10 research outputs found

    Guaranteed Global Deterministic Optimization and Constraint Programming for Complex Dynamic Problems

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    International audienceIn this article we focus on particular multi-physics (mechanic, magnetic, electronic...) dynamic problems. These problems contain some differential constraints to model dynamic behaviors. The goal is to be able to solve it with guarantee, meaning to get a proof that all constraints are satisfied (without any approximation caused by binary representations or rounding modes from the unit core computing). The idea of getting guarantees on the arithmetic operations has been introduced via Interval Arithmetic. Computers become faster gradually, increasing the rate of operations number computable in one time unit. The results computed are often rounded to the nearest representable values, then the global errors are increasing gradually as well without any control over it

    Propagation garantie de contraintes ODE par morceaux pour l'optimisation globale

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    Prix du jeune chercheurNational audienceL'objectif est de proposer un algorithme d'optimisation garantie d'un problÚme de dimensionnement dynamique et multi-physique. Le caractÚre dynamique est modélisé par des contraintes ODE (équations différentielles). Nous traitons le problÚme particulier pour lequel les fonctions décrivant le systÚme ODE sont des contraintes définies par morceaux permettant de traduire des changements de comportement induits par l'état du systÚme. C'est un problÚme difficile de part la nature des variables (paramétriques et d'états) et du type de contraintes (algébriques et fonctionnelles, non-linéaires et non-convexes). Nous proposons d'utiliser des approches déterministes d'optimisation globale. Nous développons des algorithmes de type Branch & Bound à base de calcul d'intervalle. Dans la littérature, ces algorithmes sont largement utilisés pour résoudre des problÚmes statiques mais aussi dynamiques. Notre contribution porte sur la résolution garantie des ODE définies par morceaux. Nous proposons un ensemble de méthodes de propagation garantie des contraintes ODE par morceaux dans un algorithme de Branch & Bound à base d'intervalle. Nous adaptons pour cela l'approche classique utilisant (1) l'opérateur de Picard-Lindelöf pour déterminer un encadrement global de la solution sur un intervalle de temps, (2) le modÚle de Taylor pour la contraction du domaine de la solution et enfin (3) les techniques de propagation de contraintes afin de guider la résolution.</p

    Guaranteed Deterministic Global Optimization using Constraint Programming through Algebraic, Functional and Piecewise Differential Constraints

