29 research outputs found

    Korelasi antara eko inovasi dan prestasi kelestarian organisasi

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    Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang maju dan telah mencapai pembangunan sosioekonomi pada masa kini. Walau bagaimanapun, Malaysia masih menghadapi beberapa cabaran dalam menguruskan alam sekitar iaitu isu perubahan iklim. Isu perubahan iklim ini adalah isu alam sekitar pada masa kini yang semakin mendapat perhatian oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Terdapat beberapa isu alam sekitar iaitu hujan asid, penipisan lapisan ozon, pemanasan global, dan pencemaran air. Isu alam sekitar ini semakin berleluasa di seluruh dunia dan semakin ramai institusi serta individu cuba untuk menangani masalah ini (Cordano et al., 2010)

    Hubungan antara amalan pengurusan rantaian bekalan hijau (GSCM) dan prestasi rantaian bekalan di sektor pembuatan, Batu Pahat, Johor

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    Pola pertumbuhan ekonomi telah meningkatkan tahap penggunaan tenaga dan bahan-bahan dan memberi kesan kepada kemampanan alam sekitar. Kemakmuran ekonomi bagi penduduk bandar yang lebih besar, lebih banyak membawa kepada pembaziran pengeluaran. Hal ini berlaku kerana penghasilan sisa dipengaruhi oleh proses perindustrian. Sisa dari sektor pembuatan boleh mendatangkan ancaman terhadap bekalan air, kesihatan awam dan alam sekitar melalui penyebaran bakteria lalu mengakibatkan pencemaran sumber air. Air yang tercemar mungkin mengandungi kepekatan bahan-bahan pencemaran yang tinggi yang dihasilkan oleh kilang-kilang dan akan datang kembali kepada pengguna melalui kitaran air sebagai sumber utama untuk kegunaan harian. Oleh itu, pengguna terdedah kepada pelbagai penyakit dan sekali gus boleh menjejaskan tahap kesihatan mereka (Khairul, Rahman & Ho, 2011). Isu alam persekitaran merupakan isu yang kian mencabar kepada organisasi perniagaan pada masa kini. Pemanasan global, pengurangan kualiti udara dan pencemaran air merupakan beberapa contoh kesan alam sekitar yang boleh dikaitkan dengan aktiviti yang selaras dengan rantaian bekalan organisasi. Pada 9 April 2009, Perdana Menteri telah mengumumkan pembentukan Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (KeTTHA) bagi menggantikan Kementerian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi. Teknologi Hijau merujuk kepada pembangunan dan aplikasi produk, peralatan serta sistem untuk memelihara alam sekitar dan alam semulajadi dan meminimumkan atau mengurangkan kesan negatif daripada aktiviti manusia

    Faktor-faktor adaptasi logistik terbalik di sektor pembuatan

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    Dalam dunia yang mempunyai sumber yang terhad, proses pemulihan yang digunakan untuk bahan atau produk adalah kunci untuk menyokong populasi penduduk dalam meningkatkan penggunaan bahan. Pengurangan bahan buangan menjadi kebimbangan kepada industri negara yang berkonsepkan kitaran bahan kerana bahan buangan tersebut merupakan salah satu sumber yang menjana ekonomi industri tersebut. Proses terbalik melibatkan kos yang besar berbanding keuntungan. Perubahan dalam undang-undang untuk melindungi alam sekitar telah memberi kesan kepada ekonomi dan perkhidmatan. Kini, semakin banyak syarikat yang menggunakan proses aliran terbalik untuk pergerakan barangan dalam sistem logistik mereka. Industri pembuatan merupakan industri utama dalam penggunaan aktiviti logistik terbalik. Sistem logistik terbalik merupakan aktiviti yang membentuk proses yang berterusan untuk penggunaan semula produk sama ada digunakan semula ataupun untuk pelupusan. Pembuatan semula ditakrifkan sebagai salah satu kaedah pemulihan yang digunakan untuk produk yang rosak atau bahagian-bahagian yang boleh diperolehi semula dalam keadaan kualiti yang sama dengan produk baharu dan boleh dimasukkan ke dalam produk baharu dan akan dijual semula dalam pasaran sama dengan bahagian atau produk baharu. Aktiviti logistik terbalik sering dilaksanakan oleh pengeluar asal kerana bahan yang digunakan semula diperlukan untuk pengetahuan dalam pengeluaran tertentu. Eltayeb dan Zailani (2010) menyatakan kebanyakan pengeluar di Malaysia tidak berminat untuk menggunakan semula barangan kitar semula atau pelupusan disebabkan oleh perbelanjaan tambahan untuk mengendalikan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan logistik terbalik

