229 research outputs found

    Annealed deviations of random walk in random scenery

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    Let (Zn)nN(Z_n)_{n\in\N} be a dd-dimensional {\it random walk in random scenery}, i.e., Zn=k=0n1Y(Sk)Z_n=\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}Y(S_k) with (Sk)kN0(S_k)_{k\in\N_0} a random walk in Zd\Z^d and (Y(z))zZd(Y(z))_{z\in\Z^d} an i.i.d. scenery, independent of the walk. The walker's steps have mean zero and finite variance. We identify the speed and the rate of the logarithmic decay of (1nZn>bn)\P(\frac 1n Z_n>b_n) for various choices of sequences (bn)n(b_n)_n in [1,)[1,\infty). Depending on (bn)n(b_n)_n and the upper tails of the scenery, we identify different regimes for the speed of decay and different variational formulas for the rate functions. In contrast to recent work \cite{AC02} by A. Asselah and F. Castell, we consider sceneries {\it unbounded} to infinity. It turns out that there are interesting connections to large deviation properties of self-intersections of the walk, which have been studied recently by X. Chen \cite{C03}.Comment: 32 pages, revise

    Deviations of a random walk in a random scenery with stretched exponential tails

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    Let (Z_n)_{n\in\N_0} be a d-dimensional random walk in random scenery, i.e., Z_n=\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}Y_{S_k} with (S_k)_{k\in\N_0} a random walk in Z^d and (Y_z)_{z\in Z^d} an i.i.d. scenery, independent of the walk. We assume that the random variables Y_z have a stretched exponential tail. In particular, they do not possess exponential moments. We identify the speed and the rate of the logarithmic decay of Pr(Z_n>t_n n) for all sequences (t_n)_{n\in\N} satisfying a certain lower bound. This complements previous results, where it was assumed that Y_z has exponential moments of all orders. In contrast to the previous situation,the event \{Z_n>t_nn\} is not realized by a homogeneous behavior of the walk's local times and the scenery, but by many visits of the walker to a particular site and a large value of the scenery at that site. This reflects a well-known extreme behavior typical for random variables having no exponential moments.Comment: 12 page

    Codes of Conduct: A Hallmark of Legitimacy for NGOs?

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    Many internationally active nongovernmental organizations face a legitimacy deficit as the distance to those concerned by their actions is growing. This article examines different approaches to solve this problem. The discourse theory of rights by Juergen Habermas serves as a red thread and discussion basis. It is according to the same theory that the suitability of the currently developing Codes of Con-duct of Nongovernmental Organizations as a solution to the problem is discussed. It is made clear that in spite of the Codes of Conducts´ great potential to provide legitimacy to Nongovernmental Organizations there are several shortcomings to be addressed

    Viral Theatres’ Pandemic Playbook - Documenting German theatre during COVID-19

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    This document offers an overview of the artistic research project Viral Theatres, which documents the radical changes in theatre aesthetics and infrastructure during the Covid-19 pandemic by building an online multimedia living archive that tracks these developments in interviews, video documentaries, rehearsal residencies, and case studies. Through a survey of five exemplary case studies we show how significantly the tools and practices of theatre have shifted during the pandemic and suggest that these examples belong to a reconceptualization of the idea of theatre per se. In creating an online Living Archive platform that makes these and other case studies and pandemic material accessible, Viral Theatres contributes to creative documentation of pandemic culture

    “Look! It’s a Computer Program! It’s an Algorithm! It’s AI!”: Does Terminology Affect Human Perceptions and Evaluations of Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems?

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    In the media, in policy-making, but also in research articles, algorithmic decision-making (ADM) systems are referred to as algorithms, artificial intelligence, and computer programs, amongst other terms. We hypothesize that such terminological differences can affect people’s perceptions of properties of ADM systems, people’s evaluations of systems in application contexts, and the replicability of research as findings may be influenced by terminological differences. In two studies (N = 397, N = 622), we show that terminology does indeed affect laypeople’s perceptions of system properties (e.g., perceived complexity) and evaluations of systems (e.g., trust). Our findings highlight the need to be mindful when choosing terms to describe ADM systems, because terminology can have unintended consequences, and may impact the robustness and replicability of HCI research. Additionally, our findings indicate that terminology can be used strategically (e.g., in communication about ADM systems) to influence people’s perceptions and evaluations of these systems

