48 research outputs found


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    1. 温湯法による集団除精法を種々の作物に適用する際に, 供試花の成熟程度によつて花粉の熱に対する抵抗力に差がある様に思われる。此の点を明らかにする為に, 水稲品種「千本旭」を用いて幼穂並に花粉の成熟過程の観察と, その種々なる時期に於ける温湯処理が, 花粉及び雌蕊の機能に対し如何なる影響を及ぼすかを調査した。2. 処理条件は, 低温区40℃-8分, 標準区43℃-8分, 高温区46℃-8分の3区とし, 処理時期を, 通常処理期, 出穂期, 出穂前3∿5日, 7∿8日, 11∿13日の5期とし, 両者を組合せて15試験区を設けた。3. 出穂期以前の処理により, 供試穂の出穂期に変動を来さしめなかつたので, 出穂前日数の決定は, 処理がその穂の出穂期に先立つ日数を以つてした。4. 花粉の成熟状態は, 出穂前11∿13日では花粉母細胞のMeiosis, 7∿9日では花粉の外殻形成期, 3∿5日は花粉内容の充実期であり, 出穂期以降に於いては花粉粒はすべて完成していた。5. 温湯処理後直ちに袋掛けを行い, 自家結実の状態によつて花粉の機能を調査し, 一方Clipping methodによる結実率によつて雌蕊の機能を調査した。更に結実種子の発芽試験を行い, 之等に対する処理の影響を考察した。6. 花粉の熱に対する抵抗力は, 成熟過程にあるものは一般に強く, 出穂期に於いて著しく弱まり, 開花直前の成熟花粉が最も弱かつた。又出穂期以降に於ける雌蕊の熱に対する抵抗力は, 花粉のそれに比して著しく強いものと思われる。7. 結実種子の発芽は, 最適処理条件区のものが最も良好であつたが, 処理, 時期による差は認められなかつた。8. 以上の結果より, 温湯法により集団除精を行うに際しては, 処理に先つて開花直前の成熟程度均一なる頴花を選び, 未熟花はつとめて摘除する必要のあることが判明した。1. The present paper deals with the results of investigations on the observation of growing stages of immature panicle and pollen grain of rice variety "SENBON-ASAHI" and on the effect of hot water treatments in several times of these stages upon the function of pollen and ovule. 2. In this tests, 3 conditions of hot water treatment were adopted, that is low (40℃ for 8 minutes), standard (43℃ for 8 minutes) and high (46℃ for 8 minutes) temperatere section. These treatments were carried out on 5 different stages namely optimum time of treatment, heading date, 3 to 5 days before heading, 7 to 9 days before heading and 11 to 13 days before heading. 3. Heading date of treated panicle was unchanged owing to the treatment before heading, for this reason "days before heading" was determined by the number of days preceding the heading date of treated panicle. 4. The aspect of growing pollen was observed as follows : Meiosis of pollen mother cell was found in 11 to 13 days before heading, outer hull of pollen was formed in 7 to 9 days before heading, protoprasm of pollen was incresing in 3 to 5 days before heading and all pollen grains were complete after heading date. 5. Pollen function was tested by the fertility of treated panicles pollinated with treated pollen and ovule function was by the fertility of treated panicles pollinated with normal pollen by clipping method. 6. About the heat resistance of pollen, pollen in growing stages was generally stronger than complete pollen and especially the pollen just before the flowering was most inferor. It was considered that heat resistance of ovule was very strong as compared with the pollen after heading. 7. The germination of seeds which raised under the optimum time of treatment were best of all, but no evident tendency due to different conditions and stages of treatment was recognized in germination of seed. 8. According to these results, it was identified that we must select uniform florets on degree of maturity and must remove immature florets in treated panicle as much as possible

