39 research outputs found

    Security in Futures : Security in Change. Proceedings of the Conference “Security in Futures – Security in Change", 3-4 June 2010, Turku, Finland

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    Culture as Innovation : The Search for Creative Power in Economies and Societies. Proceedings of the Conference "Culture as Innovation", 6-8 June 2007, Turku, Finland

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    To be Young! : Youth and the Future. Proceedings of the Conference “To be Young! Youth and the Future”, 6–8 June 2012, Turku, Finland

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    What does it mean to be young today and what will it mean in the coming years in this rapidly changing world? What the future of youth could be and look like? The aim of the “To be Young” conference in July 2012 was to perceive and create futures through the eyes of today’s youth, adults and decision makers for the young people of the future. The course of a youth’s life, both today and toward the future covers an entire spectrum of reality. Focusing on faith in young people, their ability and determination to build an inevitably different and in many ways and hopefully improved world for us all to live in was the focal point of this conference. This book collects some of the presentations and papers presented in the conference. Articles selected in this book cover several approaches of youth research. Topics include politics, education, gender questions, futures methodologies, young immigrants just to mention a few. We thank the authors and referees for their work. The conference was organized in association with the Finland Futures Academy and the Finnish Youth Research Network. The “To Be Young” conference marked Finland Futures Research Centre’s 14th Annual International Conference and its 20th Anniversary celebrating twenty years of academic research, education and development work

    SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CHALLENGES OF INDIA : Essays of the study course "Future Sustainable Energy Challenges"

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    Of recent, energy education is acquiring importance in Indian higher education system. As a signatory to many international protocols on reducing carbon emissions, India is obligated to persue alternative sources of energy and awareness building among the masses to meet its global commitments. Once such initiative was undertaken in Solapur University, Maharashtra state, Western India, to introduce a course on “Future Sustainable Energy Challenges”, in collaboration with Finland Futures Research Centre (Turku School of Economics in University of Turku, Finland) under the financial assistance from the Finnish National Agency of Education. The present book is a collection of essays developed by Master students as project work of their course in Energy Education. There are three essays presented in this book which provide glimpses on Renewable Energy Sources and their potential to meet energy needs of India in a sustainable manner. All the three essays are set in ‘Futures studies perspective‘ and have discussed at length the challenges and limitations through specific case studies on wind, solar, biofuel energy, in the context of India’s energy sector

    ICLEI Green Circular Cities Coalition : toteutettavuustutkimus aktiivisen kiertotaloustoimija- verkoston rakentamiseksi Turun seudulla

