32 research outputs found

    The Private Sector in Slovenian Agriculture

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    U članku su obrađena aktualna pitanja razvojnih tendencija individualnog sektora slovenske poljoprivrede. ss Slovenije, Poseban naglasak stavljen je na socijalno-ekonomskim, socijalno političkim i demografskim pitanjima. Kako se radi o djelomično specifičnim razvojnim tendencijama u poljoprivredi Slovenije, to su problemi obrađeni i kroz određenu retrospekciju i komparativu u odnosu na druga područja Jugoslavije. Podrobnije su razmatrana pitanja o vlasničkim odnosima na poljoprivrednom zemljištu, veličini poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, ekonomici individualnog poljoprivrednog domaćinstva, njegovoj radnoj opremljenosti i strukturi njegove potrošnje — reprodukciji. Prikazana je razlika u gospodarskom položaju čistog, mješovitog i radničkog domaćinstva. Ocijenjeno je sadašnje stanje razine kooperacije i interesa za ovaj oblik suradnje s društvenim sektorom. Polazeći od ocjena ekonomskog stanja individualnog sektora posebno su razmatrana pitanja demografske reprodukcije poljoprivrednog stanovništva. Ta je reprodukcija osvijetljena stanjom u natalitetu, sklapanju brakova, udjelu domaćinstva bez nasljednika, odlasku za rad sposobnog stanovništva na rad izvan poljoprivrede. Uz ekonomske i sociodemografske karakteristike osvijetljena su i specifična pitanja nestajanja nekadašnjeg sela i oblikovanja novih, ruralno sve manje karakterističnih naselja. članak koji je rezultat istraživanja najaktualnijih tendencija razvitka na ovom području Slovenije upućuje i na potrebu daljeg istraživanja posebno nekih sociopsiholoških pojava — degradaciju određenih vrijednosti, posebice rada na zemlji i odnosa u obitelji.The article treats current problems of development in the private sector of Slovenian agriculture. Special attention is paid to socioeconomic, socio-political and demograplic problems. Agriculture in Slovenia has some specific tendencies of dvelopment, so the problems ar also treated in retrospect and comparatively in in relation to other regions of Yugoslavia. Problems concerning the ownership of agricultural land, size of agricultural holding, the economic of the individual farming household, how it is equiped for work and the structure of its consumption and reproduction are treated in detail. The articl also shows differences in the economic position of pure farming, part-time and worker households. The present level of contract-farming and the interest for this form of cooperating with the sociah sector is evaluated. Starting from evaluations of economic conditions in the private sector, special attention is paid to questions of the demographic reproduction of the agricultural population. That reproduction is shown trough the birth rate, marriage rate, participacion of households without an heir, and how much of the population capable of work leaves agriculture to find employment in other branches of the economy. Besides economic and sociodemographic characteristics, specific ouestions concernino the disappearance of the traditional village and the formation of new settlements, with fewer rural characteristics are also treated. The article, which is the result of into the most acute tendencies of development in this part of Slovenia, also shows the need for further researrch, especially into somepsychological phenomena — the degradation of certain values — work on the land and family relations

