473 research outputs found

    Social Reformer Premchand – A Review

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    The advent of Modern period in Hindi is considered from the 1900’s. In the beginning modern Hindi literature was centered on the magical and fairy tales, entertaining the readers with imagination. Born as Dhanpat Rai Srivastav, he began his career as a freelance writer under the pen name “Nawab Rai”, but when his work ‘soz-e-watan’, a collection of short stories was seized by the British government and burnt, after this he started writing in Hindi, with the name Mushi Premchand. Premchand usually referred to as the ‘Tolstoy of India’ shaped the Hindi literature into a reality. He conquered the literary genre as a novelist, story writer and as a dramatist, and is titled as the ‘Upanyas Samrat’ (Emperor of Novels) in Hindi Modern literature. He gave a new dimension to the Hindi literary world by depicting reality of the society to the readers. He entered the Hindi literary world in the year 1917 with his novel, ‘Sevasadan’. He has penned 17 novels and more than 300 short stories which portrayed the social issues prevalent in the society during his time. He raised his voice against the feudal system, the zamindari system, poverty, communalism, caste system, and the social and economic conditions prevalent in the society. He even mentioned the discrimination the females faced in the society. He fought against the dowry system, widow marriages and opined that women have to come out and express her feelings against the social evils and discriminations showed on her. He wrote on the life around him and made the readers aware about the social structure around them. He portrayed the common man in his work’s giving them the status of heroes and heroines by depicting the problems faced by them. Thus he presents to us the real India. The review highlight’s how Premchands works have influenced various genres of Hindi literature about the social issues and the struggle of the poor and how through the characters the change that could be brought in. Premchand’s works also portrayed the women in society who can be classified into traditional, modern women.  The following literature review attempts to demonstrate and support the objective of the study. In the article “Realism and a Creative Process: Features of Munshi Premchand’s Ideology” by Sara Rai (1979) correctly points out that for an author to depict the contemporary life, the writer has to conceptualize new process and phenomena that has never been portrayed in art. The author rightly points out that Premchand’s literary canvas, comprises almost 6,000 characters from all the classes of people ranging from the poor to the rich comprising the poor peasants to the feudal lords and the entire hierarchy of the Governmental machinery. In the research article by Rajini Obeyeseker (1986) “Women’s Rights and Roles in Premchand’s Godan- A literary Analysis” presents the social structure and focus on the questions of women’s right and the roles which surfaces throughout in the novel Godan. Premchand has explored the female characters in two concepts as an ideal women and the modern age women. She points out that Premchand has represented the rural traditional women through Dhaniya and other minor characters and how women were expected to play their role in the changing political scenario through Malti who represents New India and symbolizes the changing face of women.  In the research article “How equal? Women in Premchand’s writing by Geetanjali Pandey (1986) captured the abiding and sensitive aspects on the plight of the women. She points out that Premchand upholds the dignity of women. She points out that the writer reiterated his craftsman’s ship on creating the characters that reflected the existing realities and also embodied the possibilities and gave directions for the desired changes. “Portrayal of Women in Premchands Stories: A Critique” by Charu Gupta (1991) reflects on the issues of women and her position in the society. The reviewer has picked up the women oriented stories of Premchand and has focused on the social evils and the solutions that were sought within the domestic space. She marks that Premchand makes women a focus of enquiry and the subject of the story. They reflect the complexity and irony and also the relationship of the conflicting emotions, values of women. Charu Gupta correctly points out that Premchand’s stories were subjective and reflect the conflicting mentalities prevalent in his time. From the book review archives titled “The world of Premchand” by Vijaya Ghose (1995) points out that the short stories of Premchand is not only about the poor peasant but also the plight of women who were oppressed by the rich like the farmers. He marks that the women that Premchand represents are multifaceted. They belong to all classes ranging from the poor to the rich, from the illiterate to the literate. He very well presents the mind of the woman, her generosity, loyalty and sacrifice. The reviewer truly points that the writer has perfectly rendered the communal harmony and the child psychology in his stories. Ghose has mentioned that the selected stories of the English translation will linger in the readers mind and bring in the nostalgic era of the values, and the rich Indian culture which has vanished with time