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    Turun kaupunki ja Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus ovat toteuttaneet tutkimuksen Turun seudun edellytyksistä osallistua ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability käynnistämän kiertotaloustoimijoiden kaupunkiverkostoon Green Circular Cities Coalitioniin (GCCC) Kiertotaloutta tarkasteltiin ICLEIN määrittelemien kuuden temaattisen sektorin; Kaupunkisuunnittelu ja hallinto, rakennukset ja rakentaminen, julkiset hankinnat, teolliset symbioosit, kunnallinen jätehuolto ja vesi-ruoka-energia nexus puitteissa. Kiertotaloustoiminnaksi tunnistettiin laajasti kaikki resurssien tehokkaampaan kiertoon pyrkivät ratkaisut, mm. uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö, kierrätys, uudelleenkäyttö, alustatalous, biotalousratkaisut ja cleantech, joiden tavoitteena on lineaarisesta talousmallista kiertotalouteen siirtyminen. Kaupunkisuunnittelussa kiertotalousratkaisuja on toteutettu yleiskaavoituksessa kaavoittamalla uusia alueita entisten teollisuusalueiden paikalle keskustan läheisyyteen hyvien joukkoliikenneyhteyksien varrelle. Asemakaavoituksessa on käytetty kiertotalouteen ohjaavia määräyksiä, kaupunkirakenteen tiivistä-mistä täydennysrakentamisella ja otetaan jatkuvasti käyttöön enemmän elinkaariajattelua ja laskentaa. Liikenne ja katusuunnittelussa toteutetaan ympäristöystävällisempää joukkoliikennettä, jakamisalustoja ja pohditaan myös yhteiskäytön lisäämisratkaisuja. Viheraluesuunnittelussa on otettu käyttöön siniviherkerroin määrittelemään viheralueiden määrää suhteutettuna asuinneliöihin ja kehitetty hulevesiratkaisuja. Turun seudun kärkihankkeet Keskustan kehittäminen, Turun Tiedepuisto ja Smart and Wise Turku sisältävät runsaasti kiertotalousajattelua ja mahdollisuuksia sen laajentamiselle. Turun kaupungin valtuusto hyväksyi 11.6.2018 ilmastosuunnitelman, jonka mukaisesti ilmastopolitiikan päätavoite on olla hiilineutraali vuoteen 2029 mennessä. Turun kaupunki on strategisten yhteisöidensä kautta ollut jo vuosien ajan kiertotalouden ratkaisuiden veturi alueella. Yleisilmapiiri Turun kaupungissa ja sen hallinnossa on kehittynyt vahvasti ilmastomyönteisempään suuntaan, mikä onkin hyvä, koska osallistamista, ratkaisuja ja paljon työtä on edessä ilmastotavoitteen saavuttamiseksi. Julkisilla hankinnoilla on sekä esimerkin näyttämisen velvollisuus, että volyyminsa vuoksi merkittävä rooli siinä, miten yritykset edistävät ilmastoystävällisempiä toimintatapoja. Julkisten hankintojen osalta haasteita kiertotalouden ratkaisuiden edistämiselle aiheuttavat tiukka kilpailutuslainsäädäntö, puolueettomien laatukriteerien ja seurantajärjestelmien puute sekä markkinoilla olevien ratkaisujen valmiusaste. Turun kaupungin strategisissa hankinnoissa on tekeillä ”Kestävän kehityksen hankintaopas”, jonka tavoitteena on edistää myös kilpailutuksen laatukriteerien valintaa suosimaan kestäviä ratkaisuja. Turun seudun päätoimialat ovat bio-ja ICT alat, meri- ja metalliteollisuus, rakentaminen, logistiikka sekä luovat alat, jotka ovat kaikki aloja, joissa kiertotaloutta voi edistää merkittävästi. Biotalouden osalta seudulla on paljon kemian-, lääke-, ja elintarviketeollisuutta sekä maataloutta ja niiden tutkimustoimintaa. Turku Science Park Oy toimii Clean-tiiminsä kautta vahvasti paikallisessa yrityskentässä ja edistää kierto-talouden teollisia symbiooseja. Turun ammattikorkeakoululla on vahva ote kiertotalouden liiketoimintaratkaisuihin ja yritysyhteistyöhön. Suuret yritykset ovat jo pitkään