43 research outputs found


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    In order to evaluate the serum protein concentration of sheep experimentally poisoned by Ipomoea asarifolia, four groups of five animals received diet with inclusion of 25% (G1), 50% (G2), 75% (G3) and 100% (G4) of the plant replacing to Pennisetum purpureum. Blood samples for serum protein concentration evaluation were collectedat seven moments (M): before of the I. asarifolia supply (M1), and five (M2), ten (M3), 15 (M4), 20 (M5), 25 (M6) and 30 (M7) days after I. asarifolia supply. The serum concentration of total protein (TP) was measured through spectrophotometry and the protein fractions bymeans of eletrophoresis in poliacrylamide (SDS-PAGE). Twenty-nine to 31 proteins were detected by densitometric tracing, with molecular weights varying from 19,160 to 250,000 Dáltons (Da). Reduction of thetransferrin concentration and increase of acid α1-glycoprotein level were verified in sheep that ingested 75% and 100% of the plant, immediately before dying. Also, reduction of concentration of IgG heavy chain was evident in M3 and M4, in G3 animals, as well as the level IgG light chain in M2, M3 and M4 of this group, suggesting interference in the immune function in poisoned sheep, especially in those with higher level of the plant on the diet. It is inferred that these proteins can be utilized as auxiliary indicators to diagnose intoxication by I. asarifolia

    Perfil eletroforético das proteínas de fase aguda em caprinos experimentalmente infectados com Trypanosoma evansi

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    Considered as one of the main agents of the tripanossomiases, Trypanosoma evansi causes a disease generically know as "surra", with wide geographic occurence. This work has the aim to study the electrophoretic profile of the acute phase proteins of goats, experimentally infected with T. evansi. Ten crossbread female goats, around 4 months of age, clinically healthy and serum negative for the presence of antibodies anti-T. evansi (IFAT) were used. The animals were divided in two groups: six were inoculated (G1) intravenously with 2,38 x 10(6) tripomastigotes of T. evansi and four were kept as non-infected controls. The blood for serum was collected daily until the 14 days after inoculation (DAI), weekly up to the 98th DAI and every two weeks up to the 364th DAI. The serum proteins were separacted by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE). Twenty-one proteins were found in the serum of the goats, eight were nominally identified; phosphorylase, transferrin, albumin, antitrypsin, acid glicoprotein, haptoglobin, hemoglobin, and light chain immunoglobulin.Considerado como um dos principais agentes das tripanossomíases, Trypanosoma evansi causa uma doença genericamente conhecida como "surra" e de ampla distribuição geográfica. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo principal estudar o perfil eletroforético das proteínas de fase aguda de caprinos experimentalmente infectados com este hematozoário. Para tal, foram utilizadas dez fêmeas caprinas, com vários graus de mestiçagem, com idade aproximada de 4 meses, clinicamente sadias e sorologicamente negativas para a presença de anticorpos anti-T. evansi (Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta - RIFI). Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (G1): seis animais inoculados via intravenosa com 2,38 x 10(6) tripomastigotas de T. evansi e grupo 2 (G2): quatro animais utilizados como testemunhos. O sangue para a obtenção do soro foi obtido diariamente até o 14º dia após a inoculação (DAI), semanalmente até o 98º DAI e quinzenalmente até o 364º DAI. O fracionamento das proteínas foi obtido por em gel de poliacrilamida contendo duodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS- PAGE). Vinte e uma proteínas foram encontradas nos soros caprinos. Destas, oito foram nominalmente identificadas; fosforilase, transferrina, albumina, antitripsina, glicoproteína ácida, haptoglobina, hemoglobina e imunoglobulina de cadeia leve

    Perfil bioquímico e proteinograma do soro lácteo de cabras e vacas nos primeiros 30 dias após o parto