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    Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente une approche basĂ©e sur des mĂ©thodes garanties pour rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes d’optimisation de systĂšmes dynamiques multi-physiques. Ces systĂšmes trouvent des applications directes dans des domaines variĂ©s tels que la conception en ingĂ©niĂ©rie, la modĂ©lisation de rĂ©actions chimiques, la simulation de systĂšmes biologiques ou la prĂ©diction de la performance sportive.La rĂ©solution de ces problĂšmes d’optimisation s’effectue en deux phases. La premiĂšre consiste Ă  mettre le problĂšme en Ă©quations sous forme d’un modĂšle mathĂ©matique constituĂ© d’un ensemble de variables, d’un ensemble de contraintes algĂ©briques et fonctionelles ainsi que de fonctions de coĂ»t. Celles-ci sont utilisĂ©es lors de la seconde phase qui consiste Ă  d’extraire du modĂšle les solutions optimales selon plusieurs critĂšres (volume, poids, etc).Les contraintes algĂ©briques permettent de manipuler des grandeurs statiques (quantitĂ©, taille, densitĂ©, etc). Elles sont non linĂ©aires, non convexes et parfois discontinues.Les contraintes fonctionnelles permettent de manipuler des grandeurs dynamiques. Ces contraintes peuvent ĂȘtre relativement simples comme la monotonie ou la pĂ©riodicitĂ©, mais aussi bien plus complexe par la prise en compte de contraintes diffĂ©rentielles simples ou dĂ©finies par morceaux. Les Ă©quations diffĂ©rentielles sont utilisĂ©es pour modĂ©liser des comportements physico-chimiques (magnĂ©tiques, thermiques, etc) et d’autres caractĂ©ristiques qui varient lors de l’évolution du systĂšme.Il existe plusieurs niveaux d’approximation pour chacune de ces deux phases. Ces approximations donnent des rĂ©sultats pertinents, mais elles ne permettent pas de garantir l’optimalitĂ© ni la rĂ©alisabilitĂ© des solutions.AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© un ensemble de mĂ©thodes garanties permettant de rĂ©soudre de maniĂšre garantie des Ă©quations diffĂ©rentielles ordinaires, nous formalisons un modĂšle particulier de systĂšmes hybrides sous la forme d’équations diffĂ©rentielles ordinaires par morceaux. A l’aide de plusieurs preuves et thĂ©orĂšmes nous Ă©tendons la premiĂšre mĂ©thode de rĂ©solution pour rĂ©soudre de maniĂšre garantie ces Ă©quations diffĂ©rentielles par morceaux. Dans un second temps, nous intĂ©grons ces deux mĂ©thodes au sein d’un module de programmation par contracteurs, que nous avons implĂ©mentĂ©. Ce module basĂ© sur des mĂ©thodes garantie permet de rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes de satisfaction de contraintes algĂ©briques et fonctionnelles. Ce module est finalement utilisĂ© dans un algorithme d’optimisation globale dĂ©terministe modulaire permettant de rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes considĂ©rĂ©s.In this thesis a set of tools based on guaranteed methods are presented in order to solve multi-physics dynamic problems. These systems can be applied in various domains such that engineering design process, model of chemical reactions, simulation of biological systems or even to predict athletic performances.The resolution of these optimization problems is made of two stages. The first one consists in defining a mathematical model by setting up the equations for the problem. The model is made of a set of variables, a set of algebraic and functional constraints and cost functions. The latter are used in the second stage in order to extract the optimal solutions from the model depending on several criteria (volume, weight, etc).Algebraic constraints are used to describe the static properties of the system (quantity, size, density, etc). They are non-linear, non-convex and sometimes discontinuous. Functional constraints are used to manipulate dynamic quantities. These constraints can be quite simple such as monotony or periodicity or they can be more complex such as simple or piecewise differential constraints. Differential equations are used to describe physico-chemical properties (magnetic, thermal, etc) and other features evolving with the component use. Several levels of approximation exist for each of these two stages. These approximations give some relevant results but they do not guarantee the feasibility nor the optimality of the solutions.After presenting a set of guaranteed methods in order to perform the guaranteed integration of ordinary differential equations, a peculiar type of hybrid system that can be modeled with piecewise ordinary differential equation is considered. A new method that computes guaranteed integration of these piecewise ordinary differential equations is developed through an extension of the initial algorithm based on several proofs and theorems. In a second step these algorithms are gathered within a contractor programming module that have been implemented. It is used to solve algebraic and functional constraint satisfaction problems with guaranteed methods. Finally, the considered optimization problems are solved with a modular deterministic global optimization algorithm that uses the previous modules

    Optimisation Globale Déterministe Garantie sous Contraintes Algébriqueset Différentielles par Morceaux

