17 research outputs found
Exploring the Relationship between Connectedness with Nature, Environmental Identity, and Environmental Self-Identity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
A meta-analysis was carried out to investigate the relationship between connectedness with nature, environmental identity,
and environmental self-identity. Through meta-analyzing these relationships, we are able to assess the true estimate of their
magnitude. The results revealed a strong correlation between measures of connectedness with nature and environmental
identity (r = .75 [0.67, 0.83], k = 11) as well as environmental self-identity (r = .57 [.31, .84], k = 5). Further moderation
analysis indicated that the relationship between connectedness with nature and environmental identity is different for
graphical and questionnaire instruments used for assessing connectedness with nature; the aggregated correlation for
graphical instruments (r = .62 [.56, .67], k = 9) was significantly lower than for questionnaires (r = .82 [.74, .91], k = 9).
We suggest revisiting the various instruments assessing human–nature relatedness to maximize unique variance among them
A Systematic Review of Drivers of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technology Adoption
In this systematic review we explore the forces that encourage or hinder the adoption of wastewater treatment and/or management technology. Our literature search uncovered 37 sources that discuss these issues. Retrieved sources were then subjected to qualitative synthesis. We adopted a systems-theory perspective in analyzing the qualitative data and provide insights into the interaction between the political environment and societal and organizational systems. Our findings indicate that sustainable change can best be achieved through understanding the interaction between systems and their actual capability to meet the needs of related systems. Societal-level systems emerge as having the possibility to influence the political environment as well as organizations
Dėmesys aplinkosauginio pilietiškumo švietimui
Europos aplinkosauginio pilietiškumo tinklas (ENEC) yra finansuojamas iš COST veiklos (CA16229-Horizon 2020) lėšų. Tinklas vienija virš 130 ekspertų iš 38 šalių, kurių tikslas geriau pažinti ir suprasti aplinkosauginio pilietiškumo praktikas bei vertinimą Europoje ir kitose dalyvaujančiose šalyse. Aplinkosauginio pilietiškumo koncepcija yra svarbi skirtingose mokslo kryptyse, pvz. ekonomikoje, politikoje, filosofijoje, organizacijų bei verslo vadyboje ir marketinge, tad toliau galėtų labiau įsitvirtinti ugdymo moksluose. Šiuolaikinė ekologinė krizė, klimato kaita, bioįvairovės nykimas, oro tarša ir visos kitos vietinės ar pasaulinės aplinkos problemos reikalauja tokio švietimo, kuris įgalintų aplinkosauginį pilietiškumą. Švietimas atlieka esminį vaidmenį formuojant ateities aplinkosauginius piliečius. Švietimo aplinkosauginiam švietimui pedagoginė prieiga yra kaip tik tinkamas pasiūlymas. Prieiga rekomenduoja specifinius elementus, pvz. pakopas ir žingsnius, bet nereikalauja sekti juos visus, ar taikyti juos siūloma tvarka. Priklausomai nuo to, kokia aplinkos problema yra tyrinėjama, kokiama ugdymo lygmenyje (pvz.: pradiniame ar viduriniame) ir kokioj edukacinėje aplinkoje (pvz.: formalioje ar neformalioje), gali būti atliekama reikiama elementų diferenciacija ar pataisymai. Mes tikimės, kad ši medžiaga bus naudinga švietėjų bendruomenei
The Effect of Potentially Groundwater-Contaminating Ecological Disaster on Adolescents’ Bottled Water Consumption and Perceived Risk to Use Tap Water
We compared the extent to which a potentially groundwater-contaminating ecological disaster affected adolescents’ bottled water consumption and perceived risk to use tap water. The affected group consists of 221 adolescents (56.6% were girls, Mage = 15.44, SDage = 0.60), while the control group consisted of 156 adolescents (56.4% were girls, Mage = 15.50, SDage = 0.55). The Comprehensive Action Determination Model that explains pro-environmental actions was used as a basis for the comparison of adolescents’ bottled water use, both on mean and model-path levels. Perceived risk of tap water use was compared among affected and control groups (i.e., quasi-experimental manipulation check). The affected group perceived tap water use as riskier than the control group, although the difference was marginal. The affected group also demonstrated significantly lower intention not to consume bottled water than the control. Interestingly, however, path-level comparisons indicated that affected adolescents were more effective in translating their perceived control over sources of clean drinking water into intention to consume tap water
Toward Reducing Adolescents’ Bottled Water Purchasing: From Policy Awareness to Policy-Congruent Behavior
