34 research outputs found

    Mācību grāmata

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    Mācību grāmatas mērķis ir iepazīstināt lasītāju ar radioaktivitātes fenomenu, jautājumiem par atoma kodola stabilitāti, radioaktīvo elementu, starojuma iedarbību un izmantošanas iespējām. --///-- Šis ir nekomerciāls izdevums, un visi ievietotie attēli ir tikai iepazīšanās,mācīšanās un pētniecības mērķiem, tādi, kurus neaizsargā autortiesības (Public Domain) vai arī kuru autori tos klasificējuši atbilstoši CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licences lietojumam.Grāmata sagatavota un izdota, pateicoties mecenāta SIA “Mikrotīkls” ziedojumam, kuru administrē Latvijas Universitātes fonds

    The Baltic States’ Move toward a Sustainable Energy Future

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    In respect to CO2 emissions, the post-Soviet states are a scientifically interesting object of research, as each of the countries has developed via different paths since reclaiming independence from the Soviet Union. Given that each country has a different approach to the use of fossil resources, it is essential to assess their input to global carbon footprint individually. Such assessment then allows to find certain actions in the development of legislation and to apply focused techniques to reduce carbon emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fossil CO2 emissions produced in the Baltic States from 1991 onward, describing challenges relating to sustainability and socio-economic, scientific, and integrated approaches to sustainable development, including clean and efficient use of energy, and thus addressing climate challenges. This paper reports on data on CO2 emissions in the Baltic States. The results show that the transition of the Baltic States from the specificities of the Soviet Union’s economy to an economy integrated into global markets has led to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. However, the development and implementation of national policies for sustainable development are still crucial for mitigation of the climate crisis. Further actions must include the implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development, changing of the consumption and production patterns, education and awareness of sustainability, and adaptation to global climate change, while also addressing sustainability challenges

    Investigating the Potential of Nuclear Energy in Achieving a Carbon-Free Energy Future

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    This scientific paper discusses the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the effects of climate change. The proposed strategy is to reach net-zero emissions by transitioning to electric systems powered by low-carbon sources such as wind, solar, hydroelectric power, and nuclear energy. However, the paper also highlights the challenges of this transition, including high costs and lack of infrastructure. The paper emphasizes the need for continued research and investment in renewable energy technology and infrastructure to overcome these challenges and achieve a sustainable energy system. Additionally, the use of nuclear energy raises concerns, such as nuclear waste and proliferation, and should be considered with its benefits and drawbacks. The study assesses the feasibility of nuclear energy development in Latvia, a country in Northern Europe, and finds that Latvia is a suitable location for nuclear power facilities due to potential energy independence, low-carbon energy production, reliability, and economic benefits. The study also discusses methods of calculating electricity generation and consumption, such as measuring MWh produced by power plants, and balancing supply and demand within the country. Furthermore, the study assesses the safety of nuclear reactors, generated waste, and options for nuclear waste recycling. The transition to a carbon-free energy system is ongoing and complex, requiring multiple strategies to accelerate the transition. While the paper proposes that nuclear energy could be a practical means of supporting and backing up electricity generated by renewables, it should be noted that there are still challenges to be addressed. Some of the results presented in the paper are still based on studies, and the post-treatment of waste needs to be further clarified

    Characterization of Humic Acids from Raised Bog Peat

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    Humic substances form most of the organic component of soil, peat and natural waters, but their structure and properties very much differs depending on their source. The aim of this study is to characterize humic acids from raised bog peat to evaluate the homogeneity of humic acids isolated from the bog bodies and study peat humification impact on properties of humic acids. Peat humic acids (HA) have an intermediate position between the living organic matter and coal organic matter

    Temporal and Spatial Variation of Fog in Latvia

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    Fog is a hazardous weather phenomenon, which can impact traffic (especially air traffic) and air quality. The aim of this study is to analyse fog climatology, the trends of long-term changes of fog events and factors affecting them in general, in Latvia, but especially in Riga airport. For a 50-year period of observations, the analysis of the fog frequencies, long-term changes and atmospheric conditions favourable for the occurrence of fog events in Latvia has been studied. During the analysis two inter-annual maxima of fog frequency were found in spring and autumn, and the seasonal differences in the formation of fog were also approved by the satellite data on low cloud cover

    Chemical Element Accumulation in Peat and Its Humic Substances

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    Peatland cores provide us with the potential to research aspects of atmospheric cycling of elements, such as metal pollutants, on timescales. Our study provides a better understanding of basic peat properties and their effects on trace and major element distributions in peat and its humic substances (HS). Humic substances isolated from an ombrotrophic bog peat profiles (Latvia) were used as study objects. Relations among peat depth, properties of peat and its HS (elemental composition), as well as element content, were studied

    Climate Change Education in Curricula of Technical and Classical Universities

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    The climate change education is becoming an integral part of the education in study programs at universities in Latvia offering environmental education study programs. In this article comparison of approaches of climate change education in classical (University of Latvia) and technical (Riga Technical University) are discussed. As the key factor influencing study content and study methods are identified requirements of labor market and as the main tool to implement the elaborated concepts – regular consultations with major stakeholders and active functioning of discussion forum for academics involved in the environmental education – Council of environmental education and science