214 research outputs found

    Retablo mayor de la iglesia del Hospital de la Caridad. Investigación e intervención

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    A partir de las investigaciones y estudios preliminares recogidos en el proyecto inicial que se realizó en el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, la restauración del retablo mayor de la iglesia del Hospital de la Santa Caridad de Sevilla corrió a cargo de la Dirección General de Bienes Culturales de la Junta de Andalucía, bajo la tutela del Proyecto de estudio, investigación y propuesta de intervención del retablo mayor de la iglesia de San Jorge del Hospital de la Caridad. La fase de intervención, iniciada en enero de 2006, ha supuesto para este retablo la oportunidad de profundizar en el estudio de su materialidad, mediante los análisis científicos de caracterización de materiales y la actualización de los datos histórico-artísticos y de historia material. Por otra parte, los tratamientos aplicados garantizarán la adecuada conservación de su arquitectura y esculturas en el futuro, contribuyendo de forma significativa a la recuperación de los valores históricos y artísticos de este magnífico retablo

    Granular biomass technology for providing drinking water: microbial versatility and nitrate performance in response to carbon source

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    AL and RVV are supported by the funds of European Commission through the "European funds for regional development" (EFRE) as well as by the regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt as part of the "Autonomy in old Age" (AiA) research group for "LiLife" Project (Project ID: ZS/2018/11/95324). Authors thank to Mrs. Ilka Kramer for her technical support in sequencing. BMP is supported by the funds of Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government) and the European Union -NextGenerationEU. The authors would like to acknowledge the support given by the funding proving by LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196 and the RMN270 research group, which was essential for the realization of this research.The aerobic granular biomass technology was optimized for treating nitrate-polluted groundwater based on the biological denitrification processes in order to provide drinking water. Reactors inoculated with granular biomass were operated at progressively lower C/N rate using acetate and methanol to encourage heterotrophic denitrification, in order to meet the recommended requirements described by European Drinking Water Framework Directive. The granulation and long-term stability of granular biomass under low C/N were successful for all stages, demonstrated compactness of granules and absence of filamentous microorganisms. The nitrate removal was similar in methanol- and acetate-fed reactors, occurring in both cases nitrate removal ratios > 80%, and fact allows the selection of one of both depending groundwater polluted case. Also, feeding reactors with 2 C/N ratio showed nitrate removal values of & GE; 95%, treating highly polluted groundwater (100 mg & BULL;L-1). The microbial diversity was higher in the methanol-fed reactor with representative phylotypes as Flavobacterium, Cytophagaceae, NS9 marine group, while species richness was higher in the acetate-fed reactor, which was mainly represented by Flavobacterium genus. Statistical analyses revealed the higher resilience of bacterial population on granules fed with acetate, showing more resistance under drop C/N ratio. Oscillating pollution in groundwater during seasonal periods should be treated using acetate as carbon source for denitrification carried out by granular biomass, while stable pollution concentrations over time allow the use of methanol as a carbon source since the greater microbial diversity allows the elimination of other contaminants present in groundwater.European Union (EU)Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt ZS/2018/11/95324Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government)LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196RMN270European Union -NextGenerationE

    Perception and use of ICT in inclusive classrooms: A case study

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    Este artículo reporta resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en una escuela de educación infantil y primaria, cuyo objetivo era conocer el uso, que hacen docentes de las aulas inclusivas, de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. En relación a la metodología empleada mantiene un carácter mixto. Para el enfoque cuantitativo se diseñó un instrumento ad hoc compuesto por 15 ítems que nos permitiría recabar información sobre el perfil docente, la formación y la práctica educativa del profesorado. En lo que respecta al enfoque cualitativo, se hicieron ocho entrevistas en profundidad a diferentes profesionales, con el fin de recoger información relacionada con las TIC y la inclusión. Los resultados nos llevan a poner de manifiesto la necesidad de formar y sensibilizar al profesorado en el uso de las TIC y en la atención a la diversidad.This article reports the results of an investigation carried out in a school of infant and primary education, whose objective was to know the use that teachers make of the inclusive classrooms of the information and communication technologies. In relation to the methodology used, it maintains a mixed character. For the quantitative approach, an ad hoc instrument consisting of 15 items was designed, which gathered information on the teaching profile, on training and teacher’ educational practice. With regard to the qualitative approach, eight in-depth interviews were conducted with different professionals, in order to collect information related to ICT and inclusion. The results lead us to highlight the need to train and sensitize teachers in the use of ICT and in attention to diversity

    Morfología y biología de la agalla foliar globoide inducida por un cecidómido (Diptera) en Neltuma caldenia (Fabaceae) en la Provincia de La Pampa

