103 research outputs found

    Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) gruit quality

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    Na kvalitetu plodova utječu sljedeći čimbenici: sorta, podloga, ekoloÅ”ki uvjeti (klima i tlo), agrotehnika pomotehika, primjena regulatora rasta, napad bolesti i Å”tetočinja, način berbe i skla-diÅ”tenje. Postoji i čitav niz čimbenika koji se teÅ”ko mogu kontrolirati, a odražavaju utjecaj na kvalitetu plodova treÅ”anja. Različitim pomo i agrotehničkim zahvatima kvalitetu možemo poboljÅ”ati, ali i pogorÅ”ati, pa o tome treba strogo voditi računa. Proizvodnju treÅ”anja uvijek treba smjestiti u klimatski i edafski najpovoljnijim područjima. Za svako područje treba odrediti kvalitetan sortiment i tehnologiju kako bi se postigla optimalna kvaliteta uz najniže troÅ”kove

    Analiza trofejne vrijednosti krupne divljači na području Vukovarsko-srijemske županije u razdoblju od lovne godine 2009./2010. do 2015./2016.

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    Analizirana je struktura trofeja krupne divljači u 63 zajednička i dijelu državnih loviÅ”ta u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Obuhvaćeno je razdoblje lovnih godina od 2009./2010. do 2015./2016. Podaci su prikupljeni iz evidencije o trofejima divljači, te su razvrstani prema vrsti divljači i vrijednosti trofeja. Ukupno je ocijenjen 1843 trofej divljači. Najzastupljeniji su trofeji srnjaka (1431), vepra (359) i jelena običnog (53). Među ocijenjenim trofejima bilo je 184 kapitalnih trofeja (9,98 %), a najviÅ”e srnjaka (102) i veprova (75). Broj ocijenjenih trofeja srnjaka i veprova je u porastu, ali je primjetan pad udjela kapitalnih trofeja. Kvalitetu, kao i vrijednost trofeja divljači, moguće je poboljÅ”ati uzgojno-selekcijskim radom, poboljÅ”anjem staniÅ”nih uvjeta i aktivnijim djelovanjem lovnih stručnjaka.The structure of the big game trophies in 63 mutual and part of the state hunting grounds in Vukovar-Srijem County was analysed. The period from 2009/2010 until 2015/2016 hunting years was covered. The data was collected from the game trophy records and they are sorted by the game species and the value of the trophy.1843 game trophies were evaluated in total, the most common of which are the roebuck (1431), the boar (359) and the red deer (53). 184 capital trophies were evaluated, most of which are the roebucks (102) and the boars (75). The number of evaluated trophy roebucks and boars is growing, but there is a noticeable drop in the share of capital trophies. The quality, as well as the value of game trophies, can be improved by selection, improved habitat conditions and more activity from the hunting experts

    Influence of Thinning Method on Postharvest Quality of \u27Golden Delicious Cl. B\u27 Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.)

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    The effect of hand vs. chemical fruit thinning with 1-naphthaleneacetamide (NAD) (40 ppm) and 1-naphthyl (N-) methylcarbamate (carbaryl) (1000 ppm) on apple fruit quality after 17 weeks in cold storage at 1 Ā°C has been studied. Fruits from hand-thinned trees had lower weight loss (WL), firmness (F) and titratable acidity (TA), but soluble solids concentration (SSC) and SSC/TA were higher (Pā‰¤0.001). In chemically thinned fruits there was correlation between WL and SSC, WL and TA, SSC and TA, number of seeds per fruit and Hue angle. In hand-thinned fruit SSC/TA was correlated with Hue and WL. In both thinning methods SSC and WL were negatively correlated with Hue angle and positive correlation existed between WL and fruit weight. Further research should be made to find optimal thinning strategies that will have both good thinning effect and positive effect on fruit quality after storage

    Eastern Alumnus Vol. 6 No. 2 (September 1952)

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    Eastern Gridiron Chips Look More Gray Than Blue To Sportswriter Ken Hesler; College Secures Twenty New Staff Members For 1952-53; I Saw The1952 Olympics; etc.https://thekeep.eiu.edu/eiu_alumni_news_1952/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Size and Weight of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L. ā€˜Reginaā€™) Fruit Treated with 3,5,6-TPA and GA3

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    The effect of 10 ppm 3,5,6-TPA (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyloxyocetic acid), 20 ppm GA 3 and their combination on size and weight of cherry fruit (Prunus avium L. ā€˜Reginaā€™) were studied. 3,5,6-TPA was applied 25 days after full bloom and GA 3 during stage of fruit color change from green to straw-yellow. Fruit height, width, thickness and weight were measured. Width, thickness and weight of control fruit were the smallest. Fruit from 3,5,6-TPA - treated trees did not show significant difference in comparison to control. However, fruit from GA 3 ā€“ treated trees had significantly improved all characteristics in comparison to control fruits. Weight of fruit from trees treated with combination of 3,5,6-TPA and GA 3 was 14% higher than control fruit and 2.8% higher than fruit from GA 3 - treated trees, but there was no significant difference comparing to fruit from trees treated with GA 3 alone. These results are preliminary results after a one-year study and more research should be done to examine the possible influence of other factors, such as ecological factors, before final management recommendations could be made

    The Effect of Photoselective Nets on Fruit Quality of Apple cv. ā€˜Cripps Pinkā€™

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    The use of anti-hail photoselective nets is new approach in protecting the fruits against hail damage, sunburn and against pests in combination with activating desired physiological responses in fruit trees. The trial was established on the apple Malus domestica Borkh. cv. ā€˜Cripps Pinkā€™ grafted on M9 rootstock in Mediterranean climate of Croatia. Four nets were used: white (W), yellow (Y) and red (R) net from Tenax Company (Italy) and Stop Drosophila Normal (D) from Artes Politechnica Company (Italy). Only white net showed higher yield than control (C). The trees grown under the W and R nets had higher portion of fruits diameter 70-80 mm than C trees and trees grown under the Y net, while D net was similar to other treatments. Nets reduced fruit skin colour, especially Y net which had highest portion of less coloured fruit. Maturation of fruit grown on the trees under the W and R nets, was 9 days earlier than fruit grown on the trees under the D and Y nets. The study showed that net colour has variable influence on physiological response of the tree and it is necessary to test the nets type in specific geographical location

    Present State of Cold Chain and Postharvest Loss of Fruits and Vegetables in Croatia and Serbia

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    To elucidate key factors responsible for high postharvest loss, an analysis of the cold chain systems in Croatia and Serbia was made. It is estimated that Western Balkan Countries (WBC) annual postharvest loss of fruits and vegetables is as high as 30- 40%. In Croatia there are about 125000 t of storage capacities. Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage comprises only 27% and it is mainly used for apple. Annual apple production in Croatia in 2009 was 93355 t, which means that at least additional 40000 to 50000 t of CA storage is needed only for apple. The second most stored fruit in Croatia is Satsuma mandarin. Total capacity of refrigerated or frozen storage in Serbia was estimated at 500000 to 600000 t. In Serbia exist 29 CA storage facilities with a capacity between 50000 and 60000 t. Serbia has been very successful in production and export of frozen raspberries and make one-third of the worldā€™s total exports. About 97% of Serbiaā€™s exports go to the European Union (EU), accounting for 65% of total EU imports of this product. Beside the lack of adequate storage facilities, the second problem in Croatian and Serbian postharvest sector is the lack of experienced experts familiar with the situation on the domestic market. To improve situation and to decrease high postharvest losses of the fruits and vegetables sector there is an urgent need for establishing longterm network between all segments of this sector together to the more intensive cooperation between WBC in postharvest research
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