olleet tietoisia kiertotaloudesta ja etsineet aktiivisesti ratkaisuja. Pienillä yrityksillä on vähemmän resursseja, mutta niitä liittyy kiertoihin mukaan esimerkiksi alihankinnan kautta. Turun seudullinen jätehuolto on 17 kunnan toteuttaman yhteistyöratkaisu. Yhtiöllä on 12 jätekeskusta ja lajitteluasemaa kiertojen edistämiseksi, joista Topinpuisto on Turun kiertotalouden keskus. Vuonna 2021 on valmistumassa ekovoimala Saloon. Merkittävä seudullinen ratkaisu on tekstiilien kierrätys, jota on vuosien ajan edistetty yhteistyöhankkeissa, esimerkiksi Telaketjussa. Tekstiilien kierrätykseen on valmistu-massa koelaitos, josta pyritään etenemään merkittävän volyymin toimintaan lähivuosien aikana. Noin kolmasosa Suomen kasvihuonepäätöistä aiheutuu rakennuksista ja rakentamisesta, mikä sijoittaa ne keskeiseen rooliin ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Uudisrakentamisessa toimitaan yleiskaavan ja tontinluovutusehtojen puitteissa, mikä antaa kaupungille merkittävän ohjausvaikutusmahdollisuuden rakennusliikkeiden toimintaan nähden. Kaupunki toteuttaa myös omaa rakentamista, esimerkkinä infran ja viheralueiden rakennus, joiden osalta maamassojen kierto ja on merkittävässä roolissa. Suunnittelu- ja rakentamisvaiheissa pystytään vaikuttamaan merkittävästi elinkaarenaikaiseen energiankulutukseen. Ole-massa oleviin rakennuksiin liittyvät kiertotalousratkaisut koskevat energiatehokkuuden parantamista, tilojen käyttöasteen nostamista, rakennusten elinkaaren pidentämistä kunnossapidon, saneerauksen ja käyttötarkoituksen muutosten kautta ja lopulta purettavien rakennusten purkujätteen käsittelyä uusiomateriaaleiksi. Vesi-ruoka-energia nexus on kansainvälisesti merkittävä, koska vesi on yksi uhanalaisia resursseja ja ruoan ja energiantuotannot ovat merkittävä ilmastovaikutusten lähde. Turun seudulla on merkittävää osaamista jätevesien kiertotalouden mukaisesta puhdistusjärjestelmästä, joka tuottaa energiaa enemmän kuin se kuluttaa. Samoin Itämeren suojelun ja tutkimuksen kautta veteen liittyvät teemat ovat seudullisesti vahvoja. Varsinais-Suomi on yksi Suomen maatalouden, ruokaketjujen ja elintarviketuotannon keskeisiä paikkoja, mistä johtuen tutkimusosaaminen on vahvaa ja kiertotalousratkaisut keskeisiä. Varsinais-Suomen alueella viljellään eri lajikkeita monipuolisesti, joka auttaa aluetta myös ilmastonmuutokseen varautumisessa. Energian osalta keskitytään uusiutuvien energianlähteiden lisäämiseen, hukkalämpöjen hyödyntämiseen, energian varastointiin ja energiatehokkaampien ratkaisujen luomiseen. Energiaan liittyvä tutkimus on myös vahvaa seudun korkeakouluissa. Osana tutkimusta on selvitetty myös paikallisten toimijoiden kiinnostusta osallistua ICLEI GCCC verkoston kansainväliseen yhteistyöhön. Vastaanotto on ollut kiinnostunut, osin jopa innostunut niillä edellytyksiin, että valittavien teemojen sisältö on konkreettinen ja yhteistyö edistää Turun seudun kiertotaloutta. Jokaisessa teemassa on löydettävissä selkeitä vahvoja sisältöjä, joita Turku voi tuoda osaksi ICLEI GCCC verkoston yhteistyötä. Ennen lopullista valintaa on tärkeää keskustella yksityiskohtaisemmin paikallisten toimijoiden kanssa siitä, valitaanko sisältöjä, joissa Turun seudulla on jo nyt vahvaa osaamista vai sisältöjä, joissa tarvitaan selkeää verkoston tukea. Päätöstä tehtäessä olisi kiinnostavaa myös kuulla minkälaisilla teemoilla muut GCCC verkoston kaupungit ovat tulossa mukaan ja minkälaisia tarpeita heillä on, jotta saadaan kehitettyä mahdollisimman merkityksellistä ja vaikuttavaa yhteistyötä

