731 research outputs found

    Book Review: Insect Physiology and Biochemistry. Second Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

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    Insect physiology is a specialized discipline within the larger framework of animal physiology. Almost every graduate program in Entomology has a requirement for an insect physiology course and an up to date textbook is required. Students using insects as model organisms should also be interested in this textbook. The textbook primarily describes physiology but there is quite a bit of biochemistry, which adds to the text as a resource. Physiology and biochemistry should be taught together; in order to understand physiology the biochemistry behind the physiology must also be understood. This 2nd edition textbook does a nice job of presenting information to students

    The PRXamide Neuropeptide Signalling System: Conserved in Animals

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    The PRXamide family of neuropeptides is based on the core amino acids at the C-terminal end that are required for activity and on sequence homology of their cell-surface G protein-coupled receptors. The PRXamide family of neuropeptides includes the pyrokinins, pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptides, diapause hormone, CAPA/periviscerokinins (aka cardioacceleratory peptide 2b), and ecdysis-triggering hormone found throughout the Insecta. The vertebrate homologues include neuromedin U because it has a PRNamide C-terminal sequence. The vertebrate G protein-coupled receptors that are homologous to the insect receptors also include receptors for ghrelin, motilin, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone in addition to the neuromedin U receptor. This review will not only summarize the recent literature on this neuropeptide family but also include recent information about the prevalence of the neuropeptides across the Insecta based primarily on genomic and transcriptomic sequence information. Information is also included about the PRXamide ligands and their receptors in other protostome and deuterostome lineages. The conservation of ligands and receptors among all animals will be presented along with ideas on the coevolution of ligands and receptors. The first four pages of this chapter are available

    Site-directed mutagenesis and PBAN activation of the Helicoverpa zea PBAN-receptor

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    Pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN) and pyrokinins belong to a family of insect peptide hormones that have a common FXPRLamide C-terminal ending. The G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for this peptide family were first identified from a moth and Drosophila with sequence similarity to neuromedin U receptors from vertebrates. We have characterized the PBAN-receptor (PBAN-R or PR) active binding domains using chimeric GPCRs and proposed that extracellular loop 3 is critical for ligand selection. Here, we characterized the 3rd extracellular domain of PBAN-R through site-directed point mutations. Results are discussed in context of the structural features required for receptor activation using receptor activation experiments and in silico computational modeling. This research will help in characterizing these receptors towards a goal of finding agonists and/or antagonists for PBAN/pyrokinin receptors

    Measurement of Strain, Pulsatile and Hidden Power

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    Import 22/07/2015Deformační výkony působí v důsledku přítomnosti proudových a napěťových harmonických v obvodu. Skrytý a pulsační výkon doprovází odběr, když je nesymetrický. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá měřením výkonů trojfázové soustavy v jejím nejobecnějším provozním stavu. Tím je soustava nesymetricky napájeného spotřebiče s nárokem na jalový výkon za nesinusových podmínek.Distortion powers act due to the presence of current and voltage harmonics in the circuit. The Hidden and Pulsatile power act due to the load unbalance. This thesis deals with measurement of the three-phase system powers in the most general case. That means an unbalanced system with the reactive load under non-sinusoidal conditions.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Regulatory Role of PBAN in Sex Pheromone Biosynthesis of Heliothine Moths

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    Both males and females of heliothine moths utilize sex-pheromones during the mating process. Females produce and release a sex pheromone for the long–range attraction of males for mating. Production of sex pheromone in females is controlled by the peptide hormone (pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide, PBAN). This review will highlight what is known about the role PBAN plays in controlling pheromone production in female moths. Male moths produce compounds associated with a hairpencil structure associated with the aedaegus that are used as short-range aphrodisiacs during the mating process. We will discuss the role that PBAN plays in regulating male production of hairpencil pheromones

    Pyrokinin/PBAN-like peptides in the central nervous system of mosquitoes

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    The pyrokinin/pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) family of peptides is characterized by a common C-terminal pentapeptide, FXPRLamide, which is required for diverse physiological functions in various insects. Polyclonal antisera against the C-terminus was utilized to determine the location of cell bodies and axons in the central nervous systems of larval and adult mosquitoes. Immunoreactive material was detected in three groups of neurons in the subesophageal ganglion of larvae and adults. The corpora cardiaca of both larvae and adults contained immunoreactivity indicating potential release into circulation. The adult and larval brains had at least one pair of immunoreactive neurons in the protocerebrum with the adult brain having additional immunoreactive neurons in the dorsal medial part of the protocerebrum. The ventral ganglia of both larvae and adults each contained one pair of neurons that sent their axons to a perisympathetic organ associated with each abdominal ganglion. These results indicate that the mosquito nervous system contains pyrokinin/PBAN-like peptides and that these peptides could be released into the hemolymph. The peptides in insects and mosquitoes are produced by two genes, capa and pk/pban. Utilizing PCR protocols, we demonstrate that products of the capa gene could be produced in the abdominal ventral ganglia and the products of the pk/pban gene could be produced in the subesophageal ganglion. Two receptors for pyrokinin peptides were differentially localized to various tissues

    Application of fluorescent light microscopy to enhanced lithofacies analysis of Jurassic carbonate rocks, SE Bohemian Massif

