24 research outputs found


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    研究科: 千葉大学大学院医学薬学府学位:千大院医薬博甲第薬161号博士(薬学)千葉大


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    Newick-formatted tre file for the 100% complete concatenated matrix


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    Locations of raw sequence read files in the NCBI SRA


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    Filtered SNPs that have undergone VariantFiltration and also selection for presence in 75% of individuals genotypes. SNPs in this file have further been filtered for the presence of informative sites. Finally, SNPs in this file have been re-formatted for STRUCTURE


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    Raw SNP calls output by GATK (i.e., not filtered using VariantFiltration)


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    Merged BAM file that we realigned around indels using GATK. Contains alignment information for all individuals across which we called SNPs using GATK


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    Filtered SNPs that have undergone VariantFiltration and also selection for presence in 75% of individuals genotypes. SNPs in this file have further been filtered for the presence of informative sites. SNPs in this file have been re-formatted for SNAPP, and this file contains data for individuals USNM-144749 and MLZ-59834, which we removed from the data set prior to analysis

    The Next Mission: Inequality and Service-to-Civilian Career Transition Outcomes among 50+ Military Leavers

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    We examine the Service-to-Civilian career transition for Military leavers aged 50 and above (50+). The exit age of our sampled group means that it is more likely that they hold senior-ranked positions across both Officer and Soldier career pathways. Despite both groups having access to similar transition opportunities and resources, we find that their work-lives are underpinned with economic, social, and structural inequality. This inequality has substantive effects on their employment transition outcomes. Our focus group data suggest that Soldiers have unequal access to formal (e.g., Career Transition Partnership programmes) and informal (e.g., social networks) transition support resources compared to Officers. Employing a structural equation modelling approach to analyse 183 survey responses, we found that Soldiers are more likely to apply for, and subsequently take, civilian work that is below their skills level. In turn, Soldiers are significantly less satisfied with their civilian work than Officers. </p


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    The taxon-names configuration file for creating UCE data sets for use with the get_match_counts.py (https://github.com/faircloth-lab/phyluce)