132 research outputs found

    Measurement with Persons: A European Network

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    The European ‘Measuring the Impossible’ Network MINET promotes new research activities in measurement dependent on human perception and/or interpretation. This includes the perceived attributes of products and services, such as quality or desirability, and societal parameters such as security and well-being. Work has aimed at consensus about four ‘generic’ metrological issues: (1) Measurement Concepts & Terminology; (2) Measurement Techniques: (3) Measurement Uncertainty; and (4) Decision-making & Impact Assessment, and how these can be applied specificallyto the ‘Measurement of Persons’ in terms of ‘Man as a Measurement Instrument’ and ‘Measuring Man.’ Some of the main achievements of MINET include a research repository with glossary; training course; book; series of workshops;think tanks and study visits, which have brought together a unique constellation of researchers from physics, metrology,physiology, psychophysics, psychology and sociology. Metrology (quality-assured measurement) in this area is relativelyunderdeveloped, despite great potential for innovation, and extends beyond traditional physiological metrology in thatit also deals with measurement with all human senses as well as mental and behavioral processes. This is particularlyrelevant in applications where humans are an important component of critical systems, where for instance health andsafety are at stake

    The effect of CO2- and O2-gas mixtures on laser Doppler measured cochlear and skin blood flow in guinea pigs

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    The effects of carbogen (5% CO2:95% O2) 10% CO2-in-air and 100% O2 on cochlear blood flow (CBF), skin blood flow (SBP), blood pressure (BP) and arterial blood gases were investigated in the anesthetized, respired or self-respiring guinea pig. In respired animals, CBF and SBF were increased with carbogen and 10% CO2-in-air and decreased with O2. BP was elevated with each gas. In freely breathing animals, only 10% CO2-in-air caused a small increase in CBF; both carbogen and O2 caused CBF to decrease. SPF changes were similar in form, but larger than those seen in respirated subjects. No consistant change in BP was seen during breathing of these mixtures.Arterial PO2 was increased by carbogen and 10% CO2-in-air for both groups. PCO2 increased for both CO2 gas mixtures during forced respiration; but in free-breathing animals PCO2 only increased for 10% CO2-in-air (normal PCO2 values were maintained with carbogen thorough increased breathing rate). The observed changes in CBF were consistant with a balance between a combined vasoconstrictive effect of PO2 and vasodilation effect of PCO2 on cochlear vessels. Analysis of cochlear vascular conductivity (CBF/BP) indicated that vasodilation was significant only with 10% CO2-in-air in respirated animals. In all other conditions the increased CBF apparently reflects the increase profusion pressure associated with respiration of each gas. For clinical purposes, while carbogen does not appear to directly cause vasodilation of cochlear vessels it does lead to an increased oxygenation of the cochlea blood and would appear to avoid the cochlear vasoconstriction caused by 100% O2.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29103/1/0000141.pd

    ElÀmÀnlaadun ja toimintakyvyn muutokset ikÀÀntyneillÀ aivoverenkiertohÀiriön sairastaneilla kÀvelyn ja kÀden tehostetun kÀytön kuntoutuksen aikana

