397 research outputs found
How efficient is an integrative approach in archaeological geophysics? Comparative case studies from Neolithic settlements in Thessaly (Central Greece)
The geophysical prospection of Neolithic tells imposes specific challenges due to the preservation and nature of the architectural context and the multiple, usually disturbed, soil strata. Contrary to the usual application of a single method, this paper deals with the advantages of using an integrated geophysical approach through the employment of various methodologies to map the Neolithic cul-tural and environmental landscape of Thessalian tells (magoules) in Central Greece. The success and failure of each method in resolving the various features of the magoules are discussed in detail, and as a whole, they demonstrate the benefits of a manifold geophysical prospection of the sites
Bottom trawl fishery discards in the Black Sea coast of Turkey
The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of bycatch and discardfish caught by bottom trawlers used in the Black Sea coasts of Turkey anddiscard changes depending on the depth. The study was conducted during theSeptember 2009 – April 2010 fishing season. Twenty-one bottom trawleroperations were sampled and the catch composition was determined. A total of 26species were caught, which included 22 species of fish, 2 species of arthropods,1 species of gastropods and 1 species of bivalves. Two of these were targetspecies (Mullusbarbatus, Merlangius merlangus), while 25 species werediscarded including trash fish and specimens below the legal size. A total of2142.76 kg of biomass was caught during the operations, of which 53.99 % bycatch.The weighted discard rate was determined as 42.06% and two different groupswere identified in discards (T1: 10-57 m, T2: 72-118 m) based on the depth. Significantdifferences were identified between these depth groups (p0.05) between theecological parameters of landings
In this study, monthly streamflow data of eleven stations operated by EIE (ElectricalPower Resources Survey and Development Administration) located at Sakarya river basin wereinvestigated. Three different non-parametric trend tests (Sens T, the Spearmans Rho and the SeasonalKendall tests) were selected to determine linear trends of monthly flow data. The linear slopes of trendswere calculated by using a non-parametric estimator developed by Sen. The beginning of trends wasdetermined by using the Mann-Kendall rank correlation test. In addition, homogeneities in monthlytrends were tested by using a method developed by Van Belle and Hughes. According to the analysescarried out; meaningfull trends are determined (at the 0.05 significance level) in 64% of total 132 monthof 11 stations. Generally, the determined changes are in decreasing trend. The decreasing trend ismaximum in the stations 1221 and 1243 and they are located in northwest of the basin. Maximumnegative slopes are determined in March for all stations except for stations 1216 and 1226. March is theone in which maximum number of trend is determined (10 station) and all of trends are downward. AlsoMarch is the month in which maximum slope is observed. April is the month in which least trend isdetermined (5 station). The beginning of trends was observed in the early 1980s. According to the VanBelle and Hughes Homogeneity test, there is no global trend in the basin.Bu çalõşmada Sakarya havzasõnda bulunan ve EİE tarafõndan işletilen 11 adet akõm gözlemistasyonunun aylõk ortalama akõm verileri kullanõlmõştõr. Aylõk akõm verilerinin lineer trendlerini tespitetmek için, parametrik olmayan üç farklõ metot (Spearmanõn Rho, Senin T ve Mevsimsel Mann-Kendalltestleri) kullanõlmõştõr. Trendlerin lineer eğimleri, Sen tarafõndan geliştirilen ve parametrik olmayan birmetot olan Senin trend eğim metodu kullanõlarak hesaplanmõştõr. Trend başlangõç yõllarõ parametrikolmayan Mann-Kendall Mertebe Korelasyon testi ile belirlenmiştir. Ayrõca, Van Belle ve Hughestarafõndan geliştirilen bir metot kullanõlarak, aylõk trendlerdeki homojenlikler kontrol edilmiştir. Yapõlananalizler sonucunda incelenen 11 istasyona ait toplam 132 ayõn %64ünde 0.05 önem seviyesinde anlamlõtrendler tespit edilmiştir. Trend tespit edilen aylardaki değişim genellikle azalan yönde olmuştur. 1221ve 1243 numaralõ istasyonlar azalan yönde değişimin en fazla olduğu istasyonlardõr ve bu istasyonlarhavzanõn kuzey batõ kõsmõnda yer almaktadõr. 1216 ve 1226 numaralõ istasyonlar dõşõndaki diğer bütünistasyonlarõn maksimum negatif eğimleri Mart ayõnda tespit edilmiştir. Mart ayõ 10 istasyonla en fazlatrend tespit edilen ay olmuştur ve trendlerin hepsi azalan yöndedir. Aynõ zamanda Mart ayõ maksimumeğimin de en fazla gözlendiği ay olmuştur. 5 istasyonla Nisan ayõ en az trend tespit edilen aydõr. 1980liyõllar trend başlangõç yõlõ olarak en fazla gözlenen yõllar olmuştur. Van Belle ve Hughes Homojenlik testisonuçlarõna göre ise havzada global bir trende rastlanamamõştõr