    Maximal Left Ideals In Local Goldie (-1, 1) Rings

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    In this paper, we show how to reduce the study of nondegenerate local Goldie (-1, 1) rings to the strongly prime case, via the notions of uniform ideals and essential subdirect product. Also, we construct the maximal left quotient ring of (-1, 1) ring that is a left quotient ring of itself. We follow Utumi where a maximal left quotient ring is constructed as a direct limit of a partially defined homomorphism from the left ideal of R to R

    Driver Assist System (DAS) to Prevent Road Accidents

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    Accidents occurring in traffic are increasing every day with the Statistics of 2015 reported, at least 10 people died and another 35 were injured when a bus fell into a ditch on February 4,2015 while travelling between the Indian cities of Pune and Satara. The risk that comes along with footboard travelling in buses has taken many lives. With accidents reported, 4 students travelling on footboard of an overcrowded bus were crashed to death fatally against a lorry on 10th December, 2012 at Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai. Footboard travelling in buses is dangerous and the event must be prevented by implementing a system with advanced technology that stops passengers from travelling in footboard. In typical Metropolitan buses doors are available to shut off after the passenger boards and disembark the bus. But this is not anti-tampered and so it causes the drivers to easily falsify it. The DAS features a system in which the microcontroller continuously monitors the output from the sensors placed in the footboard of the bus and stops the bus if a person stands on the footboard for more than the programmed time. The system also has advanced lane detection system and IR based driver fatigue identifying system. This system comprises of the distance reflective sensor that can prevents accidents by controlling vehicle speed. It also incorporates a LCD display of the passenger count and LED indication about seat availability to the commuters outside the bus. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150315

    Evaluation of antidepressant activity of tramadol in albino mice using forced swim model

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    Background: The fact that tramadol can be used as an antidepressant, has been already proved by some animal studies. The objective of the present study was to evaluate antidepressant activity of tramadol in albino mice using forced swim model.Methods: Forced swimming test (FST) model was used to evaluate the antidepressant effect. Mice in the group "I" were given normal saline. Mice in the group II were given imipramine. Mice in the group III were given tramadol 10mg/kg. Mice in the group IV were given tramadol 20mg/kg. Mice in the group V were given tramadol 40mg/kg. All doses in all groups were given by intra peritoneum route.Results: The average values of immobility in group I were higher significantly compared to group III, IV and V. The values of group I and group II were found to be comparable. It was found that the baseline mean value was 196.33 which reduced to 5.16 with the effect of imipramine where imipramine was given to those mice. But in tramadol 10mg group, it was highest, and it came down to 40.66 and as the dose of tramadol was increased, the immobility time reduced from 40.66 at 10mg dose to 31.33 at 20mg dose and finally to 13.33mg at 40mg dose.Conclusions: Considering the results of two different animal models of depression it can be concluded that Tramadol has antidepressant activity at 10mg, 20mg, 40mg which was almost similar to Imipramine

    Isolation and Partial Characterization of a Biosurfactant Produced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PAVIJ from Contaminated Soil

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    Biosurfactant compounds are produced by microorganisms. These isolates reduced surface tension both in aqueous solutions and hydrocarbon mixtures. The objective of this study was to isolate and characterize the surface active components from the crude biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAVIJ from contaminated soil. This organism was grown on four different carbon sources (palm oil, coconut oil, honge oil and castor oil). To confirm the ability of isolates in biosurfactant production, different screening methods including blood hemolysis, emulsification, bacterial adherence test for hydrocarbon (BATH) assay, determination of surface tension, drop-collapse, cetyl tri ammonium bromide (CTAB) and methylene blue reduction assay were assessed. The fraction rich in glycolipids was obtained by the fractionation of crude biosurfactant using solid phase extraction and further indentified using thin layer chromatography and confirmed through High performance liquid chromatography. Moreover, this glycolipid rich fractions was found to be antimicrobial agent against several bacterial strains isolated from clinical samples of infected patients. Further purification steps should be carefully analyzed as each purification step will increase the costs and decreases the amounts of biosurfactants recovered

