132 research outputs found

    Involvement of Inflammatory Cytokines in Antiarrhythmic Effects of Clofibrate in Ouabain-Induced Arrhythmia in Isolated Rat Atria

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    Considering the cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of clofibrate, the aim of the present experiment was to investigate the involvement of local and systemic inflammatory cytokines in possible antiarrhythmic effects of clofibrate in ouabain-induced arrhythmia in rats. Rats were orally treated with clofibrate (300 mg/kg), and ouabain (0.56 mg/kg) was administered to animals intraperitoneally. After induction of anesthesia, the atria were isolated and the onset of arrhythmia and asystole was recorded. The levels of inflammatory cytokines in atria were also measured. Clofibrate significantly postponed the onset of arrhythmia and asystole when compared to control group (P � 0.05 and P � 0.01, resp.). While ouabain significantly increased the atrial beating rate in control group (P � 0.05), same treatment did not show similar effect in clofibrate-treated group (P > 0.05). Injection of ouabain significantly increased the atrial and systemic levels of all studied inflammatory cytokines (P � 0.05). Pretreatment with clofibrate could attenuate the ouabain-induced elevation of IL-6 and TNF-α in atria (P � 0.01 and P � 0.05, resp.), as well as ouabain-induced increase in IL-6 in plasma (P � 0.05). Based on our findings, clofibrate may possess antiarrhythmic properties through mitigating the local and systemic inflammatory factors including IL-6 and TNF-α. Copyright © 2016 Somayeh Moradi et al

    Immunohistochemical evidence for involvement of inflammatory cytokines in anti-arrhythmic effects of rosuvastatin in male rats

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    Introduction: Considering the cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of statins, the aim of the present experiment was to investigate the possible involvement of inflammatory cytokines in anti-arrhythmic effects of rosuvastatin in both in vitro and in vivo experiments in rats. Methods: Three weeks after oral administration of either of rosuvastatin or vehicle, the atria were removed and after incubation with ouabain, time of onset of arrhythmia and asystole were recorded. We also used immunohistochemistry technique to identify the differentially expressed proteins interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in atria. Results: Rosuvastatin significantly postponed the onset of arrhythmia compared to vehicle-treated group. Injection of ouabain increased the atrial expression of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α proteins, while pretreatment of rats with rosuvastatin could significantly attenuate them. Conclusion: Our data suggest that rosuvastatin exerts anti-arrhythmic properties at least in part through modulation of inflammatory cytokines. 10.32598/ppj.24.2.60

    Multiscale correlative tomography: an investigation of creep cavitation in 316 stainless steel

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    Creep cavitation in an ex-service nuclear steam header Type 316 stainless steel sample is investigated through a multiscale tomography workflow spanning eight orders of magnitude, combining X-ray computed tomography (CT), plasma focused ion beam (FIB) scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) tomography. Guided by microscale X-ray CT, nanoscale X-ray CT is used to investigate the size and morphology of cavities at a triple point of grain boundaries. In order to understand the factors affecting the extent of cavitation, the orientation and crystallographic misorientation of each boundary is characterised using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Additionally, in order to better understand boundary phase growth, the chemistry of a single boundary and its associated secondary phase precipitates is probed through STEM energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) tomography. The difference in cavitation of the three grain boundaries investigated suggests that the orientation of grain boundaries with respect to the direction of principal stress is important in the promotion of cavity formation

    Cardiac chronotropic hypo-responsiveness and atrial fibrosis in rats chronically treated with lithium

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    Lithium is a widely used mood-stabilizing agent; however, it causes a variety of cardiovascular side effects including sinus node dysfunction. In this study we explored the potential adverse effects of lithium on cardiac chronotropic responsiveness, atrial tissue histology and gene expression in rats that were chronically treated with therapeutic doses of lithium. Male Wistar albino rats were given lithium chloride (2.5 g/kg) orally for 2 or 3 months. Following treatment, the atria were isolated and spontaneously beating rate and chronotropic responsiveness to β-adrenergic stimulation was evaluated in an organ bath. Development of cardiac fibrosis was examined by histological methods. The expression of atrial Col1a1 (collagen I, alpha 1) and β-arrestin2 was also assessed using quantitative RT-PCR. Treatment with lithium induced a significant hypo-responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation (P < 0.001) and caused fibrosis in the atrial tissue of treated rats. In addition, the expression of atrial Col1a1 mRNA was significantly increased in atrial tissues of lithium-treated animals, while β-arrestin2 mRNA expression did not show a significant difference compared with control animals. Altogether, these findings indicate that cardiac chronotropic hypo responsiveness and associated cardiac fibrosis are side effects of chronic lithium treatment. Moreover, it seems that lithium treatment does not influence β-arrestin2 mRNA expressio

