11 research outputs found

    Seasonal fluxes of carbonyl sulfide in a midlatitude forest

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    Carbonyl sulfide (OCS), the most abundant sulfur gas in the atmosphere, has a summer minimum associated with uptake by vegetation and soils, closely correlated with CO2. We report the first direct measurements to our knowledge of the ecosystem flux of OCS throughout an annual cycle, at a mixed temperate forest. The forest took up OCS during most of the growing season with an overall uptake of 1.36 ± 0.01 mol OCS per ha (43.5 ± 0.5 g S per ha, 95% confidence intervals) for the year. Daytime fluxes accounted for 72% of total uptake. Both soils and incompletely closed stomata in the canopy contributed to nighttime fluxes. Unexpected net OCS emission occurred during the warmest weeks in summer. Many requirements necessary to use fluxes of OCS as a simple estimate of photosynthesis were not met because OCS fluxes did not have a constant relationship with photosynthesis throughout an entire day or over the entire year. However, OCS fluxes provide a direct measure of ecosystem-scale stomatal conductance and mesophyll function, without relying on measures of soil evaporation or leaf temperature, and reveal previously unseen heterogeneity of forest canopy processes. Observations of OCS flux provide powerful, independent means to test and refine land surface and carbon cycle models at the ecosystem scale.Engineering and Applied Science

    Diagram of reference and heated plots, including wiring and conduit systems.

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    <p>Each plot is 11 X 13.5 m<sup>2</sup>. Plots 1 and 2 are <i>reference</i>, 3 and 4 are <i>warmed</i>, and 5 and 6 are <i>warmed +FTC</i>. EPDM synthetic rubber roofing membrane material was installed to 30 cm depth between the two types of warmed plots (i.e., between plots 3–4 and 5–6) to inhibit roots from growing into different treatments. The parallel gray lines inside plots represent heating cable and the black lines outside plots represent heating cable conduit. The junction boxes, located along the conduit, are represented by white boxes. The equipment shed (center box) houses the control equipment for the experiment.</p

    Total basal area of trees in each of the six CCASE plots.

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    <p>Values are totals per tree species within each plot measured in June 2012. Units are cm<sup>2</sup>. There were no statistically significant differences in total basal area of individual tree species comparing reference (plots 1 and 2) to treatment (plots 3–6) plots (<i>P</i> > 0.05 for all tree species; see below) or for total basal area across all tree species comparing reference to treatment plots (<i>P</i> = 0.91).</p