99 research outputs found

    Effects of various penetration enhancers on percutaneous absorption of piroxicam from emulgels

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    A suitable emulgel formulation of piroxicam was prepared and its percutaneous permeation was investigated using Wistar rat skin and diffusion cell technique. The concentrations of the drug in receptor phase of diffusion cells were measured using HPLC method. The effect of three types of penetration enhancers (Myrj 52, cineol and Transcutol P) with different concentrations on transdermal permeation of the drug was also evaluated. Flux, Kp and enhancement ratios (ERs) of piroxicam in the presence of enhancers was measured and compared with emulgel base alone and simple commercial gel. The results showed a significant enhancement in the flux from emulgel base compared to hydroalcoholic gel formulation (9.91 folds over simple gel). The highest enhancement ratio (ER=3.11) was observed for Myrj 52 at the concentration of 0.25%. Higher concentrations of Myrj 52did not show any enhancement in the drug flux due to micelle formation and solubilization of the drug by micelles. The increase in solubility, in turn, increases the saturated concentration and reduces the thermodynamic activity of the drug. Transcutol® P with concentrations higher than 0.25% w/w showed burst transportation of the drug through the skin. All concentrations of cineol and Transcutol did not show any enhancing effects over emulgel base alone (ER <1)

    Transfer learning in hand movement intention detection based on surface electromyography signals

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    Over the past several years, electromyography (EMG) signals have been used as a natural interface to interact with computers and machines. Recently, deep learning algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have gained interest for decoding the hand movement intention from EMG signals. However, deep networks require a large dataset to train appropriately. Creating such a database for a single subject could be very time-consuming. In this study, we addressed this issue from two perspectives: (i) we proposed a subject-transfer framework to use the knowledge learned from other subjects to compensate for a target subject’s limited data; (ii) we proposed a task-transfer framework in which the knowledge learned from a set of basic hand movements is used to classify more complex movements, which include a combination of mentioned basic movements. We introduced two CNN-based architectures for hand movement intention detection and a subject-transfer learning approach. Classifiers are tested on the Nearlab dataset, a sEMG hand/wrist movement dataset including 8 movements and 11 subjects, along with their combination, and on open-source hand sEMG dataset “NinaPro DataBase 2 (DB2).” For the Nearlab database, the subject-transfer learning approach improved the average classification accuracy of the proposed deep classifier from 92.60 to 93.30% when classifier was utilizing 10 other subjects’ data via our proposed framework. For Ninapro DB2 exercise B (17 hand movement classes), this improvement was from 81.43 to 82.87%. Moreover, three stages of analysis in task-transfer approach proved that it is possible to classify combination hand movements using the knowledge learned from a set of basic hand movements with zero, few samples and few seconds of data from the target movement classes. First stage takes advantage of shared muscle synergies to classify combined movements, while second and third stages take advantage of novel algorithms using few-shot learning and fine-tuning to use samples from target domain to further train the classifier trained on the source database. The use of information learned from basic hand movements improved classification accuracy of combined hand movements by 10%

    Frosted branch angiitis caused by Varicella Zoster virus in an immunocompetent patient

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    Introduction: Frosted branch angiitis(FBA) is a panuveitis with sheating of all retinal vesssels. Case presentation: Herein we report an immunocompetent person who presented with fever, headache, atypical rash, and hazy vision. Ophthalmoscopy of both eyes revealed perivascular sheathing with frosted branch angiitis pattern in veins, patchy retinal hemorrhages. Aqueous PCR analysis turned positive for VZV. Discussion: This case illustrates that VZV should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retinal perivasculitis. Since a rapid and accurate diagnosis is crucial for prompt administration of antiviral therapy, PCR-based analysis of aqueous humor is a valuable tool for detecting viruses. © 2015, IRAN. J. MICROBIOL. All rights reserved

    Chemical control of the Lesser Date Moth, Batrachedra amydraula (Lepidoptera: Batrachedridae)

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    The Lesser Date Moth, Batrachedra amydraula (Lepidoptera: Batrachedridae), is a key pest of date palms in silos and storages. The efficacy of aluminium phosphide (Phostoxin® tablet 55%) @ 5 t/m3 and magnesium phosphide (Degesch® plates 56%) @ 2 p/30 m3 were assessed against this pest in Iran date silos based on a completely randomized block design. Based on Henderson-Tilton formula, on the third day after treatment, both treatments resulted in 100% mortality. Application of magnesium phosphide and aluminium phosphide can be a suitable substitution for methyl bromide, which has just been banned in many countries

    Visual intracortical and transthalamic pathways carry distinct information to cortical areas.

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    Sensory processing involves information flow between neocortical areas, assumed to rely on direct intracortical projections. However, cortical areas may also communicate indirectly via higher-order nuclei in the thalamus, such as the pulvinar or lateral posterior nucleus (LP) in the visual system of rodents. The fine-scale organization and function of these cortico-thalamo-cortical pathways remains unclear. We find that responses of mouse LP neurons projecting to higher visual areas likely derive from feedforward input from primary visual cortex (V1) combined with information from many cortical and subcortical areas, including superior colliculus. Signals from LP projections to different higher visual areas are tuned to specific features of visual stimuli and their locomotor context, distinct from the signals carried by direct intracortical projections from V1. Thus, visual transthalamic pathways are functionally specific to their cortical target, different from feedforward cortical pathways, and combine information from multiple brain regions, linking sensory signals with behavioral context

    Susceptibility of different populations of Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) to malathion (EC 57%) in flour mills of Iran

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    The confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum, is a key pest of stored products such as wheat and flour. For decades, organophosphorus compounds, such as malathion and pirimiphos-methyl, have been applied against stored-product pests. In this research, susceptibility of different populations of T. confusum, collected from silos at different locations of Iran, against malathion (EC 57%), was studied in the laboratory, based on a completely randomized design. Based on pre-tests, the Bioassay Index Dose was estimated as 2 g a.i./m2. Out of 23 populations, 2 populations from Bandar-Abbas region were resistant populations against malathion (9.72% and 67.2% mortality), while one population from Khomein region was moderately resistant (86.08% mortality), and the rest of the population were susceptible to malathion (95.71% to 100% mortality). Therefore, in warm locations of Iran, where this pest has evolved resistance against malathion, other control measures shall be considered

    Studying the efficacy of fipronil (GR 0.2%) against European Mole Cricket, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)

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    The European Mole Cricket, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae), is a key pest of several crops in different regions of the world, damaging seedlings, roots and tubers. The efficacy of fipronil (Regent ® GR 0.2%) @ 2, 2.5 and 3 g/m2 along with toxic bait of carbaryl (EC 85%)@ 20 g/m2 were assessed against this pest in the field based on a completely randomized block design. Based on Henderson-Tilton formula, on the third day after treatment, the efficacy of fipronil @ 2, 2.5 and 3 g/m2 and carbaryl bait was 16%, 30%, 47% and 53%, respectively; while on the third day after treatment, the efficacy was 22%, 48%, 64% and 81%, respectively. At present, carbaryl application is banned in Iran; therefore, fipronil can be a suitable substitute for this insecticide

    Depression and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery: Age and Sexual Differences

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    Aims: Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is like any other type of surgical procedure for a stressful patient and anxiety and depression are common and important disorders in these patients. The aim of this study is to assess the incidence of anxiety and depression regarding the age and sex differences in patients undergoing open heart surgery. Materials & Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 205 patients between 30 and 80 years old were selected by available sampling method. Data were collected by a 3section questionnaire, including demographic factor, hospital anxiety and depression scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory a day before surgery. The patients were chosen from elective heart surgery in Heshmat hospital of Rasht. The variables were evaluated using chi squre, independent test and one way Anova. Analyses were performed using Spss version 19. Findings: A total of 205 people, 66.3% patients were men and 33% women. 58.1% of men and 55.1% of women were suffering from some degree of depression and this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.8). Considerable different in trait anxiety and state anxiety of The average score of anxiety and depression of the patients was not significantly different in terms of age as well ( Above and under 50). Conclusion: Considering the high incidence of anxiety and depression in these patients, symptoms should be observed and cured , and if necessary preventive psychological and clinical interviews in these patients are recommended

    The role of a new electromagnetic shielding in reducing the microwave radiation for the X-band frequencies

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    Background and aims: X-band microwave with 8-12.5 frequency range has various applications such as air control traffic, navy communication etc. Uncontrolled exposure with microwave can lead to adverse effect on workers. Application of the shielding is superior control for prevention of microwave exposure. The aim of this study is production a new electromagnetic shielding for exposure control of X-band frequency by nano nickel oxide and epoxy resin. Methods: Nanocomposites prepared by epoxy resin and nano nickel oxide (7 wt) with 2, 4 and 6 mm thicknesses. Nanoparticles characterized by XRD and FESEM. Shielding effectiveness measured with vector network analyzer. Results: The Average of shielding effectiveness for three thicknesses were 2.68, 5.09 and 5.35 dB respectively that were equivalent to 45.98, 69.01 and 70.87 attenuation percentage. Maximum attenuation (8.96 dB or 87.29 attenuation percentage) obtained by the nanocomposite with 6mm thickness at 8.51 GHz frequency. The Average of shielding effectiveness increased with increasing the thickness. Conclusion: these nanocomposites could be used as appropriate shielding for exposure control of X-band frequency in workplace.Both Epoxy and nanocomposite with 6mm thicknesses are useful in specific frequency such as 8.52 and 8.51 GHz. However, According to economical and technical issues, nanocomposite with 4mm thickness is appropriate shield in this study. In according to required attenuation and economical benefit, attenuation matrix can be used for selecting the appropriate electromagnetic shield