52 research outputs found

    My Healthcare Administration Experience at LifeCare Alliance

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    My practicum site was LifeCare Alliance, Nourishing the Human Spirit. It is a not-for-profit organization that provides a comprehensive array of health and nutrition service to residents of Central Ohio

    Knowledge about Hypertension and Antihypertensive Medication Compliance in a Jordanian Community Sample

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    Hypertension is a common health problem requires patients' compliance to medication. Non-compliance is the failure of patients to follow health instructions. The purpose of this cross sectional study was to investigate what factors influence the elders' knowledge about hypertension and elders' compliance to antihypertensive medications.    Elders' knowledge about hypertension and their compliance levels were satisfactory. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and compliance. It was found that elders who reported high scores on hypertension disease knowledge were elders who earned more than 300 JD/month, who remembered name of their medications and who received adequate information about their disease. Knowledge about hypertension and medication were basic perquisites for elders' compliance to take antihypertensive medications. Nurses and other health care personnel have a key role in improving elders' compliance to their medication through appropriate evidence based interventions. Keywords: Compliance, Elders, Hypertension, Jorda

    The Impact of Applying Re-Engineering Application Process on Critical Performance Criteria in Jordanian Islamic Banks

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    Purpose: The importance of the study is that it provides an understanding of the management approach to re-engineering the application process in the banking industry to deal with significant and quick changes in the environment by implementing superior and radical changes that aid it in increasing its efficiency and lowering costs as well as in shifting the focus of employees to meet the needs and desires of customers by redesigning banking processes based on customer perceptions and needs, during the period 2019.   Theoretical Framework: The Study of the management method in re-engineering the application process in the banking sector to face the large and rapid changes in the environment is critical, as is shifting the focus of employees to meet the needs and desires of customers by redesigning the banking process based on customer perceptions and needs.   Design/methodology/approach: All three Jordanian Islamic banks comprise the study's study community, and the study's sample includes sixty-three (63) members of these banks' managerial ranks. The study used a questionnaire to gather data and analytical methodology, which helped explain the study problem.   Findings: After conducting the analysis process of the study data and hypotheses, Findings show There is a statistically significant influence of the application of the re-engineering process (redesigning jobs, redesigning process, reducing control levels, using new technology, empowering employees) on performance criteria  (costs, quality, speed ) in Jordanian Islamic banks.  Research, Practical & Social implications: To identify and analyze the re-engineering application process in Jordanian Islamic banks. The following elements are part of the study methodology: Cost, Quality, and Speed are the dependent variables in the crucial performance criteria; the study relied on choosing the dependent variables according to the objectives that re-engineering the application process can accomplish. Application re-engineering process dimensions, such as redesigning jobs and processes redesign, reducing control levels, using new technology, and empowering employees act as independent variables.   Originality/value: The Study recommends additional future research that could involve all levels of bank management in the re-engineering process and create an effective technology infrastructure and communication system that effectively contributes to the success of the re-engineering process

    Jurisprudent Rules Related with Mishaps of Charity Deed and their Applications in the Financial Side

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    This study clears the extent of issues and verdicts of charity deed connection with the jurisprudent rules, especially in the financial side, that is through inducting the jurisprudent rules related with mishaps of the charity deed, and clearing their applications in the financial side. The study had employed the inductive, analytical and applicative method, and deduced that the issues of charity deed cannot be decided and given deliverance without knowledge of jurisprudent rules, due to the nature of charity deed that includes abundant thorny and similar issues that need a jurisprudent outlook in which interests and corruptions contradict, and that jurisprudent rules – after clearing their applications in the financial side – were a manifesting factor of this alike, supporting and facilitating the Mufti (the person who gives deliverance) in this respect, and they are considered firm standards and collecting restrictions valid to clear the legal verdict in any misha

    تحقيق الأمان للعاملين في زمن الأوبئة والجوائح دراسة شرعية تحليلية Achieve safety for workers in times of pandemics )Analytical Sharia Study(

