11,711 research outputs found

    Characterization of dual mixed volumes via polymeasures

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    We prove a characterization of the dual mixed volume in terms of functional properties of the polynomial associated to it. To do this, we use tools from the theory of multilinear operators on spaces of continuos functions. Along the way we reprove, with these same techniques, a recently found characterization of the dual mixed volume

    The Contemporary Human Resources Function

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    Abstract Current companies encounter important challenges day to day. Many factors such as the economic globalization, the change in the way of working, the Internet boom, and the importance that the service sector is experiencing nowadays influence the new society in which persons and businesses actually cope. Each of these contingencies obligates the Human Resource function to adapt to new organizational goals moulding their strategies and tactics to the in fashion topics. In this work we present the classical functions integrated in the Human Resources department constituting its base of performance. We also deal equally with the high performance practices and the importance that is acquiring the binomial human resources management strategies – business performance such as new tendencies applicable in this area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A cluster-based mean-field and perturbative description of strongly correlated fermion systems. Application to the 1D and 2D Hubbard model

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    We introduce a mean-field and perturbative approach, based on clusters, to describe the ground state of fermionic strongly-correlated systems. In cluster mean-field, the ground state wavefunction is written as a simple tensor product over optimized cluster states. The optimization of the single-particle basis where the cluster mean-field is expressed is crucial in order to obtain high-quality results. The mean-field nature of the ansatz allows us to formulate a perturbative approach to account for inter-cluster correlations; other traditional many-body strategies can be easily devised in terms of the cluster states. We present benchmark calculations on the half-filled 1D and (square) 2D Hubbard model, as well as the lightly-doped regime in 2D, using cluster mean-field and second-order perturbation theory. Our results indicate that, with sufficiently large clusters or to second-order in perturbation theory, a cluster-based approach can provide an accurate description of the Hubbard model in the considered regimes. Several avenues to improve upon the results presented in this work are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figure

    Wage Assimilation of Immigrants in Spain

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    In this study we quantify the effect of the years of residence in Spain on the earnings of immigrants. We take sex, origin, education and age into account. The results are clearly positive, the longer the length of residence the more earnings, confirming the hypothesis of wage assimilation of immigrants as their human capital is adapted to the Spanish labor market. The information used comes from the Social Security’s Continuous Sample of Working Lives 2007. Additionally, we merge the earnings data from this source with the National Survey of Immigrants 2007 to obtain additional integration indicators, such as speaking fluently Spanish, validation of studies in Spain, studies finished in Spain. All of them increase the earnings of immigrants. We detail this results by sex and origin (Europe, Latin-America and Rest of the World).immigration, wage assimilation, wages, human capital, merging of databases

    La industria siderúrgica. Futuro incierto

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    Las medidas aplicadas a la industria siderúrgica nacional, al igual que para el conjunto de la industria, se han basado en dos importantes determinaciones del actual gobierno: asumir los compromisos de la deuda externa, sin trastocar en lo esencial los intereses de los bancos acreedores, y liberalizar el comercio exterior en el marco del Acuerdo General de Aranceles y Comercio (GATT). Esto ha implicado poner un mayor énfasis en la orientación de la industria y de las nuevas inversiones hacia el mercado externo y proponer, paralelamente, un programa de modernización que, supuestamente, hará más competitivos los productos en el mercado externo, a la vez que protegerá a la planta industrial de la competencia que, inevitablemente, se producirá en cuanto vayan finiquitándose los breves plazos de protección logrados en las negociaciones con el GATT