43 research outputs found

    Politique publique de protection sociale au Burkina Faso : vers une comprĂ©hension des logiques des acteurs de la mise en forme et de la mise en Ɠuvre

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    La rĂ©alisation des politiques de protection sociale en Afrique soulĂšve des questions complexes, notamment leur raison d’ĂȘtre et le choix des contenus (Merrien, 2013). L’originalitĂ© de cette thĂšse tient au fait qu’elle soit la premiĂšre du genre Ă  analyser l’élaboration des politiques de protection sociale au Burkina Faso autre que celles dans le domaine de la santĂ©. À travers une analyse de la politique nationale de protection sociale et programme pilote de protection sociale en santĂ© des personnes dĂ©munies, la thĂšse rĂ©pond aux questions suivantes : pourquoi et comment la protection sociale est devenue une prioritĂ© gouvernementale et quels sont les facteurs qui ont influencĂ© la mise en forme de ces deux politiques publiques et la mise en Ɠuvre du programme de solidarité ? À partir de cadres d’analyse issue de diverses perspectives disciplinaires (science politique, sociologie, anthropologie), la rĂ©alisation des politiques publiques de protection sociale est considĂ©rĂ©e comme le fruit de l’interaction d’une multitude d’acteurs et de leurs intĂ©rĂȘts divers : organisations internationales, coopĂ©ration bilatĂ©rale, structure Ă©tatique, associations et ONG locales. La mĂ©thodologie est essentiellement qualitative. L’entrevue semi-dirigĂ©e approfondie, l’analyse documentaire et l’entrevue informelle ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour collecter les donnĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats sont structurĂ©s en cinq articles scientifiques. La dĂ©cision de formuler ces deux politiques Ă©tait principalement motivĂ©e par la recherche d’une cohĂ©sion sociale pour maintenir la paix et l’ordre social (article 1 et 4). Le processus de la formulation n’a pas permis de conduire une rĂ©flexion sur le problĂšme Ă  rĂ©soudre, d’identifier les besoins spĂ©cifiques des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires, d’évaluer la capacitĂ© des solutions pour choisir celles appropriĂ©es. Les logiques des acteurs nationaux Ă©taient de maintenir leurs acquis financiers et de mobiliser des ressources supplĂ©mentaires. Les acteurs internationaux ont Ă©tĂ© guidĂ©s par la logique de promotion d’instrument de protection sociale en adĂ©quation avec leurs valeurs, leurs idĂ©es, leurs missions, et ce pour la mise en Ɠuvre de leur mandat institutionnel. Cela a donnĂ© lieu au constat empirique de « non-design » ou de non-formulation (article 2 et 4), a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’influence des idĂ©es et des intĂ©rĂȘts des acteurs dans le choix des solutions, mais a aussi montrĂ© qu’une volontĂ© politique est importante pour que les choix puissent rĂ©pondre aux besoins des populations pauvres et vulnĂ©rables. Par ailleurs, les connaissances issues de la recherche scientifique ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs peu utilisĂ©es pour Ă©clairer les choix comparativement aux connaissances issues de la littĂ©rature grise (article 3). Les gains politiques, c’est-Ă -dire la perception des consĂ©quences sociales et politiques associĂ©es Ă  une recommandation fondĂ©e sur des connaissances scientifiques, influencent la prise en compte de cette derniĂšre. L’analyse de la mise en Ɠuvre montre que des lacunes de formulation influencent l’efficacitĂ© d’une politique. Aussi, la mise en Ɠuvre offre des circonstances opportunes d’adaptation et de reformulation pour intĂ©grer les spĂ©cificitĂ©s du contexte et les besoins des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires en vue d’amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© (article5).The development of social protection policies in Africa raises complex issues, including its rationale and choice of content (Merrien, 2013). This thesis is the first of its kind to analyze the development of social protection policies in Burkina Faso other than those in the field of health. Through an analysis of the National Social Protection Policy and pilot program of Social Protection in the Health of the Poor, this thesis answers the following questions: why and how social protection has become a government priority; and what factors have influenced the shaping of these two public policies and the implementation of the solidarity program? Based on analytical frameworks from various disciplinary perspectives (political science, sociology, anthropology), the process of developing public social protection policies is the result of the interaction of a multitude of actors and their diverse interests: international organizations, bilateral cooperation, state structure, associations, and local NGOs. The methodology is essentially qualitative. This thesis collects data thorough semi-structured interviews, literature review, and informal interviews. The results are structured in five scientific articles. The desire for social cohesion to maintain peace and social order motivated the decision to formulate these two policies (Articles 1 and 4). The formulation process did not lead to a reflection on the problem to be solved, to identify the specific needs of the beneficiaries, to evaluate the capacity of the solutions to choose the appropriate ones. The motive of the national actors was to maintain their financial assets and to mobilize additional resources. International actors have been guided by the logic of promoting a social protection instrument in line with their values, their ideas, and their missions, for the implementation of their institutional mandate. This implementation gave rise to the empirical observation of "non-design" or non-formulation (Article 2 and 4), revealed the influence of the ideas and interests of the actors in the choice of solutions, but also showed that it is important for choices to meet the needs of the poor and vulnerable. In addition, knowledge derived from research data was used very little compared to knowledge from gray literature (Article 3). Political gains, that is, the perception of social and political consequences associated with a recommendation based on scientific knowledge, influence the latter's consideration. The iv analysis of the implementation of the solidarity program shows that formulation gaps influence the effectiveness of a policy. Thus, the implementation offers opportune circumstances for adaptations and reformulations to integrate the specificities of the context and the needs of the beneficiaries with an aim of improving efficiency (Article 5). However, these opportunities have not been utilized by program implementers, helping to keep those who are impoverished excluded from health services