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    ملخص تناقش هذه الدراسة قضية هامة من القضايا المستجدة، حيث تبين أثر الأوبئة والجوائح على عقود العاملين، وتقدم حلولا وتدابير شرعية للعمال الذين انفسخت عقودهم، وللعمال الذين توقف مصدر دخلهم. وقد استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الاستقرائي والوصفي والتحليلي، وتوصلت إلى أن الشريعة الإسلامية بينت كيفية التعامل مع عقود العمل في ظل الظروف الطارئة والقاهرة، وأنها قدمت جملة من التدابير الشرعية التي تضمن مستقبل العاملين عند استحالة استمرارية عقودهم أو توقف مصدر دخلهم، وختمت الدراسة ببعض التوصيات. الكلمات الدالة: الأمان، العامل، الأوبئة، الجوائح. Achieve safety for workers in times of pandemics )Analytical Sharia Study( Abstract This study discusses an important emerging issue, as it shows the impact of pandemics on employee contracts, It provides legitimate solutions and measures for workers whose contracts have been broken, and for workers whose source of income has ceased. The study used the inductive, descriptive and analytical method, and concluded that Islamic law showed how to deal with work contracts under emergency and force majeure conditions, and that it provided a number of legitimate measures that guarantee the future of workers when it is impossible for their contracts to continue or their source of income is interrupted, and the study concluded with some recommendations. Keywords: Safety, Factor, Epidemics, Pandemics


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    Objective: The objective of this research is to prepare Low Molecular Weight Chitosan (LMWC) by the acid hydrolysis method, using dilute hydrochloric acid (2M). LMWC has superior properties compared to the High Molecular Weight Chitosan (HMWC), especially in terms of water solubility, antibacterial and antifungal properties. These could open new potential applications for LMWC in sectors such as the cosmetics, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Methods: In this work, the acid hydrolysis method was used to produce LMWC with different molecular weights starting from 500 kDa and 93% degree of deacetylations (DDA). The molecular weights of the produced grades were determined by applying Mark-Houwink equation while the %DDA was determined and verified by the use of the 1st derivative UV method and 1HNMR method, respectively. The depolymerization reactions were carried out with different time intervals to produce totally deacetylated LMWC of 30 kDa, 15 kDa, and 7.5 kDa. The LMWC was characterized by FTIR, XRD, and DSC to evaluate the functionality, microstructure and thermal properties. Results: The FTIR spectra revealed that there is no significant difference in the main skeletal structure of the LMWC and HMWC. On the other hand, the XRD and DSC results showed that the LMWC of different molecular weights and degrees of deacetylation are of semi-crystalline structure, similar to the HMWC. Conclusion: The obtained results showed that the used acid hydrolysis procedure can produce LMWC grades of desired specifications, yields, and quality which are suitable for use in different applications

    The Howl - Spring 2018

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    The Howl is a magazine that is planned, researched, written, photographed and designed by Otterbein University’s ESL and international students. The magazine serves to give them a safe space in which to use their voice to share their cultures, experiences and lives. If you are interested in submitting to the Howl, please e-mail your writing or photography to [email protected]. Enjoy Otterbein ESL’s contribution to the Otterbein community’s literary scene.https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/the_howl/1004/thumbnail.jp

    درجة استخدام معلمي التربية الرياضية لإستراتيجيات التقويم البديل وأدواته في مدارس البادية الوسطى

