758 research outputs found

    Amazonian-aged fluvial system and associated ice-related features in Terra Cimmeria, Mars

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    The Martian climate throughout the Amazonian is widely believed to have been cold and hyper-arid, very similar to the current conditions. However, ubiquitous evidence of aqueous and glacial activity has been recently reported, including channels that can be tens to hundreds of kilometres long, alluvial and fluvial deposits, ice-rich mantles, and glacial and periglacial landforms. Here we study a ∼340 km-long fluvial system located in the Terra Cimmeria region, in the southern mid-latitudes of Mars. The fluvial system is composed of an upstream catchment system with narrow glaciofluvial valleys and remnants of ice-rich deposits. We observe depositional features including fan-shaped deposits, and erosional features such as scour marks and streamlined islands. At the downstream section of this fluvial system is an outflow channel named Kārūn Valles, which displays a unique braided alluvial fan and terminates on the floor of the Ariadnes Colles basin. Our observations point to surface runoff of ice/snow melt as the water source for this fluvial activity. According to our crater size–frequency distribution analysis the entire fluvial system formed during early to middle Amazonian, between ∼1.8+0.2 −0.2 Ga to 510+40 −40 Ma. Hydraulic modelling indicates that the Kārūn Valles and consequently the alluvial fan formation took place in geologically short-term event(s). We conclude that liquid water was present in Terra Cimmeria during the early to middle Amazonian, and that Mars during that time may have undergone several episodic glacial-related events

    Evolution of Thrace Macula on Europa: Strike-Slip Tectonic Control and Identification of the Youngest Terrains

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    Chaos terrains are geologically young and extensively disrupted surface features of Europa, thought to be an expression of the subsurface ocean interacting with the surface. The most prominent examples of this terrain on Europa are Conamara Chaos, and Thera and Thrace Maculae, all prime targets for the upcoming JUICE and Europa Clipper missions to assess the astrobiological potential of Europa. Of the three features, Thrace Macula is currently the least studied and understood. It intersects both Agenor Linea to the north and Libya Linea to the south, two important regional-scale bands whose interaction with Thrace is yet to be fully unraveled, especially in terms of their relative ages of emplacement and activity. Using Galileo Solid State Imager data and Digital Terrain Models, we conducted detailed structural mapping and terrain analysis to develop a novel hypothesis on the mechanisms involved in the study area. We find that Thrace Macula is bordered along most sides by preexisting strike-slip faults that have constrained its emplacement and areal distribution. We determine a sequence of events in the area involving the formation of Agenor Linea, followed by that of Libya Linea first and Thrace Macula later, and ultimately by strike-slip tectonic activity likely driven by Libya Linea, that displaced a portion of Thrace Macula. Therefore, Thrace's subsurface material, uprising along faults postdating its formation, represents the freshest possible that could be sampled by future spacecraft in this region, a major consideration for the upcoming Europa Clipper mission

    Ménec Fossae on Europa: A Strike-Slip Tectonics Origin Above a Possible Shallow Water Reservoir

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    Faults and fractures may emplace fresh material onto Europa's surface, originating from shallow reservoirs within the ice shell or directly from the subsurface ocean. Ménec Fossae is a region of particular interest as it displays the interaction of several geological features, including bands, double ridges, chaotic terrains, and fossae, within a relatively small area. These features might affect the emplacement of buried material and subsequent exposure of fresh volatiles, prime targets for the upcoming JUICE and Europa Clipper missions in order to assess Europa's astrobiological potential. Previous studies have already revealed that a deep central trough is present at Ménec Fossae, flanked by several subparallel minor troughs and by a few asymmetrical scarps with lobate planforms. The presence of such features has motivated this study, given its potential to provide clear indications on the tectonic regime involved. Through detailed geomorphological-structural mapping using Galileo Solid State Imager data and terrain analysis on Digital Terrain Models, we could develop a novel hypothesis on the formation mechanisms that might have been involved in the study area. We propose that Ménec Fossae has been shaped by transtensional (strike-slip with an extensional component) tectonic activity, as indicated by the orientation and relationship of the tectonic features present. Likely, such transtensional tectonism occurred above or associated with shallow subsurface water, consistent with the overall morphology and topography of the study area and the presence of chaotic terrains and double ridges. These results strengthen the case for widely distributed shallow water reservoirs within Europa's ice shell