Policy awareness increases the likelihood of policy-congruent behavior. Yet individuals may differ in the extent to which they notice certain policies; thus, psychological factors that explain behavior can have a differing effect on policy-congruent behavior of individuals. We investigated to what extent the relationship between normative, habitual, intentional, and situational factors that explain bottled water purchasing behavior vary regarding individuals’ awareness of policy targeted at reducing bottled water purchasing. We investigated this question in a representative sample of Lithuanian adolescents. Our study indicated that awareness of policy targeted at bottled water purchasing acts as a moderator for adolescents’ normative, habitual, intentional, and situational factors related to their bottled water purchasing. In low, moderate, and high policy awareness groups, habit was the strongest direct predictor of behavior. Normative factors had a strong effect in explaining intentions; in addition, awareness of consequences was directly related with behavior in the high policy awareness group. However, situational factors were insignificant predictors of self-reported behavior. Based on the results of the current study, we suggest that to achieve policy-congruent behavior, policy makers should consider both policy-reinforcing incentives and the level of policy awareness of the targeted group
Adolescents’ and Their Parents’/Guardians’ Psychological and Sociodemographic Factors Regarding Bottled Water Consumption in the Context of the Comprehensive Action Determination Model
Bottled water consumption is one of the human activities that contributes to climate change. The dissertation focuses on psychological and sociodemographic factors that could explain adolescents’ and their parents’/guardians’ bottled water consumption in the context of the Comprehensive Action Determination Model (Klöckner & Blöbaum, 2010). The aim of the first part of the dissertation is to investigate how normative, habitual, intentional, and situational factors can explain adolescents’ and their parents’/guardians’ bottled water consumption. The second part focuses on the relationships between adolescents’ and their parents’/guardians’ awareness of policies that are targeted toward bottled water consumption in Lithuania and their bottled water consumption. The third part is devoted to addressing the roles of normative, habitual, intentional, and situational factors in explaining bottled water consumption in clusters of adolescents and their parents/guardians with different sociodemographic characteristics. The results of the current study indicated that psychological factors are important in explaining adolescents’ and their parents’/guardians’ bottled water consumption. The dissertation gives new insights regarding bottled water consumption from the environmental psychology perspective which could be relevant in developing and implementing the strategies aimed to promote pro-environmental behavior.Geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimas yra priskiriamas prie tų žmogaus veiklų, kurios prisideda prie klimato kaitos. Disertacijoje yra nagrinėjami psichologiniai bei sociodemografiniai paauglių bei jų tėvų/globėjų geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimo veiksniai Išsamaus elgesio determinacijos modelio (Klöckner & Blöbaum, 2010) kontekste. Pirmoji disertacijos dalis yra skirta įvertinti kaip normatyviniai, įpročio, ketinimo bei situaciniai veiksniai gali paaiškinti geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimą bendrose paauglių bei jų tėvų/globėjų imtyse. Antroje dalyje yra nagrinėjamos paauglių bei jų tėvų/globėjų žinojimo apie Lietuvoje vykdomą geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimo mažinimo politiką ir geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimo sąsajos. Trečioji dalis yra skirta išsiaiškinti normatyvinių, įpročio, ketinimo bei situacinių veiksnių vaidmenį geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimui paauglių bei jų tėvų/globėjų klasteriuose pagal sociodemografines charakteristikas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad psichologiniai veiksniai yra svarbūs, prognozuojant paauglių bei jų tėvų/globėjų geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimą. Disertacijoje pateikiamos naujos žinios apie geriamojo vandens buteliuose vartojimą iš aplinkos psichologijos perspektyvos gali būti aktualios, kuriant ir įgyvendinant aplinkai draugiško elgesio skatinimo strategijas
Haliucinacijų fenomenas neklinikinėje populiacijoje : teorinės prielaidos ir empirinio tyrimo studentų imtyje reuzultatai
Psichologijos katedraSocialinių mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
The Psychometric properties of the resilience scale (RS-14) in Lithuanian adolescents
In the current study, we provided the evidence of satisfactory validity of the RS-14 scale in the Lithuanian adolescents’ sample (N = 1299; Mage = 14.24; SDage = 1.26), based on its internal structure, and relations to other variables. The results of the study indicated an acceptable model fit for a single-factor structure of the scale with a high internal consistency (McDonald’s omega = 0.89). We also confirmed the scalar measurement invariance across groups of adolescents in terms of their age (i.e., early and middle adolescence) and mental health profile as well as partial scalar gender invariance. Adolescents characterized by high levels of socio-emotional problems reported lower levels of resilience, in comparison to adolescents that reported low levels of socio-emotional problems. However, the data indicated that adolescents from emotional problems and behavioral problems groups cannot be differentiated with the RS-14 scale. Keywords: resilience, adolescence, socio-emotional problems, latent class analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, measurement invariance, validity