    The Private Sector in Slovenian Agriculture

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    U članku su obrađena aktualna pitanja razvojnih tendencija individualnog sektora slovenske poljoprivrede. ss Slovenije, Poseban naglasak stavljen je na socijalno-ekonomskim, socijalno političkim i demografskim pitanjima. Kako se radi o djelomično specifičnim razvojnim tendencijama u poljoprivredi Slovenije, to su problemi obrađeni i kroz određenu retrospekciju i komparativu u odnosu na druga područja Jugoslavije. Podrobnije su razmatrana pitanja o vlasničkim odnosima na poljoprivrednom zemljištu, veličini poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, ekonomici individualnog poljoprivrednog domaćinstva, njegovoj radnoj opremljenosti i strukturi njegove potrošnje — reprodukciji. Prikazana je razlika u gospodarskom položaju čistog, mješovitog i radničkog domaćinstva. Ocijenjeno je sadašnje stanje razine kooperacije i interesa za ovaj oblik suradnje s društvenim sektorom. Polazeći od ocjena ekonomskog stanja individualnog sektora posebno su razmatrana pitanja demografske reprodukcije poljoprivrednog stanovništva. Ta je reprodukcija osvijetljena stanjom u natalitetu, sklapanju brakova, udjelu domaćinstva bez nasljednika, odlasku za rad sposobnog stanovništva na rad izvan poljoprivrede. Uz ekonomske i sociodemografske karakteristike osvijetljena su i specifična pitanja nestajanja nekadašnjeg sela i oblikovanja novih, ruralno sve manje karakterističnih naselja. članak koji je rezultat istraživanja najaktualnijih tendencija razvitka na ovom području Slovenije upućuje i na potrebu daljeg istraživanja posebno nekih sociopsiholoških pojava — degradaciju određenih vrijednosti, posebice rada na zemlji i odnosa u obitelji.The article treats current problems of development in the private sector of Slovenian agriculture. Special attention is paid to socioeconomic, socio-political and demograplic problems. Agriculture in Slovenia has some specific tendencies of dvelopment, so the problems ar also treated in retrospect and comparatively in in relation to other regions of Yugoslavia. Problems concerning the ownership of agricultural land, size of agricultural holding, the economic of the individual farming household, how it is equiped for work and the structure of its consumption and reproduction are treated in detail. The articl also shows differences in the economic position of pure farming, part-time and worker households. The present level of contract-farming and the interest for this form of cooperating with the sociah sector is evaluated. Starting from evaluations of economic conditions in the private sector, special attention is paid to questions of the demographic reproduction of the agricultural population. That reproduction is shown trough the birth rate, marriage rate, participacion of households without an heir, and how much of the population capable of work leaves agriculture to find employment in other branches of the economy. Besides economic and sociodemographic characteristics, specific ouestions concernino the disappearance of the traditional village and the formation of new settlements, with fewer rural characteristics are also treated. The article, which is the result of into the most acute tendencies of development in this part of Slovenia, also shows the need for further researrch, especially into somepsychological phenomena — the degradation of certain values — work on the land and family relations

    Development of the Slovenian Village

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    In this study the author presents a part of the results from the project »Problems of cooperativism and cooperation in Slovenia«. In this he uses the statistical data rahter than the empirical results. He analyses the following: global changes in population structure of SR Slovenia, changes in structure of agricultural households, changes in the size of farms, sources and structure of income in agricultural households, as well as the structure of consumption in agricultural and part- -time households. The author has established that in the villages of SR Slovenia a process of dissolving of the agricultural population is talcing place. As the number of pure agricultural households is decreasing, the number of »proletarian« households is increasing. The intermediate stratum of part-time farmes — part- -tirne workers is very numerous. Urbanization is not due to stronger concentration of population in towns, but to the fact that villages are becoming urbanized. The rural population is, namely, leaving agriculture as a profession, and is taking jobs in non-agricu\u27Itural activities, remainig, however, to live mostly in the village. Therefore, the Slovenian village of today is no more a synonym for a rural settlement. Out of the total of 515 thousands of households in SR Slovenia only 12 percent are agricultural, 14 percent are part-time agricultural and 74 percent are non-agricultural. Agricultural households are rapidly changing into part- -time ones, in order to finally become non-agricultural. The number of active members in agricultural households stagnates, so that today there are mostly elder people. In mixed households women are those, who mostly work on the farm and in the barnyard. Agricultural households, without regard to the existing unfavourable structure of workers, live today much better than before, due to the specialization in agricultural production and placing on market of surplus- goods. The money, earned in this way, is being invested Into agricultural expanded reproduction and furnishing of farms and only after this, into housing construction and savings. The part-time agricultural households (whose financial consumption is larger than in agricultural ones) invest also mostly into furnishing of farms, although less than agricultural households. However, mixed households invest more in the increase of housing standard and in furnishing of households than agricultural ones do, and their installments as well as savings are higher. Shortly, part-time agricultural households in Slovenia live today considerably better than pure agricultural households