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    The caldén is an arboreal species of tempered-semiarid environments and endemic to Argentina. The objective of the work was to study the morphology, development, and biology of the gall induced by a cecidomyiid on the caldén leaf. Leaves with and without galls were collected in fragments of peri-urban forests in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. The temporary histological sections were made by freehand and permanent histological sections with a microtome. The larvae, pupae, and adults of the inducer were examined. Gall formation alters the zone of the leaf base and the petiole, mainly the primary pulvinus. The gall is globoid, closed, yellow-brown when mature, with 1-3 larval chambers, and made up of two parts (upper and lower). The internal organization in tissue compartments is consistent with the general structure of the cecidomyiids gall. The distinctive features are the cork formation, the modification of the epidermal cells in sclereids in the contact zone between the two parts, and the dehiscence. The inducer is a univoltine cecidomyiid species that completes the life cycle in one year, from spring to spring, and it survives the winter season inside the gall as a mature larva.El caldén es una especie arbórea de ambientes templado-semiáridos y endémica de la Argentina. El objetivo fue estudiar la morfología, desarrollo y biología de la agalla inducida por un cecidómido en el pecíolo y pulvino del caldén. Fueron colectadas hojas con y sin agallas en fragmentos de bosques periurbanos de Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Los cortes histológicos temporarios fueron realizados a mano alzada y los permanentes con micrótomo rotatorio. Fueron examinadas larvas, pupas y adultos del inductor. La formación de la agalla altera la zona de la base foliar y principalmente el pulvino primario. La agalla es globoide, cerrada, castaño amarillo cuando madura, con 1-3 cámaras larvales y constituida por dos partes (superior e inferior). La organización interna en compartimentos de tejidos es acorde a la estructura general de las agallas de cecidómidos. Entre los rasgos distintivos se destacan la formación de súber, la modificación de las células epidérmicas en esclereidas en la zona de contacto entre las dos partes y la dehiscencia. El inductor es un cecidómido univoltino, cumple el ciclo de vida de la primavera de un año a la primavera siguiente, sobrevive en invierno en el interior de la agalla como larva madura, sobre la planta

    Monitorización y verificación de un almacenamiento geológico de CO2. Aplicación de la monitorización superficial en la PDT de Hontomín (Burgos, España)

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    La necesidad de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero ha contribuido al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de utilización sostenible de los combustibles fósiles. Destacan entre ellas la captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (CAC), aunque su aplicación industrial aún requiere avances tecnológicos. En este sentido, la Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN) desarrolla un proyecto integral de demostración de las técnicas CAC en el marco del proyecto Compostilla OXYCFB300 financiado por el programa europeo “European Energy Program for Recovery (EEPR)

    CO2 and Rn degassing from the natural analog of Campo de Calatrava (Spain): Implications for monitoring of CO2 storage sites

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    Natural analogs offer a valuable opportunity to investigate the long-term impacts associated with thepotential leakage in geological storage of CO2.Degassing of CO2and radon isotopes (222Rn?220Rn) from soil, gas vents and thermal water dischargeswas investigated in the natural analog of Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field (CCVF; Central Spain) todetermine the CO2?Rn relationships and to assess the role of CO2as carrier gas for radon. Furthermore,radon measurements to discriminate between shallow and deep gas sources were evaluated under theperspective of their applicability in monitoring programs of carbon storage projects.CO2flux as high as 5000 g m?2d?1and222Rn activities up to 430 kBq m?3were measured;220Rn activi-ties were one order of magnitude lower than those of222Rn. The222Rn/220Rn ratios were used to constrainthe source of the Campo de Calatrava soil gases since a positive correlation between radon isotopic ratiosand CO2fluxes was observed. Thus, in agreement with previous studies, our results indicate a deepmantle-related origin of CO2for both free and soil gases, suggesting that carbon dioxide is an efficientcarrier for Rn. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the increase of222Rn in the soil gases was likely pro-duced by two main processes: (i) direct transport by a carrier gas, i.e., CO2and (ii) generation at shallowlevel due to the presence of relatively high concentrations of dissolved U and Ra in the thermal aquiferof Campo de Calatrava.The diffuse CO2soil flux and radon isotopic surveys carried out in the Campo de Calatrava VolcanicFields can also be applicable to geochemical monitoring programs in CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)areas as these parameters are useful to: (i) constrain CO2leakages once detected and (ii) monitor both theevolution of the leakages and the effectiveness of subsequent remediation activities. These measurementscan also conveniently be used to detect diffuse leakages

    New insights into the application of 3D-printing technology in hernia repair.

