175 research outputs found

    Model Discovery Learning Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama: A Bibliometric Review

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    In the context of learning mathematics, the Discovery Learning method provides an effective approach to developing students' understanding and mathematical skills at the junior high school level. There have been many studies related to Discovery Learning. This study aims to determine the focus of research related to Discovery Learning in mathematics learning, especially at the junior high school level and its novelty. The method used is descriptive bibliometric analysis. A total of 21 data were taken from the Scopus database which had been refined with 4 stages (identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion). The results showed that the number of publications related to this field reached its highest peak in 2017 and 2019. The publications made in 2017 had a significant influence on research related to Discovery Learning in mathematics learning in junior high schools. The Indonesian University of Education and Sebelas Maret University have a great influence in publications related to this field. The research focus related to Discovery Learning in mathematics learning is divided into two parts, namely, 1) educational computing, problem based learning, problem solving and self regulated learning; 2) geometry, and self-efficacy . New themes and novelty of research related to this context have been discussed in this article

    Learnt from Lesson study in Indonesia and Japan to Promote the Better of Mathematics Teaching and Learning

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    The paper presented issues of concern related to the observation of lesson study activities, for three rounds in Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia, and comparing with the results of observation for several weeks at some state schools in Maebashi, Japan. Issues of concern focused on several possibilities to promote better mathematics learning in Indonesia, which can facilitate students to improve mathematical thinking or mathematical understanding. The result of observation indicates the presence of interesting issues that need to be considered in depth, among others: classroom settings, types of problem, group working, anticipation of didactical and pedagogical situation for enhance classroom communication, student's presentation, teacher's intervention, teacher's reflection, teacher's intervention, and teacher's reflection

    Systematics Literature Review: Pengembangan Mathematical Proficiency dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

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    National Research Council mengembangkan konsep Mathematical Proficiency dalam lima strands yaitu: Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Fluency, Strategics competence, Adaptive Reasoning, and Productive Disposition. Tujuan dari studi ini untuk menganalis pengembangan mathematics proficiency dalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Adapun tahapan SLR dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) Mengembangkan pertanyaan penelitian; 2) Mendesain kerangka konseptual; 3) Membuat kriteria seleksi; 4) Mengembangkan strategi sencarian; 5) Menseleksi kajian berdasarkan kriteria seleksi; 6) Mengkode kajian; 7) Menentukan kualitas kajian; 8) Mensintensis hasil kajian; 9) Melaporkaan temuan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 10 artikel yang paling relevan dari 102 artikel yang ditemukan menggunakan aplikasi publish and perish. Artikel-artikel yang dikaji merupakan artikel-artikel dari jurnal internasional yang terindeks scopus. Artikel diambil dari tahun 2010 sampai 2022. Kemampuan mathematical proficiency dapat dikembangkan dengan bantuan guru/pendidik melalui beberapa cara, antara  lain: 1) memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat sesuai karakteristik peserta didik; 2) mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran; 3) menyiapkan soal-soal yang dapat mengembangkan proses berpikir matematis sehingga mengembangkan kecakapan matematis siswa ; 4) meningkatkan kompetensi seorang guru melalui seminar, pelatihan dan lainnya; 5) memberikan tantangan bagi siswa dalam belajar matematika


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    Mathematics has six material studies in the form of numbers, algebra, measurement, geometry, data analysis and probability, and calculus. This study aims to analyze the learning obstacles contained in each study of mathematics materials. The method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). From the Google Scholar database, 7,060 articles match the search string. The screening process based on the 2018-2022 range found 4,560 articles. And then, there are only 275 articles whose pdf is available, and 46 articles were from junior high school level. The last stage is that there are 13 journals that examine the three learning obstacles, such as ontogenic obstacles, epistemological obstacles, and didactical obstacles. No matching articles were found in the ERIC and Garuda databases. This article analyzed mathematics material and obtained learning obstacles from each study of the materials. Ontogenic obstacles are lack of motivation, student learning interest, and student readiness to learn, as well as short-term memory abilities, epistemological obstacles in the form of students' understanding of concepts and the use of formulas that are not yet appropriate, and didactic obstacles in the form of using teaching methods and materials that do not help students understand the material well


