13 research outputs found

    Humus composition and quality in anthropogenic soils of Istria

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    The aim of this study was to determine the composition of humus in anthropogenic soils within different agroecological conditions of Istria. The research was conducted in 2020 at three soil types: Terraced soil, Gleysol and Arable soil from Terra Rossa. Soil samples were taken from each location from the arable (0-30 cm) and subarable soil layer (30-50 cm), in 5 replications. The optical density of the alkaline extract of humic substances (E4/E6) was determined spectrophotometrically (VIS). The average content of humic acids (HA) in the arable soil layer decreased as follows: Gleysoil (0.58%) > Arable soil from Terra Rosa (0.53%) > Terraced soil (0.26%). In the subarable soil layer, the highest HA was determined in Gleysoil (0.48%), followed by Arable soil from Terra Rossa (0.40%) and the lowest found in Terraced soil (0.11%). The HA/FA in both soil layers decreased as follows: Arable soil from Terra Rossa (2.28 and 1.49) > Gleysoil (1.11 and 1.09) > Terraced soil (0.39 and 0.34). In the arable soil layer E4/E6 increased from: Arable soil from Terra Rossa (1.28) 4. In Gleysoil and Arable soil from Terra Rossa, HA/FA > 1 and E4/E6< 4 indicated the prevalence of aromatic, highly polymerized molecular structures, i.e. the quality of humus was better


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi stanje kadmija, bakra, olova i cinka u tlu i procjednoj vodi pri intenzivnoj proizvodnji jabuka, te ocijeniti stupanj onečišćenja tla i procjedne vode sukladno Zakonskoj regulativi. Stacionarno lizimetrijsko istraživanje provedeno je tijekom 2003.-2006. u Nedelišću, unutar 3. vodozaštitne zone, u blizini vodocrpilišta. Uz standardnu agrotehniku (gnojidba i primjena pesticida) u nasadu jabuka primjenjivalo se i navodnjavanje kapanjem. U oraničnom sloju tla koncentracije teških metala kretale su se u sljedećim rasponima: 0,31 do 0,78 mg Cd/kg, 26,60 do 65,00 mg Cu/kg, 12,25 do 32,50 mg Pb/kg, 39,80 do 86,00 mg Zn/kg. Ukupne količine teških metala u tlu (kg/ha) varirale su od 1,32–3,32 kg Cd/ha, 113,32–276,90 kg Cu/ha, 52,19-138,45 kg Pb/ha i 169,55 do 366,36 kg Zn/ha. Koncentracije navedenih teških metala u tlu bile su unutar MDK za praškasto-ilovasta tla. Prema So vrijednosti, onečišćenost tla varira:od čistog do tla povećane onečišćenosti olovom (I-II), te od tla velike onečišćenosti do onečišćenog tla kadmijem, bakrom i cinkom (II-III). Koncentracije navedenih teških metala u procjednoj vodi iz gravitacijskih lizimetara varirale su od: 0,7 - 4,4 μg Cd/l, 7,3 - 91,0 μg Cu/l, 12,0 – 55,0 μg Pb/l i 10,3- 94,0 μg Zn/l. Tijekom istraživanja procjedna voda bila je najviše onečišćena bakrom (V vrsta), zatim kadmijem i olovom (IV vrsta), a najmanje cinkom (II i III vrsta). Godišnje količine teških metala ispranih procjednom vodom kretale su se u sljedećim rasponima: 1,03 – 5,28 g Cd/ha; 32,5 – 84,8 g Cu/ha; 30,1 – 94,3 g Pb/ha i 31,3 – 84,6 g Zn/ha. Ipak, zbog blizine vodocrpilišta, u voćnjaku Nedelišće je potrebna stalna kontrola stanja tla i procjednih voda.The research objective was to determine the status of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in the soil and percolating water in intensive apple production, and to evaluate the degree of contamination of soil and leachate in accordance with legislation. Stationary lysimetric survey was conducted during the 2003rd to 2006th in Nedelisce, within the third water protection zone, close to water wells. In addition to standard cultural practices (fertilization and use of pesticides ) in an apple orchard drip irrigation was also applied. In the upper layers of the soil heavy metal concentrations were in the following ranges: 0.31 to 0.78 mg Cd / kg, 26.60 to 65.00 mg Cu / kg, 12.25 to 32.50 mg Pb / kg and 39.80 to 86.00 mg Zn /kg of soil. The total amount of heavy metals in the soil (kg/ha) ranged from 1.32 to 3.32 kg Cd / ha, 113.32 to 276.90 kg Cu / ha, 52.19 to 138.45 kg Pb/ha 169.55 to 366.36 kg Zn/ha .The concentrations of these heavy metals in the soil were within the MAC for silty loam soils. According to So values, soil pollution varies: from pure to highly contaminated soil with lead (I-II), and from the highly contaminated soil to soil contaminated by cadmium, copper and zinc (II-III). The concentrations of these heavy metals in the percolating water from the gravity lysimeters ranged from: 0.7 to 4.4 μg Cd / l, 7.3 to 91.0 μg Cu / L, 12.0 to 55.0 μg Pb / l and 10.3 to 94.0 μg Zn / l. During the study percolated water was most contaminated with copper ( class V ), followed by cadmium and lead (class IV), and at least zinc (II and III class). Annual amounts of heavy metals leached were in the following ranges: 1.03 to 5.28 g Cd / ha, 32.5 to 84.8 g Cu / ha, 30.1 to 94.3 g Pb / ha and 31.3 to 84.6 g Zn/ha. However, due to the proximity of water wells, in an orchard in Nedelisce requires constant control of soil and percolated waters