    From the Formulation of a National Policy to the Compilation of Social Protection Actions: A Case of ‘Non-design’ in Burkina Faso

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    To improve the social protection of its population, Burkina Faso adopted a national policy in 2012. This paper analyses the process whereby this policy was formulated, looking at the issue from the standpoint of ‘policy design’ (Howlett and Mukherjee, 2014). Conducted in accordance with an inductive qualitative approach, the collection and analysis of the data show that this process of formulation has led neither to reflecting on the problem to be solved nor to identifying the specific needs of the beneficiaries. Nor has it led to evaluating the potential outcomes of the proposed solutions in order to choose the most appropriate ones. The authors are thus led to an empirical observation of ‘non-design’. This policy boils down to a document whose all-encompassing content brings together every conceivable action of social protection, without any arbitration. Three factors have contributed to this non-formulation: (1) the lack of clear government direction to guide discussions; (2) a weakness of support and of political will, resulting in a low degree of involvement in the process on the part of high-level decision makers; and (3) conceptual and technical misunderstandings on the part of national stakeholders in social protection—so much so that they have simply relied on the advice of international bodies. The government announced its intention of playing a leading role in the process of formulating this policy, but this was a purely rhetorical declaration. The study shows that leadership and political will have been lacking, particularly when it has come to channelling the respective interests of the stakeholders and managing the contradictions that hinder the formulation of a coherent policy adapted to the needs of the population

    National user fee abolition and health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso : how can they be integrated on the road to universal health coverage without increasing health inequities?

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    Incorporating the free health care policy into a Universal Health Insurance (UHI) scheme was recently introduced (2019) as a solution to the debate about free health care in Burkina Faso. The article discusses options for linking free health care to an insurance plan while limiting the risk of adding to existing health inequities. In line with Universal Health Coverage and improved access to health care, the long-term ambition is for the new UHI national fund to generate surpluses that can partly contribute to sustaining the free health care policy

    Connaissances et perceptions de la maladie Ă  coronavirus (COVID-19) dans la commune de Ouagadougou

