1,372 research outputs found

    IMF Stabilization Program and Economic Growth: The Case of the Philippines

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    The beginning of 1970s has witnessed the country’s political and economic predicament. To address these, the 1989 government has succumbed with the IMF program. For a better understanding of the immediate short-run impact of the adjustment programs, this article tests simple models that show the supply-side effects of IMF policies, the results of which indicate that the primary determinant of output and domestic price level is the lending rate. Hence, the task of 1990s is to arrive with policies that focus on the stagflationary effect of contractionary policies, the role of real exchange rate on output and prices and the importance of investment and capital stock.stabilization program, output growth, price level

    IMF Stabilization Program and Economic Growth: The Case of the Philippines

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    The beginning of 1970s has witnessed the country’s political and economic predicament. To address these, the 1989 government has succumbed with the IMF program. For a better understanding of the immediate short-run impact of the adjustment programs, this article tests simple models that show the supply-side effects of IMF policies, the results of which indicate that the primary determinant of output and domestic price level is the lending rate. Hence, the task of 1990s is to arrive with policies that focus on the stagflationary effect of contractionary policies, the role of real exchange rate on output and prices and the importance of investment and capital stock.stabilization program, output growth, price level

    Informal Savings and Credit Institutions in the Urban Areas: The Case of Cooperative Credit Unions

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    Less developed countries are usually characterized by a dualistic financial system: the formal and informal credit system. One form of the latter is the Cooperative Credit Union (CCU), which at present finds shelter in the private and government offices as well as in public markets. Analysis presented in this paper points to the fact that the ten sample CCUs have performed well without government subsidies. Without regulation, they are more likely to introduce more innovations. However, to successfully develop a cooperative, a concerted effort should be developed among leaders.informal financial sectors, credit unions, credit program, credit market, savings

    Estudio de un sistema de tratamiento de bajo coste para agua potable en contextos de subdesarrollo. Aplicación a Mtanga, Kigoma Rural, Tanzania

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    La variación en calidad y cantidad de agua a lo largo del año en Tanzania provoca que la población de las zonas rurales se vea sometida a falta de acceso a agua potable. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la distancia a la fuente de agua más próxima debe ser menor a 1000 metros y la espera para obtención del agua no mayor a 30 minutos. A lo largo del artículo se analiza la red de abastecimiento y se presentará el estudio de un sistema de tratamiento de potabilización de agua de bajo coste aplicado a pequeñas comunidades de países en desarrollo. La planta potabilizadora consistirá en un canal sedimentador, un filtro lento de arenas y un sistema de cloración en el depósito. Se analizará cada tratamiento realizado en la planta potabilizadora y su acción sobre la calidad del agua

    White Man\u27s Burden? The Party Politics Of American Imperialism: 1900-1920

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    This dissertation is an interpretive analysis of the political background of the American annexation and administration of the Philippine Islands between 1900 and 1920. It seeks to analyze the political value of supporting and opposing imperialism to American political parties and elites. Seeking to capitalize on the American victory over Spain in 1898, the Republican Party embraced the annexation of the Philippines as a way to promote an idea of rising American international power. Subsequently, their tenure in the Philippines can be analyzed as bringing industrialization to the Philippines for political gain, casting themselves in a politically popular role of nation builders and bringers of democracy. In opposing the Republicans, Democrats became anti-imperialists by default. After overcoming the initial unpopularity of that ideology, they were able to redefine it in such as way as to co-opt the original Republican successes in the Philippines. As such, the Democratic tenure in the Philippines emphasizes political gamesmanship and patronage that allowed them to effectively steal the credit for the democratization of the Philippines for partisan gains against the Republicans

    Hansik and Hallyu: An Analysis of the Filipino Appropriation of Korean Cuisine as a Function of Imagining Korean Culture

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    Before the year 2000, Korean cooking, let alone Korean restaurants were practically unheard of in the Philippines. It took television, specifically the Korean drama Jewel in the Palace to introduce what Korean cuisine is all about. The gradual opening of Korean restaurants was originally intended to cater to Korean expatriates in the Philippines. However, as curiosity among Filipinos brought them to Korean restaurants, the general shock brought by spicy fermented vegetables or kimchi created the imagined concept that ―Korean food is altogether spicy.‖ While it created an ‗othering‘ exoticisation of Korean culture, it created at least two divergent attitudes among Filipino consumers: (1) dilution, or the search for toned down or Filipinised version of Korean cuisine, and (2) authenticity or the desire for ―authentic‖ Korean cooking. From these attitudes can be derived the opening that Korean culture can be understood through by Filipinos through a sustained fascination towards this foreign culture. Hansik is a product of millennia of cultural ecology in which Koreans created thousands of recipes based on topographic-environmental, religious-philosophical, and socioeconomic realities. This historical reality however lacks the necessary cultural interpretation and explanation. It is at this juncture that this paper explores the transmission and reception of hallyu through food production (cooking), presentation, and promotion in commercial restaurants, popular media, and government agencies such as the Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines and the Korea Tourism Organization. This paper looks at the Filipino imagining of Korean culture through the consumption of Korean cuisine, diluted or authentic

