2,090 research outputs found

    Effects of large-scale environment on the assembly history of central galaxies

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    We examine whether large-scale environment affects the mass assembly history of their central galaxies. To facilitate this, we constructed dark matter halo merger trees from a cosmological N-body simulation and calculated the formation and evolution of galaxies using a semi-analytic method. We confirm earlier results that smaller halos show a notable difference in formation time with a mild dependence on large-scale environment. However, using a semi-analytic model, we found that on average the growth rate of the stellar mass of central galaxies is largely insensitive to large-scale environment. Although our results show that the star formation rate (SFR) and the stellar mass of central galaxies in smaller halos are slightly affected by the assembly bias of halos, those galaxies are faint, and the difference in the SFR is minute, and therefore it is challenging to detect it in real galaxies given the current observational accuracy. Future galaxy surveys, such as the BigBOSS experiment and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, which are expected to provide observational data for fainter objects, will provide a chance to test our model predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Merger relics of cluster galaxies

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    Context. Sheen and collaborators recently found that a surprisingly large portion (38%) of massive early-type galaxies in heavy clusters show strong merger-related disturbed features. This contradicts the general understanding that massive clusters are hostile environments for galaxy mergers. Considering the significance of mergers in galaxy evolution, it is important to understand this. Aims. We aim to present a theoretical foundation that explains galaxy mergers in massive clusters. Methods. We used the N-body simulation technique to perform a cosmological-volume simulation and derive dark-halo merger trees. Then, we used the semi-analytic modeling technique to populate each halo with galaxies. We ran hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy mergers to estimate the lifetime of merger features for the imaging condition used by Sheen and collaborators. We applied this merger feature lifetime to our semi-analytic models. Finally, we counted the massive early-type galaxies in heavy model clusters that would show strong merger features. Results. While there still are substantial uncertainties, our preliminary results are remarkably close to the observed fraction of galaxies with merger features. Key ingredients for the success are twofold: firstly, the subhalo motion in dark haloes has been accurately traced, and, second, the lifetime of merger features has been properly estimated. As a result, merger features are expected to last very long in cluster environments. Many massive early-type galaxies in heavy clusters therefore show merger features not because they experience mergers in the current clusters in situ, but because they still carry their merger features from their previous halo environments. Conclusions. Investigating the merger relics of cluster galaxies is potentially important, because it uniquely allows us to backtrack the halo merger history.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Research Not

    CLEAR II: Evidence for Early Formation of the Most Compact Quiescent Galaxies at High Redshift

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    The origin of the correlations between mass, morphology, quenched fraction, and formation history in galaxies is difficult to define, primarily due to the uncertainties in galaxy star-formation histories. Star-formation histories are better constrained for higher redshift galaxies, observed closer to their formation and quenching epochs. Here we use "non-parametric" star-formation histories and a nested sampling method to derive constraints on the formation and quenching timescales of quiescent galaxies at 0.7<z<2.50.7<z<2.5. We model deep HST grism spectroscopy and photometry from the CLEAR (CANDELS Lymanα-\alpha Emission at Reionization) survey. The galaxy formation redshifts, z50z_{50} (defined as the point where they had formed 50\% of their stellar mass) range from z502z_{50}\sim 2 (shortly prior to the observed epoch) up to z5058z_{50} \simeq 5-8. \editone{We find that early formation redshifts are correlated with high stellar-mass surface densities, logΣ1/(M kpc2)>\log \Sigma_1 / (M_\odot\ \mathrm{kpc}^{-2}) >10.25, where Σ1\Sigma_1 is the stellar mass within 1~pkpc (proper kpc). Quiescent galaxies with the highest stellar-mass surface density, logΣ1/(M kpc2)>10.25\log\Sigma_1 / (M_\odot\ \mathrm{kpc}^{-2}) > 10.25, } show a \textit{minimum} formation redshift: all such objects in our sample have z50>2.9z_{50} > 2.9. Quiescent galaxies with lower surface density, $\log \Sigma_1 / (M_\odot\ \mathrm{kpc}^{-2}) = 9.5 - 10.25,showarangeofformationepochs(, show a range of formation epochs (z_{50} \simeq 1.5 - 8),implyingthesegalaxiesexperiencedarangeofformationandassemblyhistories.Wearguethatthesurfacedensitythreshold), implying these galaxies experienced a range of formation and assembly histories. We argue that the surface density threshold \log\Sigma_1/(M_\odot\ \mathrm{kpc}^{-2})>10.25$ uniquely identifies galaxies that formed in the first few Gyr after the Big Bang, and we discuss the implications this has for galaxy formation models.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Includes an interactive online appendix (https://vince-ec.github.io/appendix/appendix

    Evidence for Reduced Specific Star Formation Rates in the Centers of Massive Galaxies at z = 4

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    We perform the first spatially-resolved stellar population study of galaxies in the early universe (z = 3.5 - 6.5), utilizing the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) imaging dataset over the GOODS-S field. We select a sample of 418 bright and extended galaxies at z = 3.5 - 6.5 from a parent sample of ~ 8000 photometric-redshift selected galaxies from Finkelstein et al. (2015). We first examine galaxies at 3.5< z < 4.0 using additional deep K-band survey data from the HAWK-I UDS and GOODS Survey (HUGS) which covers the 4000A break at these redshifts. We measure the stellar mass, star formation rate, and dust extinction for galaxy inner and outer regions via spatially-resolved spectral energy distribution fitting based on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. By comparing specific star formation rates (sSFRs) between inner and outer parts of the galaxies we find that the majority of galaxies with the high central mass densities show evidence for a preferentially lower sSFR in their centers than in their outer regions, indicative of reduced sSFRs in their central regions. We also study galaxies at z ~ 5 and 6 (here limited to high spatial resolution in the rest-frame ultraviolet only), finding that they show sSFRs which are generally independent of radial distance from the center of the galaxies. This indicates that stars are formed uniformly at all radii in massive galaxies at z ~ 5 - 6, contrary to massive galaxies at z < 4.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 20 pages, 15 figure

