13 research outputs found

    Mesolimbic dopamine release conveys causal associations.

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    Sensory cortical ensembles exhibit differential coupling to ripples in distinct hippocampal subregions

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    <p>The codes used for data analysis in "Sensory cortical ensembles exhibit differential coupling to ripples in distinct hippocampal subregions"</p&gt

    Distinct Roles of Parvalbumin- and Somatostatin-Expressing Interneurons in Working Memory

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    Inhibitory interneurons are thought to play crucial roles in diverse brain functions. However, roles of different inhibitory interneuron subtypes in working memory remain unclear. We found distinct activity patterns and stimulation effects of two major interneuron subtypes, parvalbumin (PV)- and somatostatin (SOM)-expressing interneurons, in the medial prefrontal cortex of mice performing a spatial working memory task. PV interneurons showed weak target-dependent delay-period activity and were strongly inhibited by reward. By contrast, SOM interneurons showed strong target-dependent delay-period activity, and only a subtype of them was inhibited by reward. Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of PV and SOM interneurons preferentially suppressed discharges of putative pyramidal cells and interneurons, respectively. These results indicate different contributions of PV and SOM interneurons to prefrontal cortical circuit dynamics underlying working memory. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.171

    Distinct roles of parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing neurons in flexible representation of task variables in the prefrontal cortex

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    © 2020 Elsevier LtdA hallmark of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is flexible representation of task-relevant variables. To investigate roles of different interneuron subtypes in this process, we examined discharge characteristics and inactivation effects of parvalbumin (PV)- and somatostatin (SST)-expressing neurons in the mouse PFC during probabilistic classical conditioning. We found activity patterns and inactivation effects differed between PV and SST neurons: SST neurons conveyed cue-associated quantitative value signals until trial outcome, whereas PV neurons maintained valence signals even after trial outcome. Also, PV, but not SST, neuronal population showed opposite responses to reward and punishment. Moreover, inactivation of PV, but not SST, neurons affected outcome responses and activity reversal of pyramidal neurons. Modeling suggested opposite responses of PV neurons to reward and punishment as an efficient mechanism for facilitating rapid cue-outcome contingency learning. Our results suggest primary roles of mPFC PV neurons in rapid value updating and SST neurons in predicting values of upcoming events11Nsciescopu

    Chemical Feedstock Recovery via the Pyrolysis of Electronically Heated Tobacco Wastes

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    The pyrolysis of waste electronically heated tobacco (EHT), consisting of tobacco leaves (TL), a poly-lactic acid (PLA) filter, and a cellulose acetate (CA) filter, was investigated using thermogravimetric (TG) and pyrolyzer–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) analysis. The pyrolytic properties of waste EHT obtained after smoking were comparable to those of fresh EHT. Although the maximum decomposition temperatures (TmaxS) of waste TL and CA were similar to those of fresh EHT components, the Tmax of waste PLA was slightly higher than that of fresh PLA due to smoldering. The Tmaxs of PLA and CA were lowered when they were co-pyrolyzed with TL due to interactions between pyrolysis intermediates. The apparent activation energies for the non-isothermal pyrolysis of waste EHT components were higher than those of fresh EHT components. Py-GC/MS analysis results indicated that considerable amounts of chemical feedstocks, such as nicotine and limonene from TL, caprolactone and lactide from PLA, and acetic acid and triacetin from CA, can be recovered by simple pyrolysis of EHT. Co-pyrolysis of TL, PLA, and CA revealed that the experimental amount of lactide was much larger than the calculated value, suggesting its synergistic formation

    Parallel processing of working memory and temporal information by distinct types of cortical projection neurons

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    © The Author(s) 2021 It is unclear how different types of cortical projection neurons work together to support diverse cortical functions. We examined the discharge characteristics and inactivation effects of intratelencephalic (IT) and pyramidal tract (PT) neurons-two major types of cortical excitatory neurons that project to cortical and subcortical structures, respectively-in the deep layer of the medial prefrontal cortex in mice performing a delayed response task. We found stronger target-dependent firing of IT than PT neurons during the delay period. We also found the inactivation of IT neurons, but not PT neurons, impairs behavioral performance. In contrast, PT neurons carry more temporal information than IT neurons during the delay period. Our results indicate a division of labor between IT and PT projection neurons in the prefrontal cortex for the maintenance of working memory and for tracking the passage of time, respectively. Intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract neurons are two major types of cortical excitatory neurons that project to cortical and subcortical structures. The authors show that in the prefrontal cortex the two populations have different roles for the maintenance of working memory and for tracking the passage of time.11Nsciescopu