13 research outputs found

    CFD Study On The Thermal Performance of Transformer Disc Windings Without Oil Guides

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    The hotspot temperature of disc windings has a close relation with the transformer age. In oil immersed transformers, oil guides are applied generally to enhance the cooling effects for disc windings. In some cases disc windings without oil guides are used. However, the lack of oil guides is expected to result in a more complicated thermal behavior of the windings, making it more difficult to predict the location and strength of the hotspot temperature (i.e. the hottest temperature in the winding). To get an improved understanding of the thermal behavior, a CFD study has been performed.  This article describes the implementation of CFD simulation for 2D axisymmetry models without oil guides, and then analyzes the results of a series of parametric studies to see the sensitive factors influencing the cooling effects. These parameters include radial disc width, inlet mass flow rate, horizontal duct height, vertical duct width and the inlet/outlet configurations. Three main characteristics, the hotspot temperature, the location of the hotspot and the number of oil flow patterns are detected to describe the thermal performance.

    An overview of ocean renewable energy in China

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    Facing great pressure of economic growth and energy crisis, China pays much attention to the renewable energy. An overview of policy and legislation of renewable energy as well as status of development of renewable energy in China was given in this article. By analysis, the authors believe that ocean energy is a necessary addition to existent renewable energy to meet the energy demand of the areas and islands where traditional forms of energy are not applicable and it is of great importance in adjusting energy structure of China. In the article, resources distribution and technology status of tidal energy, wave energy, marine current energy, ocean thermal energy and salinity gradient energy in China was reviewed, and assessment and advices were given for each category. Some suggestions for future development of ocean energy were also given.Ocean energy Tidal energy Wave energy Marine current energy Ocean thermal energy Salinity gradient energy China

    Multiomics comparative analysis of the maize large grain mutant tc19 identified pathways related to kernel development

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    Abstract Background The mechanism of grain development in elite maize breeding lines has not been fully elucidated. Grain length, grain width and grain weight are key components of maize grain yield. Previously, using the Chinese elite maize breeding line Chang7-2 and its large grain mutant tc19, we characterized the grain size developmental difference between Chang7-2 and tc19 and performed transcriptomic analysis. Results In this paper, using Chang7-2 and tc19, we performed comparative transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses at different grain development stages. Through proteomics analyses, we found 2884, 505 and 126 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) at 14, 21 and 28 days after pollination, respectively. Through metabolomics analysis, we identified 51, 32 and 36 differentially accumulated metabolites (DAMs) at 14, 21 and 28 days after pollination, respectively. Through multiomics comparative analysis, we showed that the phenylpropanoid pathways are influenced at transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic levels in all the three grain developmental stages. Conclusion We identified several genes in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, which may be related to the large grain phenotype of tc19. In summary, our results provided new insights into maize grain development

    Insights into the Weathering Crust Reservoirs of Granitoids: A Case Study from Qinghai Oilfield of Qaidam Basin, Northwest China

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    With proven reserves of 9.836 × 1010 m3, the largest known natural gas reservoir among terrigenous basement rocks has been discovered within the granitoids of the northern Qaidam Basin. Due to their high heterogeneity, the genesis of basement reservoirs remains unknown. Herein, the structure of the weathering crust in granitoids and their potential controlling factors on the reservoir development mechanism are discussed using a multidisciplinary approach based on data from cores, thin sections, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), conventional and imaging logs, and physical property and major elements analyses. Moreover, the classification standard of the weathering crust structure is established. The dissolution belt holding diverse reservoir spaces accounts for more than 50% of the total porosity, while the disintegration belt is the main context for the development of cleavage fractures and crack fractures. The original pores exist mainly among the crystal grains of quartz and mica, while the secondary pores and fractures were generated by the alteration of aluminosilicate minerals as well as biotite or hornblende. The quality of these reservoirs is controlled by their mineral composition, tectonic uplift, faulting, and paleogeomorphology. The femic granitoid is the main reservoir-forming lithology in the case of dissolution, while the felsic granitoid is more likely to develop cracks. The formation of the disintegration belt is significantly linked to the presence of faulting. These belts were mostly induced by tectonic deformation along the Altyn fault belt from the late Oligocene to the early Miocene. The diversity in paleogeomorphology influences the extent of the weathering. The exhumation in the Altyn terrane from the late Jurassic to the Cenozoic corresponds to the weathering and hypergene leaching period of the weathering crust within granitoids. Three types of reservoirs are present in the rocks: fractured-porous (Type Ⅰ); porous (Type Ⅱ); and fractured (Type Ⅲ). The fractured-porous and fractured reservoirs were developed mainly in the granitic gneiss and granite, while the porous reservoir was formed in granitic diorite and granitic gneiss. The reservoirs that developed in the weathering crust of granitoids are dominated by Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ. The highest quality reservoir, which is the fractured-porous type, developed mainly in the dissolution belt of the weathering crust, and has a porosity ranging from 1.56% to 8.48% and a permeability ranging from 0.03 mD to 14.48 mD. The mechanisms of the development of weathering crust reservoirs provide further information for the hydrocarbon exploration of basement rocks worldwide