60 research outputs found


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    Posljednjih godina, u većini europskih i svjetskih država, upravljanje kvalitetom postaje svojevrsni novi segment menadžmenta i najvažniji činitelj tržišne opstojnosti te rasta i razvoja poslovnog subjekta. U cilju utvrđivanja značajki učinkovitog sustava upravljanja kvalitetom u poljoprivrednim subjektima, te njihovog utjecaja na financijsku, ekonomsku i poslovnu uspješnost te konkurentnost poljoprivrednog subjekta, provedeno je primarno istraživanje na uzorku od 248 ispitanika, reprezentanata hrvatskih poljoprivrednih subjekata. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je visoka razina primjene TQM modela u statistički značajnoj povezanosti s horizontalnom i fleksibilnom organizacijskom strukturom, definiranom misijom i vizijom, sustavnim uočavanjem promjena na tržištu, stabilnom podrškom top menadžmenta, osnaživanjem zaposlenika i njihovim uključivanjem u aktivnosti upravljanja kvalitetom, stvaranjem poslovnog okruženja koje podržava inicijative zaposlenih, korištenjem edukacija i treninga, mjerljivim ciljevima kvalitete, jasnom poimanju koncepta kvalitete, vrednovanjem i unapređivanjem poslovnih procesa, korištenjem proaktivnog pristupa te orijentacijom na potrošača. Istraživanjem je dokazan utjecaj TQM-a na poboljšanje financijskih, ekonomskih i poslovnih rezultata kao što je povećanje tržišnog udjela, cjenovne konkurentnosti, konkurentske prednosti, ukupne prodaje, uvođenja novih proizvoda, profitabilnosti, djelotvornosti korištenja inputa, izvoza, zadovoljstva potrošača, zadovoljstva zaposlenika te snižavanja troškova. Razumijevanje značenja i implementacije TQM-a korisno je u cilju postizanja i održivosti konkurentnosti poljoprivrednih subjekata. Rezultate korisnosti moguće je ostvariti samo uz koordiniranu sinergiju svih elemenata TQM-a.Recent years have seen quality management become an important management segment used by business entities and a crucial factor for their survival in the market, growth and development in most European countries, as well as worldwide. In order to determine the characteristics of an effective quality management system in agricultural entities and their impact on the financial, economic and business performance and competitiveness, primary research was conducted on a sample of 248 respondents, i.e. representatives of Croatian agricultural entities. Research results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between a high level of TQM application and the horizontal and flexible organization structure, defined mission and vision, systematic observation of the changes in the market, stable support of top management, empowerment of employees and their involvement in quality management activities, creating business environment that supports employee initiatives, education and training, measurable quality objectives, a clear understanding of the concept of quality, business process evaluation and improvement, using a proactive approach, and finally, orientation towards consumers. The study has found that TQM improves the financial, economic and business performance, i.e. increases market share, price competitiveness, competitive advantage, total sales, the introduction of new products, profitability, input use efficiency, exports, as well as employee and consumer satisfaction. Cost reduction is another advantage. Understanding the role of TQM is essential for gaining competitive advantage, which agricultural entities can achieve only through the synergy of all these elements


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    It is essential to attain solidity inside the triangle: experience – satisfaction – and loyalty of wine consumers. However, for this to be achieved, it is necessary to understand wine consumer traits, which is the central objective of this paper. This paper thus lays out the demographic, socio-economic, and psychological traits of wine consumers, followed by the possible categorisations of wine consumers, and finally, types of wine consumer loyalty

    Characteristics of women and men entrepreneurs according to the student population in Croatia

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to determine which characteristics the student population, especially student rural population, perceives as typical of women and men entrepreneurs, respectively, their grouping into latent factors, and the identification of possible differences in attitudes of respondents with regard to their demographic variables. Methodology: An indicative survey was conducted on a sample of 1,157 respondents of the student population in Croatia by a questionnaire as a research tool. Descriptive statistical data analysis, inferential statistics, simple analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and exploratory factor analysis were used in the research. Results: The results show that there are differences in attitudes towards the characteristics of women entrepreneurs and men entrepreneurs, with particular emphasis on differences in the perception of women’s entrepreneurship in rural areas. Conclusion: Positive trends in thinking about women’s entrepreneurship in rural areas are very interesting and promising, which may eventually result in a reduction in the women’s unemployment rate in rural areas and in valuing women as capable entrepreneurs


