Model Pembangunan Wilayah Berdasarkan Pendekatan Empirik : Pengalaman Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Pidato Jabatan Fungsional Akademik Guru Besar llmu Ekonomi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacan


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    Small-scale industries in Indonesia provide more than 65% of total manufacturing employment. Sixty-three percent of small-scale firm employment is in firms that are clustered. A cluster is defined statistically in Indonesia as at least 20 firms in a village. For some agro-processing industries, such as bamboo plaiting, clustering does not involve interaction among firms; for others, notably the furniture industry, clustering firms make joint marketing efforts, subcontract each other, and share large orders. This article uses two recent case studies in the agro-processing sector - the furniture and the palm sugar industries - in Central Java. We argue that the target market of the industry (local or international) influences the nature of the contracts and other forms of interaction in the clusters. Targeting an international market requires formal contracts, more focus on marketing, and separate roles for finishing firms and subcontracting firms. Policy should be directed at enabling clusters to shift to the international market by improving contract enforcement regulations, vocational training, and providing opportunities for group lending

    KEMISKINAN DI LAHAN SUBUR: Latar Belakang Sosial Budaya dan Tantangan Pertanian di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya, NTT

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    With a qualitative approach, this study intends to describe in depth the socio-cultural background and challenges of agriculture in Southwest Sumba Regency (SBD) which cause the problem of high levels of poverty in the area despite having a wealth of great agricultural potential. This research found that the world of SBD agriculture faces challenges in the form of a high level of agricultural vulnerability and not optimal management of agricultural potential. These two challenges are difficult to overcome due to the lack of farming capital caused by debt bondage due to high-cost customary practices and the characteristics of subsistence farmers. On the other hand, the trade-oriented model of commercial farming of SBD while not leaving cultural values and local knowledge has been proven to be able to overcome the challenges of agricultural vulnerability and not optimal management of SBD agricultural potential