64 research outputs found

    Estudio y análisis de las relaciones proveedor-cliente: el caso de la Denominación de Origen (D.O.) Somontano

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    El establecimiento, desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones duraderas entre proveedores y clientes es una tendencia que cuenta cada día con mayor número de defensores. Gran número de autores soportan esta idea y que apuestan por la gestión de relaciones en detrimento de las clásicas transacciones de intercambio. Y todavía más en el contexto de los mercados industriales, donde tanto proveedor como cliente pueden conseguir beneficios mutuos fruto de este contacto permanente. Nuestro trabajo analiza este tipo de relaciones comerciales en el contexto de la industria agroalimentaria. Más concretamente, estudiamos el caso de la Denominación de Origen (D.O.) del Somontano.The establishment, development and maintenance of lasting relationships between suppliers and customers is a trend that has an ever greater number of defenders. Large number of authors support this idea of relationship management to the detriment of classic exchange transactions. And even more in the context of industrial markets, where both ,supplier and customer, can get mutual benefits of this permanent contact. Our work takes this kind of trade relations in the context of the food industry. More specifically, we study the case of the Designation of Origin (DO) Somontano

    Industria agroalimentaria y entorno rural : El caso de los productos del Somontano

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    Bibliografía: pp. 131-134

    Propuesta de una escala para medir el grado de orientación al mercado de las cooperativas agroalimentarias españolas

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    El interés de este papel reside en el estudio de la orientación al mercado en un sector en el que la búsqueda del beneficio económico no es un factor prioritario: el sector cooperativista español. Como señala la legislación española, su objetivo es fundamentalmente la satisfacción de las necesidades de los socios cooperativistas, justificando de esta forma su pertenencia al sector no lucrativo. Este trabajo realiza la depuración de la escala de orientación al mercado propuesta por Kohli, Jaworski y Kumar (1993), adaptándola al contexto de las cooperativas vitivinícolas de Aragón (España). Con este propósito se realiza un exhaustivo análisis compuesto por una etapa de carácter exploratorio y otra en la que se realizaron análisis más robustos de tipo confirmatorio. Tras estos análisis queda demostrada la fiabilidad, dimensionalidad y validez de esta escala en dicho contexto específico.Sector Cooperativista, Orientación al Mercado, Validación de Escalas

    Gestión estratégica de una cartera de clientes industriales en un contexto relacional

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    Este trabajo pretende mostrar la importancia que, en el contexto de los mercados industriales, tiene una buena gestión de la cartera de clientes. Las peculiaridades propias de estos mercados, así como la tendencia general de la disciplina del marketing, parecen recomendar la creación, desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones de intercambio estables y duraderas, ofreciendo soluciones individualizadas a las necesidades concretas de cada cliente. Sin embargo, las empresas también tienen clientes que no resultan interesantes desde el punto de vista de rentabilidad.KUTXA; Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH

    Determining Factors Of Long-Term Orientation Of Firm-Supplier Relationships: An Empirical Analysis In The Context Of The Spanish Agro-Food Sector

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    In an increasingly competitive and dynamic economic environment, the establishment, development and maintenance of enduring relationships between suppliers and customers is critical for both agents, and represents an important source of competitive advantages for those companies able to manage them adequately. Taking as reference the perspective of the customer, we consider that it is important for them to always work with a group of suppliers that have demonstrated an ability to adapt to their specific needs and thereby to reduce the level of uncertainty associated with their supply function. The current work, which takes the Spanish agro-food sector as framework of reference, analyzes the importance of certain factors in the long-term orientation of these relationships

    Towards a co-creation framework in the retail banking services industry: a cross-cultural analysis

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    An underlying theme in modern marketing is the notion that value is not solely created within the boundaries of the firm, it is created co-jointly with outside parties. This paper aims to study the outcomes of co-creation from a customer perspective. Specifically, it examines the effects of co-creation on customer satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM) within the banking services industry. Furthermore, we consider potential differences between consumers from Spain and the UK, thus incorporating cross-cultural aspects in our research. The research demonstrates that firms should not only respond to the differences that exist within different cultural contexts and incorporate these in co-creation initiatives; more importantly, firms should undertake co-creation activities themselves as these can result in customers who are more satisfied, loyal to the company and more likely to carry out positive WOM, which can ultimately lead to new customers