    藺草のポット実驗を可能にする爲の一実驗(予報) : (1) 遮光操作による地上莖及地下莖の伸長調節

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    藺草に対する栽培学的, 育種学的研究を圃場栽培よりポット栽培に移行する方法とその可能性を檢討する目的を以て本実驗を行つた。1 ポットの周囲に簡單な藁莚等の遮光壁を設ける事によつてその目的を達する事を知つた。この操作によつてポット栽培に於ける生育相を標準栽培に於ける生育相と極めて類似させる事が可能である事が判つた。2 遮光壁を設置する時期は5月中旬が適当と考へられる。3 遮光壁の高さは約(30)^が適当と考へられる。4 地上茎の草丈伸長促進状況は第1表及第2図の如くである。5 地土茎の草丈別分蘗本数は第2表の如くである。This paper gives the result in which the auther has obtained possibly an experimental method of pot cultivation in laboratry about the rush plant in stead of field cultivation. 1. For this purpose it was confirmed that the shading wall of a simple straw-mat around the pot will be established, and by this treatment the growing phase of the rush plant on pot will be resembled one on field closely. 2. The time to make the shading wall will be suitable for the middle part of May. 3. The hight of shading wall will be suitable for 30cm high from the upper edge of the pot. 4. The hastening state on the development of stem length is shown on the Table 1. and Fig. 2. 5. The number of stems concerning the height is shown on the Table 2

    Drug Repositioning for Cardiac Arrest

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    The survival rate of cardiac arrest patients is less than 10%; therefore, development of a therapeutic strategy that improves their prognosis is necessary. Herein, we searched data collected from medical facilities throughout Japan for drugs that improve the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients. Candidate drugs, which could improve the prognosis of cardiac arrest patients, were extracted using “TargetMine,” a drug discovery tool. We investigated whether the candidate drugs were among the drugs administered within 1 month after cardiac arrest in data of cardiac arrest cases obtained from the Japan Medical Data Center. Logistic regression analysis was performed, with the explanatory variables being the presence or absence of the administration of those candidate drugs that were administered to ≥10 patients and the objective variable being the “survival discharge.” Adjusted odds ratios for survival discharge were calculated using propensity scores for drugs that significantly improved the proportion of survival discharge; the influence of covariates, such as patient background, medical history, and treatment factors, was excluded by the inverse probability-of-treatment weighted method. Using the search strategy, we extracted 165 drugs with vasodilator activity as candidate drugs. Drugs not approved in Japan, oral medicines, and external medicines were excluded. Then, we investigated whether the candidate drugs were administered to the 2,227 cardiac arrest patients included in this study. The results of the logistic regression analysis showed that three (isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin, and nicardipine) of seven drugs that were administered to ≥10 patients showed significant association with improvement in the proportion of survival discharge. Further analyses using propensity scores revealed that the adjusted odds ratios for survival discharge for patients administered isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin, and nicardipine were 3.35, 5.44, and 4.58, respectively. Thus, it can be suggested that isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin, and nicardipine could be novel therapeutic agents for improving the prognosis of cardiac arrest patients


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    The present report deals with the hybrid vigor of rice, found in a hybrid between SHINA No.2 and NANGKING SHAN-TO. Hybrid vigor occurred in some characters such as plant height, length of culm and ear, number of ears, grains per hill, diameter of culm, and size of grain. In general the growth of F_1 plants were more vigorous than the parental plants, namely the significant increases were 19.5% in culm length, 15.9% in total length of culm and ear, 16.7% in plant height, 20.0% in diameter of culm, 28.8% and 61.3% in grains per ear and hill in each other. But the increases of ear length and number of ears per hill were not significant. On the contrary, sizes of grain of F_1 was somewhat smaller as compared with that of parental plants