    Moisture regime in Hortisol and lettuce yield under different mulching conditions

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj mrtvih organskih malčeva (neprerađena ovčja vuna – SW i „filcana“ ekološka vuna – EW), crnog polietilenskog filma (PE) i nemalčiranog tla (WM) na režim vlažnosti hortisola i prinos salate kultivara \u27Melina\u27. Istraživanje je provedeno na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u razdoblju od travnja do lipnja 2017. godine, a pokus je postavljen prema slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u tri ponavljanja. Uzorkovanje tla obavljeno je dekadno sa dubina 0-10 cm i 10-20 cm, u 3 ponavljanja, a sadržaj vlage u tlu određen je gravimetrijskom metodom. Na sadržaj trenutačne vlage u tlu statistički su značajno utjecali: dani nakon presađivanja salate na otvoreno (DAT) i malč (M). Statistički najniže vrijednosti vlage u tlu utvrđene su kod 46 DAT, a značajno više kod 5 DAT. S obzirom na vrstu malča,u oba sloja tla trenutačna vlažnost se kretala slijedećim redom: PE > SW > EW > WM. Na promjer rozete salate nije značajno utjecala vrsta malča. Rozeta salate uzgajane na SW (20,7 cm) bila je značajno viša u odnosu na PE (18,4 cm), EW (18,0 cm) i WM (17,8 cm).Najviši tržni prinos salate ostvaren je pod vunenim malčevima (6,58 kg/m2 na EW, odnosno 6,56 kg/m2na SW), a najniži pod PE (4,60 kg/m2). Vuneni malčevi pokazali su se dobrom alternativom dosadašnjoj primjeni PE malčeva.The aim of the study was to determine the impact of dead organic mulches (unprocessed sheep wool - SW and ecological wool - EW), black polyethylene film (PE) and unmulched soil (WM) on the moisture regime of Hortisol and the yield of lettuce cv.´Melina´.The research was carried out at an trial field at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb from April to June 2017. The experiment was set out according to a randomized block design with three replications. Soil samples were taken decadally from depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm, in 3 replications, and the soil moisture content was determined by gravimetric method. The current moisture content in the soil was significantly influenced by: days after transplatation lettuce to open field (DAT) and mulch (M). The significantly low values of soil moisture were determined at 46 DAT, and high at 5 DAT. Considering the mulch, the soil moisture in both layers as follows: PE> SW> EW> WM. Diameter of the lettuce rosette was not significantly affected by the mulch type. Lettuce rosette, grown on SW (20.7 cm) was significantly higher compared to PE (18.4 cm), EW (18.0 cm) and WM (17.8 cm). The highest marketable yield of lettuce was achieved when wool mulch was applied (6.58 kg/m2 on EW, ie 6.56 kg/m2 on SW), and the lowest under PE (4.60 kg/m2). Woolen mulches have proved to be a good alternative to the previous application of PE mulches