Applications of Temperley-Lieb algebras to Lorentz lattice gases
Motived by the study of motion in a random environment we introduce and
investigate a variant of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. This algebra is very rich,
providing us three classes of solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. This
allows us to establish a theoretical framework to study the diffusive behaviour
of a Lorentz Lattice gas. Exact results for the geometrical scaling behaviour
of closed paths are also presented.Comment: 10 pages, latex file, one figure(by request
Large occipital nerve (Arnold’s nerve) schwannoma
A 37 year-old man who had a ten years history of remitting and intermittently severe neck pain with a suboccipital mass is presented. On initial neurological examination there was no abnormal finding except little mass in the posterior neck. Following physical examination radiological evaluation was requested. In sagittal pre (A) and postcontrast (B) T1W images the lesion in between cervical 2 and 3 spinal process (arrow). The lesion was well defined, encapsulated, heterogeneously enhanced in 2.5 x 2 cm size. There was no bony destruction but remodeling. On axial image the configuration and the location in the semispinalis capitis muscle was easily identified easily (C). The patient underwent operation and final pathologic and radiologic diagnosis was schwannoma with Antoni A cells which was originated from the greater occipital nerve
Gravitational Instantons from Minimal Surfaces
Physical properties of gravitational instantons which are derivable from
minimal surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space are examined using the
Newman-Penrose formalism for Euclidean signature. The gravitational instanton
that corresponds to the helicoid minimal surface is investigated in detail.
This is a metric of Bianchi Type , or E(2) which admits a hidden
symmetry due to the existence of a quadratic Killing tensor. It leads to a
complete separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics,
as well as in Laplace's equation for a massless scalar field. The scalar Green
function can be obtained in closed form which enables us to calculate the
vacuum fluctuations of a massless scalar field in the background of this
instanton.Comment: One figure available by fax upon request. Abstract missing in
original submission. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit
Trichothiodystrophy-associated MPLKIP maintains DBR1 levels for proper lariat debranching and ectodermal differentiation
The brittle hair syndrome Trichothiodystrophy (TTD) is characterized by variable clinical features, including photosensitivity, ichthyosis, growth retardation, microcephaly, intellectual disability, hypogonadism, and anaemia. TTD-associated mutations typically cause unstable mutant proteins involved in various steps of gene expression, severely reducing steady-state mutant protein levels. However, to date, no such link to instability of gene-expression factors for TTD-associated mutations in MPLKIP/TTDN1 has been established. Here, we present seven additional TTD individuals with MPLKIP mutations from five consanguineous families, with a newly identified MPLKIP variant in one family. By mass spectrometry-based interaction proteomics, we demonstrate that MPLKIP interacts with core splicing factors and the lariat debranching protein DBR1. MPLKIP-deficient primary fibroblasts have reduced steady-state DBR1 protein levels. Using Human Skin Equivalents (HSEs), we observed impaired keratinocyte differentiation associated with compromised splicing and eventually, an imbalanced proteome affecting skin development and, interestingly, also the immune system. Our data show that MPLKIP, through its DBR1 stabilizing role, is implicated in mRNA splicing, which is of particular importance in highly differentiated tissue.</p
Long-Term Weight Loss Effects of Semaglutide in Obesity Without Diabetes in the Select Trial
In the SELECT cardiovascular outcomes trial, semaglutide showed a 20% reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events in 17,604 adults with preexisting cardiovascular disease, overweight or obesity, without diabetes. Here in this prespecified analysis, we examined effects of semaglutide on weight and anthropometric outcomes, safety and tolerability by baseline body mass index (BMI). In patients treated with semaglutide, weight loss continued over 65 weeks and was sustained for up to 4 years. At 208 weeks, semaglutide was associated with mean reduction in weight (-10.2%), waist circumference (-7.7 cm) and waist-to-height ratio (-6.9%) versus placebo (-1.5%, -1.3 cm and -1.0%, respectively; P \u3c 0.0001 for all comparisons versus placebo). Clinically meaningful weight loss occurred in both sexes and all races, body sizes and regions. Semaglutide was associated with fewer serious adverse events. For each BMI category
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