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    In this thesis a set of tools based on guaranteed methods are presented in order to solve multi-physics dynamic problems. These systems can be applied in various domains such that engineering design process, model of chemical reactions, simulation of biological systems or even to predict athletic performances.The resolution of these optimization problems is made of two stages. The first one consists in defining a mathematical model by setting up the equations for the problem. The model is made of a set of variables, a set of algebraic and functional constraints and cost functions. The latter are used in the second stage in order to extract the optimal solutions from the model depending on several criteria (volume, weight, etc).Algebraic constraints are used to describe the static properties of the system (quantity, size, density, etc). They are non-linear, non-convex and sometimes discontinuous. Functional constraints are used to manipulate dynamic quantities. These constraints can be quite simple such as monotony or periodicity or they can be more complex such as simple or piecewise differential constraints. Differential equations are used to describe physico-chemical properties (magnetic, thermal, etc) and other features evolving with the component use. Several levels of approximation exist for each of these two stages. These approximations give some relevant results but they do not guarantee the feasibility nor the optimality of the solutions.After presenting a set of guaranteed methods in order to perform the guaranteed integration of ordinary differential equations, a peculiar type of hybrid system that can be modeled with piecewise ordinary differential equation is considered. A new method that computes guaranteed integration of these piecewise ordinary differential equations is developed through an extension of the initial algorithm based on several proofs and theorems. In a second step these algorithms are gathered within a contractor programming module that have been implemented. It is used to solve algebraic and functional constraint satisfaction problems with guaranteed methods. Finally, the considered optimization problems are solved with a modular deterministic global optimization algorithm that uses the previous modules.Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente une approche basĂ©e sur des mĂ©thodes garanties pour rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes d’optimisation de systĂšmes dynamiques multi-physiques. Ces systĂšmes trouvent des applications directes dans des domaines variĂ©s tels que la conception en ingĂ©niĂ©rie, la modĂ©lisation de rĂ©actions chimiques, la simulation de systĂšmes biologiques ou la prĂ©diction de la performance sportive.La rĂ©solution de ces problĂšmes d’optimisation s’effectue en deux phases. La premiĂšre consiste Ă  mettre le problĂšme en Ă©quations sous forme d’un modĂšle mathĂ©matique constituĂ© d’un ensemble de variables, d’un ensemble de contraintes algĂ©briques et fonctionelles ainsi que de fonctions de coĂ»t. Celles-ci sont utilisĂ©es lors de la seconde phase qui consiste Ă  d’extraire du modĂšle les solutions optimales selon plusieurs critĂšres (volume, poids, etc).Les contraintes algĂ©briques permettent de manipuler des grandeurs statiques (quantitĂ©, taille, densitĂ©, etc). Elles sont non linĂ©aires, non convexes et parfois discontinues.Les contraintes fonctionnelles permettent de manipuler des grandeurs dynamiques. Ces contraintes peuvent ĂȘtre relativement simples comme la monotonie ou la pĂ©riodicitĂ©, mais aussi bien plus complexe par la prise en compte de contraintes diffĂ©rentielles simples ou dĂ©finies par morceaux. Les Ă©quations diffĂ©rentielles sont utilisĂ©es pour modĂ©liser des comportements physico-chimiques (magnĂ©tiques, thermiques, etc) et d’autres caractĂ©ristiques qui varient lors de l’évolution du systĂšme.Il existe plusieurs niveaux d’approximation pour chacune de ces deux phases. Ces approximations donnent des rĂ©sultats pertinents, mais elles ne permettent pas de garantir l’optimalitĂ© ni la rĂ©alisabilitĂ© des solutions.AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© un ensemble de mĂ©thodes garanties permettant de rĂ©soudre de maniĂšre garantie des Ă©quations diffĂ©rentielles ordinaires, nous formalisons un modĂšle particulier de systĂšmes hybrides sous la forme d’équations diffĂ©rentielles ordinaires par morceaux. A l’aide de plusieurs preuves et thĂ©orĂšmes nous Ă©tendons la premiĂšre mĂ©thode de rĂ©solution pour rĂ©soudre de maniĂšre garantie ces Ă©quations diffĂ©rentielles par morceaux. Dans un second temps, nous intĂ©grons ces deux mĂ©thodes au sein d’un module de programmation par contracteurs, que nous avons implĂ©mentĂ©. Ce module basĂ© sur des mĂ©thodes garantie permet de rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes de satisfaction de contraintes algĂ©briques et fonctionnelles. Ce module est finalement utilisĂ© dans un algorithme d’optimisation globale dĂ©terministe modulaire permettant de rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes considĂ©rĂ©s

    A Greedy Approach for a Rolling Stock Management Problem using Multi-Interval Constraint Propagation: ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2014