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    Upper Jurassic limestones and dolomites of the Vranovice Formation occur on the southeastern slopes of the Bohemian Massif below the Western Carpathian thrust belt. They represent a special type of reservoir rocks in the potential geothermal systems and exhibit highly variable porosity, permeability, and flow mechanisms due to different type of diagenesis and pervasive dolomitization. Fluorescence and translucent light microscopy was used for more detailed petrographic analysis of Vranovice limestones and dolomites. Isopachous, syntaxial and dolomitic cements were distinguished along with fossils recrystallization. Two generations of dolomite were identified – replacement dolomite and zonal cementation dolomite, what suggests a number of changes in the formation water chemistry during the dolomitization process. Extent of the observed dolomitization is inversely related to the porosity of the Jurassic rocks. Postdiagenetic generation of fissures cutting the strata due to tectonic deformation is documented by bright fluorescent color. In the studied samples of Vranovice limestones and dolomites the fissures represent the most important migration pathways, more than pore throats themselves. Further genetic information on petroleum migration is interpreted from intercrystalline porosity filled with precipitated solid bitumen. Present results provide basis for further investigations in pore-water-rock interactions and changes in chemical conditions during diagenesis.Svrchně jurské vápence a dolomity vranovického souvrství se nacházejí jako autochtonní relikty na jv. okraji Českého masivu, pod příkrovy Západních Karpat. Představují speciální typ rezervoárových hornin s velmi proměnlivou porozitou a propustností. Petrofyzikální vlastnosti hornin vranovického souvrství jsou do značné míry ovlivněny diagenezí a dolomitizací. Pro detailnější petrografické analýzy těchto hornin je použita fluorescenční mikroskopie a mikroskopie v procházejícím světle. Je identifikováno několik typů cementů – izopachový, syntaxiální a dolomitický. Vyskytují se dvě generace dolomitu – náhražkový („replacement“) dolomit a zonální cementační dolomit, které pravděpodobně představují ranou diagenezi a pozdější fázi přeměny spojenou s hlubším pohřbením a zvýšenými teplotami. Jsou pozorovány případy prostorové spojitosti růstu cementačního dolomitu s póry v jurských horninách. Pukliny, které reprezentují nejdůležitější migrační cesty ve sledovaných horninách, jsou charakteristické výraznou fluorescencí použitého polyesteru. Jejich vznik lze přiřadit k pozdějším tektonickým deformacím. U jednoho ze studovaných vzorků jsou viditelné póry mezi krystaly vyplněny pevným bitumenem s charakteristickou žlutooranžovou fluorescencí. Indikují migraci uhlovodíků rozpukanými karbonátovými horninami. Současné výsledky poskytují základ k dalšímu studiu interakcí pór-voda-hornina a změnám chemických podmínek během diageneze

    Identification and Biosynthetic Studies of the Hydrocarbon Sex Pheromone in Utetheisa ornatrix

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    The type II class of sex pheromones found in moths is composed of polyene hydrocarbons and their epoxides. Analysis of Utetheisa ornatrix females by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and measurement of responses of male moths by coupled gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection confirmed the presence of large amounts of (Z,Z,Z)-1,3,6,9-heneicosatetraene (1,3,6,9-21:Hy) and smaller amounts of (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-heneicosatriene (3,6,9-21:Hy). Both compounds were detected in pheromone glands of newly emerged adults, with low amounts found in the late pupal stage, indicating that sex pheromone biosynthesis started in the late pupal stage. In our population of females (several hundred sampled), approximately 90% produced the tetraene, 1,3,6,9-21:Hy, as the major component, while the other 10% produced only a large amount (1500–2000 ng) of 3,6,9-21:Hy, with no detectable amount of the tetraene. This result could indicate that two distinct populations are present in our original collection site in Florida. Decapitated female moths accumulated 3,6,9-21:Hy and 1,3,6,9-21:Hy compared to the same age normal females, indicating that female moths continuously produce pheromone. A pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN)-like neuropeptide did not affect sex pheromone production as indicated by injection of synthetic PBAN and decapitation of U. ornatrix female adults. When the labeled precursor, D4-9,12,15-18:acid, was injected into the early pupal stage, the most abundantly labeled hydrocarbons were 3,6,9-21:Hy and 1,3,6,9-21:Hy in the female adults. This result indicated that 3,6,9-21:Hy could be biosynthesized from linolenic acid through chain elongation and decarboxylation. To determine how 1,3,6,9-21:Hy is produced, D4-3,6,9-21:Hy was injected into pupae and monitored for incorporation of label. No label was incorporated into 1,3,6,9-21:Hy, although a large amount of triene, 3,6,9-21:Hy, was recovered in the pheromone gland. This indicates that U. ornatrix females do not use 3,6,9-21:Hy to produce 1,3,6,9-21:Hy, and the terminal double bond is introduced earlier in the biosynthetic pathway

    Showing Children the Communicative Nature of Reading

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    This article explores the effects of the classroom learning environment

    Exploring Managed NAND Media Endurance

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    Flash memory can be found in media players, cameras, cell phones and portable storage. These consumer items have universally compatible storage devices. However, what is their longevity and what is the long-term data retention reliability? This thesis will explore and attempt to answer these questions. Predicting accurate endurance ratings and long-term storage reliability is problematic; a storage card in a cell phone will simply wear differently if used for personal computer backup. Advertised longevity ratings can also be ambiguous, specified in a number of years of ‘typical’ and ‘average’ use. This thesis begins by exploring the operation of flash technology used in managed NAND devices. Operational and hidden byproducts of controlling flash memory were identified then directly observed on a sampled MultiMediaCard (MMC) card. The collected data was graphed to calculate the life span of the product for several synthetic data transfer categories. Combined with the total storage capacity, the factors used in longevity calculations are shown to be dependent upon the transfer method. To answer the original question, a hypothetical camera file storage usage model was contrasted against measured wear data to calculate longevity. When changing the addressing randomness of writing data to fifty percent of total transfers, the 10-year advertised longevity was shown diminished by half. This demonstrated how data storage randomness of the usage model influences device longevity