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    The COVID-19 disease has spread throughout the world. This has led health and political authorities from Burkina Faso to take measures to fight against this disease. Perceptions of the population about the disease are a hindrance to the fight against the pandemic. The objective of this study is to analyze and describe the general population's perception of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A qualitative study was conducted in Ouagadougou. 65 in-depth individual interviews were conducted in 2020. A thematic content analysis was conducted using NVIVO software. The results indicate a diverse community perception of coronavirus disease. Three periods of awareness of the disease were identified.  People identified physical contact and the respiratory tract as the main routes of contraction of the disease. As for the treatment, most of the participants indicate that a medical treatment is necessary to cure the coronavirus, while others believe in the effectiveness of the traditional treatment. Finally, to stop the spread of the virus, participants suggest the implementation of awareness in public places. In view of the diversity and importance of the popular perception of the coronavirus disease, the results of this study could contribute to the implementation of communication strategies by the government and the actors of the response.La COVID-19 s’est propagĂ©e Ă  travers le monde entier. Ce qui a amenĂ© les autoritĂ©s sanitaires et politiques du Burkina Faso Ă  prendre des mesures pour lutter contre cette maladie. Certaines perceptions de la population sur la maladie constituent un frein Ă  la lutte contre la pandĂ©mie. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude vise Ă  analyser et Ă  dĂ©crire la perception de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale face Ă  la pandĂ©mie de COVID-19. Une Ă©tude qualitative a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  Ouagadougou. 65 entretiens individuels approfondis ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s en 2020. Une analyse thĂ©matique de contenu a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  l’aide du logiciel NVIVO. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent une perception communautaire diversifiĂ©e de la maladie Ă  coronavirus. Trois pĂ©riodes de prise de connaissance de l’existence de la maladie ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ©es.  Pour les populations, les contacts physiques et les voies respiratoires constituent les principales voies de contractions de la maladie. Quant au traitement, la plupart des participants indiquent qu’un traitement mĂ©dical est nĂ©cessaire pour guĂ©rir du coronavirus, d’autres en revanche croient Ă  l’efficacitĂ© du traitement traditionnel. Enfin, pour arrĂȘter la propagation du virus, les participants suggĂšrent la mise en Ɠuvre de la sensibilisation dans les lieux publics. Au regard de la diversitĂ© et de l’importance de la perception populaire face Ă  la maladie Ă  coronavirus, les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude pourraient contribuer Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de stratĂ©gies de communication par le gouvernement et les acteurs de la riposte

    Connaissances et perceptions de la maladie Ă  coronavirus (COVID-19) dans la commune de Ouagadougou

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    The COVID-19 disease has spread throughout the world. This has led health and political authorities from Burkina Faso to take measures to fight against this disease. Perceptions of the population about the disease are a hindrance to the fight against the pandemic. The objective of this study is to analyze and describe the general population's perception of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A qualitative study was conducted in Ouagadougou. 65 in-depth individual interviews were conducted in 2020. A thematic content analysis was conducted using NVIVO software. The results indicate a diverse community perception of coronavirus disease. Three periods of awareness of the disease were identified.  People identified physical contact and the respiratory tract as the main routes of contraction of the disease. As for the treatment, most of the participants indicate that a medical treatment is necessary to cure the coronavirus, while others believe in the effectiveness of the traditional treatment. Finally, to stop the spread of the virus, participants suggest the implementation of awareness in public places. In view of the diversity and importance of the popular perception of the coronavirus disease, the results of this study could contribute to the implementation of communication strategies by the government and the actors of the response.La COVID-19 s’est propagĂ©e Ă  travers le monde entier. Ce qui a amenĂ© les autoritĂ©s sanitaires et politiques du Burkina Faso Ă  prendre des mesures pour lutter contre cette maladie. Certaines perceptions de la population sur la maladie constituent un frein Ă  la lutte contre la pandĂ©mie. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude vise Ă  analyser et Ă  dĂ©crire la perception de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale face Ă  la pandĂ©mie de COVID-19. Une Ă©tude qualitative a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  Ouagadougou. 65 entretiens individuels approfondis ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s en 2020. Une analyse thĂ©matique de contenu a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  l’aide du logiciel NVIVO. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent une perception communautaire diversifiĂ©e de la maladie Ă  coronavirus. Trois pĂ©riodes de prise de connaissance de l’existence de la maladie ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ©es.  Pour les populations, les contacts physiques et les voies respiratoires constituent les principales voies de contractions de la maladie. Quant au traitement, la plupart des participants indiquent qu’un traitement mĂ©dical est nĂ©cessaire pour guĂ©rir du coronavirus, d’autres en revanche croient Ă  l’efficacitĂ© du traitement traditionnel. Enfin, pour arrĂȘter la propagation du virus, les participants suggĂšrent la mise en Ɠuvre de la sensibilisation dans les lieux publics. Au regard de la diversitĂ© et de l’importance de la perception populaire face Ă  la maladie Ă  coronavirus, les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude pourraient contribuer Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de stratĂ©gies de communication par le gouvernement et les acteurs de la riposte

