98 research outputs found

    Razvoj instrumenta za ispitivanje rodnih uloga u adolescenciji

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    Rodne uloge specifične za razdoblje adolescencije nisu jasno definirane, a manjka i instrumenata koji ispituju taj koncept, posebice u hrvatskom društvenom kontekstu. Stoga su ciljevi ovog rada bili ispitati što čini rodne uloge u razdoblju adolescencije te odabrati tvrdnje za konstrukciju skale rodnih uloga u adolescenciji. U kvantitativnom dijelu istraživanja je sudjelovalo 511 učenika/ca zagrebačkih srednjih škola (52, 3% djevojke), a kvalitativni dio istraživanja obuhvaćao je provedbu fokus grupa, također sa zagrebačkim srednjoškolcima/kama. Tema razgovora u fokus grupama bila je očekivanja od mladića i djevojaka u hrvatskom društvu, dok su u kvantitativnom istraživanju sudionici/e procjenjivali kolika se različita ponašanja, osobine i interesi opisani u tvrdnjama očekuju od djevojaka, a koliko od mladića u hrvatskom društvu. Rezultati pokazuju da se rodne uloge u adolescenciji očituju u različitim očekivanjima od mladića i djevojaka u širokom spektru osobina, ponašanja i interesa vezanih uz školu, obitelj, slobodno vrijeme, izgled i intimne odnose. Provedeno istraživanje je pokazalo da je koncept rodnih uloga u adolescenciji kompleksniji od postojećih definicija te da postoje specifičnosti rodnih uloga u hrvatskom kontekstu u odnosu na druga društva. S obzirom da tvrdnje odabrane u ovom istraživanju dobro pokrivaju očekivanja od djevojaka i mladića u raznim aspektima njihovih života, smatra se da su dobar temelj za konstrukciju skale rodnih uloga u adolescenciji kao upitnika samoprocjene. (IN ENGLISH: Gender roles which are specific for the period of adolescence are not well defined and there is a lack of instruments to measure this concept, especially in the Croatian social context. Therefore, the aims of this article were to examine what constitutes gender roles in adolescence and to select items for the construction of the Gender Roles in Adolescence Scale. The sample for the quantitative part of the research consisted of 511 high schools students from Zagreb (52.3% female), while the qualitative part of the research included focus groups, also with high schools students from Zagreb. The topics of focus group discussions were the expectations of Croatian society from boys and girls. In the quantitative research the participants estimated the degree to which behaviors, characteristics and interests described in the items were expected from girls and boys in Croatian society. The results showed that gender roles in adolescence manifest themselves in different expectations from boys and girls in a wide spectrum of characteristics, behaviors and interests related to school, family, free time, appearance and intimate relationships. The conducted research demonstrated that the concept of gender roles in adolescence is more complex than the existing definition and culturally specific. Considering that the items chosen in this research represent expectations from girls or boys in different aspects of their lives, it is concluded that they form a valid basis for the construction of the Gender Roles in Adolescence Scale as a self-rating instrument.

    Stability of attachment styles across students’ romantic relationships, friendships and family relations

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    Research on adult attachment focused mainly on the relationship with partners. However, attachment theory predicts that attachment style once formed in childhood defines the structure and quality of later relationships to significant others, which means not only partners, but also friends and family members. We were interested in finding out whether the type of relationship is a relevant variable and whether the incidence of a particular attachment style differs with regard to the type of close relationship. The aim of our study was to assess the stability of attachment styles across students’ romantic relationships, friendships and family relations. The sample consisted of 210 male and female undergraduate students of the University of Zagreb. The Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory developed by Brennan, Clark, and Shaver (1998) was administered to the participants. In order to assess the level of attachment toward other objects (friends and family members), the instrument was slightly modified. Data were analyzed and interpreted both according to their position on attachment dimensions and the type of attachment they indicate. The results show that people form a more secure attachment in their relations with members of their families and friends than with their romantic partners. We investigated whether there is a correspondence between attachment styles in different types of close relationships. The only style that appears relatively stable is secure attachment. The non-secure attachment styles with romantic partners are highly compensated for with the secure one in other, less threatening relationships, with friends or family members. The results are discussed in relation to the age of participants and the characteristics of students’ life-style