    Coix 属の改良に関する育種学的研究 (I) : 種間雑種ハトムギ×ジユズダマの F_1 植物について

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    1. Coix属は分類学上Zea属の近縁種である。Coix属を改良してZea属に代る飼料作物を育成する目的をもつて, 1956年以来Coix属内の種間交雑を開始した。即ち, ハトムギにジユズダマの越年性, 耐湿性等を導入する為に交雑試験を行つた。交雑は正逆2方向について行つたが, 結実率は夫々43.08%, 50.30%であり, 両者の交雑は比較的容易である。又交雑の方向により結実率に有意の差は認められなかつた。2. 種子の発芽試験の結果, ハトムギは83.93%の発芽率を示して最も高く, ジユズダマは45.31%で最も悪かつた。F_1はいづれも両親の中間の値を示し, 正逆交雑により夫々68.81%, 57.14%を示したが, 両者の間に有意差はなかつた。交雑の成功度として, 結実率との相乗積を算出すれば, 夫々2.96及び2.87で, 略々同様の結果を示した。3. 本交雑に於けるF_1植物は, 諸種の形質に関して著しくヘテローシスを表わした。即ち, 草丈, 分葉数, 葉数の3形質は, 生育の初期より旺盛な生育を示し, 特に分葉数は生育のごく初期に, 草丈及び葉数はその後期に増加程度が著しかつた。諸種の形質を成熟期に測定した結果, 草丈, 分蘗数, 葉数, 葉巾, 葉面積, 稈径及び生体重等は大きい値を示した方の親よりも更に増量したが, 就中草丈, 分蘗数, 葉巾, 生体重には有意の差を認めた。出穂期は両親の中間に分布し8月5∿10日であつた。刈取後の再生力は, 草丈, 分蘗数共に両親より強い傾向を示した。猶正逆交雑による2つのF_1の諸形質の間には有意差はみられなかつた。4. 花粉及び種子稔性は, 両親はいづれも良好であり, 略々90%以上の値を示した。之に対しF_1は正逆交雑共に両稔性の低下を示し, 花粉稔性に於いて60%以下, 種子稔性では30%前後に低下した。5. 両親の柱頭色は共に白色であるが, F_1のそれは鮮明な赤紫色を呈した。又種子形状はF_1はすべてジユズダマ型を示し, 卵形, 黒褐色, 硬質であり, ハトムギの長楕円形, 茶褐色, 軟質の特長は見られなかつた。育成したF_2個体の数が少なかつたが, その分離より, 之等はいづれも補促因子による作用と思われる。6. 成熟期に於ける風乾物の飼料分析の結果, 両親及びF_1の間には, 特に著しい増減がみられなかつたが, ヘテローシスによるF_1の収量の増加に併つて, 必然的に反当可消化養分収量は増大するものと思われる。7. F_1の全個体は圃場に於いて完全に越年した。即ち, ジユズダマの越年性がF_1に導入された為であり, 且つ越年後のF_1の生育は旺盛で, 再びヘテローシスを表わした。8. 本実験の結果, ハトムギとジユズダマの種間交雑に於いて, そのF_1植物の主要形質にヘテローシスを示し, 且つ, 越年性が附与され, 其他に形質の劣変化を認めなかつた事は, 飼料作物としてのCoix属の改良という見地より, 極めて有意義であると考える。1. The present paper deals with the results of investigations on the interspecific hybridization in genus Coix. This crossing was attempted between two Coix species : Hatomugi, Coix Ma-yuen ROMAN. (2n=20)×Juzudama, C. Lacryma-Jobi L. (2n=20) and its reciprocal combination. Now Hatomugi has been utilized for forage crops, but this crop is annual plant. On the contrary, Juzudama is perennial in growth and it has high resistance to bad conditions of environment. 2. In this interspecific hybridization the crossability in two crosses (Hatomugi×Juzudama and its reciprocal cross) were easy comparatively. That is, the percentages of seed set showed 43.08% and 50.30% respectively. The germinating percentage of F_1 seeds, obtained in this crossing, was inferior to Hatomugi (83.93%), but superior to Juzudama (45.31%). The percentages of F_1 seed germination were 68.81% and 57.14% respectively. 3. F_1 plants in this interspecific hybridization showed "Heterosis" for several characters. Namely, plant height, number of tillering, number of leaf, leaf width, leaf area, culm diameter and plant weight were vigorous as compared with both parents. Especially, in plant height, number of tillering, leaf width and plant weight the significant differences were recognized in statistically. In the early stage of development, all F_1 plants pointed out the heterosis. Heading date of F_1 plants was about 5th-10th August that is in the middle of the heading date of both parent plants. The ability of regeneration showed a more vigorous tendency in plant height and number of tillering than both parents. The significant differences were not recognized in statistically between the characters in both F_1 plants. 4. The pollen and seed fertility in F_1 plants were lower than both parents. That is, the fertility showed less than 60% in pollen and thereabout 30% in seed, in spite of the both fertility in parents showed more than 90%. 5. In this experiment, the inheritance in a few characters was observed. The stigma colour showed clear red-violet in all F_1 plants though both parents have white stigma. The character of seed riped on F_1 plant showed Juzudama type, that is ovate in seed shape, black-brown and hard seed coat. Although F_2 plants were scanty in this year, according to the segregation of F_2 plants, such phenomena will be explainable by complementary factors. 6. According to the chemical composition in dry samples at the ripenning stages, between the both parents and F_1 plants there were no difference remarkably. 7. All F_1 plants spent the rest of the year at the field. In the next year, the growth of F_1 plants was vigorously in compared with Juzudama that was perennial. 8. From these results mentioned above, it will be identified that the improvement of genus Coix as a forage crop is very significant, bacause the F_1 plants in this interspecific hybridization show heterosis and all F_1 plants show perennial type completely