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2543-yIn this article we present our contribution to the Rolling Stock Unit Management problem proposed for the ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2014. We propose a greedy algorithm to assign trains to departures. Our approach relies on a routing procedure using multi-interval constraint propagation to compute the individual schedules of trains within the railway station. This algorithm allows to build an initial solution, satisfying a significant subset of departures

    A greedy approach for a rolling stock management problem using multi-interval constraint propagation

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    International audienceIn this article we present our contribution to the Rolling Stock Unit Management problem proposed for the ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2014. We propose a greedy algorithm to assign trains to departures. Our approach relies on a routing procedure using multi-interval constraint propagation to compute the individual schedules of trains within the railway station. This algorithm allows to build an initial solution, satisfying a significant subset of departures

    Guaranteed Global Deterministic Optimization and Constraint Programming for Complex Dynamic Problems

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    International audienceIn this article we focus on particular multi-physics (mechanic, magnetic, electronic...) dynamic problems. These problems contain some differential constraints to model dynamic behaviors. The goal is to be able to solve it with guarantee, meaning to get a proof that all constraints are satisfied (without any approximation caused by binary representations or rounding modes from the unit core computing). The idea of getting guarantees on the arithmetic operations has been introduced via Interval Arithmetic. Computers become faster gradually, increasing the rate of operations number computable in one time unit. The results computed are often rounded to the nearest representable values, then the global errors are increasing gradually as well without any control over it

    Optimisation globale déterministe garantie sous contraintes différentielles par morceaux

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    National audienceNous prĂ©sentons un ensemble de mĂ©thodes, pour rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes d’optimisation de systĂšmes dynamiques multi-physiques complexes, de maniĂšre garantie (sans aucune approximation causĂ©e par la reprĂ©sentation binaire ou les options d’arrondis de l’unitĂ© de calcul). L’idĂ©e de garantir le rĂ©sultat des opĂ©rations vient du constat qu’avec l’augmentation de lapuissance de calcul, nous sommes maintenant capable de rĂ©aliser des calculs complexes, avec un grand nombre d’itĂ©rations. Ainsi, du fait des approximations successives, l’erreur finale peut devenir importante

    Abstract domains for constraint programming with differential equations

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs), as cruise control systems, involve life-critical or mission critical functions that must be validated. Formal verification techniques can bring high assurance level but have to be extended to embrace all the components of CPSs. Physical part models of CPSs are usually defined from ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and reachability methods can be used to compute safe over-approximation of the solution set of ODEs. However, additional constraints, as obstacle avoidance have also to be considered to validate CPSs. To meet this need, we propose in this paper a framework, based on abstract domains, for solving constraint satisfaction problems where the objects manipulated are described by ODEs. We use a form of disjunctive completion for which we provide a split operator and an efficient constraint filtering mechanism that takes advantage of the continuity aspect of ODEs. We illustrate the benefits of our method on a real-world application of trajectory validation of a swarm of drones, for which the main property we aim to prove is the absence of collisions between drone trajectories. Our work has been concretized in the form of a cooperation between the DynIbex library, used for the abstraction of ODEs, and the AbSolute constraint solver, used for the constraint resolution. Experiments show promising results

    Trains do not vanish: the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2014

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    International audienceThe ROADEF/EURO challenge is a contest jointly organized by the French Operational Research and Decision Aid society (ROADEF) and the European Operational Research society (EURO). The contest has appeared on a regular basis since 1999 and always concerns an applied optimization problem proposed by an industrial partner. The 2014 edition of the ROADEF/EURO challenge was led by the Innovation & Research department of SNCF, a global leader in passenger and freight transport services, and infrastructure manager of the French railway network. The objective of the challenge was to find the best way to store and move trains on large railway sites, between their arrivals and departures. Since trains never vanish and traffic continues to increase, in recent years some stations have been having real congestion issues. Train management in large railway sites is of high interest for SNCF, which is why it was submitted to the operations research community as the industrial problem for the 2014 edition of the ROADEF/EURO challenge. This paper introduces the special section of the Annals of Operations Research volume devoted to the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2014, as well as the methods of the finalist teams and their results