    Diferencias de edad en los efectos de la estructura y calidad familiares sobre el apego hacia la familia y la pareja

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    The aim of this research was to examine the differences in attachment to romantic partners and family members between individuals whose parents had divorced, those whose parents had high quality marriages and those whose parents had low quality marriages, as well as to find out whether the effects of family structure and the quality of relationship between parents vary with age and gender. A total of 1478 participants (433 high-school students, 621 undergraduate students and 424 adults) were included in the research. Data about family structure and the quality of parental relationship were obtained and modifications of the Experiences in Close Relationship Inventory were applied in order to assess attachment to family and romantic partners. Significant effect of relationship between parents was found on anxiety in attachment to romantic partners. Specifically, individuals whose parents had low marital quality while they were teenagers appear to be more anxious in their romantic relationships in comparison to those from well-functioning families as well as those whose parents divorced. However, when it comes to attachment to family, we found main effects of age, gender and the type of family, as well as interaction effect of gender and age on avoidance dimension. Both high-school boys and girls scored higher on avoidance of closeness with family members than all other subsamples, but men generally scored higher on avoidance to family then women. Overall, the quality of relationship between parents proved to be more important than family structure, with effects on avoidant attachment to family and anxious attachment to romantic partners for both genders and across the age groups.El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar las diferencias del apego hacia la pareja y los miembros de la familia entre los individuos cuyos padres están divorciados, aquellos cuyos padres tienen matrimonio de alta calidad y aquellos cuyos padres tienen matrimonio de baja calidad, tanto como averiguar si los efectos de la estructura familiar y la calidad de relación entre los padres cambian con años y género. En la investigación fueron incluidos 1478 participantes (433 alumnos de secundaria, 621 estudiantes universitarios y 424 adultos). Los datos sobre la estructura familiar y la calidad de la relación entre los padres fueron obtenidos y las modificaciones del Inventario de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas fueron aplicadas con el fin de evaluar el apego hacia la familia y la pareja. Se descubrió un efecto significativo de la relación entre los padres sobre la ansiedad en el apego hacia la pareja. Específicamente, individuos cuyos padres tuvieron matrimonio de baja calidad durante su adolescencia parecen más ansiosos en sus relaciones románticas en comparación con los que tienen familia de buen funcionamiento, tanto como aquellos cuyos padres están divorciados. Sin embargo, cuando se trata del apego hacia la familia, hemos encontrado efectos principales de la edad, género y tipo de familia, tanto como efecto interactivo del género y edad sobre la dimensión evitativa. Tanto chicos como chicas que frecuentan la escuela secundaria puntuaron mejor en la evitación de la intimidad con la familia que todas las demás submuestras, pero en general los hombres puntuaron mejor que las mujeres en la evitación de la familia. En conjunto, la calidad de relación entre los padres se demostró más importante que la estructura familiar, con efectos sobre apego evitativo hacia la familia y apego ansioso hacia la pareja para los dos géneros y grupos de edad

    Planiranje, provedba i vrednovanje stručne prakse i učenja kroz rad: Priručnik za visokoškolske nastavnike