    When the messenger is more important than the message: an experimental study of evidence use in francophone Africa

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    BackgroundEpistemic injustices are increasingly decried in global health. This study aims to investigate whether the source of knowledge influences the perception of that knowledge and the willingness to use it in francophone African health policy-making context. Methods The study followed a randomized experimental design in which participants were randomly assigned to one of seven policy briefs that were designed with the same scientific content but with different organizations presented as authors. Each organization was representative of financial, scientific or moral authority. For each type of authority, two organizations were proposed: one North American or European, and the other African. ResultsThe initial models showed that there was no significant association between the type of authority or the location of the authoring organization and the two outcomes (perceived quality and reported instrumental use). Stratified analyses highlighted that policy briefs signed by the African donor organization (financial authority) were perceived to be of higher quality than policy briefs signed by the North American/European donor organization. For both perceived quality and reported instrumental use, these analyses found that policy briefs signed by the African university (scientific authority) were associated with lower scores than policy briefs signed by the North American/European university. ConclusionsThe results confirm the significant influence of sources on perceived global health knowledge and the intersectionality of sources of influence. This analysis allows us to learn more about organizations in global health leadership, and to reflect on the implications for knowledge translation practices.</p

    Too hot to thrive: a qualitative inquiry of community perspectives on the effect of high ambient temperature on postpartum women and neonates in Kilifi, Kenya

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    Objective: To understand community perspectives on the effects of high ambient temperature on the health and wellbeing of neonates, and impacts on post-partum women and infant care in Kilifi. Design: Qualitative study using key informant interviews, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with pregnant and postpartum women (n = 22), mothers-in-law (n = 19), male spouses (n = 20), community health volunteers (CHVs) (n = 22) and stakeholders from health and government ministries (n = 16). Settings: We conducted our research in Kilifi County in Kenya’s Coast Province. The area is largely rural and during summer, air temperatures can reach 37˚C and rarely go below 23˚C. Data analysis: Data were analyzed in NVivo 12, using both inductive and deductive approaches. Results: High ambient temperature is perceived by community members to have direct and indirect health pathways in pregnancy and postpartum periods, including on the neonates. The direct impacts include injuries on the neonate’s skin and in the mouth, leading to discomfort and affecting breastfeeding and sleeping. Participants described babies as “having no peace”. Heat effects were perceived to be amplified by indoor air pollution and heat from indoor cooking fires. Community members believed that exclusive breastfeeding was not practical in conditions of extreme heat because it lowered breast milk production, which was, in turn, linked to a low scarcity of food and time spend by mothers away from their neonates performing household chores. Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) was also negatively affected. Participants reported that postpartum women took longer to heal in the heat, were exhausted most of the time and tended not to attend postnatal care. Conclusions: High ambient temperatures affect postpartum women and their neonates through direct and indirect pathways. Discomfort makes it difficult for the mother to care for the baby. Multi-sectoral policies and programs are required to mitigate the negative impacts of high ambient temperatures on maternal and neonatal health in rural Kilifi and similar settings

