2,424 research outputs found

    Mobile Life: A Research Foundation for Mobile Services

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    The telecom and IT industry is now facing the challenge of a second IT-revolution, where the spread of mobile and ubiquitous services will have an even more profound effect on commercial and social life than the recent Internet revolution. Users will expect services that are unique and fully adapted for the mobile setting, which means that the roles of the operators will change, new business models will be required, and new methods for developing and marketing services have to be found. Most of all, we need technology and services that put people at core. The industry must prepare to design services for a sustainable web of work, leisure and ubiquitous technology we can call the mobile life. In this paper, we describe the main components of a research agenda for mobile services, which is carried out at the Mobile Life Center at Stockholm University. This research program takes a sustainable approach to research and development of mobile and ubiquitous services, by combining a strong theoretical foundation (embodied interaction), a welldefined methodology (user-centered design) and an important domain with large societal importance and commercial potential (mobile life). Eventually the center will create an experimental mobile services ecosystem, which will serve as an open arena where partners from academia and industry can develop our vision an abundant future marketplace for future mobile servĂ­ces

    About the aesthetics of the landscape : perspectives on the concept of aesthetics and its relation to landscape architecture

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    I det hĂ€r examensarbetet undersöks estetikbegreppet och dess relation till landskapsarkitekturen. För att skapa ett solitt ramverk genomfördes en littera- turöversikt med utgĂ„ngspunkt i filosofins estetik. UtifrĂ„n litteraturöversikten utvecklades en modell för hur man kan förhĂ„lla sig till estetiska frĂ„gor. Med hjĂ€lp av den utarbetade modellen kunde dĂ€refter estetikens relation till just landskapsarkitekturen studeras. Resultatet visade att begreppet estetik Ă€r brett och innefattar mer Ă€n det skö- na. Centralt för den moderna estetiken Ă€r att den estetiska upplevelsen Ă€r subjektiv och sĂ„ledes beror till stor del pĂ„ mottagaren. Utöver mottagarens disposition pĂ„verkas den estetiska upplevelsen av kontexten. För att beskriva den estetiska upplevelsens olika delar med ett sprĂ„k som passar estetikens na- tur anvĂ€ndes begrepp frĂ„n akustiken. Begreppen klangbotten och rumsklang beskriver mottagarens respektive omgivningens disposition. Det som utmĂ€rker landskapsarkitekturens relation till estetikbegreppet Ă€r en hög komplexitetsnivĂ„. Landskapet innehĂ„ller okontrollerbara liksom förĂ€n- derliga variabler, vilka inverkar pĂ„ landskapets rumsklang. DĂ€rtill Ă€r motta- garens klangbotten gĂ€llande landskapsarkitekturens mĂ„ngbottnad. UtifrĂ„n arbetets resultat förstĂ„s att estetiska frĂ„gor kopplade till landskapsarkitektur krĂ€ver en förstĂ„else för hur sammansatt den estetiska upplevelsen Ă€r liksom att estetiken finns bortom logikens regler. Dessutom tycks ett vĂ€lfungeran- de sprĂ„k och en levande diskussion vara viktigt för att kunna hantera frĂ„gor kopplade till estetik.In this master thesis, the concept of aesthetics and its relation to landscape architecture is investigated. To create a solid framework, a literature review was conducted, focusing on the philosophy of aesthetics. Based on the review, a model for how one can relate to aesthetic questions was made. The model was then applied on the field of landscape architecture. The result shows that the concept of aesthetics is wide and includes more than beauty. Central to the modern philosophy is that the aesthetic experience is subjective. Thus, the aesthetic experience depends a lot on the individual. Besides the individual factors, the aesthetic experience is also affected by the context. To describe the experience with a suitable language, concepts from the field of acoustics were used. The Swedish words klangbotten (soundboard) and rumsklang (room acoustics) describe the individual’s and the context’s dis- position respectively. The landscape architecture’s relation to the concept of aesthetics is defined by a high level of complexity. The landscape is characterized by uncontrolla- ble and changeable factors which affect the landscape’s rumsklang. Further, the klangbotten of the individual concerning landscape is multifaceted. The result of the thesis communicates that a thorough understanding for the complex- ity of aesthetic questions related to landscape architecture is vital for people handling these matters. Also, one must know that the field exist beyond the rules of logic, that it works on another level. Furthermore, a well-functioning language and an ongoing discussion seem to be important when addressing aesthetic questions