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    Na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od ožujka 2020. do ožujka 2023. godine proveden je projekt Učenje kroz rad i sustav upravljanja studentskim iskustvom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, koji je sufinanciran iz sredstava Europskog socijalnog fonda, a odobren pozivom „Razvoj, unapređenje i provedba stručne prakse u visokom obrazovanju” Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja u sklopu Operativnog programa Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali 2014. – 2020.Svrha je projekta razvoj integriranog sustava učenja kroz rad i stjecanja stručnog praktičnog iskustva studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u sklopu preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija. Među rezultatima ovog projekta jesu i dva priručnika za planiranje i provedbu nenastavničke stručne prakse. Oni su napisani za potrebe Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, no pri njihovu smo pisanju nastojale generički zahvatiti ovu temu i učiniti ih korisnima nastavnicima bilo kojeg visokog učilišta i mentorima u različitim područjima rada. Priručnik koji upravo držite u rukama namijenjen je visokoškolskim nastavnicima, a usporedo s njime napisale smo i drugi, namijenjen mentorima – stručnjacima u praksi. Budući da se u priručnicima bavimo istom temom – nenastavničkom stručnom praksom i učenjem kroz rad, neki dijelovi priručnika međusobno su slični i djelomično se preklapaju. Međutim, s obzirom na to da su namijenjeni različitim korisnicima, u svakom od priručnika detaljno su razrađeni sadržaji koji su relevantni upravo onim čitateljima kojima su namijenjeni. (iz Predgovora)Na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od ožujka 2020. do ožujka 2023. godine proveden je projekt Učenje kroz rad i sustav upravljanja studentskim iskustvom na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, koji je sufinanciran iz sredstava Europskog socijalnog fonda, a odobren pozivom „Razvoj, unapređenje i provedba stručne prakse u visokom obrazovanju” Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja u sklopu Operativnog programa Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali 2014. – 2020.Svrha je projekta razvoj integriranog sustava učenja kroz rad i stjecanja stručnog praktičnog iskustva studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u sklopu preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija. Među rezultatima ovog projekta jesu i dva priručnika za planiranje i provedbu nenastavničke stručne prakse. Oni su napisani za potrebe Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, no pri njihovu smo pisanju nastojale generički zahvatiti ovu temu i učiniti ih korisnima nastavnicima bilo kojeg visokog učilišta i mentorima u različitim područjima rada. Priručnik koji upravo držite u rukama namijenjen je visokoškolskim nastavnicima, a usporedo s njime napisale smo i drugi, namijenjen mentorima – stručnjacima u praksi. Budući da se u priručnicima bavimo istom temom – nenastavničkom stručnom praksom i učenjem kroz rad, neki dijelovi priručnika međusobno su slični i djelomično se preklapaju. Međutim, s obzirom na to da su namijenjeni različitim korisnicima, u svakom od priručnika detaljno su razrađeni sadržaji koji su relevantni upravo onim čitateljima kojima su namijenjeni. (iz Predgovora

    Minority stress and mental health of homosexual and bisexual men and women: A review of research on the minority stress model from a Croatian perspective

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    According to numerous research studies, homo- and bisexual persons are twice as likely to develop mental health problems during their lifetime than heterosexual persons. The main goal of this review paper is to show how this higher incidence of poor mental health and well-being can be explained by the minority stress model. According to this model, sexual minorities are facing everyday challenges such as stigma, prejudice, and discrimination, which create a stressful environment for them. The paper explains the minority stress model proposed by Meyer and reviews current empirical findings supporting the model and its assumptions. Since social context is an integral part of this model, we review existing research that has examined parts of the minority stress model in Croatia, and look at the model from the perspective of contemporary Croatian society. Current research shows that different parts of the model are validated in the Croatian context. LGB persons who have experienced victimization and discrimination have poorer mental health. Concealing one’s sexual identity does seem to lead to fewer opportunities for victimization and discrimination, but it is also associated with low self-esteem and quality of life. On the other hand, being open about one’s sexual orientation is associated with greater well-being. Being involved and active in the LGB community seems to be the path leading to better visibility and acceptance of LGB’s in the Croatian society. Finally, this paper contributes to the enrichment of minority stress findings by including research on bisexual persons that points to the existence of extra added stress due to double discrimination of bisexual persons by both heterosexual and homosexual persons