    Hubungan di antara amalan pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh (TQM) dan inovasi produk di kalangan syarikat pemprosesan makanan industri kecil dan sederhana

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    Pada era globalisasi ini, keperluan pelanggan menjadi semakin sukar untuk dipenuhi telah mewujudkan persaingan sengit di kalangan organisasi menyebabkan sesuatu organisasi sangat sukar untuk bertahan. Oleh itu, pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh (TQM) menjadi falsafah pengurusan dan amalan syarikat yang membantu dalam menguruskan organisasi untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan dan prestasi keseluruhan ke arah mencapai status bertaraf dunia sejak dua dekad yang lalu (Yusof & Aspinwall, 2000). Di Malaysia, banyak organisasi mula menganggap kualiti sebagai komponen penting dalam rancangan perniagaan mereka untuk menghadapi cabaran persekitaran global yang baru. Sebilangan besar organisasi memberi tumpuan kepada Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM) berbanding amalan kualiti lain (Nusrah, Ramayah & Norizan, 2006). Oleh kerana inovasi telah dikenali secara meluas sekarang, organisasi perlu menggabungkan kedua-dua aspek inovasi dan kualiti untuk mencapai prestasi yang tinggi. Oleh itu, hubungan antara TQM dan inovasi telah menjadi tumpuan dalam literatur amalan pengurusan (Feng et al., 2006)

    The effect of contextual teaching on cognitive and non-cognitive learning construct among engineering students

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    In universities, most engineering students have difficulty in understanding the statistics concepts and cannot relate the learning in class to the real world or engineering world. Contextual teaching and learning based on the constructivism theory that students are active learners who construct their own knowledge based on real life situations. Thus, this research was done to determine the dominant learning style and to investigate the effect of contextual learning on cognitive aspect which is the statistics achievement and on non-cognitive aspect which are approaches to learning and motivation, among university engineering students. In this study, four Solomon's groups were used for Quasi-experimental designs. All year two diploma-engineering students at UTHM from semester 2 session 2016/2017 were involved in this study: 268 civil, electrical and mechanical students. The four groups in this study consist of group 1 contextual with pre-test (G1 CTL Pre), group 2 non-contextual with pre-test (G2 NCTL Pre), group 3 contextual without pre-test (G3 CTL) and group 4 non-contextual without pretest (G4 NCTL). Majority of the students are Malay male students. Each group consisted of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering students. There was no interaction between these groups as there was no significant difference between pretest and post-test at a significance level of .05 ( P = .57). From the Post-test, questions on the problem solving for non-contextual and contextual, there was no significant difference between the groups. However, on the problem solving application of statistics, there was significant difference between the contextual and non-contextual groups. There was no significant difference between Motivation: Extrinsic, Control Belief, Task Value, Test Anxiety among the groups. However, there is significant difference between Motivation: Intrinsic and Self-efficacy among the groups. From the total marks of the Post-test, the contextual groups performed better than the noncontextual group. From the interviews, majority of non-contextual and contextual agreed that contextual video are able to explain how statistics were used in real-life situations. In conclusion, this study shows that the teaching and learning statistics contextually is effective to the engineering students where majority of them were Auditory Digital and using Deep Approach