    Goal conflicts in long-term cropping system trials - the example of carrots

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    Agricultural research on multiple cropping systems in parallel increases the potential for knowledge transfer between organic and conventional systems. This project aims to develop cropping systems towards greater sustainability through work in long-term trials that have a unique opportunity to contribute to a holistic research perspective. Data on the fourth crop rotation (2007-2012) are now being compiled. This paper presents preliminary results from cultivation of carrots as an example to demonstrate goal conflicts in organic and conventional systems between good nutrient management and good economy on one hand and nematode control and intensive cropping systems (good short-term economy) on the other. Good productivity and sustainable production levels are major overall goals in the project. The conclusion is that more research on nematode susceptibility and propagating at different crops and varieties is very important

    Exploiting Sparse Structures in Source Localization and Tracking

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    This thesis deals with the modeling of structured signals under different sparsity constraints. Many phenomena exhibit an inherent structure that may be exploited when setting up models, examples include audio waves, radar, sonar, and image objects. These structures allow us to model, identify, and classify the processes, enabling parameter estimation for, e.g., identification, localisation, and tracking.In this work, such structures are exploited, with the goal to achieve efficient localisation and tracking of a structured source signal. Specifically, two scenarios are considered. In papers A and B, the aim is to find a sparse subset of a structured signal such that the signal parameters and source locations maybe estimated in an optimal way. For the sparse subset selection, a combinatorial optimization problem is approximately solved by means of convex relaxation, with the results of allowing for different types of a priori information to be incorporated in the optimization. In paper C, a sparse subset of data is provided, and a generative model is used to find the location of an unknown number of jammers in a wireless network, with the jammers’ movement in the network being tracked as additional observations become available

    Vegetation for the little ones : can an urban playscape benefit both children and passerines?

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    Med syftet att skapa en ökad förstĂ„else för hur fungerade lekotoper i urbana miljöer kan utformas undersöktes vilka egenskaper barn respektive tĂ€ttingar uppskattar hos vegetation. MĂ„let med uppsatsen var att studera om och hur vegetationen i en lekmiljö som bĂ„de stimulerar barn och gynnar tĂ€ttingar kan gestaltas. En litteraturöversikt genomfördes för att undersöka vad som utgör en kvalitativ vegetation för barn respektive tĂ€ttingar. Resultatet frĂ„n litteraturöversiktens tvĂ„ delar sammanstĂ€lldes i en syntes som visade att barn och tĂ€ttingar i hög grad uppskattar samma typ av vegetation. Syntesen visade Ă€ven att ett flerskaligt perspektiv behöver anlĂ€ggas vid gestaltning av en miljö som ska gynna bĂ„de barn och tĂ€ttingar. Avsaknaden av studier som har undersökt huruvida de tvĂ„ grupperna kan visats pĂ„ samma plats innebĂ€r dock att det Ă€r ovisst om en lekotop av det hĂ€r slaget kan fungera i praktiken. För att vidare öka förstĂ„elsen för hur fungerande lekotoper kan utformas behöver kommande studier undersöka i vilken utstrĂ€ckning barn och tĂ€ttingar kan nyttja samma yta och vegetation.The purpose of this paper was to increase the knowledge of how urban playscapes with high ecological values can be designed. Children’s and passerines’ respective demands on vegetation was investigated in order to understand if and how the vegetation in an urban playscape can be planned to benefit both groups. A literature review was carried out to gather information. The results from the two different parts of the literature review was then compared in a synthesis showing that children’s and passerines’ in many aspects appreciate the same kind of vegetation. The synthesis also revealed the need for a multi-scale approach when designing an environment for children and passerines. However, the lack of studies investigating if children and passerines can share the same space makes it hard to determine if an urban playscape benefiting both children and passerines can function. In order to further increase the knowledge of how playscapes with high ecological values can be designed, further studies need to investigate to what degree children and passerines can use the same space and vegetation

    A comparison of the relative effectiveness of proctoring and peer tutoring procedures

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    Traditional university modes of instruction have been shown to be less effective than. both PSI and peer tutoring procedures. The present study compared the relative effectiveness of proctors and peer tutors in a PSI type course. Twelve subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental conditions. The within-subject variable was the order of exposure to the teaching. Methods (being proctored, being tutored, or tutoring) and the. between-subject variables were type of teaching method (proctor-ed or peer tutored) and the number of the trial (first or .second test under the assigned teaching condition). An analysis of variance split plot 3.22 of the number of correct answers on the first test of each unit yielded a significant main effect for teaching method; F(1,9) = 17.24, p \u3c .01; and a significant interaction for Teaching Method x Order of Exposure to Teaching Conditions; F(2, 9) = 4.31, p \u3c .05. Analysis of the number of tests taken to reach criterion yielded significant main effects for teaching method; F(1,9) = 7.44, p \u3c .05; and for order of exposure to teaching conditions; F(2,9) = 4.88 p \u3c .05. The results indicate that proctoring resulted in better student performance than did peer tutoring on both measure of course performance. Other methods for easing the application of PSI type procedures to large courses or situations where proctors are unavailable should examined