    Stavovi studenata o pravima osoba homoseksualne orijentacije

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    Postojeća društvena situacija u Hrvatskoj pitanje stavova prema gejevima i lezbijkama i njihovim pravima čini posebno aktualnima. Dosadašnja istraživanja u Hrvatskoj uglavnom su se bavila odrednicama općih stavova prema homoseksualnim osobama, pri čemu su zanemareni stavovi prema njihovim pravima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je detaljnije ispitati stavove studenata/ica upravo prema pravima gejeva i lezbijki, što je posebno zanimljivo jer je istraživanje provedeno u trenutku kada se u Hrvatskoj pripremao Zakon o životnom partnerstvu osoba istog spola, koji je sada na snazi, a kojim se regulira većina tih prava. Osim što nas je zanimalo koja prava se podržavaju, ispitali smo i podržavaju li se prava gejeva i lezbijki u različitoj mjeri, odnosno razlikuju li se studenti i studentice u tome koliko podržavaju prava gejeva/lezbijki. Dodatni cilj bio je provjeriti jesu li rod, religioznost, iskustvo kontakta s osobama homoseksualne orijentacije, sudjelovanje u nastavi na temu homoseksualne orijentacije i moderne predrasude prema homoseksualnim osobama značajne odrednice podržavanja prava gejeva i lezbijki. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 1 551 studentu/ici heteroseksualne orijentacije različitih studijskih usmjerenja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Splitu i Osijeku. Korišteni su Skala stavova prema pravima gejeva/lezbijki, Skala modernih predrasuda prema homoseksualnim osobama, a prikupljeni su i opći podaci o sudionicima te podaci o stupnju kontakta s homoseksualnim osobama, religioznosti, nastavi tijekom studija o temi različitosti te zainteresiranosti za tematiku povezanu s homoseksualnim osobama. Najveću podršku sudionici/e pružaju pravu lezbijki i gejeva da konkuriraju na radna mjesta i pravu na posjećivanje partnera/ice u bolnici, a tek u manjoj mjeri pružaju podršku pravima na usvajanje djece, na sklapanje braka i na medicinski potpomognutu oplodnju. Studentice u većoj mjeri podržavaju prava i gejeva i lezbijki u odnosu na studente. Nakon kontrole interesa za tematiku ravnopravnosti homoseksualnih osoba, prava lezbijki i gejeva više podržavaju žene, osobe koje imaju slabije izražene moderne predrasude prema homoseksualnim osobama, nižu religioznost te viši stupanj kontakta s homoseksualnim osobama. Dobiveni nalazi uglavnom su u skladu s očekivanjima, a raspravljene su i moguće praktične implikacije nalaza. (IN ENGLISH: Current public debates in Croatia brought the issues of gay and lesbian civil rights to the forefront of scientific interest. So far, Croatian researches were mostly interested in the determinants of general attitudes towards gays and lesbians, while research on attitudes toward their civil rights remained neglected. Our study aimed to investigate student attitudes toward gay and lesbian civil rights, which is especially interesting because the study was conducted in the moment when the Life Partnership Act for the Persons of the Same Sex, which is now in force, was being prepared. in the study also deals with gender differences in the support of gay and lesbian civil rights. The determinants of attitudes toward gay and lesbian civil rights - gender, religiosity, social contact with gays and lesbians, courses on the topic of homosexuality and modern prejudice toward homosexual persons were also analysed. A total of 1551 heterosexual students from the University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, University of Split and University of Osijek participated in the study. We used Attitudes toward gay/lesbian civil rights scale, Modern prejudice toward homosexual persons scale and we asked participants about their contact with gays/lesbians, religiosity, courses on the topic of homosexuality at the university and their interest in gay and lesbian issues. Students held the most favourable attitudes toward gay and lesbian employment rights and the right to visit their partner in the hospital. They supported gay and lesbian marriage, adoption and in vitro fertilization to a lesser extent. Women supported all the gay and lesbian rights more than men. After controlling for their interest in gay and lesbian issues, women, particularly those with less prejudice toward homosexual persons, those who are less religious and who have more contact with gays and lesbians gave more support to gay and lesbian civil rights. Our findings are mostly expected, and they have clear practical implications.

