Development of the Slovenian Village


In this study the author presents a part of the results from the project »Problems of cooperativism and cooperation in Slovenia«. In this he uses the statistical data rahter than the empirical results. He analyses the following: global changes in population structure of SR Slovenia, changes in structure of agricultural households, changes in the size of farms, sources and structure of income in agricultural households, as well as the structure of consumption in agricultural and part- -time households. The author has established that in the villages of SR Slovenia a process of dissolving of the agricultural population is talcing place. As the number of pure agricultural households is decreasing, the number of »proletarian« households is increasing. The intermediate stratum of part-time farmes — part- -tirne workers is very numerous. Urbanization is not due to stronger concentration of population in towns, but to the fact that villages are becoming urbanized. The rural population is, namely, leaving agriculture as a profession, and is taking jobs in non-agricu\u27Itural activities, remainig, however, to live mostly in the village. Therefore, the Slovenian village of today is no more a synonym for a rural settlement. Out of the total of 515 thousands of households in SR Slovenia only 12 percent are agricultural, 14 percent are part-time agricultural and 74 percent are non-agricultural. Agricultural households are rapidly changing into part- -time ones, in order to finally become non-agricultural. The number of active members in agricultural households stagnates, so that today there are mostly elder people. In mixed households women are those, who mostly work on the farm and in the barnyard. Agricultural households, without regard to the existing unfavourable structure of workers, live today much better than before, due to the specialization in agricultural production and placing on market of surplus- goods. The money, earned in this way, is being invested Into agricultural expanded reproduction and furnishing of farms and only after this, into housing construction and savings. The part-time agricultural households (whose financial consumption is larger than in agricultural ones) invest also mostly into furnishing of farms, although less than agricultural households. However, mixed households invest more in the increase of housing standard and in furnishing of households than agricultural ones do, and their installments as well as savings are higher. Shortly, part-time agricultural households in Slovenia live today considerably better than pure agricultural households

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