    An Introduction to Medieval Christian Philosophy

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    This paper surveys medieval Christian philosophy


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    Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan informasi di masa sekarang ini, dunia seni yang berupa lagu, musik maupun film juga mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan. Pada gilirannya, akan melahirkan konsepsi perlindungan hukum atas kekayaan intelektual (Intellectual Property). Salah satu ciptaan yang dilindungi oleh Undang-undang No. 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta berdasarkan Pasal 40 ayat (1) UUHC adalah ciptaan lagu atau musik. Hak Cipta akan menyentuh berbagai aspek seperti aspek teknologi, industri, sosial, budaya dan berbagai aspek lainnya. Namun aspek yang terpenting jika dihubungkan dengan perlindungan bagi karya intelektual adalah aspek hukum. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yaitu penelitian yang mengacu kepada norma-norma dan asas-asas hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan. Alasannya didasarkan pada paradigma hubungan dinamis antara teori, konsep-konsep dan data yang merupakan umpan balik atau modifikasi yang tetap dari teori dan konsep yang didasarkan pada data yang dikumpulkan. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa Perlindungan terhadap HKI pada dasarnya adalah memberikan hak monopoli, dan dengan hak monopoli ini, pemilik HKI dapat menikmati manfaat ekonomi dari kekayaan intelektual yang didapatnya. Pertanggungjawaban hukum adalah pelaku yang secara langsung melakukan pelanggaran hak cipta (direct infringement). Sanksi terhadap pelanggaran Hak Cipta Lagu dikenakan tindak pidana berarti suatu pelanggaran terhadap Hak Cipta seseorang yang hasil karyanya diperbanyak atau digandakan tanpa seijin dari penciptanya yang memiliki Hak Cipta memenuhi unsur tindak pidana apabila jika konsumen dimaksud membelinya dalam jumlah besar. Saran yang diharapkan adalah: agar Pemerintah sebaiknya mengambil langkah yang serius dalam menangani masalah pelanggaran hak cipta lagu khususnya masalah ilegal downloading, mengingat kondisi masyarakat Indonesia yang semakin pintar mengikuti perkembangan kecanggihan teknologi yang ada. Pencipta lagu atau pemegang hak atas lagu sebaiknya melakukan pendaftaran atas ciptaannya meskipun pendaftaran dalam hak cipta tidak bersifat wajib, hal ini dilakukan demi mencapai keadaan yang kondusif dalam penanganan pelanggaran hak cipta. Pengaturan terhadap sanksi pelanggaran Hak Cipta lagu baik dari sanksi pidana dan perdata maupun secara administratif harus dipertegas dan dijelaskan agar dalam rangka untuk mengantisipasi munculnya sengketa sebagai konsekwensi diberlakukannya perlindungan hukum HKI di wilayah Indonesia

    Countdown to Martial Law: The U.S-Philippine Relationship, 1969-1972

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    Between 1969 and 1972, the Philippines experienced significant political unrest after Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos’ successful reelection campaign. Around the same time, American President Richard Nixon formulated a foreign policy approach that expected its allies to be responsible for their own self-defense. This would be known as the Nixon Doctrine. This approach resulted in Marcos’ declaration of martial law in September 1972, which American officials silently supported. American officials during this time also noted Marcos’ serving of American business and military interests. Existing literature differed on the extent Marcos served what he thought were American interests. Stanley Karnow’s In Our Image noted that Marcos did not adequately serve American interests, noting that he sent an insignificant amount of soldiers to Vietnam. Karnow also did not mention business interests. Raymond Bonner’s Waltzing with a Dictator mentioned that Marcos was effective for serving American business and military interests. James Hamilton-Paterson’s America’s Boy agrees with Bonner’s assessment, also noting that Marcos served American business and military interests. Materials from the Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) and Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series affirmed Bonner and Hamilton-Paterson’s position, while noting that Karnow’s work was outdated because of the limited information he had when In Our Image was published. There are three issues that concerned the U.S.-Philippine relationship under President Marcos during this time. The first issue was the societal and political unrest that threatened to undermine Marcos. The second issue concerned U.S. officials’ application of the Nixon Doctrine to the Philippines. The third regarded President Marcos’ serving of military and business interests in the Philippines. Marcos supported maintaining America’s Filipino bases, which were important hubs of American military operations during the Vietnam War. In addition to military interests, President Marcos also aided American businesses in the Philippines, by removing restrictions that threatened American business activity. Each of these concerns led to President Marcos’ declaration of martial law. American officials’ tacit support for Marcos reflected their commitment to the Nixon Doctrine, which ensured political stability that preserved American business and military interests

    Immune Logics ain't that Immune

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    Da Ré and Szmuc argue that while there is a symmetry between ‘infectious’ and ‘immune’ logics, this symmetry fails w.r.t. extending an algebra with an immune or an infectious element. In this paper, I show that the symmetry also fails w.r.t. defining a new logical operation from a given set of primitive (Boolean) operations. I use the case of the material conditional to illustrate this point