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    65–85-vuotiaiden aivoverenkiertohĂ€iriön (AVH:n) sairastaneiden (n = 270) kuntoutustutkimus toteutettiin osana Kelan kehittĂ€mishanketta. Kontrolloimattomassa seurantatutkimuksessa selvitettiin laitos- ja avomuotoisen kĂ€vely- ja kĂ€sikuntoutuksen aikana tapahtuneita muutoksia elĂ€mĂ€nlaadussa ja toimintakyvyssĂ€. KĂ€velykuntoutus sisĂ€lsi painokevennettyĂ€ ja muuta kĂ€velyharjoittelua. KĂ€sikuntoutus sisĂ€lsi halvaantuneen kĂ€den tehostetun kĂ€ytön harjoittelua. KĂ€velykuntoutuksen perusjakson kesto laitos- ja avokuntoutuksessa oli 20/18 vrk, kĂ€sikuntoutuksen 14/13 vrk. Seurantajaksot I (6 vrk) ja II (2 vrk, loppumittaukset) toteutettiin 6 ja 12 kuukauden kuluttua perusjakson pÀÀttymisestĂ€. Alkutilanteessa kĂ€velyn avokuntoutujissa itsenĂ€isesti kĂ€veleviĂ€ (FAC) oli enemmĂ€n kuin laitoskuntoutujissa. Laitoskuntoutujilla itsenĂ€isesti kĂ€velevien mÀÀrĂ€ kasvoi 45 %:sta 63 %:iin. Molemmilla ryhmillĂ€ kĂ€velymatka (6 min) piteni. Laitoskuntoutujilla motorinen ja kognitiivinen toiminta (FIM) paranivat. Avokuntoutujien motoriset ja prosessitaidot (AMPS) paranivat. Laitoskuntoutujien elĂ€mĂ€nlaatupisteet ympĂ€ristön osa-alueella (WHOQOL-BREF) nousivat. Alkutilanteessa ylĂ€raajan toimintakyky (WMFT) oli kĂ€den laitoskuntoutujilla parempi kuin avokuntoutujilla. Molemmissa ryhmissĂ€ halvaantuneen ylĂ€raajan toimintakyky koheni. Laitoskuntoutujien puristusvoima (dynamometri) ja avokuntoutujilla motoriset taidot (AMPS) paranivat. Tutkittavien iĂ€n, sukupuolen, sairastamisajan ja toimintakyvyn lĂ€htötason yhteyttĂ€ tutkittiin toimintakykyĂ€ kuvaavien mittareiden muutoksiin. Vain alhainen lĂ€htötaso ennakoi parempaa edistymistĂ€ mittaustuloksissa. IkÀÀntynyttĂ€ AVH:n sairastanutta kannattaa kuntouttaa kĂ€velyn, halvaantuneen ylĂ€raajan kĂ€ytön sekĂ€ pĂ€ivittĂ€isistĂ€ toiminnoista suoriutumisen parantamiseksi

    Fitness efficacy of vibratory exercise compared to walking in postmenopausal women

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    In this study, we compared the efficacy of 8 months of low-frequency vibration and a walk-based program in health-related fitness. Twenty-seven postmenopausal women were randomly assigned into two groups: whole-body vibration (WBV) group (n = 18) performed three times/week a static exercise on a vibration platform (6 sets of 1-min with 1 min of rest, with a 12.6 Hz of frequency and an amplitude of 3 mm); walk-based program (WP) group (n = 18) performed three times/week a 60-min of walk activity at 70-75% of maximal heart rate. A health-related battery of tests was applied. Maximal unilateral concentric and eccentric isokinetic torque of the knee extensors was recorded by an isokinetic dynamometer. Physical fitness was measured using the following tests: vertical jump test, chair rise test and maximal walking speed test over 4 m. Maximal unilateral isokinetic strength was measured in the knee extensors in concentric actions at 60 and 300 degrees /s, and eccentric action at 60 degrees /s. After 8 months, the WP improved the time spent to walk 4 m (20%) and to perform the chair rise test (12%) compared to the WBV group (P = 0.006, 0.002, respectively). In contrast, the comparison of the changes in vertical jump showed the higher effectiveness of the vibratory exercise in 7% (P = 0.025). None of exercise programs showed change on isokinetic measurements. These results indicate that both programs differed in the main achievements and could be complementary to prevent lower limbs muscle strength decrease as we age [ISRCTN76235671]

    Low-frequency vibratory exercise reduces the risk of bone fracture more than walking: a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a new type of exercise that has been increasingly tested for the ability to prevent bone fractures and osteoporosis in frail people. There are two currently marketed vibrating plates: a) the whole plate oscillates up and down; b) reciprocating vertical displacements on the left and right side of a fulcrum, increasing the lateral accelerations. A few studies have shown recently the effectiveness of the up-and-down plate for increasing Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and balance; but the effectiveness of the reciprocating plate technique remains mainly unknown. The aim was to compare the effects of WBV using a reciprocating platform at frequencies lower than 20 Hz and a walking-based exercise programme on BMD and balance in post-menopausal women. METHODS: Twenty-eight physically untrained post-menopausal women were assigned at random to a WBV group or a Walking group. Both experimental programmes consisted of 3 sessions per week for 8 months. Each vibratory session included 6 bouts of 1 min (12.6 Hz in frequency and 3 cm in amplitude with 60° of knee flexion) with 1 min rest between bouts. Each walking session was 55 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of stretching. Hip and lumbar BMD (g·cm(-2)) were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and balance was assessed by the blind flamingo test. ANOVA for repeated measurements was adjusted by baseline data, weight and age. RESULTS: After 8 months, BMD at the femoral neck in the WBV group was increased by 4.3% (P = 0.011) compared to the Walking group. In contrast, the BMD at the lumbar spine was unaltered in both groups. Balance was improved in the WBV group (29%) but not in the Walking group. CONCLUSION: The 8-month course of vibratory exercise using a reciprocating plate is feasible and is more effective than walking to improve two major determinants of bone fractures: hip BMD and balance

