Heteroxynema cucullatum DNA sequence alignments and phylogenies


H_cucullatum_3loci_concatenated_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum concatenated loci COI, ITS+, 28S H_cucullatum_3loci_starbeast.tre: Starbeast species tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum loci COI, ITS+, 28S H_cucullatum_COI_quadrivittatus_hosts_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of COI for Heteroxynema cucullatum individuals that corespond to quadrivittatus group hosts (used in tanglegram) H_cucullatum_COI_T_minimus_hosts_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of COI for Heteroxynema cucullatum individuals that corespond to Tamias minimus hosts (used in tanglegram) Heteroxynema_cucullatum_28S_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum 28S Heteroxynema_cucullatum_28S_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Heteroxynema cucullatum 28S Heteroxynema_cucullatum_COI_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum COI Heteroxynema_cucullatum_COI_RAxML.tre: RAxML gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum COI Heteroxynema_cucullatum_COI_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Heteroxynema cucullatum COI Heteroxynema_cucullatum_ITS_MrBayes.tre: MrBayes gene tree of Heteroxynema cucullatum ITS+ Heteroxynema_cucullatum_ITS_alignment.nex: DNA sequence alignment of Heteroxynema cucullatum ITS

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