    The role of social effects and perceived risk in driving profitable online customer interactions

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    The emergence of online channels has been of special relevance, as it has promoted a more active participation of consumers in the value creation process. In this study, we draw from the Stimulus-Organism-Response model to provide a theoretical understanding of the role played by two critical factors that drive online customer initiated interactions (OnCICs): social effects and perceived risk. In addition, we also investigate their consequences by establishing a direct link between these interactions and customer profitability. Merging longitudinal objective data with subjective data for a sample of 1,990 customers in the financial services and applying Partial Least Squares (PLS), the results reveal that social effects influence perceived risk. Perceived risk consequently promotes the development of OnCICs, while social effects reduce the need for such interactions. In addition, OnCICs help promote high-quality relationships and leads to higher performance

    The interplay between social media communication, brand equity and brand engagement in tourist destinations: An analysis in an emerging economy

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    The consolidation of Web 2.0 has modified the way people communicate and interact with tourists. User-generated social media communication continues to increase: to the detriment of traditional media channels, where the message is controlled by destination marketing organizations. Moreover, uncontrolled user-generated communication is increasingly considered more reliable than traditional, controlled communication. All this has considerably modified tourist perceptions regarding destination image and brand equity. From a business perspective, a line of thought addressing the study of these interrelationships has emerged in the literature, going so far as to consider their impact on brand engagement. Despite the current prevalence and relevance of social media communication as a loyalty-building factor in a context as competitive as the tourism sector, relatively little literature has addressed it in emerging tourist destination scenarios. Hence, the present paper presents an analysis of how – and to what extent – social media communication, both controlled and uncontrolled by the destination organization, has an impact on destination brand equity and destination brand engagement. More specifically, this study applies it to an emerging economy scenario: Metropolitan Lima, Peru. The implications of our research, presented at the end of the paper, are of interest – both as a contribution to the literature and from the perspective of tourist destination management – and can serve to aid the economic and social development of emerging economies

    Sustainability, brand image, reputation and financial value: manager perceptions in an emerging economy context

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    Sustainability has become a fundamental concern in today' world—one which firms can no longer remain oblivious to. Through CSR, companies can shore up financial sustainability by acting in responsible, socially and environmentally sustainable ways. Yet the vast majority of literature addressing this phenomenon to date has focused almost exclusively on developed economies. The objective of the present study, therefore, is to contribute to filling this gap by analyzing the potential impact of CSR on sustainable financial value in the context of an emerging economy, Peru. To this end, we used the PLS technique to carry out quantitative analysis of data from a sample of over 200 managers at Peruvian companies. Our model is based on the premises of Social Capital Theory and Theory of Resources. Specifically, we analyze the extent to which CSR impacts corporate reputation, brand image and financial value in the context of an emerging economy. Our data indicate that—unlike more developed economies—in emerging economy contexts, direct relationships linking CSR and company financial value are lacking, though may occur by way of the path CSR > reputation > brand image > financial value. We also find that size moderates this path, while the sector of activity does not moderate the causal model. Hence, we suggest that both the cross-cultural component and differing degrees of economic development and market maturity affect the perceived impact of CSR on financial value. The present study is pioneering in that it analyzes the impact of sustainability on financial value from the perspective of managers in an emerging economy context. Key theoretical and practical implications of our findings are provided in the final section of the paper

    Relationship quality as antecedent of customer relationship proneness: a cross-cultural study between Spain and Mexico

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    Some factors such as the globalization and the development of information technologies are changing the dynamics of the relationship marketing bases. The new competitive framework defined by the relevance of online channels have caused the way of approaching relationship management with consumers to change. In this context, relationship quality (RQ) allows to understand the proneness of consumers to keep their commercial relations alive. Several are the studies that analyse RQ antecedents, but none has used a comprehensive management approach that includes resources and capabilities (such as market orientation or knowledge management), as perceived by customers, that a company has available for management in order to enhance said RQ in an online context. This work-in-progress aims to analyse the effect of said perceived quality on the consumer’s proneness to maintain the relationship under a cross-cultural context, considering the perceptions of Spanish and Mexican users of online banking services