25 research outputs found

    Stressful events during last year, violence and anxiety and depression: A moderated mediation model by sex

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    he literature suggests that being subject to a stressful life and victimization may negatively affect mental health, and that women and men seem to differ in these variables. Nevertheless, neither the mediating role of victimization experiences in the relationship between stress and mental health, nor the moderated role of sex have been explored. A sample of 826 adults, aged from 18 to 77 years old, completed a set of self-reported questionnaires (69.4% women). Results revealed significant mediation effects of psychological violence on the relationship between stress, depression and anxiety. Participants who reported more stressful life events in the previous year, also reported higher psychological abuse, which in turn predicted higher depression and anxiety. Furthermore, the moderating effects of sex were found to be statistically significant. Results suggest that interventions should be tailored to individual needs in order to prevent secondary victimization derived from biased beliefs related to stress, violence and gender in professional practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    When subjective social status matters: moderating effects in the association between victimization and mental health

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    Social status is found to interfere with health outcomes after adverse life experiences. Evidence suggests the importance of subjective social status (SSS), above and beyond objective status. This study tests the moderating role of SSS in the association between victimization and mental health, considering the effect of distinct forms of victimization, clinical symptoms and psychological well-being. A sample of 300 adults completed self-reported questionnaires. Results revealed that greater psychological victimization was associated with lower self-acceptance and autonomy, and greater sexual victimization was associated with lower autonomy, particularly when participants reported lower SSS. Implications for intervention with victims are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The transglutaminase-2 interactome in the APP23 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposition in the brain is closely linked with the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Unfortunately, therapies specifically targeting Aβ deposition have failed to reach their primary clinical endpoints, emphasizing the need to broaden the search strategy for alternative targets/mechanisms. Transglutaminase-2 (TG2) catalyzes post-translational modifications, is present in AD lesions and interacts with AD-associated proteins. However, an unbiased overview of TG2 interactors is lacking in both control and AD brain. Here we aimed to identify these interactors using a crossbreed of the AD-mimicking APP23 mouse model with wild type and TG2 knock-out (TG2−/−) mice. We found that absence of TG2 had no (statistically) significant effect on Aβ pathology, soluble brain levels of Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42, and mRNA levels of TG family members compared to APP23 mice at 18 months of age. Quantitative proteomics and network analysis revealed a large cluster of TG2 interactors involved in synaptic transmission/assembly and cell adhesion in the APP23 brain typical of AD. Comparative proteomics of wild type and TG2−/− brains revealed a TG2-linked pathological proteome consistent with alterations in both pathways. Our data show that TG2 deletion leads to considerable network alterations consistent with a TG2 role in (dys)regulation of synaptic transmission and cell adhesion in APP23 brains

    Examining Ecological Constraints on the Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment Via Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis

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    Parents\u2019 attachment representations and child\u2013parent attachment have been shown to be associated, but these associations vary across populations (Verhage et al., 2016). The current study examined whether ecological factors may explain variability in the strength of intergenerational transmission of attachment, using individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis. Analyses on 4,396 parent\u2013child dyads (58 studies, child age 11\u201396 months) revealed a combined effect size of r =.29. IPD meta-analyses revealed that effect sizes for the transmission of autonomous-secure representations to secure attachments were weaker under risk conditions and weaker in adolescent parent\u2013child dyads, whereas transmission was stronger for older children. Findings support the ecological constraints hypothesis on attachment transmission. Implications for attachment theory and the use of IPD meta-analysis are discusse

    Conceptual comparison of constructs as first step in data harmonization: Parental sensitivity, child temperament, and social support as illustrations

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    This article presents a strategy for the initial step of data harmonization in Individual Participant Data syntheses, i.e., making decisions as to which measures operationalize the constructs of interest - and which do not. This step is vital in the process of data harmonization, because a study can only be as good as its measures. If the construct validity of the measures is in question, study results are questionable as well. Our proposed strategy for data harmonization consists of three steps. First, a unitary construct is defined based on the existing literature, preferably on the theoretical framework surrounding the construct. Second, the various instruments used to measure the construct are evaluated as operationalizations of this construct, and retained or excluded based on this evaluation. Third, the scores of the included measures are recoded on the same metric. We illustrate the use of this method with three example constructs focal to the Collaboration on Attachment Transmission Synthesis (CATS) study: parental sensitivity, child temperament, and social support. This process description may aid researchers in their data pooling studies, filling a gap in the literature on the first step of data harmonization. • Data harmonization in studies using combined datasets is of vital importance for the validity of the study results. • We have developed and illustrated a strategy on how to define a unitary construct and evaluate whether instruments are operationalizations of this construct as the initial step in the harmonization process. • This strategy is a transferable and reproducible method to apply to the data harmonization process

    « Half dicht, half prose gheordineert » : vers et prose de moyen français en moyen néerlandais

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    In both French-speaking and Dutch-speaking literary cultures of the late Middle Ages, competition between poets produced a collective poetic expertise. To what extent, then, can such competition be identified across the two cultures, in translations of verse or prosimetrum compositions from Middle French into Middle Dutch? An examination of the Dutch translations reveals that verse is both a means to knowledge and an object of knowledge, in the target culture as well as the source culture. The diversity of translations shows that verse is not only a system that translators attempt to master, but also a formal supplement in ways that are unavailable to prose

    Mães adolescentes: adaptação aos múltiplos papéis e a importância da vinculação

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    Becoming a mother during adolescence implies huge rearrangements in terms of individual developmental pathway. Using a sample of 38 adolescent mothers from the north region of Portugal, this study aims at examining the importance of adolescent mothers' attachment organizations, assessed during pregnancy, in the adjustment to role changes imposed by motherhood. Following an ecological perspective on adolescent motherhood, sociodemographic and social support measures were also considered. Our results show that most adolescent mothers exhibit a lower level of adjustment towards the new configuration of roles. A statistically significant association between adolescent mothers' attachment and quality of adjustment was found.Tornar-se mãe na adolescência obriga a profundos realinhamentos na trajetória desenvolvimental individual. Partindo de uma amostra de trinta e oito mães adolescentes do Norte de Portugal, pretendeu-se com este estudo explorar o impacto da qualidade da organização de vinculação das adolescentes, avaliada durante a gravidez, na adaptação às mudanças de papéis decorrentes da maternidade. Seguindo uma perspetiva ecológica, foram igualmente contempladas medidas sociodemográficas e de suporte social. Os resultados revelam que a maioria das adolescentes evidencia um nível inferior de adaptação à nova configuração de papéis, verificando-se uma associação significativa entre o nível de adaptação conseguido e a qualidade da organização de vinculação da adolescente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between personal values, social connectedness and identity development of Portuguese emerging adults

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    Os valores pessoais e o social connectedness contribuem para o desenvolvimento identitário. Através de um desenho quantitativo transversal e de uma amostra de 275 adultos emergentes, o presente estudo pretendeu analisar: a relação entre os valores pessoais coletivistas e individualistas, os dois ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade (formação e avaliação do compromisso) e o social connectedness; se os valores pessoais são preditores dos ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade; e o papel mediador do social connectedness na relação entre os valores pessoais e os ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade. Os resultados mostram que o social connectedness tem um papel de mediador da relação entre os valores pessoais e os ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade, sugerindo que o sentimento de proximidade interpessoal funcione como um mecanismo de confirmação em relação aos valores pessoais e que contribua para o desenvolvimento identitário. Este estudo tem implicações para a literatura relacionada com o desenvolvimento da identidade na adultez emergente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio