4 research outputs found

    Pinworm & host BUCKy trees and pinworm COI BEAST tree

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    H_cucullatum_COI_quadrivittatus_cytb_BUCKy.tre: BUCKy tree with concordance values for H. cucullatum COI MrBayes trees and quadrivittatus group cytb MrBayes trees H_cucullatum_R_eutamii_COI_BUCKy.tre: BUCKy tree with concordance values for H. cucullatum and R. eutamii COI MrBayes trees H_cucullatum_and_R_eutamii_COI_beast_rate_estimates_only.tre: BEAST tree of COI sequences for H. cucullatum and R. eutamii, used only to estimate relative rates H_cucullatum_COI_T_minimus_cytb_BUCKy.tre: BUCKy tree with concordance values for H. cucullatum COI MrBayes trees and T. minimus cytb MrBayes trees R_eutamii_COI_T_minimus_cytb_BUCKy.tre: BUCKy tree with concordance values for R. eutamii COI MrBayes trees and T. minimus cytb MrBayes trees R_eutamii_COI_quadrivittatus_cytb_BUCKy.tre: BUCKy tree with concordance values for R. eutamii COI MrBayes trees and quadrivittatus group cytb MrBayes tree

    Heteroxynema cucullatum DNA sequence alignments and phylogenies

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    H_cucullatum_3loci_concatenated_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum concatenated loci COI, ITS+, 28S H_cucullatum_3loci_starbeast.tre: Starbeast species tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum loci COI, ITS+, 28S H_cucullatum_COI_quadrivittatus_hosts_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of COI for Heteroxynema cucullatum individuals that corespond to quadrivittatus group hosts (used in tanglegram) H_cucullatum_COI_T_minimus_hosts_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of COI for Heteroxynema cucullatum individuals that corespond to Tamias minimus hosts (used in tanglegram) Heteroxynema_cucullatum_28S_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum 28S Heteroxynema_cucullatum_28S_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Heteroxynema cucullatum 28S Heteroxynema_cucullatum_COI_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum COI Heteroxynema_cucullatum_COI_RAxML.tre: RAxML gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum COI Heteroxynema_cucullatum_COI_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Heteroxynema cucullatum COI Heteroxynema_cucullatum_ITS_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum ITS+ Heteroxynema_cucullatum_ITS_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Heteroxynema cucullatum ITS

    Rauschtineria eutamii DNA sequence alignments and phylogenies

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    R_eutamii_4loci_concatenated_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes tree of Rauschtineria eutamii concatenated loci COI, 12S, 18S, 28S R_eutamii_4loci_starbeast.tre: Starbeast species tree of Rauschtineria eutamii loci COI, 12S, 18S, 28S R_eutamii_COI_minimus_hosts_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of COI for Rauschtineria eutamii individuals that corespond to Tamias minimus hosts (used in tanglegram) R_eutamii_COI_quadrivittatus_hosts_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of COI for Rauschtineria eutamii individuals that corespond to quadrivittatus group hosts (used in tanglegram) Rauschtineria_eutamii_12S_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Rauschtineria eutamii 12S Rauschtineria_eutamii_12S_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Rauschtineria eutamii 12S Rauschtineria_eutamii_18S_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Rauschtineria eutamii 18S Rauschtineria_eutamii_18S_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Rauschtineria eutamii 18S Rauschtineria_eutamii_28S_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Rauschtineria eutamii 28S Rauschtineria_eutamii_28S_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Rauschtineria eutamii 28S Rauschtineria_eutamii_COI_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Rauschtineria eutamii COI Rauschtineria_eutamii_COI_RAxML.tre: RAxML gene tree of Rauschtineria eutamii COI Rauschtineria_eutamii_COI_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Rauschtineria eutamii CO

    The evolution of seasonal camouflage in white-tailed jackrabbits in response to past and future climates

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    This repository contains copies of custom code and related resources needed to replicate analyses used to investigate the evolution of seasonal camouflage in white-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii).wtjr_sdm-master.zip (see GitHub for more details)- Zip archive of code and data for SDM analysis, see READMEs within for full description. Includes:- Occurrence records of WTJR used in the SDM modeling- Snow residence time data for modeling current and future phenotypeswc0.5.zip- Bioclim variables used for species distribution modeling.worldclim_projections_2080.zip- Future projections of Bioclim variables 2 and 3DMNS18807_06042020_pseudohap2.1.fasta.gz and DMNS18807_06042020_pseudohap2.2.fasta.gz- Original de novo genome assemblies of the white-tailed jackrabbit genome generated by Supernova. The primary assembly (used for all analyses) is pseudohap2.1 and the alternative assembly is pseudohap2.2 (used only for the BEAST analysis).DMNS18807_06042020_pseudohap2.1_OryCun2.0_liftoff_annotation.gff3- Liftoff gff3 annotation of the primary white-tailed jackrabbit reference genome. Annotation was obtained from the European Rabbit reference genome (OryCun2.0).OryCun2.0_repeats.bed-Bed file of repeat regions for OryCun2.0 from Genome Browser GenotypeArea_COATCOLOR_WTJR_W1_34SNPs_92INDVS.xlsx- Raw genotype dataspectrophotometry_raw_files.zip- Raw reflectance datawtjr_camouflage.zip (see GitHub for more details)- Input alignments, control files and output trees with divergence times from BEAST analysis to date the divergence between white and brown haplotypes.- Input alignments, control files and output log files for GPhoCs analysis to estimate demographic parameters of divergence between hare species.- Processed reflectance data.- Formatted genotype data, and other input and output files for association and Fisher exact test analyses .- Simulated expected divergence (dxy) between hare species.- Empirical divergence (dxy) between hare species within each coat color association region.</div