    Challenges of scaling up and of knowledge transfer in an action research project in Burkina Faso to exempt the worst-off from health care user fees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Systems to exempt the indigent from user fees have been put in place to prevent the worst-off from being excluded from health care services for lack of funds. Yet the implementation of these mechanisms is as rare as the operational research on this topic. This article analyzes an action research project aimed at finding an appropriate solution to make health care accessible to the indigent in a rural district of Burkina Faso.</p> <p>Research</p> <p>This action research project was initiated in 2007 to study the feasibility and effectiveness of a community-based, participative and financially sustainable process for exempting the indigent from user fees. A interdisciplinary team of researchers from Burkina Faso and Canada was mobilized to document this action research project.</p> <p>Results and knowledge sharing</p> <p>The action process was very well received. Indigent selection was effective and strengthened local solidarity, but coverage was reduced by the lack of local financial resources. Furthermore, the indigent have many other needs that cannot be addressed by exemption from user fees. Several knowledge transfer strategies were implemented to share research findings with residents and with local and national decision-makers.</p> <p>Partnership achievements and difficulties</p> <p>Using a mixed and interdisciplinary research approach was critical to grasping the complexity of this community-based process. The adoption of the process and the partnership with local decision-makers were very effective. Therefore, at the instigation of an NGO, four other districts in Burkina Faso and Niger reproduced this experiment. However, national decision-makers showed no interest in this action and still seem unconcerned about finding solutions that promote access to health care for the indigent.</p> <p>Lessons learned</p> <p>The lessons learned with regard to knowledge transfer and partnerships between researchers and associated decision-makers are: i) involve potential users of the research results from the research planning stage; ii) establish an ongoing partnership between researchers and users; iii) ensure that users can participate in certain research activities; iv) use a variety of strategies to disseminate results; and v) involve users in dissemination activities.</p

    De la formulation d’une politique nationale Ă  la compilation d’actions de protection sociale : un cas de « non-design » au Burkina Faso

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    Pour amĂ©liorer la protection sociale de sa population, le Burkina Faso a adoptĂ© une politique nationale en 2012. Cet article analyse le processus de formulation de cette politique en s’appuyant sur la perspective du « policy design » (Howlett et Mukherjee, 2014). MenĂ©es conformĂ©ment Ă  la dĂ©marche qualitative inductive, la collecte et l’analyse des donnĂ©es montrent que ce processus de formulation n’a permis ni de mener une rĂ©flexion sur le problĂšme Ă  rĂ©soudre, ni d’identifier les besoins spĂ©cifiques des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires, ni d’évaluer les rĂ©sultats potentiels des solutions proposĂ©es dans le but de choisir les plus appropriĂ©es. Les auteurs aboutissent donc Ă  un constat empirique de « non-design ». Cette politique se rĂ©sume Ă  un document dont le contenu tous azimuts rassemble toutes les actions envisageables de protection sociale, sans aucun arbitrage. Trois facteurs ont favorisĂ© cette non-formulation : (1) le manque d’orientations gouvernementales claires pour guider les discussions ; (2) la faiblesse du soutien et de volontĂ© politique – se traduisant par la faible implication des dĂ©cideurs de haut niveau dans le processus ; et (3) les mĂ©connaissances conceptuelle et technique des acteurs nationaux en matiĂšre de protection sociale – si bien qu’ils se sont contentĂ©s d’avoir recours aux conseils des organismes internationaux. Le gouvernement a annoncĂ© son intention de jouer un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans le processus de formulation de cette politique mais il s’est agit d’une dĂ©claration rhĂ©torique. L’étude a en effet montrĂ© que le leadership et la volontĂ© politique ont manquĂ©, notamment pour canaliser les intĂ©rĂȘts respectifs des acteurs et gĂ©rer les contradictions qui font obstacle Ă  la formulation d’une politique cohĂ©rente et adaptĂ©e aux besoins de la population