297 research outputs found

    The impact of fiscal policy shocks in the United Kingdom: an empirical investigation

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    MPhilThis paper empirically examines the impact of shocks to government spending and government revenues on main macroeconomic variables in the UK. We apply the methodology of Mountford and Uhlig (2009) to analyze the effectiveness of fiscal policy in the UK and compare our results with the literature on fiscal policy in the US. Following a government spending shock in the UK, there is an immediate increase in output, private investment and real wages. Regarding the government revenue shock, it is contradictory in the US. In the UK, however, private investment and GDP react positively to this shock

    Tinjauan Hukum Pidana Islam terhadap putusan Pengadilan Negeri Medan Nomor 784/Pid/2018/PN MDN tentang penodaan agama

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    Kasus penodaan agama yang didakwakan kepada Meliana terjadi pada akhir Juli 2016 dan putusannya jatuh pada tahun 2019. Putusan tersebut mengatakan bahwa Meliana telah melakukan penistaan agama Islam karena protesnya terhadap volume adzan. Oleh karena itu ia dikenakan sanksi berupa penjara selama 1 tahun, meskipun penulis melihat dakwaan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan Pasal 156a KUHPidana yang menyantumkan unsur-unsur tindak pidana penodaan agama. Dari latar belakang masalah tersebut, penulis merumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: pertama, apa yang menjadi pertimbangan hakim dalam memberikan putusan Pengadilan Negeri Medan Nomor 784/Pid/2018/PN MDN? Kedua, bagaimana analisis Hukum tentang penodaan Agama dalam putusan Pengadilan Negeri Medan Nomor 784/Pid/2018/PN MDN? Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research), yaitu dengan jalan melakukan penelitian terhadap sumber-sumber tertulis, maka penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Yaitu suatu penelitian yang mengritisi dan menafsirkan persoalan sesuai dengan paradigma yang dianut oleh peneliti. Atau prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif. Data yang disajikan penulis diperoleh dari sumber-sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini, adalah putusan pengadilan Negeri Medan Nomor 784/Pid/2018/PN MDN, sedangkan data sekunder adalah meliputi buku-buku teks, kamus-kamus hukum, jurnal-jurnal hukum dan dokumen-dokumen resmi yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum yang menjadi pokok permasalahan serta literatur-literatur yang terkait dengan penodaan agama sehingga menunjang penelitian yang dilakukan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Jaksa Penuntut Umum belum bisa membuktikan dengan jelas sesuai dengan pasal 156a KUHPidana yang di dalamnya memuat unsur-unsur penistaan yang dijadikan rujukan utama oleh hakim sendiri. Khususnya menyangkut unsur kesengajaan delik yang dilakukan Meliana dengan unsur permusuhan, penyalahgunaan atau penodaan terhadap suatu agama sebagai poin yang paling penting dalam kasus Meliana. Kedua, Penetapan Meliana sebagai terdakwa penistaan agama, menurut penulis hukuman penjara yang telah dijatuhkan kepada Meliana telah sesuai dengan konsep ta’zir yang ada dalam Hukum pidana Islam. Yaitu hukuman yang berkaitan dengan kemerdekaan seseorang, seperti hukuman penjara atau pengasingan