    Enumeration of Biosurfactant Producing Microorganisms from Oil Contaminated Soil in and around Bangalore (India)

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    Enhanced production of biosurfactants was carried out with six soil samples, SS-A to SS-F collected from petrochemical contaminated sites in and around Bangalore city. The enumeration of microorganisms was done by determining their colony forming units (CFU’s). Among 42 isolates, six were selected with higher CFU’s (Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Rhizobium and Lactobacillus) for induction of biosurfactant production with four different carbon sources (palm oil, castor oil, coconut oil and honge oil) at different concentrations of 0.5-2.0%. To confirm the ability of isolates in biosurfactant production, different screening methods including blood hemolysis, emulsification, bacterial adherence test for hydrocarbon (BATH) assay, determination of surface tension, drop-collapse, cetyl tri ammonium bromide (CTAB) and methylene blue reduction assay were assessed. The ethyl acetate extracted was detected for rhamnolipids, biosurfactant by orcinol method with rhamnose as standard and expressed as rhamnose equivalents suggesting the two species, Pseudomonas and Bacillus has high potential for biosurfactant production with palm oil and castrol oil treatment

    Characterization of Bacillus polymyxa from Jamnagar mine water and biobeneficiation of bauxite ore for iron through surface modification

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    Preliminary screening of the mine water sample from bauxite ore deposits in Jamnagar, India showed the presence of heterotrophic bacteria B.polymyxa. Growth conditions for the bacteria to bring about max. beneficiation were standardized by using the enriched Bromfield medium. B.polymyxa brought significant changes in the surface modifications of the mineral magnetite. The interaction resulted in surface chem. changes both on the cell and on the mineral surface by studying their electrophoretic mobility using Zeta meter 3.0. Dissoln. studies in the presence of microorganisms establish the foundation in which these processes could be used for the utility of beneficiation in the efficient sepn. of the impurities from the ore, thus confirmed that B.polymyxa has greater affinity towards magnetite and could be efficiently used to remove iron from magnetite. Expts. with respect to the bauxite ore was initiated after confirming the above result. Iron removal from bauxite ore by B.polymyxa has been demonstrated under 2​% sucrose concns. brought about 12.5​% removals in four days and under similar conditions the control in absence of B. polymyxa only 6​% iron removal was seen. Thus, B. polymyxa plays a significant role in biobenficiation of bauxite mineral. These observations clearly indicate that a direct mechanism through bacterial attachment to the ore and an indirect mechanism through leaching with metabolites are involved in the biobeneficiation process

    Perception and Satisfaction Level of Remote Login Access Users: A Study

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    The library is a knowledge center where all the resources, regardless of print and e-resources are made available to the user. E-resources are the backbone of any digital library in this information superfluous era. Most of the modern library users are referring e-resources for their learning, teaching and research activities. Remote login access to e-resources is the best practice of any library which helps the users to access their desired information wherever they stay without wasting time. It gives an opportunity for the best use of the e-resources and offers easy access to various resources of the library through its interface from anywhere. In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the perception of users of the remote access facility provided by the Health Sciences Library, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. The main aim of the study is to determine the satisfaction level of users about the remote access facility provided by the library. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted. Questionnaires were sent to 187 registered users of remote access service of the library. The study has identified the various benefits of remote access facility and the problems faced by the registered users to access subscribed e-resources remotely. After the investigation, the study suggested some important points for consideration

    Goodall's Fascination for Wild Chimpanzees. Science and nothing beyond?

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