8 research outputs found

    Total vocalisation counted in consecutive 15 min periods from 2 h prior to feeding, during feeding and 2 h after feeding commenced.

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    <p>5a) Grunts and 5b) Growls. Counts of vocalisations were conducted for 5 non-consecutive days. Solid line and symbol = midnight; dotted line and hollow symbol = noon feeding. Vertical arrow indicates time of feeding. Data represent the mean values ± SEM.</p

    Acoustic features measured in Gru1, Gru2, Short-growl and Long-growl sounds.

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    <p>Values are means ± SEM and range is given in parentheses below. For Pf, Lf and Uf the median value is given in parentheses on the right. SD = sound duration; PN = number of pulses; PD = pulse duration; PP = pulse period; PI = pulse interval; PRR = pulse repetition rate; Pf = peak frequency; Lf = lower frequency; Uf = upper frequency 3dBBW = 3 dB bandwidth; Q = damping coefficient. * = significant difference between means within each of the two different types of grunts and growls using t-tests at (P < 0.05) with sequential Holm-Bonferroni correction for Type I error inflation.</p

    Diel variation in the proportion of grunt and growl type sounds.

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    <p>Grey vertical bar are growls and black vertical bar are grunts. Bar represents mean values observed in the hourly interval over five non-consecutive days of sampling. Crossed bar at 0900–1000 hrs indicate no data due to activation of water flow.</p

    Comparison of vocalisation rate (mean±SEM; <i>n</i> = 5) during different periods of the day.

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    <p>Dark square represent grunt sound and white square represent growl sounds. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences between individual means within either growls or grunts (Tukey test; p<0.05).</p

    Classification of sound types to four categories by linear discriminant analysis.

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    <p>Classification of sound types to four categories by linear discriminant analysis.</p

    Linear discriminant functions for the validation of sound type classification.

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    <p>SD = sound duration; PN = number of pulses; PD = pulse duration; PP = pulse period; PI = pulse interval; PRR = pulse repetition rate; Pf = peak frequency; Lf = lower frequency; Uf = upper frequency 3dBBW = 3 dB bandwidth; Q = damping coefficient.</p