    Percipirana partnerova pozitivna i negativna ponašanja i zadovoljstvo brakom

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    The aim of the study was to examine how perceived spouse's affectionate and antagonistic behaviours contribute to one's marital satisfaction. Firstly, we explored whether perception of partner's affectionate and antagonistic behaviours vary with gender, age, length of marriage and family structure. Secondly, we examined the relation between perceived partner's behaviour and marital satisfaction, while controlling for contextual variables. Questionnaire assessing love, marital satisfaction, perceived partners' affectionate and antagonistic behaviours and demographic data was administered to a heterogeneous sample of 302 married couples from Croatia with the average marriage length of 18 years and age span of 20–82 years. Results indicate that perceived spouse's affectionate and antagonistic behaviours both contribute to marital satisfaction with the impact of antagonistic behaviours being buffered when it appears in affectionate relationship. These effects are not moderated by age, gender, marriage duration or family structure. Finally, the perception of partner's affectionate and antagonistic behaviours had significant incremental power over feelings of love and other contextual variables when predicting marital satisfaction.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati kakav efekt percepcija partnerova ponašanja, točnije iskazivanja naklonosti i neprijateljstva, ima na zadovoljstvo brakom. Istražili smo razlike u percipiranom partnerovom iskazivanju naklonosti i antagonizma s obzirom na rod, dob, trajanje braka i roditeljstvo. Osim toga, ispitali smo odnos između percepcije partnerova ponašanja i zadovoljstva brakom, kontrolirajući pritom kontekstualne varijable. Upitnik s pitanjima o intenzitetu ljubavi, zadovoljstvu brakom, iskazivanju naklonosti i neprijateljstva primijenjen je na heterogenom uzorku od 302 bračna para iz Hrvatske s prosječnim trajanjem braka od 18 godina te dobnim rasponom od 20 do 82 godine. Partnerovo iskazivanje naklonosti i neprijateljstva značajno su povezani s bračnim zadovoljstvom, pri čemu visoka razina iskazivanja naklonosti predstavlja zaštitni faktor u brakovima s visokom razinom neprijateljskoga ponašanja. Ovaj odnos ne ovisi o rodu, dobi, trajanju braka ili strukturi obitelji. Uz važnu ulogu konteksta i intenziteta ljubavi u predviđanju bračnoga zadovoljstva, dobivena je značajna inkrementalna valjanost percepcije iskazivanja naklonosti i neprijateljstva supružnika u predviđanju bračnoga zadovoljstva

    What predicts the willingness of heterosexual persons to behave in a positive or negative manner towards homosexual persons?

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    While we know much about what determines attitudes towards gays and lesbians, less research attention has been given to the determinants of behavioral intentions towards these sexual minorities. Our goal is to examine the factors associated with one’s intention to discriminate against gays and lesbians (negative behavior) and those associated with one’s intention to become involved in affirmative behaviors directed toward them (positive behavior). We are interested in whether socio-demographic characteristics, which are known predictors of attitudes, such as gender, age, education, religiosity and political orientation, also predict positive and negative behavioral intentions towards homosexuals. An additional goal is to investigate the role of both direct and indirect contact with gays and lesbians for the prediction of behavioral intentions. The study was conducted online, with 997 exclusively heterosexual participants. Scales, constructed for the purpose of this study, measured the propensity to discriminate against homosexuals, readiness to engage in activities directed towards the amelioration of homosexuals’ social status, direct and indirect contact, and socio-demographic characteristics. Results show that our participants are relatively ready to discriminate against homosexual persons in the areas of politics, workplace, and tenant rights. Also, they are not particularly ready to engage in affirmative activities, especially if these include more effort and direct contact with gays and lesbians. Men, older persons, more religious persons, more politically conservative persons, and those who had less direct contact with gays and lesbians were more prone to discriminate against them. Women, less religious persons, more politically liberal persons and those who had more direct and indirect contact with gays and lesbians were more ready to engage in affirmative actions. Results are discussed in light of their practical implications for education and prevention programs directed toward reducing discrimination and increasing affirmative action aimed to increase equality of homosexual persons in today’s society