    Biologisk bekÀmpning av potatiscystnematoder : nÄgra biologiska bekÀmpningsorganismer och deras potential för svenskt bruk

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    Potatiscystnematoderna (PCN) Globodera pallida (vit potatiscystnematod) och G. rostochiensis (gul potatiscystnematod) Àr sedentÀra endoparasiter pÄ potatis som kan orsaka stora skördeförluster i potatisodlingar. BÄda arterna av PCN Àr Àven klassade som karantÀnskadegörare i Sverige. I dagslÀget finns det inga godkÀnda nematicider i Sverige och effekten av PCN-resistenta potatissorter har pÄ vissa hÄll minskat, vilket medför att biologisk bekÀmpning kan utgöra en viktig framtida bekÀmpningsÄtgÀrd mot PCN. I det hÀr arbetet utfördes en litteraturstudie för att undersöka nÄgra kontrollorganismer för tillsÀttande biologisk bekÀmpning mot PCN och huruvida organismerna Àr godkÀnda som verksamma Àmnen i Sverige. Arbetet avgrÀnsades till att undersöka bakterier och svampar som antingen har verkningssÀtt mot PCN genom parasitism eller genom att de utsöndrar sekundÀra metaboliter (antibios) som pÄverkar PCN negativt. Resultatet visade att bakterierna Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp. och Pasteuria spp. har en kontrolleffekt mot PCN. VerkningssÀttet frÄn Pseudomonas spp och Bacillus spp sker bland annat genom antibios och frÄn Pasteuria spp genom obligat parasitism. Bland svamparna uppvisade Hirsutella rhossiliensis, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Verticillium leptobactrum, Purpureocillium lilacinum och Trichoderma spp. en bekÀmpningseffekt mot PCN. Bland dessa var H. rhossiliensis endoparasitÀr pÄ PCN, medan de övriga svamparna var Àgg- och/eller cystparasiter. Samtliga organismer har uppvisat en bekÀmpningseffekt mot bÄda arterna av potatiscystnematoder, frÄnsett Pasteuria spp., H. rhossiliensis och V. leptobactrum som endast uppvisat en kontrolleffekt mot G. pallida. Av dessa biologiska kontrollorganismer fanns det enligt Kemikalieinspektionens (KEMI) bekÀmpnings-medelsregister arter godkÀnda som verksamma Àmnen inom slÀktena Pseudomonas, Bacillus och Trichoderma. Trichoderma harzianum och Bacillus thuringiensis var de tvÄ arter som bÄde omfattades av litteraturstudien och som var godkÀnda som verksamma Àmnen enligt KEMI:s bekÀmpningsmedelsregister. Det Àr i nulÀget svÄrt att utvÀrdera vilka kontrollorganismer som har störst bekÀmpningseffekt eftersom de försök som gjorts har utförts pÄ olika premisser och dÄ inga av försöken utförts i svenska fÀltförhÄllanden. DÀremot har vissa av organismerna uppvisat egenskaper i litteraturen som kan pÄverka deras lÀmplighet som biologiska kontrollorgansimer i svensk potatisodling. Vissa av kontrollorganismerna uppvisade Àven positiva bieffekter pÄ potatisplantorna som exempelvis att de inducerade systemisk resistens och var tillvÀxtfrÀmjande, vilket Àr positiva egenskaper ur produktionssynpunkt. Slutsatsen som drog Àr att T. harzianum och B. thuringiensis Àr tvÄ kontrollorganismer som bÄde finns godkÀnda som verksamma Àmnen i Sverige och som uppvisat en bekÀmpningseffekt mot PCN. Dock krÀvs mer forskning för att sÀkerstÀlla att isolaten av dessa organismer lÀmpar sig för svenskt bruk samt i vilka formuleringar de ska appliceras.The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera pallida (white potato cyst nematode) and G. rostochiensis (yellow potato cyst nematode) are sedentary endoparasites of potato that can cause major yield losses in potato cultivations. Both species of PCN are also classified as quarantine pests in Sweden. At present, there are no approved nematicides in Sweden and the effect of PCN-resistant potato varieties has decreased in some areas, which means that biological control may be an important future control measure against PCN. A literature study was conducted to investigate some control organisms for augmentative biological control against PCN and whether the organisms are approved as active substances in Sweden. The work was limited to investigate bacteria and fungi that either have a mode of action against PCN through parasitism or by producing secondary metabolites (antibiosis) that affects the PCN negatively. The result showed that bacteria within Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp. and Pasteuria spp. have a control effect against PCN. The mode of action of Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp. is through antibiosis and of Pasteuria spp. through obligate parasitism. Among the fungi, Hirsutella rhossiliensis, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Verticillium leptobactrum, Purpureocillium lilacinum and Trichoderma spp. showed a control effect against PCN. Among these, H. rhossiliensis was endoparasitic on PCN, while the other fungi were egg and/or cyst parasites. All organisms showed a control effect against both species of potato cyst nematodes, except for Pasteuria spp., H. rhossiliensis and V. leptobactrum, which only showed a control effect against G. pallida. Out of the studied biological control organisms there were species approved as active substances according to the Swedish Pesticides Register of the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI) in the genera Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Trichoderma. Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus thuringiensis were the two species that were both included in the literature study and approved as active substances according to the Swedish Pesticides Register. Currently, it is difficult to evaluate which control organisms have the greatest control effect since the experiments have been carried out on different premises and since none of the experiments have been carried out in Swedish field conditions. However, some of the organisms have shown characteristics in the literature that may affect their suitability as biological control organisms in Swedish potato cultivation. Some of the control organisms also showed positive side effects on potato plants, such as inducing systemic resistance and promoting growth, which are positive characteristics from a production point of view. The conclusion that was drawn is that T. harzianum and B. thuringiensis are two control organisms that are both approved as active substances in Sweden and have shown a control effect against PCN. However, more research is needed to ensure that the isolates of these organisms are suitable for Swedish use and in which formulations they should be applied