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    A decision to start a business is not easy because it is result of the economic conditions, cultural context, but also “push” and “pull” factors. In order to determine woman motivational factors, a survey of 1,157 Eastern Croatia respondents was conducted. The purpose of the research was to determine which motivations the potential future entrepreneurs believe trigger women entrepreneurs’ decision to start an entrepreneurial venture. The results show that women are considered to be financially motivated. The fact that real-life women entrepreneurs from previous research have stated slightly different motivations shows that there is room for improvement of entrepreneurship education.JEL Codes - B54; J01; J1


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    A decision to start a business is not easy because it is result of the economic conditions, cultural context, but also “push” and “pull” factors. In order to determine woman motivational factors, a survey of 1,157 Eastern Croatia respondents was conducted. The purpose of the research was to determine which motivations the potential future entrepreneurs believe trigger women entrepreneurs’ decision to start an entrepreneurial venture. The results show that women are considered to be financially motivated. The fact that real-life women entrepreneurs from previous research have stated slightly different motivations shows that there is room for improvement of entrepreneurship education.JEL Codes - B54; J01; J1


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    A conducted research analyzes two systems of egg production, the conventional, commercial egg production and the egg production with a higher nutritive value - PUFA n-3 enriched eggs. Financial result of eggs production with PUFA n-3 is significantly higher than that of the conventional production - profitability of the conventional production was 19.29% and the one with PUFA n-3 enriched eggs 36.10%. It is, therefore, important to evaluate the efficiency of the use of capital based on the profitability of capital that is in the conventional egg production 23.9%, and in the production of PUFA n-3 enriched eggs 56.1%. According to the results of investigation, it is necessary to produce 258 eggs in the conventional egg production, whereas in the production of enrichments eggs with PUFA n-3 breakeven point (BEP) is lower and amounts 204 eggs per laying hen per year. A higher cover rate with a difference of 10% (42.99±53.07) confirms that the production of enrichments eggs with PUFA n-3 is economically more efficient.Učinkovitost proizvodnje jaja moguće je analizirati tehnološki i ekonomski. Analizirana su dva sustava proizvodnje jaja, konvencionalna tržišna proizvodnja i proizvodnja jaja visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, obogaćena jaja s PUFA n-3. Financijski rezultat u proizvodnji obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 značajno je viši u odnosu na konvencionalnu proizvodnju - profitabilnost konvencionalne proizvodnje bila je 19,29% a proizvodnje obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 36,10%. Učinkovitost kapitala u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji jaja iznosi 23,9%, a u proizvodnji jaja obogaćenih s PUFA n-3 je 56,1%. Prema rezultatima istraživanja primjenom analize točke pokrića, neophodno je proizvesti 258 jaja u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji, dok je obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 potrebno proizvesti 204 po nesilici godišnje. Viša stopa pokrića rezultira razlikom od 10% (42,99±53,07), što potvrđuje da je proizvodnja obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 ekonomski učinkovitija


