Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi stanje kadmija, bakra, olova i cinka u tlu i procjednoj vodi pri intenzivnoj proizvodnji jabuka, te ocijeniti stupanj onečišćenja tla i procjedne vode sukladno Zakonskoj regulativi. Stacionarno lizimetrijsko istraživanje provedeno je tijekom 2003.-2006. u Nedelišću, unutar 3. vodozaštitne zone, u blizini vodocrpilišta. Uz standardnu agrotehniku (gnojidba i primjena pesticida) u nasadu jabuka primjenjivalo se i navodnjavanje kapanjem. U oraničnom sloju tla koncentracije teških metala kretale su se u sljedećim rasponima: 0,31 do 0,78 mg Cd/kg, 26,60 do 65,00 mg Cu/kg, 12,25 do 32,50 mg Pb/kg, 39,80 do 86,00 mg Zn/kg. Ukupne količine teških metala u tlu (kg/ha) varirale su od 1,32–3,32 kg Cd/ha, 113,32–276,90 kg Cu/ha, 52,19-138,45 kg Pb/ha i 169,55 do 366,36 kg Zn/ha. Koncentracije navedenih teških metala u tlu bile su unutar MDK za praškasto-ilovasta tla. Prema So vrijednosti, onečišćenost tla varira:od čistog do tla povećane onečišćenosti olovom (I-II), te od tla velike onečišćenosti do onečišćenog tla kadmijem, bakrom i cinkom (II-III). Koncentracije navedenih teških metala u procjednoj vodi iz gravitacijskih lizimetara varirale su od: 0,7 - 4,4 μg Cd/l, 7,3 - 91,0 μg Cu/l, 12,0 – 55,0 μg Pb/l i 10,3- 94,0 μg Zn/l. Tijekom istraživanja procjedna voda bila je najviše onečišćena bakrom (V vrsta), zatim kadmijem i olovom (IV vrsta), a najmanje cinkom (II i III vrsta). Godišnje količine teških metala ispranih procjednom vodom kretale su se u sljedećim rasponima: 1,03 – 5,28 g Cd/ha; 32,5 – 84,8 g Cu/ha; 30,1 – 94,3 g Pb/ha i 31,3 – 84,6 g Zn/ha. Ipak, zbog blizine vodocrpilišta, u voćnjaku Nedelišće je potrebna stalna kontrola stanja tla i procjednih voda.The research objective was to determine the status of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in the soil and percolating water in intensive apple production, and to evaluate the degree of contamination of soil and leachate in accordance with legislation. Stationary lysimetric survey was conducted during the 2003rd to 2006th in Nedelisce, within the third water protection zone, close to water wells. In addition to standard cultural practices (fertilization and use of pesticides ) in an apple orchard drip irrigation was also applied. In the upper layers of the soil heavy metal concentrations were in the following ranges: 0.31 to 0.78 mg Cd / kg, 26.60 to 65.00 mg Cu / kg, 12.25 to 32.50 mg Pb / kg and 39.80 to 86.00 mg Zn /kg of soil. The total amount of heavy metals in the soil (kg/ha) ranged from 1.32 to 3.32 kg Cd / ha, 113.32 to 276.90 kg Cu / ha, 52.19 to 138.45 kg Pb/ha 169.55 to 366.36 kg Zn/ha .The concentrations of these heavy metals in the soil were within the MAC for silty loam soils. According to So values, soil pollution varies: from pure to highly contaminated soil with lead (I-II), and from the highly contaminated soil to soil contaminated by cadmium, copper and zinc (II-III). The concentrations of these heavy metals in the percolating water from the gravity lysimeters ranged from: 0.7 to 4.4 μg Cd / l, 7.3 to 91.0 μg Cu / L, 12.0 to 55.0 μg Pb / l and 10.3 to 94.0 μg Zn / l. During the study percolated water was most contaminated with copper ( class V ), followed by cadmium and lead (class IV), and at least zinc (II and III class). Annual amounts of heavy metals leached were in the following ranges: 1.03 to 5.28 g Cd / ha, 32.5 to 84.8 g Cu / ha, 30.1 to 94.3 g Pb / ha and 31.3 to 84.6 g Zn/ha. However, due to the proximity of water wells, in an orchard in Nedelisce requires constant control of soil and percolated waters