    Effect of different inoculation methods in modern and historic cultivars of soybean suitable for cultivation in Sweden

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    The inclusion of soybean in Swedish crop rotations would enable an increase in legume production in Sweden. Previous attempts to introduce soybean as a crop in Sweden have failed, but in recent years, new attempts have been made under experimental conditions. Soybean cultivars suitable for cultivation in Sweden belong to maturity group (MG) 000, as well as historically Swedish-bred soybean cultivars, such as BrĂ„valla. However, for these cultivars to fix N, compatible rhizobia such as Bradyrhizobium japonicum are needed. These are not native to Swedish soils and have to be introduced through inoculation. Inoculating seeds can have several beneficial effects on soybean traits, but this varies with the interaction between soybean cultivar, rhizobial strain- or species and environmental factors. Inoculants can have different formulations which have different properties and may affect rhizobial survival and inoculation effect. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effects the inoculation methods no-, liquid- or peat inoculation had on phenotypic traits and N-fixation in soybean cultivars suitable for cultivation in Swedish climate in both field- and greenhouse conditions. The peat- and liquid inoculants containing B. japonicum, as well as uninoculated control, were tested in a field trial on Gotland, Sweden, on the soybean cultivars Abaca, Gallec, Sussex, and Todeka (all MG 000), and in a greenhouse experiment in Uppsala, Sweden, on the cultivars Abaca, Gallec, Sussex and BrĂ„valla (historic). Inoculation of the seeds resulted in higher N content and %Ndfa in both the field trial (significant increase) and the greenhouse experiment compared to the uninoculated plants. The peat – and liquid formulations did not differ in performance in the greenhouse experiment, but the peat inoculant did overall perform better than the liquid inoculant in the field trial. This may be an effect of the protective properties of peat supporting rhizobial survival in field conditions. Inoculation of the seeds did not have a significant effect on the traits: plant height, height of the lowest node, leaf biomass, or N content in the leaves at flowering (field trial). However, inoculation significantly affected: TKW, yield, root biomass, stem biomass, root-/ stem biomass ratio, nodule weight, nodule number, and protein yield compared to uninoculated plants. The responses to the inoculants varied between the environments and between cultivars. In comparisons between the greenhouse experiment and the field trial, the traits affected by rhizobial survival (N content, nodule number and nodule weight) were enhanced in the greenhouse experiment, while traits probably limited by light intensity (TKW and yield) were superior in the field trial. The results showed that the interaction between cultivar x inoculation method had a significant effect on: root biomass, stem biomass, root-/stem biomass ratio, nodule number, nodule weight (GH), TKW, yield (GH), N content in biomass and seeds and %Ndfa in biomass and seeds. This thesis demonstrated that peat inoculation was superior over liquid inoculation in Swedish field conditions and that the MG 000 cultivar Sussex in comibination with LegumeFix had the greatest potential for generating high yield and protein yield out of the tested combinations, hence being suggested to Swedish farmers wanting to try soybean cultivation. However, further research is needed to confirm these results