    Application of Lean Methods into the Customised Product Development Process of Large Power Transformers

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    The study conducts research on lean product development (PD) methodology and presents a case study of its practical application into a specific one-of-a-kind development of large power transformers. The demonstrated framework is the result of a 5-year intensive research that led to an extensive transformation of a traditional PD environment into a highly efficient process according to lean principles. Paper explains how lean PD integrates with robust, concurrent and smart design strategies in highly individualized PD business. A generalized framework of PD and design process renovation is presented, comprising three main fields of interest: Process & Tools, People, and Knowledge. A direct consequence of implied renovation are significant savings. Case-study company cut down engineering changes by 32 % in three year test period and experienced performance improvement between 25 % and 83 % across designated process indicators

    Dinamičko planiranje i terminiranje uz više kriterija u proizvodnji tokarenih dijelova

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    Technical innovations in the area of manufacturing logistics are being introduced partially and thus not exploiting their full potential. In order to optimise the efficiency of turning manufacturing processes, the process has been analysed and fundamentally re-engineered. All data from production (operations, quantities, date, time duration of operations, etc.) are now located in ERP system. It provided the necessary condition for the establishment of a robust dynamic planning model. An update was required for the whole lifecycle of products and means of work. The paper presents the information support and an algorithm for a dynamic planning model, based on a genetic algorithm. Continuous data capturing and planning in real time are a breakthrough in the management of the process. Presented are a generalised dynamic planning model and a case example from the production of turned parts, which take account of the singularities of a real environment. Production capacities have to be linked up with the supply chain and customers. The presented dynamic planning model can be adapted to various types of production.U području proizvodne logistike tehničke se inovacije uvode parcijalno te se ne koristi njihov puni potencijal. U cilju poboljšanja efikasnosti proizvodnih procesa tokarenja, postupak se analizirao i u potpunosti preradio. Svi se podaci iz proizvodnje (operacije, količine, datumi, vrijeme trajanja operacija itd.) sada nalaze u ERP sustavu. On je osigurao potrebne uvjete za stvaranje modela dinamičkog planiranja. Tražili su se ažurirani podaci o cijelom radnom vijeku proizvoda i sredstvima za rad. U članku se predstavlja informatička podrška i algoritam za dinamički model planiranja, zasnovan na genetskom algoritmu. Stalno dobivanje podataka i planiranje u realnom vremenu predstavljaju važan napredak u upravljanju tim procesom. Predstavljen je generalizirani model dinamičkog planiranja i primjer iz proizvodnje tokarenih dijelova gdje se uzimaju u obzir specifičnosti stvarnog okruženja. Proizvodni se kapaciteti moraju povezati s nabavnim lancem i kupcima. Ovaj se model dinamičkog planiranja može adaptirati različitim tipovima proizvodnje

    Thermal model of through flow universal motor by means of lumped parameter network

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    Biti u stanju predvidjeti porast temperature unutar stroja jednako je važno kao i predvidjeti njegovo djelovanje i radni vijek. Budući da mjerenja temperature i toplinske simulacije računalom mogu zahtijevati puno vremena, putovi topline unutar protočnog univerzalnog motora su opisani jednostavnom toplinskom mrežom skupnog (lumped) parametra. Jednom kad je model izgrađen, njegovi nepoznati koeficijenti konvekcije su usklađeni s alatom genetičkog algoritma u MatLab. Model je primijenjen i uspješno provjeren mjerenjima na dva različita tipa motora usisivača za prašinu. Uzimajući u obzir gibitke rotora kao jednog od ulaza modela, procjene temperature su točnije bez obzira na radni režim stroja.Being able to predict temperature rise inside a machine is as important as predicting its performance and life. Because temperature measurements and computational thermal simulations can be time consuming, thermal paths inside the through-flow universal motor were described by means of simple lumped parameter thermal network. Once the model was built, its unknown convection coefficients were tuned with the genetic algorithm tool in MatLab. The model has been applied and successfully verified with measurements on two different types of a vacuum cleaner motor. Taking account of impeller losses as one of the model inputs makes temperature estimates more accurate regardless of machine’s operational regime