    ICLEI Green Circular Cities Coalition : feasibility study to build an active network of circular economy actors in the Turku region

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    The City of Turku and Finland Futures Research Centre have conducted a joint feasibility study to deter-mine the preconditions for the Turku region to take part in the Green Circular Cities Coalition initiated by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.Circular economy was examined through the six thematic sectors determined by ICLEI: urban spatial planning and governance, circular public procurement and supply chain, circular industrial park, municipal resource management, buildings and construction and water-food-energy nexus. Circular economy was recognised widely through the operations aimed at increasing resource efficiency and transitioning from a linear economy paradigm to a circular one, for example renewable energy sources, recycling, reuse, shar-ing platforms, bio economy and cleantech.Turku urban spatial planning has implemented circular economy solutions in its master plan by plan-ning new residential areas in old industrial areas located near the city centre and having access to public transportation. A more specific city plan requires construction companies to build circularity-advancing solutions, making the structure of the city denser and intensifying the implementation of life cycle assess-ment. Transportation and street planning are moving towards more environmentally neutral public trans-portation and sharing solutions for more efficient use of bikes and other vehicles. Green area planning has employed a new method called “blue-green factor” which determines the minimum amount of green areas in a property in relation to living areas. Stormwater directing solutions have also been intensified. Circular economy is a strong theme in the three spearhead projects of the City of Turku; Development of the city centre, Turku Science Park development and Smart and Wise Turku.On 11 June 2018, the Turku City Council approved the climate plan, which sets carbon neutrality by 2029 as the main target of its climate policy. Through the development work of its strategic entities, the City of Turku has been the local engine for advancing circularity. The general atmosphere towards climate actions among residents and officials of the city of Turku is positive, which is good, since a lot of partici-pation, solutions and work is required to reach the ambitious climate goals.Public procurement has the responsibility to set an example and the power to be a substantial influ-encer in developing corporate operations towards circularity. Challenges for advancing public procurement include tight legislation in tendering, lack of impartial quality criteria and follow-up systems and the low degree of readiness of circular economy products available on the market. The strategic procurement department of Turku is working with a “guide for sustainable procurement”, which aims to advance tender-ing quality criteria to support a sustainable procurement process.The main industrial fields of the Turku region are bio, ICT, marine and metal industries, construction and logistics, all with great potential for circular economy advancement. Bio-economy includes chemistry, medicine and food industries, agriculture and strong research in these fields. Turku Science Park Oy, a strategic entity of Turku, operates through its Clean team in innovation co-creation with local corporations, thus advancing industrial symbiosis. Turku University of Applied Sciences has a strong standing in circular economy business model creation and co-operation with local companies. Larger corporations have been aware of circularity and active in creating solutions for a long time. Smaller companies have less resources, but they are able to join circular operations through subcontracting.The municipal waste management of Turku is a joint solution of 17 municipalities with 12 waste centres and waste separation stations with Topinpuisto as the centre and showroom of circular economy. In 2021, a new ecological waste burning power plant will be opened in Salo, near Turku. A relevant field of action in the Turku area is textile recycling, which has been advanced through numerous projects. A pilot plant for textile recycling is being opened in Turku and the aim is to open a larger scale plant in the coming years.Approximately one third of greenhouse gas emissions is from buildings and construction, which gives them a central role in achieving the climate goals. Building circularity can be determined by the master plan and plot transfer clauses to some extent, which gives the city a substantial opportunity to guide con-struction company operations towards circularity. The city builds infrastructure and green areas in which the circularity of land masses is a considerable theme. The life cycle energy consumption of a building can be significantly affected through the planning and building phases. Circular solutions regarding existing buildings are improvement of energy efficiency, increasing the usage of space, making the life of a building longer through maintenance, renovation and restructuring or changing the purpose of use. End-of life-circularity considers how to circulate and reuse the building materials.The water-food-energy nexus is an internationally significant theme, since water is one of the most endangered resources and food and energy production are among the most polluting industrial sectors. The Turku region possesses substantial knowledge in the circular waste water purification system, which creates more energy than it consumes. Water-related themes are regionally strong through Baltic Sea protection and research. The Turku region is one of the centres of agriculture, food chains and food pro-duction, where research is strong and circularity is an important theme. The varieties cultivated in South-west Finland are very diverse, which also helps the area prepare for climate change. In energy production, the focus is on increasing renewable sources, utilising waste energy of industrial processes, energy stor-age and increasing energy efficiency solutions. Energy research is strong in the universities of the Turku area.As part of this feasibility study, the readiness of local actors to participate in the ICLEI GCCC co-operation was assessed. Most of the actors interviewed were interested. Some were even enthusiastic towards the co-operation, asserting that the contents need to be concrete and advance circular solutions in the Turku region. Turku possesses interesting contents in each thematic sector that can be included in the co-operation. Before the final selection of thematic sectors, it is important to discuss and agree with local actors, whether to select contents in which Turku is already strong or contents where Turku needs clear support from the network. Before conclusion it would also be interesting to communicate with other cities and find out what themes and which sectors they will bring to GCCC in order to create meaningful and influential co-operation.</p

