1,023 research outputs found

    Teaching Children To Read For Meaning

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    Phosphorus in aquatic systems

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    This article continues a series that provides producers with information to aid in phosphorus (P) management and to understand environmental issues relating to P management. It focuses on P in aquatic systems (wetlands, streams, rivers, and lakes) and its impact on surface water quality

    Emerging global role of small lakes and ponds : little things mean a lot

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    Until recently, small continental waters have been completely ignored in virtually all global processes and cycles. This has resulted from the neglect of these systems and processes by ecologists and the assumption that ecosystems with a small areal extent cannot play a major role in global processes. Recent inventories based on modern geographical and mathematical approaches have shown that continental waters occupy nearly twice as much area as was previously believed. Further, these inventories have shown that small lakes and ponds dominate the areal extent of continental waters, correcting a centurylong misconception that large lakes are most important. The global importance of any ecosystem type in a process or cycle is the product of the areal extent and the intensity of the process in those ecosystems. Several analyses have shown the disproportionately great intensity of many processes in small aquatic ecosystems, indicating that they play an unexpectedly major role in global cycles. Assessments of the global carbon cycle underscore the need for aquatic scientists to view their work on a global scale in order to respond to the Earth's most pressing environmental problems.Hasta muy recientemente, las aguas continentales de pequeño volumen se han ignorado completamente en todos los procesos y ciclos globales. Esto ha sido el resultado de la poca consideración de estos ecosistemas y procesos por los ecólogos y de asumir que los ecosistemas que ocupan un área pequeña no juegan ningún papel importante en los procesos globales. Inventarios recientes basados en aproximaciones geográficas y matemáticas modernas indican que las aguas continentales ocupan casi el doble del área de lo que se creía anteriormente. Además, estos inventarios han mostrado que las charcas y lagunas de pequeñas dimensiones predominan en la extensión superficial de las aguas continentales, corrigiendo la concepción equivocada de todo un siglo de que los grandes lagos eran los más importantes. La importancia global de cualquier tipo de ecosistema en un proceso o ciclo es el producto de su superficie por la intensidad del proceso en el ecosistema. Diversos análisis han mostrado la intensidad desproporcionadamente grande de muchos procesos en los pequeños sistemas acuáticos, indicando su sorprendente papel primordial en los ciclos globales. Evaluaciones del ciclo global del carbono ponen de manifesto la necesidad de que los ecólogos acuáticos tengan una visión de su trabajo a escala global, para poder responder a los problemas ambientales más preocupantes

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    91st Connecticut College Commencement Class President\u27s Address

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    We have been given the privilege of an unmatched education, and we now have the responsibility to use that education to leave the world a little better than it was when we arrived. Adlai Stevenson once quipped to a group of graduates, “When you leave here, don’t forget why you came.” As we move forward, let us make sure we do not forget, that we embrace the opportunities before us, and that we always strive to provide those same opportunities to the countless generations to follow