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    The significant influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector has changed the learning process from face-to-face to online learning. One of the tools used in optimizing the online learning process is the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). Students' perception of moodle becomes data that is analyzed and interpreted during online learning of mathematics. There are 18 question items distributed via google form using a semantic differential scale of 1-7. Several aspects are examined from the questionnaire, including affective, cognitive and behavioural elements to students in SMP X, data analysis technique by calculating the average of each statement item with the criteria of an average score of <5 Negative response and an average score of 5 then the indicator has a positive response. In addition, the total percentage of students who fill out each indicator is also analyzed to compare the proportions. The data obtained from this study include the affective element of students choosing the benefits of LMS Moodle on a scale of 5-7 by 76%. From the cognitive element of students' perceptions, from 5-7, as many as 68% of students were motivated to learn to use the Moodle LMS during the Covid-19 pandemic. And from the behavioural aspect, 82% of students choose from a scale of 5-7 they choose the emergence of learning independence when using this Moodle LMS

    Reversible Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematics Problems

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    Reversible thinking is the process of thinking by reversing the order of actions. Reversible thinking is an important aspect in helping to improve students' problem-solving ability. This research aims to analyze qualitative studies related to students' reversible thinking ability at elementary, middle, and high school levels in the period 2002 - 2022. The research method uses a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) that collects primary data that has been published in Sinta and Scopus indexed journals. Data extraction was adjusted to the selection criteria so that 19 articles were collected. Data analysis used a qualitative approach. Data grouping was done based on publication year, education level, demographics, journal indexer, material analyzed, and research results. The results shows that research related to reversible thinking ability became a trend in research in 2015-2022 with the topic of algebra. The studies related to this reversible thinking process are mostly conducted in the Java region at the elementary school level. However, this reversible thinking ability at all levels of education is still low. Based on the three aspects of reversible thinking, working backwards is the most difficult aspect for students to do. One of the reasons is because students do not understand the concept thoroughly. This is a concern for researchers and educators to conduct research related to students' reversible thinking ability, especially outside the region with topics that are still rarely studied

    The Implementation of Computational Thinking on Mathematics Learning Research: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The aim of this study is to describe the implementation of computational thinking research results on mathematics learning in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review (SLR) by using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol. The sample consists of 25 results of computational thinking research on mathematics learning, the sample is journal articles and proceedings published in 2019-2023. The description of this research will be reviewed based on the year of research, the level of education, research location, and research methods used. The results of the study show that (1) computational thinking research on mathematics learning has increased every year where 2022 become the year with the most number of publications, there are 15 articles, (2) 32% (8 articles) of computational thinking research on mathematics learning is conducted at the university level, (3) East Java is the province with the most research on computational thinking on mathematics learning, with 7 studies, (4) quantitative method is the method most frequently used in computational thinking research on mathematics learning in Indonesia, there are 12 studies that used quantitative method, and (5) students are able to perform abstraction and algorithm processes. However, they still have difficulty in performing the decomposition and pattern recognition processes

    Using Watson Criteria for Analyzing Student Errors: Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

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    This study aims to analyze the distribution of research related to the use of the Watson criteria in analyzing student errors at all levels of education. The method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The sample consists of 42 results of qualitative research on the use of Watson's criteria in analyzing student errors. Samples were taken from indexed journals published in the 2017-2021 period. The key question of this research is how the description of the distribution of research related to the use of the Watson criteria in analyzing student errors, is reviewed based on the year of publication, level of research, methods used, number of subjects, types of questions, demographics, and types of errors made by students. Through the SLR method, it was found that there was an increase and decrease in the number of studies over the last five years. Based on the criteria for junior high school level studies, the use of descriptive qualitative methods, using story questions, with less than 30 subjects, and the demographics of research on the island of Java are the most dominant. The most dominant student errors are procedural errors and missing conclusions. This becomes very important to be considered in learning mathematics


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    This study aimed to analyze the effects of flipped classroom model on students’ conceptual understanding and critical thinking in mathematics learning. The method used in this research is a Systematic Literature Review. The search process is adjusted to inclusion criteria and based on PRISMA protocol. The data analysis techniques of this research include identifying, assessing or evaluating, and making conclusion. The results found in this study are (1) there is an effect of applying flipped classroom model on students’ conceptual understanding and critical thinking, (2) there is heterogeneity in research on the effect of applying flipped classroom model on students’ conceptual understanding and critical thinking, (3) the most used learning media is the video as a learning tool, (4) flipped classroom model becomes one of learning alternatives that can be used to enhance students’ conceptual understanding ability and critcal thinking