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    "Publicación presentada para sexenios"Abdominal hernia repair using prosthetic materials is among the surgical interventions most widely performed worldwide. These materials, or meshes, are implanted to close the hernial defect, reinforcing the abdominal muscles and reestablishing mechanical functionality of the wall. Meshes for hernia repair are made of synthetic or biological materials exhibiting multiple shapes and configurations. Despite the myriad of devices currently marketed, the search for the ideal mesh continues as, thus far, no device offers optimal tissue repair and restored mechanical performance while minimizing postoperative complications. Additive manufacturing, or 3D-printing, has great potential for biomedical applications. Over the years, different biomaterials with advanced features have been successfully manufactured via 3D-printing for the repair of hard and soft tissues. This technological improvement is of high clinical relevance and paves the way to produce next-generation devices tailored to suit each individual patient. This review focuses on the state of the art and applications of 3D-printing technology for the manufacture of synthetic meshes. We highlight the latest approaches aimed at developing improved bioactive materials (e.g., optimizing antibacterial performance, drug release, or device opacity for contrast imaging). Challenges, limitations, and future perspectives are discussed, offering a comprehensive scenario for the applicability of 3D-printing in hernia repair.Financial support from the CIBER-BB

    Cerebral cortex hyperthyroidism of newborn Mct8-deficient mice transiently suppressed by Lat2 inactivation

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    Thyroid hormone entry into cells is facilitated by transmembrane transporters. Mutations of the specific thyroid hormone transporter, MCT8 (Monocarboxylate Transporter 8, SLC16A2) cause an X-linked syndrome of profound neurological impairment and altered thyroid function known as the Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome. MCT8 deficiency presumably results in failure of thyroid hormone to reach the neural target cells in adequate amounts to sustain normal brain development. However during the perinatal period the absence of Mct8 in mice induces a state of cerebral cortex hyperthyroidism, indicating increased brain access and/or retention of thyroid hormone. The contribution of other transporters to thyroid hormone metabolism and action, especially in the context of MCT8 deficiency is not clear. We have analyzed the role of the heterodimeric aminoacid transporter Lat2 (Slc7a8), in the presence or absence of Mct8, on thyroid hormone concentrations and on expression of thyroid hormone-dependent cerebral cortex genes. To this end we generated Lat2-/-, and Mct8-/yLat2-/- mice, to compare with wild type and Mct8-/y mice during postnatal development. As described previously the single Mct8 KO neonates had a transient increase of 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine concentration and expression of thyroid hormone target genes in the cerebral cortex. Strikingly the absence of Lat2 in the double Mct8Lat2 KO prevented the effect of Mct8 inactivation in newborns. The Lat2 effect was not observed from postnatal day 5 onwards. On postnatal day 21 the Mct8 KO displayed the typical pattern of thyroid hormone concentrations in plasma, decreased cortex 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine concentration and Hr expression, and concomitant Lat2 inactivation produced little to no modifications. As Lat2 is expressed in neurons and in the choroid plexus, the results support a role for Lat2 in the supply of thyroid hormone to the cerebral cortex during early postnatal development

    CO2 Emission from two old mine drillings (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy) as a possible example of storage and leakage of deep-seated CO2

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    CO2 Emission from two old mine drillings (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy) as a possible example of storage and leakage of deep-seated CO

    Origin of the gases released from the Acqua Passante and Ermeta wells (Mt. Amiata, central Italy) and possible environmental implications for their closure

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    The Mt. Amiata volcano (Tuscany, central Italy) hosts the second largest geothermal field of Italy. Its SW and NE sectors are characterized by the presence of several CO2-rich (mayor que95% by vol.) gas discharges. An intense Hg mining activity had taken place from the 19th century up to the end of the ?70s, particularly close to Abbadia San Salvatore, during which two drillings (Acqua Passante and Ermeta) intercepted a CO2-rich gas fertile horizon. The related gases are emitted in the atmosphere since 1938 and 1959, respectively, causing severe concerns for the local air quality. In this work the results of a geochemical and isotopic survey carried out on these gas emissions from March 2009 to January 2014 are presented. CO2 fluxes from both the two wells and soil from an area of about 653,500 m2 located between them were measured. The two wells are emitting up to 15,000, 92 and 8 tons y-1 of CO2, CH4 and H2S, respectively, while the computed soil CO2 output was estimated at 4,311 ton y-1. The spatial distribution of the CO2 soil flux suggests the presence of preferential patterns, indicating sites of higher permeability. Since the local municipality is evaluating the possibility to plug the Ermeta vent, a temporarily closure should first be carried out to test the possible influence of this operation on the diffuse soil degassing of deep-originated CO2 in the surrounding area. This implies that diffuse soil gases should carefully be monitored before proceeding with its definitive closure