41 research outputs found

    Summary of an experimental investigation on the ground vortex

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    The results of an experimental investigation into the position and characteristics of the ground vortex are summarized. A 48-inch wind tunnel was modified to create a testing environment suitable for the ground vortex study. Flow visualization was used to document the jet-crossflow interaction and a two-component Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) was used to survey the flowfield in detail. Measurements of the ground vortex characteristics and location as a function of freestream-to-jet velocity ratio, jet height, pressure gradient and upstream boundary layer thickness were obtained

    Direct numerical simulations and modeling of a spatially-evolving turbulent wake

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    Understanding of turbulent free shear flows (wakes, jets, and mixing layers) is important, not only for scientific interest, but also because of their appearance in numerous practical applications. Turbulent wakes, in particular, have recently received increased attention by researchers at NASA Langley. The turbulent wake generated by a two-dimensional airfoil has been selected as the test-case for detailed high-resolution particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiments. This same wake has also been chosen to enhance NASA's turbulence modeling efforts. Over the past year, the author has completed several wake computations, while visiting NASA through the 1993 and 1994 ASEE summer programs, and also while on sabbatical leave during the 1993-94 academic year. These calculations have included two-equation (K-omega and K-epsilon) models, algebraic stress models (ASM), full Reynolds stress closure models, and direct numerical simulations (DNS). Recently, there has been mutually beneficial collaboration of the experimental and computational efforts. In fact, these projects have been chosen for joint presentation at the NASA Turbulence Peer Review, scheduled for September 1994. DNS calculations are presently underway for a turbulent wake at Re(sub theta) = 1000 and at a Mach number of 0.20. (Theta is the momentum thickness, which remains constant in the wake of a two dimensional body.) These calculations utilize a compressible DNS code written by M. M. Rai of NASA Ames, and modified for the wake by J. Cimbala. The code employs fifth-order accurate upwind-biased finite differencing for the convective terms, fourth-order accurate central differencing for the viscous terms, and an iterative-implicit time-integration scheme. The computational domain for these calculations starts at x/theta = 10, and extends to x/theta = 610. Fully developed turbulent wake profiles, obtained from experimental data from several wake generators, are supplied at the computational inlet, along with appropriate noise. After some adjustment period, the flow downstream of the inlet develops into a fully three-dimensional turbulent wake. Of particular interest in the present study is the far wake spreading rate and the self-similar mean and turbulence profiles. At the time of this writing, grid resolution studies are underway, and a code is being written to calculate turbulence statistics from these wake calculations; the statistics will be compared to those from the ongoing PIV wake measurements, those of previous experiments, and those predicted by the various turbulence models. These calculations will lead to significant long-term benefits for the turbulence modeling effort. In particular, quantities such as the pressure-strain correlation and the dissipation rate tensor can be easily calculated from the DNS results, whereas these quantities are nearly impossible to measure experimentally. Improvements to existing turbulence models (and development of new models) require knowledge about flow quantities such as these. Present turbulence models do a very good job at prediction of the shape of the mean velocity and Reynolds stress profiles in a turbulent wake, but significantly underpredict the magnitude of the stresses and the spreading rate of the wake. Thus, the turbulent wake is an ideal flow for turbulence modeling research. By careful comparison and analysis of each term in the modeled Reynolds stress equations, the DNS data can show where deficiencies in the models exist; improvements to the models can then be attempted

    A comprehensive comparison of turbulence models in the far wake

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    In the present study, the far wake was examined numerically using an implicit, upwind, finite-volume, compressible Navier-Stokes code. The numerical grid started at 500 equivalent circular cylinder diameters in the wave, and extended to 4000 equivalent diameters. By concentrating only on the far wake, the numerical difficulties and fine mesh requirements near the wake-generating body were eliminated. At the time of this writing, results for the K-epsilon and K-omega turbulence models at low Mach number have been completed and show excellent agreement with previous incompressible results and far-wake similarity solutions. The code is presently being used to compare the performance of various other turbulence models, including Reynolds stress models and the new anisotropic two-equation turbulence models being developed at NASA Langley. By increasing our physical understanding of the deficiencies and limits of these models, it is hoped that improvements to the universality of the models can be made. Future plans include examination of two-dimensional momentumless wakes as well

