19 research outputs found

    The efficiency of humic growth stimulators in pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar additional fertilizing of sown areas of grain and industrial crops

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    ArticleThe aim of the research was to establish the effectiveness of preparations, made on the basis of humic and fulvic acids on the yields of crops in case of different methods and amounts used. The experiments were held with varieties and hybrids of winter wheat, soya, corn, and sunflower. Based on the obtained results of investigation during the period of 2015–2017, the positive impact of foliar additional fertilizing with 4R Foliar Concentrate growth stimulator on the basis of humic and fulvic acids on the formation of productivity of the main crops sown areas was established. Proceeding from the results of the research, the using of growth stimulators based on humic and fulvic acids, which contain high concentrations of these substances, can be recommended as an expedient and efficient measure of raising the productivity and improving qualitative indicators of corn, sunflower, soya, and winter wheat yields.http://dx.doi.org/10.15159/ar.19.023http://dx.doi.org/10.15159/ar.19.02

    Design study of the UELV-10/5-15S accelerating structure

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    The UELV-10/5-15S electron linear accelerator is intended for use in the sterilization applications. Electron energy can be continuously variable from 5 to 10 MeV by changing the accelerated beam current. The 2 m long accelerating structure includes a standing wave buncher, a travelling wave accelerating part and an on-axis resonant RF load. Beam dynamics calculations have been made taking into account space charge forces. Optimization of the buncher parameters permitted to achieve capture efficiencies up to 75% with no external focussing. It is expected that beam powers from 13 kW to 15 kW will be obtained in the 5 to 10 MeV energy range

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Authors give the solution of linear discrete difference equation of infinite order, in the sequences space., They propose description of correspondence difference operators in the classes of infinite matrix operators

    Formation of intellectual capital as a basic trend in ensuring the progressive development of economic systems

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    Currently, humanity is experiencing an epochal trend – a phase transition (PHT) to the future socio-economic formation. The peculiarity of this trend is that it develops in the process of three industrial revolutions at once – the Third, Fourth and Fifth, which are a kind of general megatrend. A feature of socio-economic systems is the active role of a person, who influences with his work the change in the conditions of the external environment and the formation of the necessary prerequisites for PHT in the systems themselves. In the process of epochal phase transitions that change the contours of human civilization in the essential triad of man (bio-labour-socio), the centre of gravity gradually shifts from "bio" through "work" to "socio". The last element (socio) occupies a leading place in the new information and network formation.Нині людство переживає епохальний тренд – фазовий перехід (ФП) до майбутньої суспільно-економічної формації. Особливістю цього тренду є те, що він розвивається в процесі одразу трьох промислових революцій – Третьої, Четвертої та П’ятої, які є своєрідним загальним мегатрендом. Особливістю соціально-економічних систем є активна роль людини, яка своєю працею впливає на зміну умов зовнішнього середовища та формування в самих системах необхідних передумов для ФП. У процесі епохальних фазових переходів, які змінюють контури людської цивілізації в сутнісній тріаді людини (біо-трудо-соціо), центр ваги поступово переміщується від «біо» через «трудо» до «соціо». Останній елемент (соціо) займає провідне місце в новому інформаційно-мережевому формуванні