58 research outputs found
Média és közigazgatás
E tananyag a média és a közigazgatás kapcsolatát elemzi: mit tehet a közigazgatás a médiában/média által, és hogyan viszonyul a média logikája a közigazgatás logikájához? Szó esik a tananyagban arról is, hogy az állampolgár miként tud bekapcsolódni a média és a közigazgatás viszonyába
Genotoxikus hatásra bekövetkező funkcionális és strukturális DNS változások = Functional and structural changes in DNA upon genotoxic effects
Morfológiai és biokémiai vizsgálataink arra utalnak, hogy a a genotoxikus hatások kategorizálhatók az okozott kromatin változások alapján. A kemotoxikus változások potenciális diagnosztikus jelentősége miatt vizsgáltuk a nehézfémek (elsősosrban kadmium) (Banfalvi et al., 2005), a gamma sugárzás (Nagy et al., 2004), az UVB sugárzás (Ujvárosi et al., 2007) és a carcinogén (dimetilnitrózamin) hatására bekövetkező kromatin változásokat (Trencsényi et al., 2007). Kadmium kezelés jellegzetes szakadásokat és nagy lyukakat hozott létre a sejtmagban. A gamma sugárzás preapoptotikus hatására: a. a sejtek és sejtmagok mérete megnőtt, b. DNA tartalmuk a sejtciklus minden szakaszában kisebb volt a normál kezeletlen populációhoz képest, c. a sejtciklus a korai S fázisban leállt (2,4 C értéknél), d. a kromatin kondenzálás annak fibrilláris szakaszában akadt el, e. az apoptotikus testek száma és nagysága a sejtciklus haladásávalfordítva arányos: sok apró apoptotikus testtel az S fázis elején és kevés nagy apoptotikus testtel az S fázis végén. A CHO sejtekben mért vizsgálatokat humán K562 sejteken megerősítettük. UVB sugárzás hatására a kromoszómák nem voltak láthatók, a sérülés hatására vékony összefüggő kromatin fátyol vonta be mind az interfázisos, mind a metafázisos kromoszómákat. | Morphological and biochemical studies after genotoxic treatments suggest that the consequences of various chromatin injuries can be categorized based on the assessment of injury-specific chromatin changes. Due to its diagnostic significance, we have started to determine and systematize the effects of heavy metals, primarily cadmium treatment (Banfalvi et al., 2005), gamma irradiation (Nagy et al., 2004) and UV irradiation (Ujvarosi et al., 2007). After cadmium treatment and have seen the same large extensive disruptions and holes in the nuclear membrane and sticky incompletely folded chromosomes typical for cadmium treatment (Nagy et al., 2004; Banfalvi et al., 2007). Preapoptotic changes upon γ-irradiation manifested as: (a) The cellular and nuclear sizes increased. (b) The DNA content was lower in each elutriated subpopulation of cells. (c) The progression of the cell cycle was arrested in the early S phase at 2.4 C value. (d) The chromatin condensation was blocked at its fibrillary stage. (e) The number and size of apoptotic bodies were inversely correlated with the progression of the cell cycle, with many small apoptotic bodies in early S phase and less but larger apoptotic bodies in late S phase (Nagy et al., 2004). Similar observations were made in K562 cells (Banfalvi et al., 2007). UV irradiation blocked chromatin condensation at its fibrillary stage, nuclear structures were blurred and covered with fibrillary chromatin, neither interphase nor metaphase chromosomes were visible
Wall shear stress in the development of in-stent restenosis revisited. A critical review of clinical data on shear stress after intracoronary stent implantation
The average wall shear stress (WSS) is in 1 Pa range in coronary arteries, while the stretching effect of an implanted coronary stent can generate up to 3 × 105 times higher circumferential stress in the vessel wall. It is widely accepted that WSS plays a critical role in the development of restenosis after coronary stent implantation, but relevant clinical endpoint studies are lacking. Fluid dynamics modeling suggests an association between WSS and intimal hyperplasia, however, such an association is not established when the compensating healing process becomes an overshoot phenomenon. This review summarizes available clinical results and concepts of potential clinical importance
Characterization of Defect Structure in Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni Films
The microstructure of electrodeposited Ni films produced without and with
organic additives (saccharin and formic acid) was investigated by X-ray
diffraction (XRD) line profile analysis and cross-sectional transmission
electron microscopy (TEM). Whereas the general effect of these additives on the
microstructure (elimination of columnar growth as well as grain refinement) was
reproduced, the pronounced intention of this study was to compare the results
of various seldom-used high-performance structural characterization methods on
identical electrodeposited specimens in order to reveal fine details of
structural changes qualitatively not very common in this field. In the film
deposited without additives, a columnar structure was observed showing
similarities to the T-zone of structure zone models. Both formic acid and
saccharin additives resulted in equiaxed grains with reduced size, as well as
increased dislocation and twin fault densities in the nanocrystalline films.
Moreover, the structure became homogeneous and free of texture within the total
film thickness due to the additives. Saccharin yielded smaller grain size and
larger defect density than formic acid. A detailed analysis of the grain size
and twin boundary spacing distributions was carried out with the complementary
application of TEM and XRD, by carefully distinguishing between the TEM and XRD
grain sizes.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure
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