761 research outputs found


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    ćșƒćł¶ć€§ć­Š(Hiroshima University)ćšćŁ«(ćŒ»ć­Š)Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    Vanhempia ei hÀiritse nuoren pelaaminen omassa huoneessa. -Nuorten kokemuksia vanhempien pelilukutaidosta : OpinnÀytetyö

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    TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö kĂ€sittelee digitaalisten pelien pelaamista ja siihen liittyvÀÀ kotona tapahtuvaa media- ja pelikasvatusta nuorten nĂ€kökulmasta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön toimeksiantajana on EhkĂ€isevĂ€ pĂ€ihdetyö EHYT ry:n Pelitaitoprojekti. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tulokset menevĂ€t Pelitaitoprojektin kĂ€yttöön. OpinnĂ€ytetyö on tutkimuksellinen ja aineisto kerĂ€ttiin Apollon Yhteiskoulun ylĂ€asteen oppilailta. Oppilaat saivat kirjoittaa vapaamuotoisen esseen, jonka tueksi oli annettu avoimia kysymyksiĂ€, koskien pelaamista ja vanhempien pelilukutaitoa. Oppilaat olivat 13 – 15-vuotiaita ja kirjallisia vastauksia he antoivat yhteensĂ€ 31 kappaletta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tutkimus on laadullinen ja aineisto on analysoitu hyödyntĂ€en sisĂ€llönanalyy-simenetelmÀÀ. Tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ vanhemmat olivat jokseenkin tietoisia lastensa pelaamisesta ja osassa perheistĂ€ pelaamiseen olikin laadittu pelisÀÀnnöt. HĂ€mmentĂ€vin havainto, joka nuorten vastauksista ilmeni, oli ettĂ€ moni niistĂ€ vanhemmista, jotka itse pelasivat, eivĂ€t keskustelleet nuorten kanssa pelaamisen pelisÀÀnnöistĂ€ juuri ollenkaan. Nuoret kuvailivat kotona vanhempien kanssa pelaamisesta kĂ€ytĂ€vÀÀ keskustelua usein negatiivisesti painottuvilla sanoilla ja yleisin puheenaihe olikin liiallinen pelaaminen. Vanhempien kanssa kĂ€ydyt positiiviset keskustelut koskivat usein nuorten pelaamien digitaalisten pelien sisĂ€ltöjĂ€. EhkĂ€pĂ€ digitaalisesta pelaamisesta keskusteltaessa kotona, tulisi vanhempien osoittaa ylipÀÀtÀÀn kiinnostusta lapsensa kiinnostuksen kohteeseen. TĂ€llöin keskustelu voisi olla rakentavampaa eikĂ€ niin negatiivisesti painottunutta nuorten ja lasten mielestĂ€.This thesis is about digital gaming and digital games education in homes by parents from the children’s perspective. The subject to this thesis was commissioned by a project (called Pelitaito in Finnish) which was run by Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (EHYT ry) and was funded by FinlandÂŽs Slot Machine Association (RAY). This study is qualitative by nature and the material was collected from students of Apollo comprehensive school in Helsinki, Finland. The students were aged between 13 – 15 and there were 31 participants. The students wrote essays and they were given open questions to help with the writing. The material was analyzed in content analysis framework. The results showed that parents were aware of their childrenÂŽs digital gaming to some extent and in some families rules were made for gaming. But disturbingly many of the parents, who played digital games themselves, did not discuss digital gaming with their children. Conversations about digital gaming with parents were usually described with negative words by adolescents. Positive conversations usually were about content of the games the child was playing. Perhaps parents should show some interest in their childÂŽs pastime activity overall. Parents could ask about who the child is gaming with and maybe discuss the themes of the game child is playing more deeply. Conversation should be more open-minded and positive by nature

    Relaxation of frustration and gap enhancement by the lattice distortion in the Δ\Delta chain

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    We clarify an instability of the ground state of the Δ\Delta chain against the lattice distortion that increases a strength (λ)(\lambda) of a bond in each triangle. It relaxes the frustration and causes a remarkable gap enhancement; only a 6%6\% increase of λ\lambda causes the gap doubled from the fully-frustrated case (λ=1)(\lambda=1). The lowest excitation is revealed to be a kink-antikink bound state whose correlation length decreases drastically with λ\lambda increase. The enhancement follows a power law, ΔEgap∌(λ−1)+1.44(λ−1)23\Delta E_{\rm gap}\sim (\lambda-1) + 1.44 (\lambda -1)^{\frac{2}{3}}, which can be obtained from the exact result of the continuous model. This model describes a spin gap behavior of the delafossite YCuO2.5_{2.5}.Comment: 4 pages, REVTex, 6 figures in eps-files uuencode