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    A conducted research analyzes two systems of egg production, the conventional, commercial egg production and the egg production with a higher nutritive value - PUFA n-3 enriched eggs. Financial result of eggs production with PUFA n-3 is significantly higher than that of the conventional production - profitability of the conventional production was 19.29% and the one with PUFA n-3 enriched eggs 36.10%. It is, therefore, important to evaluate the efficiency of the use of capital based on the profitability of capital that is in the conventional egg production 23.9%, and in the production of PUFA n-3 enriched eggs 56.1%. According to the results of investigation, it is necessary to produce 258 eggs in the conventional egg production, whereas in the production of enrichments eggs with PUFA n-3 breakeven point (BEP) is lower and amounts 204 eggs per laying hen per year. A higher cover rate with a difference of 10% (42.99±53.07) confirms that the production of enrichments eggs with PUFA n-3 is economically more efficient.Učinkovitost proizvodnje jaja moguće je analizirati tehnološki i ekonomski. Analizirana su dva sustava proizvodnje jaja, konvencionalna tržišna proizvodnja i proizvodnja jaja visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, obogaćena jaja s PUFA n-3. Financijski rezultat u proizvodnji obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 značajno je viši u odnosu na konvencionalnu proizvodnju - profitabilnost konvencionalne proizvodnje bila je 19,29% a proizvodnje obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 36,10%. Učinkovitost kapitala u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji jaja iznosi 23,9%, a u proizvodnji jaja obogaćenih s PUFA n-3 je 56,1%. Prema rezultatima istraživanja primjenom analize točke pokrića, neophodno je proizvesti 258 jaja u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji, dok je obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 potrebno proizvesti 204 po nesilici godišnje. Viša stopa pokrića rezultira razlikom od 10% (42,99±53,07), što potvrđuje da je proizvodnja obogaćenih jaja s PUFA n-3 ekonomski učinkovitija


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    Kompetitivna analiza proizvodnje jaja u stajskom sustavu držanja nesilica omogućava strukturirani i sustavni proces identifikacije i analize relevantnih trendova, događaja i utjecaja čimbenika okruženja koji djeluju, pojedinačno ili sinergijski na analizirani proizvod. Istraživanjem je prikazano u kojoj mjeri političko, ekonomsko, prirodno-ekološko, socijalno i tehnološko okruženje, ali i konkurenti, kupci, supstituti, dobavljači i novi sudionici utječu na razvoj proizvodnje jaja u stajskom sustavu držanja i utvrđivanje potencijala ekonomske profitabilnosti iste. Rezultati primijenjene kompetitivne analize upućuju na važnost kreiranja strategije razvoja peradarske proizvodnje na nacionalnoj razini koja bi podržala dobre uvjete razvoja i osigurala koordiniranje iste, te pridonijela ostvarenju ciljeva svakog proizvođača.Competitive analysis of egg production in the indoor system of keeping hens provides a structured and systematic process of identification and analysis of relevant trends, events and environmental factors that influence the analyzed product either individually or synergically. The study shows to what extent the development of egg production in the indoor keeping system has been influenced by political, economic, natural and ecological, social and technological environment, as well as by competitors, customers, substitutes, suppliers and new participants. The study also identifies the potentials of economic profitability of that production. The results of applied competitive analysis indicate the importance of creating the national strategy of poultry production development, which will support good development conditions and their coordination, thus contributing to achievement of producers’ objectives


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    Kompetitivna analiza proizvodnje jaja u stajskom sustavu držanja nesilica omogućava strukturirani i sustavni proces identifikacije i analize relevantnih trendova, događaja i utjecaja čimbenika okruženja koji djeluju, pojedinačno ili sinergijski na analizirani proizvod. Istraživanjem je prikazano u kojoj mjeri političko, ekonomsko, prirodno-ekološko, socijalno i tehnološko okruženje, ali i konkurenti, kupci, supstituti, dobavljači i novi sudionici utječu na razvoj proizvodnje jaja u stajskom sustavu držanja i utvrđivanje potencijala ekonomske profitabilnosti iste. Rezultati primijenjene kompetitivne analize upućuju na važnost kreiranja strategije razvoja peradarske proizvodnje na nacionalnoj razini koja bi podržala dobre uvjete razvoja i osigurala koordiniranje iste, te pridonijela ostvarenju ciljeva svakog proizvođača.Competitive analysis of egg production in the indoor system of keeping hens provides a structured and systematic process of identification and analysis of relevant trends, events and environmental factors that influence the analyzed product either individually or synergically. The study shows to what extent the development of egg production in the indoor keeping system has been influenced by political, economic, natural and ecological, social and technological environment, as well as by competitors, customers, substitutes, suppliers and new participants. The study also identifies the potentials of economic profitability of that production. The results of applied competitive analysis indicate the importance of creating the national strategy of poultry production development, which will support good development conditions and their coordination, thus contributing to achievement of producers’ objectives