    ICLEI Green Circular Cities Coalition : feasibility study to build an active network of circular economy actors in the Turku region

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    The City of Turku and Finland Futures Research Centre have conducted a joint feasibility study to deter-mine the preconditions for the Turku region to take part in the Green Circular Cities Coalition initiated by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Circular economy was examined through the six thematic sectors determined by ICLEI: urban spatial planning and governance, circular public procurement and supply chain, circular industrial park, municipal resource management, buildings and construction and water-food-energy nexus. Circular economy was recognised widely through the operations aimed at increasing resource efficiency and transitioning from a linear economy paradigm to a circular one, for example renewable energy sources, recycling, reuse, shar-ing platforms, bio economy and cleantech. Turku urban spatial planning has implemented circular economy solutions in its master plan by plan-ning new residential areas in old industrial areas located near the city centre and having access to public transportation. A more specific city plan requires construction companies to build circularity-advancing solutions, making the structure of the city denser and intensifying the implementation of life cycle assess-ment. Transportation and street planning are moving towards more environmentally neutral public trans-portation and sharing solutions for more efficient use of bikes and other vehicles. Green area planning has employed a new method called “blue-green factor” which determines the minimum amount of green areas in a property in relation to living areas. Stormwater directing solutions have also been intensified. Circular economy is a strong theme in the three spearhead projects of the City of Turku; Development of the city centre, Turku Science Park development and Smart and Wise Turku. On 11 June 2018, the Turku City Council approved the climate plan, which sets carbon neutrality by 2029 as the main target of its climate policy. Through the development work of its strategic entities, the City of Turku has been the local engine for advancing circularity. The general atmosphere towards climate actions among residents and officials of the city of Turku is positive, which is good, since a lot of partici-pation, solutions and work is required to reach the ambitious climate goals. Public procurement has the responsibility to set an example and the power to be a substantial influ-encer in developing corporate operations towards circularity. Challenges for advancing public procurement include tight legislation in tendering, lack of impartial quality criteria and follow-up systems and the low degree of readiness of circular economy products available on the market. The strategic procurement department of Turku is working with a “guide for sustainable procurement”, which aims to advance tender-ing quality criteria to support a sustainable procurement process. The main industrial fields of the Turku region are bio, ICT, marine and metal industries, construction and logistics, all with great potential for circular economy advancement. Bio-economy includes chemistry, medicine and food industries, agriculture and strong research in these fields. Turku Science Park Oy, a strategic entity of Turku, operates through its Clean team in innovation co-creation with local corporations, thus advancing industrial symbiosis. Turku University of Applied Sciences has a strong standing in circular economy business model creation and co-operation with local companies. Larger corporations have been aware of circularity and active in creating solutions for a long time. Smaller companies have less resources, but they are able to join circular operations through subcontracting. The municipal waste management of Turku is a joint solution of 17 municipalities with 12 waste centres and waste separation stations with Topinpuisto as the centre and showroom of circular economy. In 2021, a new ecological waste burning power plant will be opened in Salo, near Turku. A relevant field of action in the Turku area is textile recycling, which has been advanced through numerous projects. A pilot plant for textile recycling is being opened in Turku and the aim is to open a larger scale plant in the coming years. Approximately one third of greenhouse gas emissions is from buildings and construction, which gives them a central role in achieving the climate goals. Building circularity can be determined by the master plan and plot transfer clauses to some extent, which gives the city a substantial opportunity to guide con-struction company operations towards circularity. The city builds infrastructure and green areas in which the circularity of land masses is a considerable theme. The life cycle energy consumption of a building can be significantly affected through the planning and building phases. Circular solutions regarding existing buildings are improvement of energy efficiency, increasing the usage of space, making the life of a building longer through maintenance, renovation and restructuring or changing the purpose of use. End-of life-circularity considers how to circulate and reuse the building materials. The water-food-energy nexus is an internationally significant theme, since water is one of the most endangered resources and food and energy production are among the most polluting industrial sectors. The Turku region possesses substantial knowledge in the circular waste water purification system, which creates more energy than it consumes. Water-related themes are regionally strong through Baltic Sea protection and research. The Turku region is one of the centres of agriculture, food chains and food pro-duction, where research is strong and circularity is an important theme. The varieties cultivated in South-west Finland are very diverse, which also helps the area prepare for climate change. In energy production, the focus is on increasing renewable sources, utilising waste energy of industrial processes, energy stor-age and increasing energy efficiency solutions. Energy research is strong in the universities of the Turku area. As part of this feasibility study, the readiness of local actors to participate in the ICLEI GCCC co-operation was assessed. Most of the actors interviewed were interested. Some were even enthusiastic towards the co-operation, asserting that the contents need to be concrete and advance circular solutions in the Turku region. Turku possesses interesting contents in each thematic sector that can be included in the co-operation. Before the final selection of thematic sectors, it is important to discuss and agree with local actors, whether to select contents in which Turku is already strong or contents where Turku needs clear support from the network. Before conclusion it would also be interesting to communicate with other cities and find out what themes and which sectors they will bring to GCCC in order to create meaningful and influential co-operation

