21 research outputs found

    Sea ice extent and seasonality for the Early Pliocene northern Weddell Sea

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    Growth increment analysis coupled with stable isotopic data (δ18O/δ13C) from Early Pliocene (ca 4.7 Ma) Austrochlamys anderssoni from shallow marine sediments of the Cockburn Island Formation, northern Antarctic Peninsula, suggest these bivalves grew through much of the year, even during the coldest parts of winter recorded in the shells. The high frequency fluctuation in growth increment width of A. anderssoni appears to reflect periodic, but year-round, agitation of the water column enhancing benthic food supply from organic detritus. This suggests that Austrochlamys favoured waters that were largely sea ice free. Our data support interpretation of the Cockburn Island Formation as an interglacial marine deposit and the previous hypothesis that Austrochlamys retreated from the Antarctic as sea ice extent expanded, this transition occurring during climate cooling in the Late Pliocene

    Suboxic DOM is bioavailable to surface prokaryotes in a simulated overturn of an oxygen minimum zone, Devil’s Hole, Bermuda

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    Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are expanding due to increased sea surface temperatures, subsequent increased oxygen demand through respiration, reduced oxygen solubility, and thermal stratification driven in part by anthropogenic climate change. Devil’s Hole, Bermuda is a model ecosystem to study OMZ microbial biogeochemistry because the formation and subsequent overturn of the suboxic zone occur annually. During thermally driven stratification, suboxic conditions develop, with organic matter and nutrients accumulating at depth. In this study, the bioavailability of the accumulated dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the microbial community response to reoxygenation of suboxic waters was assessed using a simulated overturn experiment. The surface inoculated prokaryotic community responded to the deep (formerly suboxic) 0.2 μm filtrate with cell densities increasing 2.5-fold over 6 days while removing 5 μmol L−1 of DOC. After 12 days, the surface community began to shift, and DOC quality became less diagenetically altered along with an increase in SAR202, a Chloroflexi that can degrade recalcitrant dissolved organic matter (DOM). Labile DOC production after 12 days coincided with an increase of Nitrosopumilales, a chemoautotrophic ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) that converts ammonia to nitrite based on the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) gene copy number and nutrient data. In comparison, the inoculation of the deep anaerobic prokaryotic community into surface 0.2 μm filtrate demonstrated a die-off of 25.5% of the initial inoculum community followed by a 1.5-fold increase in cell densities over 6 days. Within 2 days, the prokaryotic community shifted from a Chlorobiales dominated assemblage to a surface-like heterotrophic community devoid of Chlorobiales. The DOM quality changed to less diagenetically altered material and coincided with an increase in the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase form I (cbbL) gene number followed by an influx of labile DOM. Upon reoxygenation, the deep DOM that accumulated under suboxic conditions is bioavailable to surface prokaryotes that utilize the accumulated DOC initially before switching to a community that can both produce labile DOM via chemoautotrophy and degrade the more recalcitrant DOM

    A lungfish survivor of the end-Devonian extinction and an Early Carboniferous dipnoan radiation

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    Until recently the immediate aftermath of the Hangenberg event of the Famennian Stage (Upper Devonian) was considered to have decimated sarcopterygian groups, including lungfish, with only two taxa, Occludus romeri and Sagenodus spp., being unequivocally recorded from rocks of Tournaisian age (Mississippian, Early Carboniferous). Recent discoveries of numerous morphologically diverse lungfish tooth plates from southern Scotland and northern England indicate that at least 10 dipnoan taxa existed during the earliest Carboniferous. Of these taxa, only two, Xylognathus and Ballgadus, preserve cranial and postcranial skeletal elements, which have yet to be described. Here we present a description of the skull of a new genus and species of lungfish, Limanichthys fraseri gen. et sp. nov., which hails from the very earliest Tournaisian in the Ballagan Formation of Burnmouth, southern Scotland. The new specimen represents the earliest definitive Tournaisian lungfish skull material, thus providing an invaluable insight into the response of this group – and, indeed, Sarcopterygii as a whole – immediately following the latest Devonian Hangenberg event. Phylogenetic analysis places Limanichthys fraseri within the Devonian ‘phaneropleurid-fleurantiid’ grade of lungfish and shows that the Carboniferous lungfish represent forms that have their origins deep in the Middle and Late Devonian as well as those from a unique Carboniferous

    Hyaluronic acid-GPRC5C signalling promotes dormancy in haematopoietic stem cells

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    Altres ajuts: The Behrens-Weise-Foundation, the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the German Excellence Strategy (CIBSS-EXC-2189, project ID 390939984), SFB1425 (Project #422681845), SFB992 (Project #192904750; B07), SFB1479 (P05); Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (203151/Z/16/Z)Bone marrow haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are vital for lifelong maintenance of healthy haematopoiesis. In inbred mice housed in gnotobiotic facilities, the top of the haematopoietic hierarchy is occupied by dormant HSCs, which reversibly exit quiescence during stress. Whether HSC dormancy exists in humans remains debatable. Here, using single-cell RNA sequencing, we show a continuous landscape of highly purified human bone marrow HSCs displaying varying degrees of dormancy. We identify the orphan receptor GPRC5C, which enriches for dormant human HSCs. GPRC5C is also essential for HSC function, as demonstrated by genetic loss- and gain-of-function analyses. Through structural modelling and biochemical assays, we show that hyaluronic acid, a bone marrow extracellular matrix component, preserves dormancy through GPRC5C. We identify the hyaluronic acid-GPRC5C signalling axis controlling the state of dormancy in mouse and human HSCs

    Life Histories, Salinity Zones, and Sublethal Contributions of Contaminants to Pelagic Fish Declines Illustrated with a Case Study of San Francisco Estuary, California, USA

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    Human effects on estuaries are often associated with major decreases in abundance of aquatic species. However, remediation priorities are difficult to identify when declines result from multiple stressors with interacting sublethal effects. The San Francisco Estuary offers a useful case study of the potential role of contaminants in declines of organisms because the waters of its delta chronically violate legal water quality standards; however, direct effects of contaminants on fish species are rarely observed. Lack of direct lethality in the field has prevented consensus that contaminants may be one of the major drivers of coincident but unexplained declines of fishes with differing life histories and habitats (anadromous, brackish, and freshwater). Our review of available evidence indicates that examining the effects of contaminants and other stressors on specific life stages in different seasons and salinity zones of the estuary is critical to identifying how several interacting stressors could contribute to a general syndrome of declines. Moreover, warming water temperatures of the magnitude projected by climate models increase metabolic rates of ectotherms, and can hasten elimination of some contaminants. However, for other pollutants, concurrent increases in respiratory rate or food intake result in higher doses per unit time without changes in the contaminant concentrations in the water. Food limitation and energetic costs of osmoregulating under altered salinities further limit the amount of energy available to fish; this energy must be redirected from growth and reproduction toward pollutant avoidance, enzymatic detoxification, or elimination. Because all of these processes require energy, bioenergetics methods are promising for evaluating effects of sublethal contaminants in the presence of other stressors, and for informing remediation. Predictive models that evaluate the direct and indirect effects of contaminants will be possible when data become available on energetic costs of exposure to contaminants given simultaneous exposure to non-contaminant stressors