    Reduction in size and unsteadiness of a VTOL ground vortex by ground fences

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    A ground vortex, produced when a jet impinges on the ground in the presence of cross flow, is encountered by V/STOL aircraft hovering near the ground and is known to be hazardous to the aircraft. The objective of this research was to identify a ground-based technique by which both the mean size and fluctuation in size of the ground vortex could be reduced. A simple passive method was identified and examined in the laboratory. Specifically, one or two fine wire mesh screens (ground fences) bent in a horseshoe shape and located on the ground in front of the jet impingement point proved to be very effective. The ground fences work by decreasing the momentum of the upstream-traveling wall jet, effectively causing a higher freestream-to-jet velocity ratio (V(sub infinity)/V(sub j)) and thus, a ground vortex smaller in size and unsteadiness. At(V(sub infinity)/V(sub j)) = 0.15, the addition of a single ground fence resulted in a 70 percent reduction in mean size of the ground vortex. With two ground fences, the mean size decreased by about 85 percent. Fluctuations in size decreased nearly in proportion to the mean size, for both the single and double fence configurations. These results were consistent over a wide range of jet Reynolds number (10(exp 4) less than Re(sub jet) less than 10(exp 5)); further development and full-scale Reynolds number testing are required, however, to determine if this technique can be made practical for the case of actual VTOL aircraft

    Large structure in the far wakes of two-dimensional bluff bodies

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    Smoke-wire flow visualization and hot-wire anemometry have been used to study near and far wakes of two-dimensional bluff bodies. For the case of a circular cylinder at 70 < Re < 2000, a very rapid (exponential) decay of velocity fluctuations at the Kármán-vortex-street frequency is observed. Beyond this region of decay, larger-scale (lower wavenumber) structure can be seen. In the far wake (beyond one hundred diameters) a broad band of frequencies is selectively amplified and then damped, the centre of the band shifting to lower frequencies as downstream distance is increased. The far-wake structure does not depend directly on the scale or frequency of Kármán vortices shed from the cylinder; i.e. it does not result from amalgamation of shed vortices. The growth of this structure is due to hydrodynamic instability of the developing mean wake profile. Under certain conditions amalgamation can take place, but is purely incidental, and is not the driving mechanism responsible for the growth of larger-scale structure. Similar large structure is observed downstream of porous flat plates (Re [approximate] 6000), which do not initially shed Kármán-type vortices into the wake. Measured prominent frequencies in the far cylinder wake are in good agreement with those estimated by two-dimensional locally parallel inviscid linear stability theory, when streamwise growth of wake width is taken into account. Finally, three-dimensionality in the far wake of a circular cylinder is briefly discussed and a mechanism for its development is suggested based on a secondary parametric instability of the subharmonic type

    Essentials of Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications

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    xx, 584hlm +3 ; 25c

    Mécanique des fluides: fondements et applications

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    La mécanique des fluides est un outil performant qui permet d'expliquer les phénomènes qui nous entourent de l'échelle microscopique à l'échelle macroscopique. Elle est aussi à la base du développement de nombreuses technologies. Cet ouvrage à destination des étudiants donne une vision complète de la mécanique des fluides. Bien que la mécanique des fluides puisse souvent paraître rébarbative aux yeux des étudiants, cet ouvrage valorise ce domaine d'enseignement en l'illustrant de nombreux exemples issus de l'ingénierie navale, l'aéronautique, la météorologie, etc

    Fluid mechanics: fundamentals and applications

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    Cengel and Cimbala's Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, communicates directly with tomorrow's engineers in a simple yet precise manner, while covering the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics in the context of numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples. The text helps students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physics, using figures, numerous photographs and visual aids to reinforce the physics. The highly visual approach enhances the learning of fluid mechanics by students. This text distinguishes itself from others by the way the material is presented - in a progressive order from simple to more difficult, building each chapter upon foundations laid down in previous chapters. In this way, even the traditionally challenging aspects of fluid mechanics can be learned effectively. McGraw-Hill Education's Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers an may also have a "multi-step solution" which helps move the students' learning along if they experience difficulty

    Fluid Mechanics:Fundamentals and Applications:Vol 1

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