    Sustainable energy challenges in India. Essays of the study course "Future Sustainable Energy Challenges"

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    Uudistumisen eväitä metsäyrittäjälle

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    Osana Uudistuva metsäyrittäjä -hanketta on toteutettu pienimuotoinen tulevaisuusprosessi metsäalan ja metsäyrittäjyyden mahdollisista tulevaisuuksista ja pohdittu myös ei-toivottavaa tulevaisuutta. Prosessi on toteutettu kahdessa tulevaisuustyöpajassa keväällä 2017 ja 2018.Uudistuva metsäyrittäjä -hankkeessa keskityttiin 2020-luvun metsäyrittäjyydenmahdollisuuksiin ja haasteisiin. Ilmastonmuutos ja muut ympäristömuutoksetjäivät tarkastelussa taka-alalle, vaikka niiden olemassaolo tunnistettiinkin. Joka tapauksessa pitkällä aikavälillä ilmastonmuutos tullee aiheuttamaan merkittäviä muutoksia Suomen metsissä ja metsille. Nämä muutokset eivät valitettavasti ole pelkästään positiivisia tämän päivän näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna. Puusto ja kasvilajit sekä eliöstö muuttuvat, vaikkakin hitaasti. Uhkakuvina ovat uudet tuholaislajit ja kasvitaudit. Lisääntyvät sään ääri-ilmiöt, kuten myrskyt, lisääntyvä sadanta ja pidemmät kuivat kaudet tuovat mukanaan haasteita metsätalouden harjoittamiselle ja muulle metsän käytölle. Valitettavasti joudumme jatkossa pohtimaan näitäkin tekijöitä.</p

    Kohteena kiertotalous : TRY OUT! -hankkeen tulevaisuusprosessin tulokset

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