    Codes of conduct: Ein Gütesiegel für die Legitimität von NGO's? Eine Untersuchung anhand der Diskurstheorie des Rechts von Jürgen Habermas

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    "Viele international agierende Nichtregierungs-Organisationen (NG0s) sehen sich einem Legitimationsdefizit gegenüber. Die Distanz zu den von ihrem Handeln betroffenen Personen wird zunehmend größer. Der Beitrag untersucht verschiedene Ansätze zur Lösung dieses Problems, wobei die Diskurstheorie des Rechts nach Jürgen Habermas als Leitfaden dient. Anhand dieser werden auch die derzeit entstehenden Codes of Conduct von NGOs als mögliche Lösung des Legitimationsdefizits diskutiert." (Autorenreferat)"Many internationally active nongovernmental organizations face a legitimacy deficit as the distance to those concerned by their actions is growing. This article examines different approaches to solve this problem. The discourse theory of rights by Juergen Habermas serves as a red thread and discussion basis. It is according to the same theory that the suitability of the currently developing Codes of Conduct of Nongovernmental Organizations as a solution to the problem is discussed. It is made clear that in spite of the Codes of Conducts great potential to provide legitimacy to Nongovernmental Organizations there are several shortcomings to be addressed." (author's abstract

    Kratki implantati nasuprot implantatima standardne dužine uz podizanje dna sinusa u slučaju atrofične stražnje maksile

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    Objectives: the aim of this clinical study was to compare clinical and radiological outcomes of short dental implants inserted in pristine bone to standard length implants inserted in combination with sinus floor elevation. Materials and methods: For this clinical study, the clinical and radiological outcome of 126 short dental implants (84 patients), inserted in pristine bone were compared with 312 standard length implants (156 patients), placed in combination with maxillary sinus floor elevation procedures. Results: The short implant group (test group [TG]; mean follow-up (± standard deviation (SD) 56.6 ± 42.9 months) and the augmented group (control group [CG]; mean follow-up 41.6 ± 37.6 months) showed cumulative survival rates of 91.8% and 92.4%. Cumulative 5-year implant survival rates were 91.8% for the TG and 90.7% for the CG (p=0.421). Mean marginal bone loss was significantly higher in the CG than in the TG, with a mean MBL of 0.70 ± 0.72 mm in the TG and 0.96 ± 0.91 mm in the CG (p<0.001). A comparable and promising oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) was observed in the control and test groups. Conclusions: After over 3 years, short implants placed in the resorbed posterior maxilla obtained similar results to standard implants combined with maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedures.Svrha rada: Uspoređivali su se klinički i radiološki rezultati kratkih dentalnih implantata ugrađenih u intaktnu kost s implantatima standardne dužine ugrađenima u kombinaciji s podizanjem dna sinusa. Materijal i metode: Za ovo kliničko istraživanje su klinički i radiološki ishodi 126 kratkih dentalnih implantata (84 pacijenta) ugrađenih u intaktnu kost uspoređeni s 312 implantata standardne dužine (156 pacijenata) usađenih u kombinaciji s postupcima podizanja dna maksilarnoga sinusa. Rezultati: Skupina s kratkim implantatima [testna skupina (TG); srednja vrijednost praćenja (± standardna devijacija (SD) 56,6 ± 42,9 mjeseci] i augmentirana skupina [kontrolna skupina (CG); srednja vrijednost praćenja 41,6 ± 37,6 mjeseci] pokazale su kumulativne stope preživljenja od 91,8 i 92,4 %. Kumulativne petogodišnje stope preživljenje implantata bile su 91,8 % za TG i 90,7 % za CG (p = 0,421). Prosječni marginalni gubitak kosti bio je značajno veći u CG-u nego u TG-u, uz srednji MBL od 0,70 ± 0,72 mm u TG-u i 0,96 ± 0,91 mm u CG-u (p < 0,001). I u kontrolnoj i u testnoj skupini uočena je usporediva i obećavajuća kvaliteta života povezana s oralnim zdravljem (OHRQoL). Zaključci: Nakon više od tri godine s kratkim implantatima ugrađenima u resorbiranu stražnju maksilu postignuti su slični rezultati kao i pri uporabi standardnih implantata u kombinaciji s postupcima podizanja dna maksilarnoga sinusa