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    There are few reports on hydrocortisone administration after cardiac arrest, and those that have been published included few subjects. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of hydrocortisone administration on the outcomes of patients who experienced cardiac arrest. We investigated the survival discharge rates and the length of hospital stay from cardiac arrest to discharge, stratified by use of hydrocortisone, using a Japanese health-insurance claims dataset that covers approximately 2% of the Japanese population. The study included the data of 2233 subjects who experienced either in-hospital or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest between January 2005 and May 2014. These patients were divided into two groups, based on the administration of hydrocortisone. We adjusted the baseline characteristics, medical treatment, and drug administration data of the two groups using propensity scores obtained via the inverse probability of treatment weighted method. The hydrocortisone group had a significantly higher survival discharge rate (13/61 [21.1%] vs. 240/2172 [11.0%], adjusted odds ratio: 4.2, 95% CI: 1.60–10.98, p = 0.004). In addition, the administration of hydrocortisone was independent predictor of survival to discharge (hazard ratio: 4.6, p < 0.001). The results demonstrate a correlation between hydrocortisone administration and the high rates of survival to discharge

    茶樹の育種学的研究 : 第 1 報茶樹の人為倍数体の育成に関する研究

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    1. 茶の人為的倍数体の育成について, その倍数化の可能性を実験する目的を以つて, 品種籔北を材料としてその幼芽を縱に切開して生長点を, 露出せしめて直接Colchicneを作用させる点である。処理濃度は0.2%とした。3. 倍数体の検定方法としては各個体の中央位にある葉の裏面の中央位をSUMP法により検鏡して気孔の大きさを測定し, 之を無処理のControlと比較した。染色体数による直接鑑定は未た行われて居ない。leaf smear methodを応用する研究は目下進行中である。4. 有望と思われる倍数体として4個体を得た。即成功歩合は19%であつた。従つて本研究の方法によつて茶の人為的倍数体の育成の可能性を認める事が出来た。1. This xperiment was caried out to induce the tetraploid tea plant, artificially by treating the young bud with colchicine solution. 2. The essential point of this experiment consists in exposing the shoot growing point of the young bud, so that the colchicine can reach easily and guickly. When the young bud reaches the length of 2&acd;3mm., it is split longitudinally from top to base with a safety razor blade. Into the base of the split is inserted a small cotton ball which then wetted with 0.2% colchicine solution. 3. The identification of polyploid plant was performed by measuring of the length of stomatas by SUMP method, on the middle part of back side of the leaf, which locates on the middle part of the shoot developed from the treated bud. 4. We identified apperently 4 tetraploidlike plants artificially in comparison with the control, then we considered we can artificially induce the polyploid tea plant by this method

    水稲の早期及び晩期栽培に関する実験 : 供試品種の収量と二・三形質との関係

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    The authors tried to study the early and late croppings of rice plants in 1954. The plants were sown and cropped either earlier or later as compared with the ordinary planting. Several varieties were tested for determing their adapt-abilities for each planting, so that their yields and growth habits due to the both conditions were examined. Interrelations between yields and some characters of the growth were made clear and the following results were obtained. A) In the case of the early planting, yields of tested varieties were significantly correlated with the duration of the growth (days from seeding to maturation) and number of ears per plant. From these results, early maturing varieties which head later and have larger number of ears per plant, may be greater yield and be suitable. These varieties belong to the so-called types bearing many panicles; such as EIKO which were cropped till the middle of August and NORIN No.1,HASHIRI-BODZU, FUJISAKA No.5,HAKKODA which were yielded till the end of the month. B) In the case of the late planting, ear length, consequently ear weight, were found to be highly correlated with yields, in contrast to the early planting. So it may be said the following varieties of all grades of maturation which belong to the so-called types bearing heavy panicles, are most fitted; WAKABA, GINGA No.2 which matured till the middle of November and OBANAZAWA No.5,HARUTA-ASAHI, HASHIRI-BODZU, AYANISHIKI which were cropped at the end of this month. C) As the general growth habits, we observed that days from transplanting to maximum tillering stage were made longer and those from heading to maturation were shortened by the early planting and vice versa in the case of the late planting. Moreover, the early planting did not make plants discolour even though they reached to maturation, and the late planting produced somewhat excessively elongated seedlings to be transplanted. From these, some cautions and devices must be paid to the cultural operations