    Ionic liquid flow along the carbon nanotube with DC electric field

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    Liquid pumping can occur along the outer surface of an electrode under a DC electric field. For biological applications, a better understanding of the ionic solution pumping mechanism is required. Here, we fabricated CNT wire electrodes (CWEs) and tungsten wire electrodes (TWEs) of various diameters to assess an ionic solution pumping. A DC electric field created by a bias of several volts pumped the ionic solution in the direction of the negatively biased electrode. The resulting electroosmotic flow was attributed to the movement of an electric double layer near the electrode, and the flow rates along the CWEs were on the order of picoliters per minute. According to electric field analysis, the z-directional electric field around the meniscus of the small electrode was more concentrated than that of the larger electrode. Thus, the pumping effect increased as the electrode diameter decreased. Interestingly in CWEs, the initiating voltage for liquid pumping did not change with increasing diameter, up to 20 mu m. We classified into three pumping zones, according to the initiating voltage and faradaic reaction. Liquid pumping using the CWEs could provide a new method for biological studies with adoptable flow rates and a larger &apos;Recommended pumping zone&apos;.open116sciescopu

    CLEAR: Spatially Resolved Emission Lines and Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.6<z<1.30.6<z<1.3

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    We investigate spatially-resolved emission-line ratios in a sample of 219 galaxies (0.6<z<1.30.6<z<1.3) detected using the G102 grism on the \emph{Hubble Space Telescope} Wide Field Camera 3, taken as part of the CANDELS Lyα\alpha Emission at Reionization (CLEAR) survey, to measure ionization profiles and search for low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGN). We analyze \OIII\ and \Hb\ emission-line maps, enabling us to spatially resolve the \OIIIHb\ emission-line ratio across the galaxies in the sample. We compare the \OIIIHb\ ratio in galaxy centers and outer annular regions to measure ionization gradients and investigate the potential of sources with nuclear ionization to host AGN. We investigate some of the individual galaxies that are candidates to host strong nuclear ionization and find that they often have low stellar mass and are undetected in X-rays, as expected for low-luminosity AGN in low-mass galaxies. We do not find evidence for a significant population of off-nuclear AGN or other clumps of off-nuclear ionization. We model the observed distribution of \OIIIHb\ gradients and find that most galaxies are consistent with small or zero gradients, but 6-16\% of galaxies in the sample are likely to host nuclear \OIIIHb\ that is \sim0.5~dex higher than in their outer regions. This study is limited by large uncertainties in most of the measured \OIIIHb\ spatial profiles, therefore deeper data, e.g, from deeper \textit{HST}/WFC3 programs or from \textit{JWST}/NIRISS, are needed to more reliably measure the spatially resolved emission-line conditions of individual high-redshift galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Statistics of Two-point Correlation and Network Topology for Lyman Alpha Emitters at z2.67z \approx 2.67

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    We investigate the spatial distribution of Lyman alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) at z2.67z \approx 2.67, selected from the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS), using two-point statistics and topological diagnostics adopted from network science. We measure the clustering length, r04h1r_0 \approx 4 h^{-1} Mpc, and the bias, bLAE=2.20.1+0.2b_{LAE} = 2.2^{+0.2}_{-0.1}. Fitting the clustering with halo occupation distribution (HOD) models results in two disparate possibilities: (1) where the fraction of central galaxies is <<1% in halos of mass >1012>10^{12}MM_\odot; and (2) where the fraction is \approx20%. We refer to these two scenarios as the `Dusty Core Scenario' for Model#1 since most of central galaxies in massive halos are dead in Lyα\alpha emission, and the `Pristine Core Scenario' for Model#2 since the central galaxies are bright in Lyα\alpha emission. Traditional two-point statistics cannot distinguish between these disparate models given the current data sets. To overcome this degeneracy, we generate mock catalogs for each HOD model using a high resolution NN-body simulation and adopt a network statistics approach, which provides excellent topological diagnostics for galaxy point distributions. We find three topological anomalies from the spatial distribution of observed LAEs, which are not reproduced by the HOD mocks. We find that Model#2 matches better all network statistics than Model#1, suggesting that the central galaxies in >1012h1M> 10^{12} h^{-1} M_\odot halos at z2.67z \approx 2.67 need to be less dusty to be bright as LAEs, potentially implying some replenishing channels of pristine gas such as the cold mode accretion.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Sussing merger trees: the Merger Trees Comparison Project

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    Merger trees follow the growth and merger of dark-matter haloes over cosmic history. As well as giving important insights into the growth of cosmic structure in their own right, they provide an essential backbone to semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. This paper is the first in a series to arise from the Sussing Merger Trees Workshop in which 10 different tree-building algorithms were applied to the same set of halo catalogues and their results compared. Although many of these codes were similar in nature, all algorithms produced distinct results. Our main conclusions are that a useful merger-tree code should possess the following features: (i) the use of particle IDs to match haloes between snapshots; (ii) the ability to skip at least one, and preferably more, snapshots in order to recover subhaloes that are temporarily lost during merging; (iii) the ability to cope with (and ideally smooth out) large, temporary fluctuations in halo mass. Finally, to enable different groups to communicate effectively, we defined a common terminology that we used when discussing merger trees and we encourage others to adopt the same language. We also specified a minimal output format to record the results