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    Kafalah is a guarantee given by a bank to certain parties, be it an individual, company, body or other institution in the form of a guarantee letter. The purpose of providing the guarantee is that the bank guarantees that it will pay or accept the obligations of the party that is guaranteed to the party who received the guarantee, if in the future the guarantor does not fulfill the obligations of the other party in accordance with the agreement. In the services of Bank BTN Syariah using two contracts, namely kafalah and wadi'ah. In the kafalah (guarantee) contract, the bank becomes a kafil for the customer who becomes full to bear the obligations to a party. This study uses a qualitative method. The data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. With data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and study documentation The results of this study indicate that several things have occurred: in the guarantee mechanism there are 3 (three) parties involved, namely, the bank as the guarantor, the guarantor (the customer requesting the guarantee), and the guarantee recipient. The implementation of guarantee services at Bank BTN Syariah Parepare is carried out in several stages, namely: the application stage, the analysis stage, the processing stage, and the issuance of the guarantee, as well as the guarantee completion stage. The implementation of guarantee services at Bank BTN Syariah Parepare runs and is carried out properly by referring to the National Sharia Council (DSN) Fatwa Number: 11 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 concerning Kafalah. Bank BTN Syariah Parepare provides a fast service system (one day service) in issuing guarantees. With the issuance of a guarantee, it is very beneficial for both Bank BTN Syariah Parepare and for customers (principals) as users of guarantee service products. The impact for Bank BTN Syariah Parepare is that the bank receives income from the issuance of guarantees, thereby increasing the company's fee-based income. Whereas the customer (principal) can obtain a guarantee facility without requiring a large amount of collateral or cash collateral allocation, only being obliged to pay the following costs: premium costs, insurance costs, administrative costs and stamp duty feesGaransi adalah suatu jaminan yang diberikan bank pada pihak tertentu baik perorangan, perusahaan, badan ataupun lembaga lainnya dalam bentuk surat jaminan. Tujuan pemberian jaminan tersebut yaitu bank menjamin akan membayar atau menerima kewajiban dari pihak yang dijaminkan pada pihak yang menerima jaminan, jika di kemudian hari yang dijamin tidak memenuhi kewajiban pada pihak lain sesuai dengan perjanjian. Pada pelayanan jasa Bank BTN Syariah menggunakan dua akad yakni kafalah dan wadi’ah. Pada akad kafalah (garansi) pihak bank menjadi kafil atas nasabah yang menjadi makful lah untuk menanggung kewajiban-kewajiban kepada suatu pihak.       Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi                 Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan beberapa hal terjadi: dalam mekanisme garansi terdapat 3 (tiga) pihak yang terkait yaitu, bank sebagai penjamin, terjamin (nasabah peminta jaminan), dan penerima jaminan. Penerapan jasa garansi pada Bank BTN Syariah Parepare dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu : tahap permohonan, tahap analisa, tahap pemerosesan, dan penerbitan garansi, serta tahap penyelesaian garansi. Penerapan jasa garansi pada Bank BTN Syariah Parepare berjalan dan dilaksanakan dengan baik dengan berpedoman pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) Nomor : 11/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang Kafalah. Bank BTN Syariah Parepare memberikan system layanan yang cepat (one day service) dalam penerbitan garansi. Dengan adanya penerbitan garansi, sangat menguntungkan baik bagi Bank BTN Syariah Parepare maupun bagi nasabah (principal) selaku pengguna produk jasa garansi. Dampak bagi Bank BTN Syariah Parepare adalah bank memperoleh pendapatan dari penerbitan garansi, sehingga meningkatkan fee based income perusahaan. Sedangkan bagi nasabah (principal) dapat memperoleh fasilitas garansi tanpa memerlukan alokasi jaminan atau cash collateral dengan jumlah yang besar, hanya berkewajiban untuk membayar biaya-biaya sebagai berikut : biaya premi, biaya asuransi, biaya administrasi dan biaya matera

    Exploring the legal aspects and court process of forensic entomology from the Malaysia’s perspective

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    This paper seeks to explore the legal aspects and court process relating to forensic entomology with reference to Malaysia. It aims to inform the non-legal person of the court process and giving of evidence in Malaysia’s court by expert witnesses such as forensic entomologist. The methodology used is a socio-legal analysis with reference to legal texts and statutes in Malaysia. Online search on the number of reported cases published in two legal journals relating to evidence by forensic entomologist was conducted. The finding from the reported cases where entomologist testify in court as an expert witness is scarce and so few assumptions were made on this. A brief case studies on the selected reported cases were chosen to explain the use of forensic entomology in the court process. This paper suggests that entomologists’ evidence on the issue of the time of death is important as accordingly, a charge sheet in the homicide cases must contain the time of death and prove in court. It is also suggested that recognition is given to forensic entomologists and that the Allied Health Professions Act 2016 [Act 774] which to regulate the practise of allied health of professionals including entomologists, be in force soon

    Impact of River Water Quality on Public Health in Perspective of Asian Rivers: A Case Study of Buriganga River, Bangladesh

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    Water pollution is one of the current global problems. So many countries are suffering from this problem specifically most South Asian and Southeast Asian countries, and Bangladesh is one of those countries that are suffering from water pollution. Furthermore, the city of Bangladesh, Dhaka is one of the most densely populated cities in the world and overpopulation is showing a negative impact on the water quality now. Most of the rivers are very polluted around Dhaka city because of anthropogenic causes. This study focused on Buriganga river pollution and its impact on public health. This study intended to find out the major cause of Buriganga river pollution and the health status of the community living beside the Buriganga river. Also the study identified all the common diseases which people are suffering from around the Buriganga river area. Then the study compared the results with other southeast Asian countries so that it can make the relationship and can make it easier to understand the current situation of water pollution on public health in East Asia and Southeast Asia regions. During the research work, it was noticed that the Buriganga river is very polluted due to human activities. The transportation system, fishing, and waste canals from industries become the primary reasons behind Buriganga’s current condition. Also irresponsibility of both the environmental department and civil society is the major factor in Buriganga river pollution. The hygienic level was also not in a good condition because so many wastes like plastic materials and other daily use materials were thrown out into the river. That’s why public health conditions around the Buriganga river become vulnerable nowadays. So policies have to be implemented from the right perspective and the institutions have to be strong enough to handle all the issues regarding the Buriganga River

    Possible inhibition of hydroxy methyl glutaryl CoA reductase activity by nicotinic acid and ergosterol: as targeting for hypocholesterolemic action

