6,643 research outputs found

    Changing the role of tutors in distance education with information and communication technologies

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    The Open University plans to make more extensive use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) for distance teaching and learning and for administrative contacts between students, tutors and the University's headquarters. This paper reports on a survey of the Tuition and Counselling (TAC) staff, most of whom work only part‐time for the OU. It established the extent to which TAC staff currently have access to and familiarity with ICTs and their perceived needs for training and other forms of support for its effective use. The paper discusses the possible impact on TAC staff of the greater use of new technologies in their OU work, and the organisational and pedagogic changes that may ensue

    A curriculum of spiritual formation in the Wesleyan tradition for the Pegram United Methodist Church

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    Resistance, rejection, reparation : Anne Sexton and the poetry of therapy

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    Resistance, rejection, reparation : Anne Sexton and the poetry of therapy

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    Trabalho de projeto do mestrado em Economia (Economia Financeira), apresentado à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de Nuno Silva.A crise do subprime evidenciou a necessidade em entender como os mercados internacionais interagem em períodos de instabilidade. O presente estudo pretende testar a existência de contágio nos mercados obrigacionistas das cinco economias denominadas de GIIPS. A esta hipótese contrapõem-se que alterações durante períodos de choque são apenas fruto de uma interdependência previamente existente. O modelo econométrico utiliza spreads de obrigações de tesouro a 10 anos durante o período compreendido entre 2008 e Outubro de 2013. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de 27 períodos de choque, nos quais se detetaram fenómenos de contágio em 17 destes

    Relationships between characteristics of Tennessee corn producers, their farming operations and their use of recommended production practices

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    The major purpose of this study was to characterize Tennessee corn producers as to their farming operations, use of recommended production practices, their contacts with Extension agents, and to determine the relationships among these variables. A total of 1,759 personal interviews were conducted by Extension agents in Tennessee during the fall of 1985. Chi square was used to determine the strength of the relationship between dependent and independent variables. Chi square values which achieved the .05 level of probability were accepted as significant. Major findings include the following; 1. Seventy four percent of the corn producers were characterized as being full-time farmers in 1985. Twenty-six percent reported farming on a part-time basis. 2. More than half (51.7 percent) of the producers were under 47 years of age. The mean age was 46. 3. Over half (57.6 percent) of the corn producers indicated dairy livestock as their major source of farm income in 1985. 4. The mean number of acres of yellow corn harvested for grain was 115; the mean number of acres of white corn harvested for grain was 98. 5. There was a significant relationship between farming status and the number of contacts producers had with Extension. Full time farmers tended to have more Extension contacts than did part-time farmers. 6. That the producers\u27 age was significantly related to the number of contacts with Extension agents over a 12 month period. Older producers (over 50) had fewer contacts than those under 40. 7. The producers\u27 major source of income was significantly related to their number of Extension contacts. Dairy producers tended to have more contacts with Extension agents than livestock (i.e., beef, swine) and row crop producers. 8. That of the 1985 acres of corn crop owned, cash rented, and share-cropped, only share-cropped corn was significantly related to the number of Extension contacts. Corn producers who share-cropped more acres had more contacts with Extension agents than producers who share-cropped fewer acres. 9. Producers 47 years and younger tended to double crop, grow no-till corn, scout for insects, plant in April, plant 7 to 9 inches between corn plants in the row, desire higher plant populations, use University of Tennessee Soil Testing Laboratory, apply more nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizer, and use more lime per acre than producers over 47 years of age. 10. Full-time farmers tended to double crop, grow no-till corn, scout for insects, plant corn in March, April and May, desire higher corn plant populations, and apply more nitrogen and potash per acre than did part-time farmers. 11. Twelve of the 20 corn production practices were significantly related to producers\u27 farming status. Full-time farmers were more likely than were part-time farmers to be using 12 of the 20 production practices studied. These 12 practices were as follows: double cropping corn, corn grown no-till, scouted for insects, planted corn in March, planted corn in April, planted corn in May, distance between corn rows, plant populations per acre, pounds of nitrogen applied per acre, pounds of potash applied per acre and tons of lime applied per acre of corn grown. 12. Nine of the 20 corn production practices studied were significantly related to producers\u27 major source of farm income. The direction of relationship varied however depending upon specific practices. Row crop producers were more likely than dairy-livestock producers to double crop corn, use a recommended mid-season variety, plant some corn in April, desire a higher plant population per acre, and apply more pounds of nitrogen per acre of corn grown. On the other hand, the corn producers whose major source of farm income was dairy-livestock were more likely than row crop producers to have scouted corn for insects, to have planted some corn in May and to have planted some corn in June. The direction of relationship could not be determined for the variable regarding distance between corn rows. 13. Sixteen of the 20 corn production practices studied were significantly related to the number of contacts corn producers had with Extension agents over a 12 month period. The direction of relationship between Extension contacts and the planting of corn in April and the distance between corn rows and between plants in the row were inconclusive. For the other practices it was found that producers who were in the high Extension contact group were more likely than others to use double cropping, to use no-till, to scout for insects, to use recommended varieties, to plant some corn in May, plant population desired per acre, use of the U.T. soil testing lab and pounds of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and limestone applied per acre of corn grown. Implications and recommendations also were made


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    AbstrakBadan Kepegawaian Daerah atau BKD diarahkan untuk menciptakan calon-calon aparatur yang lebih efisien, efektif, bersih, dan berwibawa serta mampu melaksanakan seluruh tugas pemerintah daerah dengan sebaik-baiknya, kegiatan penempatan Aparatur Sipil Negara merupakan serangkaian upaya yang dilakukan oleh instansi pemerintah di daerah untuk menempatkan pegawai pada jabatan atau unit kerja sesuai dengan peraturan atau mekanisme yang ada di daerah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk kesesuaian penempatan pegawai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjawab secara paripurna mengenai masalah yang diteliti, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dalam penempatan pegawai Aparatur Sipil Negara di lingkungan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Halmahera Barat belum semuanya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Penempatan pegawai tidak sepenuhnya melalui kajian dan mekanisme yang benar. Hal ini dapat di lihat dari ketidaksesuaian penempatan pegawai dengan kebutuhan jabatan dan pengetahuan, dimana pegawai yang ditempatkan belum berdasarkan pada syarat golongan kepangkatan dan latar belakang pendidikan. Namun, secara prinsipnya pelaksanaan penempatan pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan dinilai informan sudah baik karena adanya kesesuaian antara pelaksanaan penempatan pegawai dengan keterampilan, kemampuan serta kepribadian pegawai.Kata Kunci: Peranan, Badan Kepegawaian Daerah, Penempatan Jabatan

    Rock Library

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    Gas shales samples from three cores in East Texas US from the Haynesville-Bossier formation, have been made available to UCL and UOM by BG group for research purposes and are now stored in a corehouse in Wales. This report is a brief summary of the available samples with related geological and geochemical information obtained by standard analytical techniques as well as recent developments pertaining to simultaneous carbon, nitrogen and noble gases’ elemental and isotopic analyses of bulk rock samples