    Fabrication of submicron La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} intrinsic Josephson junction stacks

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    Intrinsic Josephson junction (IJJ) stacks of cuprate superconductors have potential to be implemented as intrinsic phase qubits working at relatively high temperatures. We report success in fabricating submicron La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} (LSCO) IJJ stacks carved out of single crystals. We also show a new fabrication method in which argon ion etching is performed after focused ion beam etching. As a result, we obtained an LSCO IJJ stack in which resistive multi-branches appeared. It may be possible to control the number of stacked IJJs with an accuracy of a single IJJ by developing this method.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Clinical characteristics of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comBackground and objective: Patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) are sometimes seen, and we speculate that these patients have some different clinical characteristics from COPD patients. This study clarifies the clinical characteristics of CPFE patients. Methods: This was a retrospective study of 47 stable patients with concurrent emphysema and diffuse parenchymal lung disease with fibrosis, based on the findings of chest CT (CPFE patients). The clinical characteristics of CPFE patients were compared with those of emphysema-dominant COPD patients without parenchymal lung disease (COPD patients). Results: Forty-six of the 47 CPFE patients were male. Paraseptal emphysema was particularly common in the CPFE group. Honeycombing, ground-glass opacities and reticular opacities were present in 75.6%, 62.2% and 84.4% of CPFE patients, respectively. Twenty-two of the 47 CPFE patients (46.8%) had lung cancer. Pulmonary function tests showed that the CPFE group had milder airflow limitation and lower diffusing capacity than the COPD group. Desaturation during 6-min walking test in CPFE patients tended to be more severe than in COPD patients, if the level of FEV1 or 6MWD was equal. Conclusions: CPFE patients had some different clinical characteristics in comparison with COPD patients and may also have a high prevalence of lung cancer.ArticleRESPIROLOGY. 15(2):265-271 (2010)journal articl

    JSPS-10 The Effect of Consumption of Raw Chicken Meat on Humoral Immunity against Campylobacter jejuni in veterinarians and workers in a chicken processing plant

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    Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are the leading cause of enteric infections in Japan and many other developed countries, and the public health burden of campylobacteriosis is increasing [1]. Although the epidemiological data in Japan is based on passive surveillance, approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cases per each year have been reported as a foodborne infection since 1982. Many risk factors for Campylobacter transmission have been identified. Handling and consumption of poultry meat are often causing of infection [2, 3]. Since Japanese have a food habitant to eat fresh raw "free-range" chicken meat and liver, the risk for infection with campylobacters may be high [4]. However, little is known about the relationship between consumption of raw chicken meat and humoral immunity against C. jejuni in humans. When people had been exposed to campylobacters contaminated in water or foods, it has been reported that their antibodies were rising [5]. This study was conducted by analyzing the antibody level against C. jejuni with questionnaires from 74 veterinarians who worked as a meat inspector and 181 workers from a chicken processing plant

    Kazuya NAGASAWA

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    Abstract Anglerfish Lophius litulon (Jordan) caught commercially in the East China Sea off western Japan were found to be infected with the chondracanthid copepod Acanthochondria spiriger

    Thermoluminescence characteristics and chemical compositions of mesostases in ordinary chondrites

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    Induced thermoluminescence (TL) images of ordinary chondrites, ALH-77214 (L3.4-3.5), Y-74191 (L3.6), ALH-77216 (L3.8) and ALH-78043 (L6), were measured by the TL spatial distribution readout system combined with a microscope and TL characteristics [peak temperature and peak width] of mesostases were analyzed. Their chemical compositions were also analyzed by an electron probe X-ray microanalyzer. We found that; (1) The mesostasis was responsible for much of the TL in the ordinary chondrites, (2) A mesostasis of normative anorthite compositions showed low peak temperature (∿90℃) and narrow width (∿65℃), while a mesostasis of normative albite compositions showed high peak temperature (∿125℃) and wide width (∿100℃), (3) A main phosphor in a low petrologic grade chondrite 3.5 was a high albite mesostasis, (4) Some chondrules in the same fragments of the type 3 chondrites showed no or weak TL emission and these mesostases had high normative albite. These facts suggest that in type 3 ordinary chondrites; (1) The post-accretional metamorphism cannot account for the coexistence of high albite mesostases with TL emission and no emission and a high anorthite mesostasis with TL emission, (2) Low petrologic grade chondrites 3.5 have a large population of slowly cooled chondrules