    Two-arm haptic force-feedbacked aid for the shoulder and elbow telerehabilitation

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    In this paper, we present a telerehabilitation system aiming to help the physiotherapists for the shoulder and elbow treatment. It is based on a two-arm haptic force feedback to avoid excessive efforts and discomfort with the spinal column. This system, remotely controlled by smart phone, has been validated by a physiotherapist with the help of muscular effort measurements (EMG)

    Locus of emotion influences psychophysiological reactions to music

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    It is now widely accepted that the perception of emotional expression in music can be vastly different from the feelings evoked by it. However, less understood is how the locus of emotion affects the experience of music, that is how the act of perceiving the emotion in music compares with the act of assessing the emotion induced in the listener by the music. In the current study, we compared these two emotion loci based on the psychophysiological response of 40 participants listening to 32 musical excerpts taken from movie soundtracks. Facial electromyography, skin conductance, respiration and heart rate were continuously measured while participants were required to assess either the emotion expressed by, or the emotion they felt in response to the music. Using linear mixed effects models, we found a higher mean response in psychophysiological measures for the “perceived” than the “felt” task. This result suggested that the focus on one’s self distracts from the music, leading to weaker bodily reactions during the “felt” task. In contrast, paying attention to the expression of the music and consequently to changes in timbre, loudness and harmonic progression enhances bodily reactions. This study has methodological implications for emotion induction research using psychophysiology and the conceptualization of emotion loci. Firstly, different tasks can elicit different psychophysiological responses to the same stimulus and secondly, both tasks elicit bodily responses to music. The latter finding questions the possibility of a listener taking on a purely cognitive mode when evaluating emotion expression

    Unforgettable film music: The role of emotion in episodic long-term memory for music

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Specific pieces of music can elicit strong emotions in listeners and, possibly in connection with these emotions, can be remembered even years later. However, episodic memory for emotional music compared with less emotional music has not yet been examined. We investigated whether emotional music is remembered better than less emotional music. Also, we examined the influence of musical structure on memory performance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Recognition of 40 musical excerpts was investigated as a function of arousal, valence, and emotional intensity ratings of the music. In the first session the participants judged valence and arousal of the musical pieces. One week later, participants listened to the 40 old and 40 new musical excerpts randomly interspersed and were asked to make an old/new decision as well as to indicate arousal and valence of the pieces. Musical pieces that were rated as very positive were recognized significantly better.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Musical excerpts rated as very positive are remembered better. Valence seems to be an important modulator of episodic long-term memory for music. Evidently, strong emotions related to the musical experience facilitate memory formation and retrieval.</p

    Common Inflammation-Related Candidate Gene Variants and Acute Kidney Injury in 2647 Critically Ill Finnish Patients

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome with high incidence among the critically ill. Because the clinical variables and currently used biomarkers have failed to predict the individual susceptibility to AKI, candidate gene variants for the trait have been studied. Studies about genetic predisposition to AKI have been mainly underpowered and of moderate quality. We report the association study of 27 genetic variants in a cohort of Finnish critically ill patients, focusing on the replication of associations detected with variants in genes related to inflammation, cell survival, or circulation. In this prospective, observational Finnish Acute Kidney Injury (FINNAKI) study, 2647 patients without chronic kidney disease were genotyped. We defined AKI according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. We compared severe AKI (Stages 2 and 3, n = 625) to controls (Stage 0, n = 1582). For genotyping we used iPLEX(TM) Assay (Agena Bioscience). We performed the association analyses with PLINK software, using an additive genetic model in logistic regression. Despite the numerous, although contradictory, studies about association between polymorphisms rs1800629 in TNFA and rs1800896 in IL10 and AKI, we found no association (odds ratios 1.06 (95% CI 0.89-1.28, p = 0.51) and 0.92 (95% CI 0.80-1.05, p = 0.20), respectively). Adjusting for confounders did not change the results. To conclude, we could not confirm the associations reported in previous studies in a cohort of critically ill patients.Peer reviewe