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    Objective: Coronary artery diseases including atherosclerosis is considered as commonest problem worldwide. Ergosterols are the main components of vegetable oils and nuts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential hypoplipidemic and hypocholesterolemic effects of ergosterol in combination with niacin in rats fed high fat diet (HFD).Methods: Eighty male albino rats were included in this study divided into two main groups: Group I: Normal rats fed standard diet treated with either niacin (8.5 mg /kg b.w) or ergosterol (100 mg/Kg b.w) or both. Group II; rats fed HFD treated with either niacin (8.5 mg /kg b.w) or ergosterol (100 mg/Kg b.w) or both The feeding and treatment lasted for 8 weeks.Results: A significant elevation in the levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, VLDL-c, LDL-c and atherogenic factor (p<0.001) in rats fed on HFD compared with normal control while HDL-c was significantly reduced in HFD rats compared with control group. Supplementation of diet with niacin or ergosterol or combined exerts improvement in the studied parameters by lowering triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, LDL-c and atherogenic factor and elevate HDL-c near to the value of control. Niacin combined with ergosterol were effective in the reduction of hydroxy methyl glutaryl-CoA reducatase (HMGCoA) compared with control (p<0.001). The combined effect was more potent than individual alone.Conclusion: Utilization of niacin and ergosterol may prevent the hypercholesterolemia and incidence of coronary heart diseases. These functional foods act as nutriceutical as dyslipidemics.Keywords: Nicotinic acid, cholesterol, ergostero

    Enhancing Accountability of Government-Linked Companies through Supply Chain Management Practices

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    Accountability has long been the major focus of government-linked companies (GLCs) as these firms are directly accountable to the taxpayers. While studies examining accountability of GLCs are widely available, very little evidence exist in investigating how these GLCs achieve accountability through supply chain management (SCM). Thus, the aim of the present research is to gain insights into how SCM practices create value to the firm, which in turn enhance accountability of the GLCs towards its ultimate stakeholders. A single case study approach was used whereby key research issues were mainly addressed through semi-structured interviews, observations and document reviews. Findings revealed that, consistent with the financial and social obligations of the GLC to its stakeholders, the firm was able to create value through supplier involvement, strategic supplier relationship and supplier development practices. The findings provide valuable input for similar companies to emulate these practices in order to achieve accountability through SCM practices

    Pengujian Relay Arus Lebih Woodward Tipe XI1-I di Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Elektro

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    Relay woodward tipe XI1-I yang ada di laboratorium sistem proteksi dan distribusi jurusan teknik elektro politeknik negeri Lhokseumawe merupakan peralatan sistem proteksi jenis baru yang belum dioperasikan sebagai bahan ataupun modul praktikum. Tujuan dari penelitian bagaimana cara mengoperasikan relay ini sebagai alat proteksi beban lebih dan hubung singkat, dan bagaimana mengoperasikan software dari relay yaitu HTL-PL-Soft4. Salahsatu gangguan pada sistem tenaga listrik adalah over current (arus lebih). Kondisi yang menyebabkan adanya arus lebih yaitu beban lebih (over load) dan hubung singkat) (short circuit). Pengujian yang dilakukan menguji waktupemutusan relay dengan karakteristik waktu normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse dan defenite serta mengoperasikan software HTLPL-Soft4. Hasil pengujian NINV dengan setting arus 0,55 Ampere dan waktu tunda 0,2 detik, saat arus gangguan sebesar 3 Ampere, waktu pemutusannya adalah 1,69 detik. Hasil pengujian VINV dengan seting dan arus gangguan yang sama, waktu pemutusannya adalah 1,19 detik dan hasil pengujian EINV dengan seting dan arus gangguan yang sama, waktu pemutusannya adalah 0,75 detik

    Sistem Pentanahan Pada Transformator Distribusi 20 kV di PT.PLN (Persero) Area Lhokseumawe Rayon Lhoksukon

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    Tujuan utama pentanahan adalah menciptakan jalur yang low-impedance (tahanan rendah) terhadap permukaan bumi untuk gelombang listrik dan transient voltage. Sistem pentanahan yang efektif akan meminimalkan efek tersebut. Sistem pentanahan memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam sistem proteksi. Sistem pentanahan digunakan sebagai jalur pelepasan arus gangguan ke tanah. Menurut fungsinya pentanahan dibedakan menjadi 2, yaitu pentanahan titik netral sistem tenaga dan pentanahan peralatan. Pentanahan netral sistem tenaga berfungsi sebagai pengaman sistem atau jaringan, sedangkan pada pentanahan peralatan berfungsi sebagai pengaman terhadap tegangan sentuh Pengukuran jenis elektroda pentanahan pada transformator distribusi 20 kV Rayon Lhoksukon PT.PLN (Persero) Area Lhokseumawe Rayon Lhoksukon menggunakan 4 elektroda batang dengan nilai tahanan pentanahan sebesar 2 Ohm
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