    Content of Mineral N in Soil and Tomato Yields Considering Fertigation and Mulch

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of application of different amounts of N fertilizer added by fertigation and different mulches on the total mineral N in the plough soil layer and yield of tomatoes. The two-year study (2007 and 2009) was conducted on hydromeliorated deep Terra Rossa near Pula. In two-factor experiment, set in a split-plot design, the main factor was N fertilization (NF) in three levels: 60 (NF1), 120 (NF2), and 180 (NF3) kg N ha-1. Subfactor was soil mulch (M), also in three levels: without mulch (WM), straw mulch (SM), and mulch with black polyethylene film (BPM). Different NF significantly affected the amount of N min in the soil. Only in 2009, mulch as well as interaction between NF and DAT had significant impact on the amount of N min in soil. Nitrogen fertilization did not significantly affect the total yields of tomatoes, except the application of NF2 and BPM that generated significantly higher yields of tomatoes in 2007. Recommended technology is application of NF2 and BPM, but with ecological point of view it would be justified to use the nitrogen fertilization with only 60 kg N ha-1

    Lašva valley land suitability for fruit production

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    Za planiranje razvoja voćarske proizvodnje na nekom području, ocjena prikladnosti ekoloških uvjeta za uzgoj voćnih vrsta posebno je važna, jer većina voćnih vrsta na istom mjestu ostaju dugi niz godina.Temeljni cilj istraživanja u okviru ovog rada bio je utvrditi značajke poljoprivrednih tala/zemljišta Lašvanske doline, kao važnog ekološkog čimbenika voćarske proizvodnje, na temelju čega je na kraju izvršena procjena pogodnosti poljoprivrednih tala/zemljišta za voćarstvo, te inventarizacija površina. Pored značajki tla utvrđene su i značajke klime i reljefa. Procjena pogodnosti izvršena je prema FAO metodi (FAO, 1976), po agrozonama, na području Lašvanske doline i to za područje do 800 m nadmorske visine. Temeljem rezultata procjene pogodnosti utvrđeno je da u ukupnim površinama poljoprivrednog zemljišta Lašvanske doline (do 800 m n.v.) značajan udio zauzimaju zemljišne površine pogodne za voćarsku proizvodnju (68,1%), privremeno nepogodnih (N-1) 123 ha (0,69 %), dok trajno nepogodnih tala/zemljišta (N-2) za intenzivnu voćarsku proizvodnju ima 5571 ha (31,21%). U okviru klase pogodnog zemljišta za voćarstvo nije utvrđena P-1 klasa pogodnosti, dakle najbolja tla za voćarsku proizvodnju na ovom području pripadaju P-2 klasi pogodnosti čija ukupna površina, na bazi proračuna kartiranih jedinica tla, iznosi 2.923 ha, što čini 16,37% od ukupnih poljoprivrednih površina na istraživanom području. Tla/zemljišta P-3 klase pogodnosti su najzastupljenija, u okviru pogodnih poljoprivrednih površina, a njihova ukupna površina je 9234 ha odnosno 51,73%. Osnovna ograničenja tala/zemljišta za intenzivnu voćarsku proizvodnju, na istraživanom području, su nedostatak hranjiva, nagib, dubina, stjenovitost, reakcija tla i vertičnost (kod vertisola). Temeljem rezultat istraživanja uočljivo je da na istraživanom području postoje osnovne mogućnosti, u vidu zemljišnih resursa, za proširenje voćarske proizvodnje, te se uz provođenje neophodnih mjera uređenja tla/zemljišta, edukaciju poljoprivrednih proizvođača u primjeni suvremenih tehnologija i uvođenjem novog sortimenta u skladu s najnovijim znanstveno-stručnim dostignućima može ostvariti daljnji napredak voćarske proizvodnje.For planning fruit production development in on area assessment of envi-ronmental conditions suitability for fruit trees cultivation is particularly important because fruit trees remain at the same place for many years. The main goal of the research presented in this paper was to determine the characteristics of the Lašva valley agricultural soils / lands as an important ecological factor for fruit production. Within that framework the evaluation of agricultural soils / lands for fruit production and areas inventory were made. In addition to soil characteristics climate and topography features were determined too. The suitability evaluation was made according to FAO method (FAO, 1976) by using agrozones in the Lašva valley for the area up to 800 m above the sea level. The results of the suitability assessment showed that in the total area of the Lašva valley agricultural land ( up to 800 m asl) a significant proportion of land areas suitable for fruit production (68.1%), temporarily unsuitable (N -1) are 123 ha (0.69% ) and permanently unsuitable soils / lands (N- 2) for intensive fruit production cover 5571 ha (31.21 %). Within the class of suitable land for fruit growing was not identify P-1 class facilities. The best soils for fruit production in this area belong to P-2 class with a total area, according to the calculations of mapping units, amounting to 2.923 ha which makes 16.37% of the total agricultural land in the studied area. Soils/lands of P-3 class are the most common in the suitable agricultural lands and they cover the total area of 9.234 ha or 51.73% . The main limitations of soils/ lands for intensive fruit production in the researched area are nutrients deficiency, inclination , soil depth, soil rockiness, pH reaction and vertisol. The results of the research show that there are basic possibilities in the form of land resources for the expansion of fruit production. Further progress of fruit production is possible with the implementation of the necessary measures for the organization of the soils/lands, training farmers in modern technology use and introducing new cultivars according to the latest scientific and professional achievements