    Applications of AM

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    In this chapter, three strategic domains of Additive Manufacturing application are presented: tool making, medicine and transportation, with main benefits and results obtained by application of AM. Chapter presents some of on-going or already finished project from mentioned AM application fields

    Thermo-mechanical modeling of polymer spur gears with experimental validation using high-speed infrared thermography

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    The presented work is focused on the development of a comprehensive thermo-mechanical model for predicting the temperature rise in thermoplastic polymer spur gears with any desired profile geometry while running. The specific constitutional behavior of thermoplastics influences the gear-meshing pattern, which can deviate substantially from ideal gear meshing, as typically exhibited by metal gears in moderate-loading conditions. Taking this aspect into account is of paramount importance if realistic temperature-rise predictions are to be made. The thermal response of the considered gear pair is studied thoroughly from both the analytical and experimental standpoints. Good agreement was found between the results of the model and the experimental measurements performed using a high-speed thermal imaging infrared camera, although it was also observed that the real-life temperature rise can increase noticeably if large geometric tolerance deviations from the ideal profile geometry are present. The presented experimental approach also offers the possibility to observe the temperature rise inside and outside the meshing cycle

    Development of the Slovenian Village

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    In this study the author presents a part of the results from the project »Problems of cooperativism and cooperation in Slovenia«. In this he uses the statistical data rahter than the empirical results. He analyses the following: global changes in population structure of SR Slovenia, changes in structure of agricultural households, changes in the size of farms, sources and structure of income in agricultural households, as well as the structure of consumption in agricultural and part- -time households. The author has established that in the villages of SR Slovenia a process of dissolving of the agricultural population is talcing place. As the number of pure agricultural households is decreasing, the number of »proletarian« households is increasing. The intermediate stratum of part-time farmes — part- -tirne workers is very numerous. Urbanization is not due to stronger concentration of population in towns, but to the fact that villages are becoming urbanized. The rural population is, namely, leaving agriculture as a profession, and is taking jobs in non-agricu\u27Itural activities, remainig, however, to live mostly in the village. Therefore, the Slovenian village of today is no more a synonym for a rural settlement. Out of the total of 515 thousands of households in SR Slovenia only 12 percent are agricultural, 14 percent are part-time agricultural and 74 percent are non-agricultural. Agricultural households are rapidly changing into part- -time ones, in order to finally become non-agricultural. The number of active members in agricultural households stagnates, so that today there are mostly elder people. In mixed households women are those, who mostly work on the farm and in the barnyard. Agricultural households, without regard to the existing unfavourable structure of workers, live today much better than before, due to the specialization in agricultural production and placing on market of surplus- goods. The money, earned in this way, is being invested Into agricultural expanded reproduction and furnishing of farms and only after this, into housing construction and savings. The part-time agricultural households (whose financial consumption is larger than in agricultural ones) invest also mostly into furnishing of farms, although less than agricultural households. However, mixed households invest more in the increase of housing standard and in furnishing of households than agricultural ones do, and their installments as well as savings are higher. Shortly, part-time agricultural households in Slovenia live today considerably better than pure agricultural households

    Tooth bending strength of gears with a progressive curved path of contact

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    The article presents a comprehensive study on the tooth bending strength of spur gears with a progressive curved path of contact, or so-called S-gears. Systematic gear meshing simulations were conducted to study the effects of S-gear geometry parameters on tooth bending strength. Different S-gear geometries were analysed in a systematically organized manner, and a comparison was made against a standard 20° pressure angle involute shape. Furthermore, different material combinations, e.g. polymer/polymer, steel/polymer, and steel/steel, of both drive and driven gear were analysed within a meaningful range of loads. The gear profile shape, material combination of the drive and the driven gear, and the transmitted load were found as the main parameters affecting gear tooth bending stress. Complex, non-linear relations between the recognized effects and the corresponding root stress were observed. Based on the numerical results, a shape factor, which considers the above-mentioned effects, was introduced, and a model for root strength control of S-gears was proposed and verified employing the finite element method (FEM)