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    الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة التعرُّف إلى درجة استخدام معلمي التربية الرياضية لإستراتيجيات التقويم البديل وأدواته في مدارس البادية الوسطى. المنهجية: استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي لملائمته لطبيعة الدراسة حيث تم تصميم مقياس من (23) فقرة مقسمة إلى ستة مجالات. المجال الأول التقويم المعتمد على الأداء، المجال الثاني القلم والورقة، المجال الثالث الملاحظة، المجال الرابع التواصل، المجال الخامس مراجعة الذات، المجال السادس أدوات التقويم البديل وبعد التأكد من صدق وثبات أداة الدراسة تم جمع البيانات من عينة الدراسة المكونة من (79) من معلمي التربية الرياضية في مدارس البادية الوسطى والذين تم اختيارهم من مجتمع الدراسة المكوًّن من (130) معلماً ومعلمة بالطريقة العشوائية المنتظمة. وأعتمدت الدراسة مقياس تصنيفي ثلاثي لوصف قيم المتوسطات الحسابية (1.00 – 2.33 منخفض)، ( 2.34– 3.67 متوسط)، (3.68-5.00 مرتفع). النتائج: أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن درجة استخدام معلمي التربية الرياضية لإستراتيجيات وأدوات التقويم البديل في مدارس البادية الوسطى كانت متوسطة (3.25 ± 0.54). حيث جاء مجال الملاحظة في المرتبة الاولى بمتوسط حسابي (4.08 ± 0.79)، وجاء في المرتبة الأخيرة مجال الورقة والقلم بمتوسط حسابي (2.23 ± 0.53). وأظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (0.05 < α) بين متوسطات درجة استخدام إستراتيجيات التقويم البديل وأدواته في مدارس البادية الوسطى من حيث متغير النوع الاجتماعي وخبرة المعلمين. الخلاصة: تساعد هذه الدراسة القائمين على تطوير السياسات التربوية في وزارة التربية والتعليم بتضمين أدلة معلمي التربية الرياضية بإستراتيجيات التقويم البديل وأدواته بما يتناسب مع المرحلة الدراسية مما يعزز ويرتقي بالعملية التدريسية

    The potential role of network-oriented interventions for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence among asylum seekers in Belgium

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    Background Social support and social network members have been identified as an important factor in mitigating the effects of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and improving the coping process for many survivors. Network oriented strategies have been advocated for among domestic violence survivors, as they help build on improving social support and addressing factors that alleviate repeat victimization. There are opportunities to implement such strategies among asylum seekers who are survivors of SGBV in asylum centres, however, this has not been fully explored. This study sought to identify key strategies and opportunities for developing peer-led and network-oriented strategies for mitigating the effects of SGBV among asylum seekers at these centres. Methods Twenty-seven interviews, were conducted with service providers (n = 14) / asylum seekers (n = 13) at three asylum centres in Belgium. A theoretical model developed by the research team from a literature review and discussions with experts and stakeholders, was used as a theoretical framework to analyse the data. An abduction approach with qualitative content analysis was used by the two researchers to analyse the data. Data triangulation was done with findings from observations at these centres over a period of a year. Results Many of the asylum seekers presented with PTSD or psychosomatic symptoms, because of different forms of SGBV, including intimate partner violence, or other trauma experienced during migration. Peer and family support were very influential in mitigating the effects and social costs of violence among the asylum seekers by providing emotional and material support. Social assistants were viewed as an information resource that was essential for most of the asylum seekers. Peer-peer support was identified as a potential tool for mitigating the effects of SGBV. Conclusion Interventions involving asylum seekers and members of their network (especially peers), have the potential for improving physical and mental health outcomes of asylum seekers who are SGBV survivors

    Influence of Molecular Weight and Degree of Deacetylation of Low Molecular Weight Chitosan on the Bioactivity of Oral Insulin Preparations

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    The objective of the present study was to prepare and characterize low molecular weight chitosan (LMWC) with different molecular weight and degrees of deacetylation (DDA) and to optimize their use in oral insulin nano delivery systems. Water in oil nanosized systems containing LMWC-insulin polyelectrolyte complexes were constructed and their ability to reduce blood glucose was assessed in vivo on diabetic rats. Upon acid depolymerization and testing by viscosity method, three molecular weights of LMWC namely, 1.3, 13 and 18 kDa were obtained. As for the DDA, three LMWCs of 55%, 80% and 100% DDA were prepared and characterized by spectroscopic methods for each molecular weight. The obtained LMWCs showed different morphological and in silico patterns. Following complexation of LMWCs with insulin, different aggregation sizes were obtained. Moreover, the in vivo tested formulations showed different activities of blood glucose reduction. The highest glucose reduction was achieved with 1.3 kDa LMWC of 55% DDA. The current study emphasizes the importance of optimizing the molecular weight along with the DDA of the incorporated LMWC in oral insulin delivery preparations in order to ensure the highest performance of such delivery systems