820 research outputs found

    Special Considerations in Estate Planning for Same-Sex and Unmarried Couples

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    Sub-Nyquist sampling makes use of sparsities in analog signals to sample them at a rate lower than the Nyquist rate. The reduction in sampling rate, however, comes at the cost of additional digital signal processing (DSP) which is required to reconstruct the uniformly sampled sequence at the output of the sub-Nyquist sampling analog-to-digital converter. At present, this additional processing is computationally intensive and time consuming and offsets the gains obtained from the reduced sampling rate. This paper focuses on sparse multi-band signals where the user band locations can change from time to time and the reconstructor requires real-time redesign. We propose a technique that can reduce the computational complexity of the reconstructor. At the same time, the proposed scheme simplifies the online reconfigurability of the reconstructor

    Mechanikal Applications of the Harmless Error Rule in Cases of Prosecutorial Grand Jury Misconduct

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    Even though time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) help to achieve higher bandwidth with simpler individual ADCs, gain, offset, and time-skew mismatch between the channels degrade the achievable resolution. Of particular interest is the time-skew error between channels which results in nonuniform samples and thereby introducing distortion tones at the output of the time-interleaved ADC. Time-varying digital reconstructors can be used to correct the time-skew errors between the channels in a time-interleaved ADC. However, the complexity of such reconstructors increases as their bandwidth approaches the Nyquist band. In addition to this, the reconstructor needs to be redesigned online every time the time-skew error varies. Design methods that result in minimum reconstructor order require expensive online redesign while those methods that simplify online redesign result in higher reconstructor complexity. This paper proposes a technique that can be used to simplify the online redesign and achieve a low complexity reconstructor at the same time

    Wage Differentials and Gender Discrimination - Changes in Sweden 1981-1998

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    The purpose of this paper is to follow the development of the Swedish gender earnings gap through the 1980s and 1990s. We follow the changes in the wage gap and in factors to which it can be related, step-by-step, and year-by- year. This is done by analysing cross sectional data from statistics Sweden (HINK) for the years 1981, 1983-1991 and 1993-1998. The preliminary results show that the unadjusted wage gap varied between 15-20 percent up to 1989 when the differentials began to increase. During the 90s the size of the gap was around 25 percent. There is an increase in the wage differentials between the 1980s and late 1990s. In a decomposition analysis we find that the measured differences in jobs and qualifications between women and men can account only for between two and three fifths of the gender wage gap, if they are assumed to be rewarded according to the wage function for men. If the female wage function is applied, considerably less of the differentials are explained. Differences in the educational requirements for jobs have contributed considerably to gender earnings inequality. The impact has, however, decreased over the period studied and is about half as large in the 1990s as it was in the 1980s.Gender differentials; wage differentiation; Swedish labour market discrimination

    Var Àr egentligen liten vit och skÀr och alla smÄ brokiga? ­ En undersökning av mÄngfald i bilderböcker

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    Syftet med föreliggande arbete Àr att undersöka och synliggöra hur etnicitet, kultur och mÄngkulturalism konstrueras i ett urval av samtida bilderböcker riktade till barn i förskoleÄldern. Bilderboksgenren har varit relativt styvmoderligt behandlad av den tidigare forskningen ­ i synnerhet med avseende pÄ hur mÄngkulturalism, kultur och etnicitet (re)produceras i bilderböckerna. De frÄgestÀllningar examensarbetet arbetar med rör relationen mellan hur olika etniska och kulturella grupper framstÀlls i bilderböckerna. Svaren pÄ dessa frÄgor undersöks utifrÄn en (multimodal) diskursanalys för att synliggöra det för-givet-tagna i bilderböckernas framstÀllningar. Detta görs mer specifikt genom att undersöka hur begreppen mÄngkulturalism, kultur och etnicitet (re)produceras i samspelet mellan bild och text och i de perspektiv som Äterfinns i bilderböckernas handlingar. Undersökningsmaterialet utgörs av 5 bilderböcker utgivna i Sverige under 007 som av Bokjuryn rekommenderas för bl.a. landets förskolor. Resultaten visar inte ovÀntat att bilderböckerna i stor utstrÀckning (re)producerar en vit svensk eller vÀsterlÀndsk norm mot vilken olika framstÀllningar av den Andre tecknas. Detta gÄr bl.a. igen i att de flesta av bilderböckernas huvudkaraktÀrer kan placeras inom den överordnade vita svenska eller vÀsterlÀndska normen och att de frÄn normen avvikande karaktÀrerna (den Andre) pÄ olika sÀtt begrÀnsas i sitt handlingsutrymme, pekas ut eller tvingas representera nÄgot annorlunda som motpol till det normala. Betydelsen för lÀraryrket av dessa resultat Àr vikten av att pedagogen via ett kritiskt förhÄllningssÀtt till mÄngkulturalism synliggör och erkÀnner bredden av olika perspektiv och dÀrmed Àven utmanar de dominerande och överordnande perspektiven i kampen om att skapa social rÀttvisa. Detta uppnÄs dels via ett medvetet urval av bilderböcker och dels via flerstÀmmiga dialoger inom ramen för boksamtal

    Civil Society Elites: A Research Agenda

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    This editorial introduces the thematic issue on ‘civil society elites,’ a topic that has been neglected in elite research as well as civil society studies. It elaborates on the concept of ‘civil society elites’ and explains why this is an important emerging research field. By highlighting different methodological approaches and key findings in the contributions to the thematic issue, this article aims at formulating an agenda for future research in this field

    A Case of Depressive Personality Disorder: Aligning Theory, Practice, and Clinical Research

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    Depressive personality disorder (DPD) is highly studied and common in clinical settings. Nevertheless, it is rife with controversies and often overshadowed by major depression and dysthymia with which it shares many similarities but also is clinically distinct. Possibly as a result, DPD is underdiagnosed and misunderstood in clinical care. Thus the goal of this practice review is to present a case from psychiatric clinical work illustrating how DPD may be commonly overlooked in routine care, and how the conceptualization of this case and its treatment plan changed course once DPD was considered by treating staff, ultimately contributing to the successful outcome of the case. Questions elicited by the case are subsequently discussed in the context of the empirical literature on DPD, allowing for a clearer picture to emerge on DPD and its role in the development, course, and treatment of depression

    Reconfigurable Multirate Systems in Cognitive Radios

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