    The effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on students’ motivation and attitude

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    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed at the University of California at Santa Cruz in the 1970's by its founders and principal authors, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, a professor of linguistics (Tosey & Mathison, 2003). Richard Bandler was a mathematics and computer science students while John Grinder is a linguistics professor. NLP helps in the teaching and learning process, especially in the classroom management. NLP was first introduced in Malaysia in the 21st century and since there are many training centres such as Akademi NLP Malaysia which train Malaysian universities and polytechnic lecturers and NLP Malaysia Centre of Excellence (NLPMC) which was the first to train NLP in Malay language

    The effect of contextual teaching on cognitive and noncognitive learning construct among engineering students

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    In universities, most engineering students have difficulty in understanding the statistics concepts and cannot relate the learning in class to the real world or engineering world. Contextual teaching and learning based on the constructivism theory that students are active learners who construct their own knowledge based on real life situations. Thus, this research was done to determine the dominant learning style and to investigate the effect of contextual learning on cognitive aspect which is the statistics achievement and on non-cognitive aspect which are approaches to learning and motivation, among university engineering students. In this study, four Solomon's groups were used for Quasi-experimental designs. All year two diploma-engineering students at UTHM from semester 2 session 2016/2017 were involved in this study: 268 civil, electrical and mechanical students. The four groups in this study consist of group 1 contextual with pre-test (G1 CTL Pre), group 2 non-contextual with pre-test (G2 NCTL Pre), group 3 contextual without pre-test (G3 CTL) and group 4 non-contextual without pretest (G4 NCTL). Majority of the students are Malay male students. Each group consisted of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering students. There was no interaction between these groups as there was no significant difference between pretest and post-test at a significance level of .05 ( P = .57). From the Post-test, questions on the problem solving for non-contextual and contextual, there was no significant difference between the groups. However, on the problem solving application of statistics, there was significant difference between the contextual and non-contextual groups. There was no significant difference between Motivation: Extrinsic, Control Belief, Task Value, Test Anxiety among the groups. However, there is significant difference between Motivation: Intrinsic and Self-efficacy among the groups. From the total marks of the Post-test, the contextual groups performed better than the noncontextual group. From the interviews, majority of non-contextual and contextual agreed that contextual video are able to explain how statistics were used in real-life situations. In conclusion, this study shows that the teaching and learning statistics contextually is effective to the engineering students where majority of them were Auditory Digital and using Deep Approach

    From centre to centrifugal dispersion of the maritime ‘Melayu’ culture: modelling the regional reverberations of the medieval Melaka empire

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    This paper attempts to reconstruct the famed city of Melaka at its height in the 15th and 16th centuries, to its subsequent dispersion in the 17th to 19th centuries. Melaka’s cultural-political influences and impact as a center of the common Melayu based culture and civilisation can be gauged fromits original center in Melaka city as its initial axis of power; which dispersed into surrounding regions. Through visual, cartographic and lithographic sources, the city – before 1511 - is reconstructed and its architecture and core areas are modelled. Subsequently, after its fall, its influences was traced as centrifugal forces, which manifest in terms of cultural and stylistic forms that expanded beyond the realm of its initial center and limits of its port city. As its center of power reconsolidated into surrounding regions; its infl uence goes beyond the compact Melayu city and re-consolidated into a transnational regional and cultural powerbase. The paper combines both historical and modelling methods to demonstrate the essentially ‘Melayu’ or Malay urban-architectural form of the center, and its survival in terms of a socio-cultural dominion rather than physical city-form. It remained a Malay based yet multilcultural polity which survived despite changes in its center of power. Its centrifugal dispersion is represented by reverberations of its architectural stylistic forms in surrounding regions and its centripetal influence was its cultural force that can still be seen throughout centuries in the sketches, paintings and depictions of urban life, landscape and architecture of the 17th to the 19th centuries in the South East Asian archipelago region. The paper reflects how forms of architecture, landscape and urban design are traces of a common culture and civilisation that stretches beyond present national borders and which reflect and resonates with the nature of a maritime-based culture which is reflective of a transnational, multi national and multi cultural nature of a regionally-based nation-state in medieval times