    The suitability of agricultural land for irrigation and the water deficit in the soil in the cultivation of important agricultural crops in the Međimurje County area

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    Cilj rada je ukazati na nedovoljno iskorištene agroekološke potencijale u razvoju poljoprivrede Međimurske županije u uvjetima aktualnih klimatskih promjena. Resursi poljoprivrednog zemljišta utvrđeni su na temelju postojeće karte poljoprivrednog zemljišta RH mjerila 1:50.000. Pogodnost poljoprivrednog zemljišta za natapanje prikazana je na temelju Namjenske pedološke karte Međimurske županije mjerila 1:50.000. Osnovne značajke klime te manjak vode u tlu prikazani su za kukuruz, kupus, krumpir i jabuku, a utvrđeni su zasebno za prvo razdoblje 1981.-1999., te za drugo razdoblje 2000.-2021. Pri tome je referentna evapotranspiracija utvrđena prema Penman-Monteith metodi, a bilanca oborinske vode u tlu prema Palmer metodi korištenjem programa Hidrokalk. Manjak vode u tlu utvrđen je iz razlike potencijalne evapotranspiracije kultura i aktualne evapotranspiracije. Od ukupnih 48.882,0 ha poljoprivrednog zemljišta Međimurske županije, koristi se oko 82 % a ne koristi oko 18 %. Korištenog zemljišta u privatnom je vlasništvu 89,2 %, u državnom 4,8 %, a u mješovitom 6 %. Nekorištenog zemljišta u privatnom je vlasništvu 86,4 %, u državnom 11,9 %, a u mješovitom 1,7 %. Na korištenom poljoprivrednom zemljištu najviše je zastupljeno tala P-2 klase pogodnosti za natapanje (72,5 %), potom N-1 klase (18,4 %), P-3 klase (9,0 %) i P-1 klase (0,1 %). Kod nekorištenog zemljišta dominiraju tla P-2 klase (50,8 %), potom N-1 klase (35,3 %) te P-3 klase (13,9 %). Višegodišnja prosječna godišnja količina oborina u drugom klimatskom razdoblju bila je za 56,6 mm manja, a temperatura zraka za 0,9 ºC viša u odnosu na prvo klimatsko razdoblje. U vegetacijskom razdoblju (IV-IX mjesec) drugog klimatskog razdoblja prosječna količina oborina bila je također manja i to za 24,5 mm a temperatura zraka viša za 0,9 ºC u odnosu na prvo klimatsko razdoblje. U sušnim godinama, odnosno kod 75 % vjerojatnosti oborina, višegodišnja prosječna godišnja količina oborina u drugom klimatskom razdoblju bila je za 108,7 mm manja a temperatura zraka za 0,9 ºC viša u odnosu na prvo klimatsko razdoblje. U vegetacijskom razdoblju prosječna količina oborina u drugom klimatskom razdoblju bila je manja za 74 mm, dok je temperatura zraka bila viša za 0,6 ºC u odnosu na prvo klimatsko razdoblje. U drugom klimatskom razdoblju tijekom vegetacije utvrđeni je veći manjak vode u tlu u odnosu na prvo razdoblje. U prosječnim godinama najveća razlika u manjku vode između dva razdoblja, utvrđena je kod jabuke (48,7 mm) a najmanja kod kupusa (38,5 mm). Kod sušnih godina najveća je razlika manjka vode između dva razdoblja utvrđena također kod jabuke (129 mm), dok je kod ostalih kultura utvrđena podjednaka razlika (oko 116 mm). Kako bi se nadoknadio manjak vode u tlu nužno je na području Međimurske županije planirati primjenu