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    O objetivo do estudo foi determinar o perfil bioquímico e proteinograma do soro lácteo de cabras e vacas nos primeiros 30 dias após o parto. Foram coletadas amostras de secreção láctea de 10 cabras da raça Saanen e de 10 vacas da raça Holandesa, recém-paridas e sadias, logo após o parto (D0) e 1 (D1), 3 (D3), 5 (D5), 14 (D14) e 30 (D30) dias após o parto. Foram determinadas as concentrações de IgG, o fracionamento eletroforético em filme de agarose, as atividades das enzimas fosfatase alcalina (ALP) e gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e os teores de albumina, cálcio total, ferro, fósforo, magnésio e proteína total. Entre D0 e D3 ocorreram as principais alterações na composição do soro lácteo. No soro lácteo das cabras notou-se diminuição de 77,4% e 96,1% nos teores de IgG mensurados no D0 (3.889 mg/dL) em relação às mensurações no D1 (878 mg/dL) e D3 (152 mg/dL). No soro lácteo de vacas verificou-se diminuição de 40,0% e 88,6% nos teores de IgG mensurados no D0 (7.680 mg/dL) em relação àqueles obtidos no D1 (4.609 mg/dL) e D3 (874 mg/dL). Também constatou-se decréscimo gradual significativo, até D30, das concentrações de alfaglobulina, betaglobulina, gamaglobulina, proteína total, albumina, cálcio total, ferro, fósforo, magnésio e atividade das enzimas ALP e GGT. O conhecimento dos valores fisiológicos dos parâmetros bioquímicos do soro lácteo de cabras e vacas pode ser utilizado na avaliação da qualidade do colostro e transferência de imunidade passiva e no diagnóstico de enfermidades da glândula mamária como a mastite subclínica

    Predictive Elements of Obstructive Urolithiasis in Sheep*

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    Background: Urolithiasis is an economically important disease that has considerable significance for sheep farming. With the tissue and biochemical changes resulting from the development of this disease, metabolic disorders and immune response are established. Hemogasometric evaluation allows the identification of systemic acid-base imbalances quickly. Acute phase proteins (AFP) have in the last two decades become the biomarkers of choice in human and veterinary medicine. To date, no biomarker studies have been published for sheep with obstructive urolithiasis. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the hemogasometric kinetics in obstructive urolithiasis in sheep and the AFP that can be used as early biomarkers in this disease.Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, 14 healthy male Santa Inês sheep, aged approximately 90 days, fed on calculogenic diet for 120 days. The animals were examined weekly, including observation of clinical signs, and blood and urine analysis were performed. For comparative analysis purposes, at the end of the experiment, sheep that developed obstructive urolithiasis were extracted from the initial experimental group D1 (without urolithiasis) and became part of the second experimental group D2 (with urolithiasis). In the pre-experimental period and on the day of slaughter, venous blood samples were harvested for hemogasometric tests, with a maximum time of 15 minutes between collection and analysis, to ensure the reliability of the results obtained. The pH, pCO2, pO2, EB, tCO2, HCO3-, stHCO3-, tHb, sO2 and Hct, Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ions were quantified. To identify and measure immunoglobulins (A and G) and AFP, samples from sheep that developed obstructive urolithiasis (D2) were analyzed. Blood samples were harvested weekly until the clinical manifestation of the disease, totaling 16 samples, when IgA, IgG, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, albumin, α1-antitrypsin, haptoglobin and α1-acid glycoprotein concentrations were measured. Elevation of pCO2 was observed between D1 and D2, but there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) only in the final moments (FMs). Although EB, tCO2, HCO3-, stHCO3- increased between moments in the same group and between groups at the same time, significant differences were recorded only in the FMs. Higher values were observed for Na+, K+ in the FMs. The AFP of sheep that developed the disease oscillated between moments, however, significant difference (P < 0.05) over time was observed only in haptoglobin and transferrin.Discussion: The disease occurred in five of the 14 animals studied, demonstrating the effectiveness of the formulated diet in inducing the disease. Through the analysis of blood gases, plasma bicarbonate concentration and excess base or deficit it was possible to diagnose disturbances in acid base balance, characterizing a picture of metabolic alkalosis in animals with urolithiasis. Mean pH was not significantly different between groups, but sheep that developed urolithiasis had alkalosis. Final values of tCO2 and HCO3- indicate the compensatory organic response, which, together with the analysis of the averages of HCO3- and EB, reflect the metabolic alkalosis picture. The AFP have different responsiveness among them. Haptoglobin and transferrin were the most reliable biomarkers among the studied AFP to predict obstructive urolithiasis, with transferrin showing atypical behavior, characteristic of positive AFP