    Hubungan antara motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar UTHM

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    Pencapaian akademik merupakan apa yang dihasilkan atau yang diperolehi oleh seseorang dalam sesuatu pembelajaran (Idris, 1994). Pencapaian akademik diukur melalui keputusan yang diperoleh oleh pelajar terhadap subjek melalui sistem gred yang merujuk kepada tahap yang boleh diukur untuk membezakan tahap-tahap yang dicapai. Menurut Chowdhury dan Pati (2011), pencapaian akademik boleh ditakrifkan dengan markah peperiksaan, gred yang diberi oleh guru dan peratus dalam subjek akademik. Dua kategori motivasi iaitu motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ektrinsik adalah saling berkaitan dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar. Ghazala dan Anjum (2011) mendapati bahawa motivasi dan konsep kendiri dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan. Terdapat pelajar yang bermotivasi tinggi dan ada pula yang mempunyai motivasi sederhana dalam pencapaian akademik. Antara masalah-masalah yang menunjukkan kurangnya motivasi dalam kalangan pelajar ialah faktor kurang minat terhadap sesuatu subjek dan menganggap subjek tersebut sukar. Tambahan lagi, Andrews, Leonard, Colgrove, dan Kalinowski (2011) menyatakan kebanyakan pelajar mengalami kesukaran dalam pembelajaran kursus sarjana dikaitkan dengan peranan pasif yang dimainkan oleh pelajar semasa kuliah. Hal ini sudah jelas membuktikan bahawa pelajar kurang minat terhadap sesuatu subjek dan bersikap pasif semasa kuliah. Oleh yang demikian, sesi pembelajaran akan menjadi lebih sukar. Dalam satu kajian di UiTM, kajian-kajian terdahulu (Naimah & Aini, 2005; Norhayuza, Naimah, Sahabudin, & Ibrahim, 2004) secara umum menyatakan bahawa pelajar UiTM masih lemah dalam kemahiran lisan. Seterusnya, dapatan kajian Talib dan Muslim (2007) menunjukkan kekerapan pelajar tidak hadir ke sekolah menyebabkan mereka ketinggalan dalam pelajaran berbanding pelajar lain. Di Malaysia, masalah pencapaian dan kegagalan akademik pelajar adalah masalah yang menyeluruh. Hal ini telah banyak menyebabkan pihak-pihak yang berperanan dalam pendidikan berhempas pulas bagi menentukan pencapaian akademik boleh menjamin masa depan (Talib & Muslim, 2007)

    Awareness of computer ergonomic

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    Computer ergonomic is a medium of interaction between human and computer equipment that serves to prevent health problems to users. However, most users do not have formal knowledge on the importance of computer ergonomic. Therefore, a survey on whether computer users are aware of the importance of computer ergonomic had been carried out. The survey was conducted at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), with a total of 270 respondents which consists of 17 academic staff, 19 non-academic staff and 234 students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The results of this questionnaire were analysed using SPSS. From part I: The awareness of the correct sitting position, the respondent answered 7 questions for ‘no’ out of 9 questions. For part II: The awareness of computer ergonomic, the respondents answered ‘no’ for 4 questions out of 6 questions. Finally, for part III: The problems face by the respondents, respondents answered ‘no’ to 5 questions out of 8 questions. Many respondents suggested that exposure to computer ergonomic should be started from the primary school level. Most respondents said that the government or company do not provide exposure to computer ergonomic to their employees. They also stated that the lack of knowledge about computer ergonomic is the main cause why the users do not practice the science of ergonomic when using the computer. In conclusion, since users do not know the importance of computer ergonomic and they suggest that the computer ergonomic should be taught from school level