natapanja.The aim of the paper is to point out the insufficiently used agroecological potentials in the development of agriculture in the Međimurje County under the current climate change conditions. The resources of agricultural land were determined on the basis of the existing map of agricultural land of the Republic of Croatia in scale 1:50,000. The suitability of agricultural land for irrigation is shown on the basis of the „Dedicated Pedological Map of Međimurje County in scale 1:50,000“. The basic climate properties and the water deficit in the soil were shown for corn, cabbage, potatoes and apples, and were determined for the first period 1981-1999 and for the second period 2000-2021, separately. At the same time, the reference evapotranspiration was determined according to the Penman-Monteith method and the balance of precipitation water in the soil according to the Palmer method using the Hidrokalk program. The soil water deficit was determined from the difference between potential evapotranspiration of crops and actual evapotranspiration. Of the total 48,882.0 ha of agricultural land in Međimurje County, about 82% was used and about 18% was unused. 89.2% of the used land is privately owned, 4.8% is state-owned, and 6% is mixed owned. Unused agricultural land is privately 86,4%, state 11.9%, and mixed owned 1,7%. On the used agricultural land, the most represented soil is P-2 class suitable for irrigation (72.5%), followed by N-1 class (18.4%), P-3 class (9.0%) and P-1 class (0.1%). Unused land is dominated by P-2 class soils (50.8%), followed by N-1 class (35.3%) and P-3 class (13.9%). The long - term average annual precipitation in the second climate period was 56.6 mm lower, and the air temperature was 0.9 ºC higher compared to the first climate period. In the vegetation period (IV-IX months) of the second climatic period, the average amount of precipitation was also lower by 24.5 mm and the air temperature was higher by 0.9 ºC compared to the first climatic period. In dry years, with a 75% probability of precipitation, the long-term average annual precipitation in the second climate period was 108.7 mm lower and the air temperature was 0.9 ºC higher compared to the first climate period. In the vegetation period, the average amount of precipitation in the second climatic period was lower by 74 mm, while the air temperature was higher by 0.6 ºC compared to the first climatic period. In the second climatic period during the crop vegetation, a greater soil water deficit was found compared to the first period. In average years, the highest difference in soil water deficit between the two periods was found in apple (48.7 mm) and the lowest in cabbage (38.5 mm). In dry years, the highest difference in water deficit between the two periods was also found in apple (129 mm), while the same difference was found in other crops (about 116 mm). In order to compensate for the soil water deficit, it is necessary to plan the application of irrigation process in the Međimurje County area