    Identification of a new genotype of Torque Teno Mini virus

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    Although human torque teno viruses (TTVs) were first discovered in 1997, still many associated aspects are not clarified yet. The viruses reveal a remarkable heterogeneity and it is possible that some genotypes are more pathogenic than others. The identification of all genotypes is essential to confirm previous pathogenicity data, and an unbiased search for novel viruses is needed to identify TTVs that might be related to disease. The virus discovery technique VIDISCA-454 was used to screen serum of 55 HIV-1 positive injecting drug users, from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies, in search for novel blood-blood transmittable viruses which are undetectable via normal diagnostics or panvirus-primer PCRs. A novel torque teno mini virus (TTMV) was identified in two patients and the sequence of the full genomes were determined. The virus is significantly different from the known TTMVs ( <40% amino acid identity in ORF1), yet it contains conserved characteristics that are also present in other TTMVs. The virus is chronically present in both patients, and these patients both suffered from a pneumococcal pneumonia during follow up and had extremely low B-cells counts. We describe a novel TTMV which we tentatively named TTMV-13. Further research is needed to address the epidemiology and pathogenicity of this novel viru

    A novel astrovirus-like RNA virus detected in human stool

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    Several novel clades of astroviruses have recently been identified in human faecal samples. Here, we describe a novel astrovirus-like RNA virus detected in human stools, which we have tentatively named bastrovirus. The genome of this novel virus consists of 6,300 nucleotides organized in three open reading frames. Several sequence divergent strains were detected sharing 67–93 per cent nucleotide identity. Bastrovirus encodes a putative structural protein that is homologous to the capsid protein found in members of the Astroviridae family (45% amino acid identity). The virus also encodes a putative non-structural protein that is genetically distant from astroviruses but shares some homology to the non-structural protein encoded by members of the Hepeviridae family (28% amino acid identity). This novel bastrovirus is present in 8.7 per cent (35/400) of faecal samples collected from 300 HIV-1-positive and 100 HIV-1-negative individuals suggesting common occurrence of the virus. However, whether the source of the virus is infected human cells or other, for example, dietary, remains to be determined

    The Oncoprotein EVI1 and the DNA Methyltransferase Dnmt3 Co-Operate in Binding and De Novo Methylation of Target DNA

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    EVI1 has pleiotropic functions during murine embryogenesis and its targeted disruption leads to prenatal death by severely affecting the development of virtually all embryonic organs. However, its functions in adult tissues are still unclear. When inappropriately expressed, EVI1 becomes one of the most aggressive oncogenes associated with human hematopoietic and solid cancers. The mechanisms by which EVI1 transforms normal cells are unknown, but we showed recently that EVI1 indirectly upregulates self-renewal and cell-cycling genes by inappropriate methylation of CpG dinucleotides in the regulatory regions of microRNA-124-3 (miR-124-3), leading to the repression of this small gene that controls normal differentiation and cell cycling of somatic cells. We used the regulatory regions of miR-124-3 as a read-out system to investigate how EVI1 induces de novo methylation of DNA. Here we show that EVI1 physically interacts with DNA methyltransferases 3a and 3b (Dnmt3a/b), which are the only de novo DNA methyltransferases identified to date in mouse and man, and that it forms an enzymatically active protein complex that induces de novo DNA methylation in vitro. This protein complex targets and binds to a precise region of miR-124-3 that is necessary for repression of a reporter gene by EVI1. Based on our findings, we propose that in cooperation with Dnmt3a/b EVI1 regulates the methylation of DNA as a sequence-specific mediator of de novo DNA methylation and that inappropriate EVI1 expression contributes to carcinogenesis through improper DNA methylation