472 research outputs found

    La Cardiologia del segle XXI

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    Les malalties cardiovasculars, juntament amb el càncer, són dos dels àmbits en què s'han concentrat més els recursos sanitaris els darrers anys. Pel que fa a la cardiologia, hi ha hagut grans avenços en àrees com l'intervencionisme, l'electrofisiologia, el diagnòstic i la cirurgia, i això ha creat tot un seguit d'eines terapèutiques que han fet evolucionar molt el tractament de les malalties cardiovasculars. Pel que fa al futur, la cardiologia s'espera que evolucioni envers una medicina més personalitzada, preventiva, predictiva i participativa, en què el pacient serà un actor ple en la diagnosi de la seva malaltia. Tot això ens portarà a l'anomenada medicina de sistemes.Cardiovascular diseases, along with cancer are two of the areas where health resources are more involved in recent years. As for cardiology, there have been major advances in areas such as intervention, electrophysiology, diagnosis and surgery, and this has created a series of therapeutic tools that have make evolve the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Regarding the future of cardiology, is expected to evolve towards a more personalized, preventive, predictive and participatory medicine, where the patient is a full actor in the diagnosis of the disease. All this leads to the so-called systems medicine

    Brugada syndrome: 12 years of progression.

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    Brugada syndrome is increasingly being recognized in clinical medicine. What started as an electrocardiographic curiosity has become an important focus of attention for individuals working in the different disciplines related to sudden cardiac death, from basic scientists to clinical cardiac electrophysiologists. In just 12 years, since the description of the disease, clinically relevant information is continuously being provided to physicians to help protect the individuals with Brugada syndrome to the best of our ability. And this information has been gathered thanks to the effort of hundreds of basic scientists, physicians and patients who continue to give their time, effort and data to help understand how the electrocardiographic pattern may cause sudden cardiac death. There are still many unanswered questions, both at the clinical and basic field. However, with the further collection of data, the longer follow-up and the continued interest from the basic science world we will have the necessary tools to the successful unraveling of the disease.</p

    Salvador Albert, un escriptor del modernisme

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    Riquesa lingüïstica d'una novel·la discreta

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    Una generació intermèdia

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    Joan Badia, aprenent de noucentista

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